Chapter 803
The desert is solitary and straight, and the long river falls into the sun.

Standing in the desert of Silithus, quietly admiring the sunset, looking at the sky dyed bright red by the setting sun, the golden bird is falling in the west, and the jade rabbit is rising in the east. It looked beautiful for a moment.

Fuchsel leaned against Leo's arms, staring blankly at the setting sun that was about to fall, and she didn't know what to think of. She sighed softly, and said to Leo in a low voice: "How do you treat Scarlett about our business?" Say?"

A wry smile appeared on Leo's face, saying that impulsiveness is the devil, no, when he is impulsive, distress comes.

An impulse, a passion, and then we have to face distress.

Man, is it really a lower body animal?

Can Leo say that he hasn't figured out what to say to Scarlett yet?

Leo's silence had been expected by Fuchsel. Before the incident happened, she did not expect that this little Hundan, who was lustful but not courageous, would be so bold, and she would be able to get caught by this Hudan in a daze.

Glancing at the guy who was hugging him, Fuchsel pushed Leo away.

"Don't touch me again until you figure out how to solve this matter."

Leo's face was full of depression, but what could he say?
Returning to the alliance barracks in disbelief, before Leo could figure out how to face Scarlett, the female paladin contacted him first.

If you say that the person Leo doesn't want to see the last time is ask why?
Feel guilty!
Forced to calmly come to the big tent of the Chinese army, Leo, who found that Varian, Jean and other alliance leaders gathered here, was relieved, and he didn't have to face Scarlett alone.

As the saying goes, if you don't do bad things, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door in the middle of the night.

Even though Scarlett didn't know anything about Leo and Fuchsel, someone subconsciously felt that he was in a weak position.

Seeing Leo's arrival, Varian took the lead and said, "Wyrmrest Temple has sent news that the Scourge has changed in Northrend. They need manpower to investigate, and the scheduled support will not arrive."

Leo raised his eyebrows, this is not good news.

The Dragon Legion is an important combat force against the Yaqi Empire this time. Now this force has clearly stated that it will not come for a while. layer shadows.

Scarlet couldn't help but hate and said: "Damn Scourge."

If the female paladin wanted to come, if the Scourge hadn't changed at this time, the Dragon Legion would not have been unable to come.

Leo didn't speak, he frowned, he felt that this matter might not be so simple.

With the strength of Wyrmrest Temple, let alone its current strength, even the Frost Dragon Legion was crippled by the hands of Tyre. The Scourge is powerless to threaten them. .

Not to mention others, Alexa at the Dragon King level alone is not a terrifying existence that the Scourge can gnaw.

Although there are a lot of dragons, there are only five real cores, which are the five dragon kings made by Titan. As long as the dragon kings can't destroy the dragons, they won't perish. Don't think that the dragon kings are not very powerful because they haven't become gods. , as an existence beyond the rules created by the Titans, the Dragon King is stronger than many gods.

In fact, Leo is not the only one who is suspicious. Looking at the anger hidden under the gloomy faces of Varian and the others, it is clear that they have thought of something with Leo.

The threat of the Scourge is now at its lowest point, and besides, they haven't made any big moves, but they can't find any manpower just to investigate the dragon. Are you kidding me, do you really think we are fools?

Taking a step back, even if the Scourge had taken action, could they really threaten Dragonrest Temple with their greatly weakened strength?

Isn't it clear whether the threat of the Lich King or the threat of the Old God is greater?

Now the giant dragon actually uses the change of the Scourge Legion as an excuse, clearly intending to let the mortal race and the beetle people of the Aqir Empire fight to the death, and wait until the two sides suffer heavy losses before joining. To increase one's own importance while reducing losses, is really a good plan.

"I don't want to contribute, but I also want us to be grateful, hum!"

Magni cursed in a low voice, although the dwarf king's voice is low, who is weak here, how could he not hear it?

Scarlett's expression moved when she heard the words, and a look of surprise appeared on her face, and the female paladin came back to her senses.

The dragon has no good intentions!

Scarlett clenched the hilt of the sword, the war with the Beetle was about to enter the most critical juncture, the dragon actually got out of the matter, and the originally promised reinforcements did not come, this was clearly a deliberate aim.

Who is the dragon targeting?

Scarlett might not have understood before, but how could she not understand now.

A demigod has appeared in human beings, and the Kingdom of Gilneas has returned to the alliance. The strength of the two camps has been seriously out of balance. Who do they want to target?
Looking at Leo worriedly, Scarlett noticed that Leo's eyes were a little dodged.

what happened?
The female paladin was very surprised.

"You know as much as you do."

Caderos glared at Magni angrily, as if blaming Magni for talking too much.

Such words would offend the dragon, and the dwarf didn't want to cause trouble for himself.

Looking at what happened in the human race, Prince Wildhammer couldn't help shaking his head. The dwarves who were once powerful at the time had internal strife, and there might not be some people among them.

Magni snorted disapprovingly. The relationship between the Bronzebeard dwarves and humans is much stronger than that of the Wildhammer dwarves. Otherwise, there would not be a subway across the mountains between Ironforge and Stormwind City. The royal city of the city is connected together, which represents the meaning of a hardcore alliance.

Seeing that Scarlett couldn't understand the reason before, Magni was afraid that the female paladin would make a wrong decision, so he couldn't help but remind her.

"The strength of the alliance has made some existences worry. If the mortal races don't have opposing camps, how can they contain each other? Before I became a demigod, I expected this to happen."

Leo is not afraid to speak clearly, everyone here is the leader of the alliance, this time the dragon's trick is clearly to deceive the alliance, everyone is sitting in the same boat, he is afraid that these words will not be spread?
"For the benefit of the dragon, Wyrmrest Temple needs two camps with balanced strength, but do we need it?"

"They call us mortals, thinking that they can be superior to us, do they really regard themselves as gods above us?"

As Leo said, his eyes swept over the faces of everyone in the tent one by one, his eyes shot out like sharp swords, Caderos, Magni and Mekkatorque looked at them tightly.

Leo's remarks are clearly aimed at challenging the status of the giant dragon, and this idea is extremely dangerous.

The dwarves and gnomes are all mutated from the first batch of creations of the Titans. Their predecessors were earth spirits. If it weren't for the incident of the Old Gods, they should have ruled this world.Although giant dragons are also the creations of the Titans, they are only the guardians of the world order. Why should they be pressed on their heads?
The dwarves and dwarves were not convinced by the giant dragon's superior appearance. If the dragon was not stronger and had bigger fists, they would be completely unable to fight against it. The dwarfs and dwarves would not give the dragon a good face at all.

Of course, if someone is willing to be the first bird to cause some trouble for the dragon, they don't mind pushing it.

The three of Caderos secretly exchanged a look, and reached a consensus in an instant.

After scanning around, he found that no one had the idea of ​​retreating. Leo went on to say: "Since everyone wants to fight this battle, we must show the prestige of the alliance and let those guys see that the world lacks Without them, we mortals can win without them."

If the battle between the coalition forces of the mortal race and the beetlemen is not in a state of anxiety, then the appearance of the dragon is meaningless, and if the coalition forces can gain the upper hand, the appearance of the dragon is even more shameless.

"Some people want to come to the battlefield as a savior, and they overestimate themselves. We must let them know that underestimating us is the biggest mistake they make."

Speaking of this, Leo paused, he habitually rubbed the ring of forbidden evil words in his hand, with a weird smile on his face.

"If we can win this battle without relying on the giant dragon, although we will lose strength, our confidence in the tribe will undoubtedly be greatly encouraged. The catastrophe that the giant dragon has erected in the mortal world for a long time will not be able to do without them The psychological shackles will be broken, and a confident alliance is what we want to see."

"For the glory of the alliance, go forward bravely!"

For the Alliance——In this world where glory is more important than life, for the soldiers of the Alliance, these are four words that can make them pay their lives for it.

The alliance army began to be busy. In order to fight this war well, to slap the giant dragon in the face fiercely, and to build confidence for their own clansmen, the entire alliance made an unprecedented mobilization.

Stormwind, Stromgarde, Ironforge, Gilneas, and even the newly recovered Gnomeregan are no exception. Except for Darnassus of the night elves, every royal city in the alliance is constantly gathering supplies and mobilizing Leading the army, they used the magic teleportation array to send these materials and troops to the front line at all costs.

Such a big move by the Alliance shocked countless people. After receiving the news, Thrall ordered Saurfang to cooperate fully. This wise orc leader saw the purpose of the Alliance—the Alliance was unwilling to dormant and wanted to fight back against the dragon.

No matter which side loses in the alliance and the dragon fight, there is no loss to the tribe, so he is happy to stand by and watch.

Theramore and Dalaran remained silent at this time. Jaina and Ronin had been informed privately by the alliance. They knew it was best to remain neutral at this time, so that even if the alliance failed, someone could come forward good offices.

"This action is crazy, we will go crazy with you."

Varian said so, but the raging fighting spirit on his face showed his attitude. This powerful human warrior is not a master who is willing to be angry.

Leo smiled: "Everyone has been suppressed for too long, just take this opportunity to release it, and see if our anger can make some people suffer."

Those who are frightened are afraid of being stunned, those who are frightened are afraid of dying, and those who are desperate are afraid of going crazy. This time, let's go crazy and see who can have the last laugh.

 Scared me to death, everyone has such a big resentment
(End of this chapter)

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