Necromancer in another world

Chapter 801: One is one

Chapter 801 One is one

Refused to make a choice?

Refuse to make a clear statement?
I won't let you just mess around like this.

No one wants to be surrounded by a wobbly teammate who has decent quality and impact.

The past can be used as a lesson, and the teacher of the future.

Lei Ao did not allow the loss Admiral Dai Lin suffered to happen again, let alone allow it to happen to him.

Leo pointed to himself: "If I hadn't appeared, the Kingdom of Arathor would still be in civil strife, if Scarlett and I hadn't gotten the news and found Varian in time at Thunder Bluff, the Kingdom of Stormwind would be in chaos now Now, without my proposal, His Majesty Jean would not be standing here now."

"The civil strife in the kingdom, the threat of natural disasters, coupled with the fact that some people are stalking tigers with malicious intentions, and the black hands behind the scenes are secretly plotting to fuel the flames. What future and hope does such a human race have? At that time, we can only cry and beg to become Other people's vassal race."

Although Leo's words are suspected of bragging about his achievements, Varian and the others have to admit that without Leo's unexpected rise in Arathi Highlands, the human race would probably be in a desperate situation.

"Everyone, what do you think of what I said? That's right, it's not difficult to see that this is a game against humans!"

"Who made us a new race with great potential? Who made us not have the support of a god like the night elves? Who made us not have enough background? Certain existences are unwilling to have another mortal race comparable to elves , They are used to being superior, they are used to looking at people with their nostrils, they are used to despising mortals, they refuse to be equal to us mortals from the bottom of their hearts, because they think we are ants and have no qualifications."

Although he didn't name them, everyone present knew something about Leo's words. The atmosphere became depressing, and an undercurrent was surging.

The people here are all outstanding leaders of the human race, and they can be described in one word - outstanding people.

No matter Jean, Varian, Jaina or Scarlett, they are all the lords of a country, how could they be willing to be driven by others and become other people's pawns?

If a series of events is a game that weakens the strength of the human race, then Leo, a warlock who has risen suddenly, is the game breaker.

Of course, it is not so easy to be a game breaker. Without a strong enough background and strong strength, you will be taken care of before you break other people's games.

Now Leo has both.

I heard that there is a god behind Leo supporting him. Could it be that a powerful existence wants to use the power of the human race to reach a higher level?

Varian and the others couldn't help but have such thoughts in their minds.

It's no wonder that Leo's rise is so rapid, and it's no wonder that his rise has not been suppressed by certain existences. This has a lot to do with the support of a god behind him.

Those who don't want human beings to be equal to them will definitely have doubts after learning that Leo has an unknown god as a backer. It is not worthwhile to offend a god for Leo.

It was their hesitation that gave Leo time to grow.

Those who intend to suppress human beings would not have thought that Leo would grow so fast. After they became alert, Leo's strength would no longer be easily suppressed.

If there is a god who chooses the human race, with our human ability, we may not lose to the elves.

Ignoring the thoughts turning in everyone's mind, Leo stared at Jaina with burning eyes: "Arathor will not be afraid of war, and I believe that the Kingdom of Stormwind and Gilneas will not be afraid either. Then, respected Archmage Jaina, Sera What's Mo's attitude?"

With a swish, everyone's eyes fell on Jaina, which made the number one mage of the human race feel extremely strong pressure, and her face showed a struggling look.

Leo is forcing me to make a clear statement!

Jaina knew that no matter what choice she made, Theramore would not be able to remain neutral, and looking at the current situation, it was impossible for her not to make a choice.

Having said that, Jaina has to make a choice. If she wants to procrastinate, she will only get hostility from Varian and others.

At this time, Leo's words reached her ears: "Theramore cannot always be neutral. As long as Thrall resigns from the position of warchief, everything will change. It is better to make a choice early than procrastinating."

"Have you considered?"

Am I ready?
Jaina had constant conflicts in her heart, and the expression on her face became more and more struggling.

Some people may say, isn't it just a statement to support the alliance, is it so difficult to make a choice?

The so-called promise is worth a thousand dollars, words spoken are like water poured out, this world attaches great importance to the word faith, especially Jaina's status, as long as she speaks it herself, it cannot be counted.

Scarlet snorted angrily. Theramore Island was originally the land of Arathor. The Theramore Kingdom established by Jaina was also a human kingdom. She was still shy about joining the alliance, as if it was so embarrassing. Scarlett The more I look, the more angry I get.

Is the Alliance still begging you to join Theramore?

The angry snort of the female paladin made Jaina very embarrassed, and Leo quietly made a gesture to stop Scarlett.

"People who have experienced war will fear war because they know the cruelty of war. However, some wars cannot be avoided. The more you avoid it, the more it will happen. I am here to assure you that it will never be the alliance that started the war .”


What do you guarantee?

Jaina didn't believe Leo's words, but when she thought of Leo's prophetic status and looked at his confident appearance, she had to believe it.

Prophets have the ability to predict the future. Could it be that Leo has foreseen that the tribe will launch a war someday in the future?

Jaina is confused, Thrall doesn't seem to be the one who initiated the war... Wait, Leo said before, if Thrall resigns from the position of warchief... Thrall resigns!
Jaina was shocked. The orcs advocated peace before because they needed to recuperate and were unable to wage large-scale wars. But today is different, as the orcs took root in the Kalimdor continent and formed a tribal camp headed by it , they already have the ability to wage war.

In recent years, the voice of the orcs' internal main battle has become stronger and stronger. The reason why they did not fall out with the alliance is because Thrall has unparalleled prestige. As long as he is in the position of the great chief, the war will not happen.

Conversely, what if Sal is no longer the chief?
Here comes the question, with Thrall's ability and prestige, if he hadn't resigned automatically, who would be able to drive him down from the position of great chief?But if Thrall resigned, why did he appoint a successor who would start a war?
Jaina was the first to not believe that Isar's wisdom would misread the heir's character.

"Leo, you mean..."

Jaina hesitated. If it was really what Leo said, Thrall appointed a war madman after leaving office, and the reasons inside made it difficult for her to accept.

"I didn't say anything." Leo waved his hand, indicating that some topics should not be discussed, "We are all smart people, will we be influenced by personal feelings on major issues related to the future of a country or even the entire race?"

Of course, Ithar's wisdom cannot be affected by personal feelings on racial matters, and Jaina's face turned pale.

"It's better to block than to be sparse. The war emotions in the clan need to be vented, but can the orcs afford the consequences of the war?"

Jaina understood that the orcs might not be able to bear the consequences of initiating wars. Even the alien races that invaded this world have repeatedly provoked wars. Not to mention that humans will not let them go, even the night elves will not allow such races to continue to exist.

Reality is not a game. In order to keep the game playing and make money for the game company, some races that defy the rules will continue to exist. In this world full of violence, the party that initiates the war, And he is still an outsider, can he get the chance to start over twice in a row?
If the orcs were defeated, the waiting result would be the extermination of the clan. Thrall would not allow such a situation to happen, but the rising war sentiment within the clan would break out one day, how could Ethar's mind not see it?

Therefore, the war chief must not be Thrall, so that after the orcs are defeated, someone can come out to clean up the mess.

Of course, if the orcs win, then the orcs as the victors will naturally get more land, more resources, and then multiply and develop faster. As for whether they will continue to wage wars in the future, it is hard to say up.

Don't say that Jaina is thinking wildly, such a method can be tricked by any politician in the human kingdom, and human beings are definitely the first main target of the orcs' war.

"I understand." Jaina closed her eyes and sighed heavily, then she opened her eyes and regained her composure during the sigh, "The Kingdom of Theramore is a human kingdom, we will not be human race Traitor, once the tribe initiates a war, Theramore will immediately give up its neutrality and become a member of the alliance."

Jaina still left a certain bottom line. If the war was not initiated by the tribe, her words today would not take effect.

Knowing that Jaina was afraid that he would deceive her by relying on his status as a prophet, so he didn't say anything to death, and Leo didn't care about it. As long as Jaina agreed to a war, he would let Theramore return to the alliance.

In fact, Leo is indeed suspected of cheating.

After Jaina's problem was solved, Varian and Genn were dissatisfied again.

"Since we know that the tribe has no good intentions, and those green-skinned beasts will start a war in the future, why do we still help them now?"

"The tribe's strength is greatly weakened now, why not take the opportunity to solve this scourge?"

The words of Varian and Jean also expressed Scarlett's opinion. Knowing that the tribe will take the initiative to provoke wars in the future, how can they raise tigers?

Leo shook his head, he is not a soft-hearted person when it comes to major matters related to himself.

"It's not that I don't want to, it's just that I can't."


It was Scarlett who asked the question, and the female paladin couldn't understand Leo's answer.

"When the orcs came to Kalimdor, they were guided by Medivh, a human guardian. Do you think Medivh would come forward to guide the orcs for no reason? The water here is deep enough to drown people."

Speaking of herringbone, Leo emphasized his tone.

"You mean there's a deep inside story here?"

"Of course." Leo said and looked at Jaina, "If you don't believe me, ask Jaina, she has a deep connection with the guardian."

When Jaina took her men to Theramore, and so coincidentally gave the orc a creature when the orc was at the end of its rope, who can tell clearly whether there is a lineage of guardians in it?
"It's not that I don't say some things, but I don't know. But what I know is that in the Kalimdor continent, there has been a lot of hatred between the orcs and the elves. If it weren't for the intervention of some existence, After the accident with Cenarius, it is impossible to destroy the orcs with the strength of the night elves."

Jaina's words brought a famous saying to Leo's mind: who counts people, people count.

Matters between races have never been pure, and conspiracy and calculation exist in every corner. This is the arena for the wise.

(End of this chapter)

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