Necromancer in another world

Chapter 804 There is no airtight wall

Chapter 804 There is no airtight wall
What is there is no impenetrable wall in the world, Leo has now learned it.

According to Leo's original intention, he was not going to tell Scarlet about the matter between himself and Fuchsel before he thought up his words. Searle's attitude is very clear, she will not speak out about this matter, and Leo has to solve it by himself.

But... yes, but!

Once there are these two words, things will change unexpectedly.

Rhona Crowley, Leo did all his calculations, but he didn't realize that he was being targeted by this chick.

Lorna's strength has improved a lot, and she is worthy of being a thief favored by Leo. After experiencing the baptism of the battlefield, Lorna has matured rapidly this time, and this time, Lorna, who didn't care about her at all, suffered a disadvantage.

Considering that Leo once threw himself into the battlefield without mercy, Lorna hated this sorcerer with sores on his head and pus on his feet. The so-called newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. As a magician, she did not let go of her observation of Leo, who wanted to find evidence of Leo's evil deeds.

Hard work pays off, and Lorna finally gets her wish - Leo is having an affair with the blood elf commander.

Lei Ao never expected that he would be caught cheating the first time, and he never thought that this person was actually a girl named Luo Na.

I was careless, I was careless, what a mistake, I will be hated forever, my majestic demigod sorcerer was actually adorned by a little girl without knowing it!

Sighing in his heart, Leo glared at Lorna, who was standing next to Scarlett, who was proudly making faces at him. He didn't have time to pay attention to the little girl Lorna. Scarlet stood there without saying a word. The sudden news shocked me.

Scarlett did not expect such a thing to happen between Leo and Fuchsel at all. To her, the news was like a bolt from the blue, and her mind went blank.

"It's not true!"

Tears rolled in Scarlett's heart, and the female paladin refused to accept this fact, but she also understood in her heart that Lorna had no reason to lie to herself, and Leo's reaction after hearing the news also confirmed its authenticity.

If Lorna spread rumors and framed her, Leo would never acquiesce with a wry smile. He would have taught Lorna a lesson.

But Leo didn't. Doesn't that explain anything?

The figure of Pasonia appeared behind Leo, she raised her leg and kicked Leo fiercely, the female thief never expected that Leo would actually take down Fuchsel.

Pasonia dares to swear that before this, the relationship between Leo and Fuchsel must be innocent, that is to say, this is the first time that this little soul has had a relationship with Fuchsel.

"I don't even know how to wipe my mouth if I steal food."

Fuchsel, who walked away from Leo, dropped such a sentence that only the two of them could hear, which made Leo feel relieved and at the same time extremely embarrassed.

According to Pasonia, she has no objection to the matter between herself and Fuchsel. The reason why she wanted to kick Leo was not only to vent her anger on Scarlett but also because he was caught by Lorna. And angry.

Leo is a person from SI[-], and he should be good at tracking and anti-stalking. In addition, he is a powerful demigod. With Lorna's half-strength in the eyes of Passonia, Leo It is impossible not to find out even if only half a point is left in the very mind.

The only explanation for this situation is his own carelessness.

Being a demigod is such a triumph, you brat!
Leo seemed to hear Pasonia's words of contempt for him.

This is really embarrassing.

Sure enough, you can't relax your vigilance at any time, this is true for the enemy, and even more so for your own people.

Well, Leo admitted that the matter of Lorna reminded him that he had indeed become proud after being successfully promoted to a demigod, and he was indeed careless a lot. Such a mentality is absolutely unacceptable.

Wait, now is not the time to think about this!

Leo shook his head, and threw out these thoughts. The most urgent task now was how to explain his mistake to Scarlett... Uh, perhaps it would be more appropriate to say cheating.

Pasonia gave Leo a look that you can deal with yourself, and forcibly pulled Lorna away.

Although she was very unwilling, Rona didn't have the ability to resist Pasonia, she could only watch herself getting closer and closer to Leo.

Little girl, I will deal with you later.

Seeing that Pasonia helped him pull Lorna away and made room for himself to be alone with Scarlett, Leo knew that he had to seize the opportunity. If he didn't handle this matter well, what kind of mood would he have when the backyard caught fire? Pull the beetle and fight the dragon?
Walking in front of Scarlett, Leo put his arms around Scarlett and whispered in her ear: "Listen to me first, Scarlett..."

"I don't want to listen!"

The female paladin's reaction was fierce, she struggled hard, trying to get out of Leo's embrace.

Leo knew that he must not let go at this time, he hugged the female paladin tightly, and let the opponent's fists rain on him.

Scarlett is both aggrieved and angry now. She has been the proud daughter of heaven since she was a child. Regardless of her family background, appearance and strength, she is not the top choice. There are enough people who want to chase her from Stromgarde to Stormwind City, but why did she choose it? Leo?
It's okay for this flirtatious guy to be ambiguous with a group of women, but now he has developed to that stage, and what's even worse is that he doesn't even know about it. If Lorna hadn't told him, she would still be in the dark.

The most exasperating point is that if Leo told her, Scarlett would be less angry, but he actually kept it a secret!

"I'll kill you, let me go... woo woo..."

Scarlett's fist is not light, the female paladin is angry and strikes without any seriousness, Leo did not take any protection because of guilt in his heart, even if the demigod body took off the defense, it could not withstand the continuous hammer blows, a trace of fishy Sweet blood flowed slowly from the corner of his mouth.


Scarlett exclaimed when she saw this, and immediately stopped her hand. She reached out to wipe Leo, but she retracted her hand halfway.

With an angry snort, she turned her head and ignored Leo. At this time, the anger on Scarlett's face had weakened a lot.

Before hugging Scarlett, Leo decided that if Scarlett got angry, he would never fight back.

Not to fight back, not to fight back when scolded, this is Leo's strategy, after Scarlett has vented her anger and calmed down, he will speak up.

Well, Leo's bitter plan worked, and the female paladin did not continue to trouble him.

He opened his mouth, and Leo was about to speak, but Scarlett suddenly turned his head and blocked his mouth unexpectedly.

Hmm, gagging is not the point, the point is what to do.

In Leo's impression, Scarlett is a silly girl with a thin skin and a very conservative life.

Her behavior has something to do with her receiving orthodox paladin training in the Holy Light Cathedral since she was a child, and observing the life precepts of a paladin.

Scarlett would flush with embarrassment at being intimate with Leo even when they were alone, let alone in the presence of outsiders.

But now, such a reserved and shy silly girl offered a kiss... Yes, you read that right, Scarlett did take the initiative to kiss Leo.

His eyes widened, Leo didn't react for a while, but it was too late when he realized something.

The impulse was only in an instant, and before Leo took action, Scarlett had voluntarily retreated, but the soft touch was reflected in someone's heart.

I actually took the initiative to kiss him!

Scarlett lowered her head, and the female paladin felt her cheeks burn, and a blush spread from her ears to her jade neck.

Touching her lips in disbelief, Leo blinked, could this silly girl be motivated to sacrifice herself?
However, there is no such good thing.

Taking advantage of Leo's strength loosening, the female paladin ran away. Is this another escape?
Leo VS Scarlett, the obviously reasonable female paladin was defeated unexpectedly!
Someone who took advantage looked at the back of the female paladin and was stunned for a while before realizing that this matter is over?
But why didn't I figure out what was going on?

Scratching his face, Leo was at a loss. He didn't understand Scarlett's thoughts, but he knew that the biggest crisis he had encountered since he and Scarlett became lovers had passed.

"It's really cheap for you this time."

Passonia turned back at some point, and Leo knew that she must not have gone far just now. As for Rona... Isn't it the little girl next to Passonia who is grinning at him?
How dare you appear in front of me, you talkative little girl, do you really think I can't deal with you?

Leo laughed wickedly, that way it was as scary as it could be. Only then did Rhona forget about Leo's 'bad deeds' in the Plaguelands. She screamed and hid behind Pasonia.

"Okay, a little girl, why are you angry with her?" Pasonia reached out and stopped Leo who wanted to capture Lorna, "This time it was your own carelessness, and the responsibility for the matter is indeed yours." .”

"Tell me, if she hadn't said it, how long are you going to keep it a secret?"

"This is..."

Leo's eyes were a little erratic, and Pasonia did not act as aggressively as Scarlett, but her sharp knife-like eyes put even more pressure on Leo.

"Forget it, she doesn't mind what I am." Pasonia turned around and left after she finished speaking. Before she left, she still didn't forget to grab Lorna. "This little girl has good qualifications. I will take her back and carve."

Even if Leo is careless, can ordinary thieves successfully track down a demigod?
Obviously it is impossible.

Rona's aptitude is indeed astonishing. At least Pasonia has never seen such a talented thief. As a human race, Pasonia will not let Rona go to waste. Wouldn't it be a waste of money not to polish her into a weapon?

It seems that Pasonia is really angry!
Leo was depressed, Scarlett didn't put any pressure on him, but Pasonia gave him a headache, and it was a hundred times harder to let Scarlett not mind the matter to dissipate the black queen's anger.

Who said that picking up a girl is like hanging on a penguin, coaxing her for two hours a day will soon make her happy--isn't this a mistake, you really think beautiful girls are stupid?

 Lu Wuyou, the Immortal of the Other Side, has made a small advertisement for this book. If you are interested, go and read it.
(End of this chapter)

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