Necromancer in another world

Chapter 802 Your whole family is a dwarf

Chapter 802 Your whole family is a dwarf
Fight against the outside world before making peace inside, only when the several great kingdoms of the human race unite the front can the power of the human race itself be gathered to fight against those self-confident existences.

"Before the threat of the Burning Legion, the giant dragons only cared about the stability of the world order and would not interfere with the lives of mortal races. Now they have to fight both demons and undead natural disasters, so they have to rely on the power of mortals. Of course I will intervene in affairs." Leo said and pointed forward, "The times are different, some things should be swept into the garbage dump of history, do you really think that you can still show off like before? It is too contemptuous of the new race. strength."

Scarlett and the others who were standing beside Leo moved their expressions slightly, Leo's words clearly meant something.

"Master, attack now?"

Nalorak looked at the extremely silent ruins of Ahn'Qiraj in the distance. The giant bear priest still remembered the last time he was slain by the venom of the bugs, and was gearing up for a battle.

The ruins of Ahn'Qiraj in the distance?

Yes, the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj.

After two days of rest, the alliance army has recovered from the fatigue of many days of marching, and their goal is still the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj.

The last time the attack on the ruins was aborted due to an accident, this time they came to finish the last unfinished task.

No one said that there was an ambush in the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj. The Qiraji beetle hoarded heavy troops in the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, but there was no movement in the ruins when the alliance army arrived. What if there was an ambush?
"Don't worry. These bugs don't seem to be very smart. Last time we were unprepared, their tricks of huddling in the ruins can only work. Do you really think the same tricks can work again?"

Leo pouted, his face full of disdain.

The same trick succeeded the first time, are you planning to make it succeed the second time?

Do you really think of us as fools?

"Hey, I said, our battery alone can't blow it down there."

Mekkatorque noticed that Leo looked at the shooting platform that the gnome engineers were building from time to time, and the gnome master craftsman immediately issued a statement.

It’s not that Mekkatorque has no ambition, but that the ruins of Ahn’Qiraj are too big. Even though the dwarves brought a lot of cannons this time, they are still unable to bombard them. Unless they are given a few days, this is obviously impossible of.

The battle to attack the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj couldn't be dragged into the night, and the alliance with those bugs would only suffer a big loss, and couldn't even take advantage of it.

"Counting the time spent fighting the bugs in the ruins, the shelling will last up to two hours, otherwise the battle will definitely last until night."

Genn and Varian are indeed veterans, and they already had a plan for the time of the battle. Seeing that Leo was still waiting for the dwarf engineer to build the fort, and he looked calm, they quickly reminded them.

In terms of personal strength, they admit that Leo is stronger, but it is not necessarily true when it comes to marching and fighting.

Leo knew what the two were worried about, but he had other plans.

"Don't worry, I have a way to blast the ruins of Pingan Qila and destroy the old nest of bugs."

Leo has a solution?
Varian and Genn stopped talking after hearing the words. Leo said so. If they questioned him, it would be obviously disrespectful to him. Regardless of whether Leo’s words are true or not, the two kings just treat it as true. .

Anyway, if the attack on the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj fails today, there is still tomorrow, and it doesn't have to be today.

If they believed Leo's words, they would lose nothing even if they failed. On the contrary, if Leo's words were true, the war with the beetlemen would become much easier after the dwarf engineers set up the turret and helicopter platform.

Erecting the platform is a job that the gnome engineers are familiar with, and they are faster when there is no interference and Mekkatorque is in charge.One hundred forts and one hundred helicopter platforms were set up in less than half an hour.

Seeing that the dwarf had done all this, Leo made a gesture of retreating, signaling Scarlett and the others to leave a space.

A giant robot with a height of nearly 70 meters appeared. Scarlett and the others were no strangers to this humanoid robot, because this was the fortress of war.

"What tricks have you made?"

Mekkatorque stared at the War Fortress intently. As a master craftsman, his intuition told him that the mysterious runes on the metal shell of the War Fortress were not good-looking decorations, and they must have special functions.

Combining Mechanical Engineering with Enchanting?
It's not that no one has done this kind of thing, nor is it that no one has succeeded, but the results are not significant, so this idea seems very attractive and has great development potential, but it is not popular.

To be proficient in engineering, you must also be proficient in enchanting. Such a requirement is too high.

Mekkatorque wanted to know what Leo, who had already demonstrated his superior engineering ability, could do in this regard.

"Leo, are you going to use it to bombard the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj?"

It's not that Scarlett doesn't trust Leo, but she knows the strength of the War Fortress very well.

It is true that this giant robot is indeed strong enough, and its firepower is strong enough, but can its firepower be stronger than the salvo of hundreds of turrets made by dwarf engineers?
Leo smiled confidently: "How can I do something I'm not sure about?"

Thousands of thigh-thick gun barrels were pushed out of the war fortress, and this huge humanoid machine instantly turned into a terrifying fort with thousands of cannons. It stood there, and its thick barrels pointed at the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj. , like steel monsters staring at their prey.

The name of the war fortress at this time naturally reminds people of this name, and the prey he wants to hunt is the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj.

Groups of light condensed at the muzzle of the gun, and their appearance turned the war fortress into a bright light bulb.

Are you going to fire?
How can thousands of magic cannons talk about the ruins of Pingan Qiraji?
Even Scarlett, who had great confidence in Leo, couldn't help being suspicious.

When the light from the muzzle converged to the maximum value at the same time, beams of light shot out from the battle fortress.


Mekkatorque couldn't help but gasped. As the saying goes, once an expert makes a move, he will know if there is one.

When the magic cannon bombarded, all the balls of light were shot out, just like the magic bullets cast by the mage. Even so, not many people dared to resist the bombardment of the magic cannon. Now Leo's war machine can actually make the gun barrel The emitted energy forms thousands of beams of light... No!
Mekkatorque almost jumped up, and just when he was surprised, thousands of beams of light gathered together, forming a giant beam of light with a terrifyingly large diameter.

Seeing the huge beam of light with a diameter of more than [-] meters and formed entirely by magical energy, everyone held their breath.

Be good, if you are hit by this beam of light, even a demigod will die.

Scarlet now understands where Leo's confidence in saying that he will bomb the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj comes from. Such a lethal bombardment can't withstand many hits even with the vastness of the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj. With the Qiraji beetle People's plan to ambush the alliance in the ruins is no longer working.

"Leo, I dare to swear, you are a genius." Mekkatorque played the true nature of a scientific madman at this time, he ran to the side of the war fortress dancing, and beat his feet with a wrench, while loudly Yelling, "Why aren't you a dwarf? If you are a dwarf, the next great artisan must be you!"

You are the dwarf!
You're all gnomes!

What Mekkatorque said made Leo roll his eyes. As a human being, he didn't like the short stature of dwarves, even though they were much more pleasing to the eye than dwarves.

The beam of light shot into the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, and a dull knocking sound came along with the trembling of the earth.

Looking at it from Leo's position, the cannon of the war fortress gave people the feeling of piercing through the entire ruins. A bombardment track with a diameter of [-] meters extended from the entrance of the ruins to the end of the line of sight.

"No movement?" Leo rubbed his chin, looked at the still dead Ahn'Qiraj ruins, rubbed the knuckles of his index finger and middle finger, and snapped his fingers, "Let's do it again!"

The war fortress that received the order turned into a big light bulb again, and not long after, another horrific bombardment fell into the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj.

Add another scar to the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj!
Still nothing?

Being bombarded twice, they should have lost a lot, these bugs are really tolerable.

Well, see how long you can bear it.

Leo gave the order of continuous bombardment to the war fortress while turning his mind. He didn't believe that the bugs could really resist not appearing after the heavy losses.

Facts have proved that not only turtles can become Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but also bugs.

Ten times, plus the previous two times, the war fortress fired ten shots at the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, but in the end, the ruins were still dead.

Not to mention the army of beetlemen, they didn't even see a piece of beetle shell.

It's not normal, it's so abnormal.

Leo, Varian and the others exchanged glances, and the dead silence of the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj made them aware of the abnormality.

If the bugs were really in ambush, those ten shells would have done them enough damage that the Qiraji couldn't stand it.

"Could it be that the beetle people in the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj withdrew?"

Scarlett asked the questions in everyone's mind.

Maybe it is!
Although the possibility of this happening is very small, Varian and the others think it is almost impossible, but the fact is in front of them, and they cannot accept it—the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj have become real ruins, and the Qiraji beetle people really evacuated up.

No one would doubt the news that Pasonia and Naralex personally investigated. The Qiraji beetle could not escape the eyes of these two. They went to investigate the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj and brought them out. After the empty news, everyone felt the seriousness of the situation.

With the behavior of Qira beetle people, they will not retreat without reason, unless they receive orders from the twin emperors.

There is only one explanation for the twin emperors to let the army of insects retreat after breaking through the wall of beetles in the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj - they are about to break the seal, and the main force of the Aqir Empire is about to break out!
 Everyone's votes are very powerful, and I will also update them vigorously

(End of this chapter)

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