Necromancer in another world

Chapter 813 Another loss

Chapter 813 Another loss

If Hamuul doesn't show up, Naralex is fighting against the three Qiraji beetle officers alone. It seems that the situation is indeed dangerous, but is the strength of the night elves only so small? Their army is only Naralex. Strong?
This is obviously impossible.

Several druids roared, sharp and slender nails grew on their hands, and their figures changed accordingly.

Beast Transformation for Druids of the Claw!

After turning into beast form, these druids rushed up and stopped Pacon and Yejis. With the help of their companions, Naralex only had to face one opponent, Colonel Zerang.

The strength of Zelang, who used the giant transformation technique, has obviously increased a lot. He is a senior officer in the Qiraji beetle army. Now, with the blessing of powerful spells, he is no weaker than Naralex, the archdruid, in terms of aura.

"Giant transformation?" Naralex shook his head slightly. Only Zelang was not afraid at all. "Giant transformation is not the only way to become bigger."

The night elf's body began to change - his figure continued to grow taller, his skin became keratinized, and wrinkles appeared on it, which looked no different from tree bark. In addition, the green hair that was completely spread out made him look like a a big tree.

Treant form for druids!
Different from the druid treants in the mountain pass that Leo knew were only suitable for healing, Naralex, who had turned into a treant, was extremely violent, and Zelang who rushed up was staggered by his slap , almost fell to the ground.

Before Ze Lang could stand still, two branches as thick as a person came with the sound of piercing through the air. Colonel Beetle hurriedly raised his hand to fight back, his arms shaped like long knives slashed at the drawn branches.

To Ze Lang's surprise, his arms could easily cut through the armor made of fine iron, but he couldn't do anything to the two branches, and could only leave two marks on the bark-shaped horniness on the surface of the branches.

Although he failed to cut through the branches with one blow, Zelang knew that he was not desperate. After becoming a treant, Naralex's body was not so hard that he couldn't cut it. If he wanted to defeat the enemy, he only needed to hit more. It takes a few times.

Then it's time for the beetle colonel and the night elf grand druid to compete for who is more resistant to fighting. The two huge guys have a lot of fun when you slap and I hit with a knife. There is really no technical content at all. .

Of course, this kind of tactics without technical content is not something everyone can bear. As the saying goes, when the figure is hardened to a certain level, and when the strength reaches a certain level, technical tactics can really be ignored.

Instead of fighting the beetles, the night elves, who faced their old rivals, showed no secrets. They showed the strength of the strongest race in the mortal world, and suppressed the beetles since the two sides fought.

The army brought out by the beetle officers such as Yejis and Zelang could not resist the night elf army which was several times larger than them.

The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj is like Tinker Bell's pocket, and new gadgets will come out whenever you encounter difficulties.

A tall beetle man who was half a head taller than the other companions rushed out of the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj with the fourth beetle army. The number of beetle men in this army was twice as large as the previous three armies combined. More than that, if the first three troops were forwards, this one must be the main force now.


There was a roar like thunder from the night elves' army, and an aura slightly stronger than that of Naralex locked onto the tall beetle man in the lead.

Seeing the murderous enemy, Fandral Staghelmet finally appeared.

His appearance brought out more night elf soldiers lying in ambush, and the hidden power of the night elves had been revealed.

Rajax had expected the appearance of Fandral. He greeted him with a grinning grin, and fought with the archdruid who vowed revenge.

"The night elves have held back the main force of the Qiraji beetles, and it's time for us to fight back."

As Leo spoke, he gestured to Scarlett, and the female paladin, who had already been unable to restrain herself, drew out her sword and drove the flame dragon eagle to the front line.

Nefarian, who appeared in the form of a dracolich, let out a silent roar. The dracolich transformed by the three black dragon warriors, Filmer, Ebonlocke, and Flegal, went out to fight with their royal prince. The four dragons The powerful Lich followed Scarlett into the alien swarm, and their targets were Anubisath and the Qiraji beetle.

Obviously, Scarlett wanted to defeat the Beetle's line of defense head-on and burn the flames of war to the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj.

The addition of Scarlett inspired the Arathor soldiers commanded by Amaron and the Son of Lothar commanded by Danas. The two commanders immediately changed their formation after receiving the counterattack order, and the two armies moved forward in coordination. .

If only Arathor's people counterattacked, Qiraji's defense line would not be too dangerous for a while, but it would be completely different with soldiers under the command of alliance leaders such as Varianjin and Magni.

The entire alliance army changed its defensive attitude, and the soldiers rushed forward with shouts under the leadership of the officers. The alliance launched a comprehensive counterattack against the alien swarm.

The alien swarm was enraged. They were the only ones who attacked others crazily with a huge advantage in numbers. No one dared to counterattack them against the swarm that was hundreds or even thousands of times their number.

Angry bugs are terrifying, but their anger cannot be vented in the face of a huge gap in strength.

With heavy artillery clusters like the Mage Legion, the numerical advantage of the swarm cannot be brought into play at all. When the swarm attack magic hits them one by one, the alien worms will die in groups. Appear.

When it comes to group lethality, no one can compare to a mage.

Seeing the alliance army launched a counterattack against the Qiraji beetle, Saurfang and Rexxar were full of unwillingness. They were very unwilling to be compared by the alliance, but their current situation did not allow them to be brave. Patiently wait for the opportunity.

"The war machine made by engineering is really easy to use."

Saurfang knew that it was not that the warriors of the Horde were inferior to the soldiers of the Alliance, but that they had consumed too much combat power in the previous wars. There were no war machines such as tanks, cannons, and fighter planes to help resist the attack of the alien swarm. Fighting in front, being able to do what you are doing now is already very remarkable.

On the other hand, the alliance, with the help of the war machines, had already lost about [-]% of the insect swarm before they rushed to the front of the formation. Naturally, the pressure on the soldiers of the alliance was not great, and their combat strength was not depleted and were being cleaned up.

Rexxar said thoughtfully: "If the tribe has the same war machine, our performance will only be better."

The alliance has dwarves, and Leo, an alien who is proficient in engineering, their engineering advantages are unmatched by the tribe, unless the goblins are pulled into the tribe's camp.

Saurfang and Rexxar admitted that this was indeed a tempting idea.

Think about it, how powerful an army would be if the brave warriors of the tribe were equipped with enough war machines?
But the thought of dealing with those goblins who see nothing but gold coins in their eyes, and who talk about money but keep their mouths shut, gives the two of them a headache.

It's better to throw this problem to the warchief, he will have a solution.

Speaking of brains, Thrall is of course the best among the orcs, so Rexxar and Saurfang naturally thought of him at this time, as the saying goes, those who can do more work.

Leo would not have imagined that in this battle, the use of war machines such as skeleton tanks and dwarf turrets would have an impact on the two commanders of the tribe. The battle line pushes through the wall of beetles.

Rajax's beetle army was fighting fiercely with the night elves, and the alliance army took advantage of the situation to counterattack. The alien swarm couldn't resist being killed and retreated steadily. Unable to support the main beam, the Yaqi Empire, unwilling to be killed by the opponent into the Beetle Wall, continued to increase its troops.

The female Qiraji beetle appeared. Unlike the tall male beetle with a ferocious face, the female Qiraji's body was very petite. They didn't have a graceful body curve, and their charming figure alone was enough to impress people's hearts. Difficult to make tough decisions.

Of course, this is without looking at their limbs.

The arms of the female worms—no, they should be called the upper limbs—are not much different from the male worms. They are shaped like long knives, while the lower limbs are insect claws wrapped in hard shells, and their shoulders grow like horns. Nail thorns, these things grow on their bodies completely destroy the beauty, which is really embarrassing.

Seeing the leading female beetle, Leo didn't dare to be careless. He quickly summoned Halaz and Nalorak and let them rush forward.

The war guard Shaltura, the strongman of the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, is also the strongest female beetle in the Yaqi Empire. Her strength is not inferior to that of Rajax.

Leo didn't know if Shaltura still had a God mode, well, to be precise, it should be a rage posture, if there was, then she had to be dealt with in the shortest possible time, otherwise there would be big trouble.

It will give you whatever you are afraid of.

Flegel was aggressive and charged too far, Shartula took aim at the dracolich, and saw that she flapped her wings and flew to Flegel, who swung her claws at her, Shaltura Ertula straightened his arms, and his whole body spun like a top.

The sharp sound of metal being cut at high speed sounded, and the dragon claw shot by Flegel was chopped into several pieces.

The hardest part of the body was cut off like this, Fleger was dumbfounded, he couldn't believe that a female beetle who was so petite that he could kill ten with one paw could be so strong!

"Don't be dazed, run!"

Nefarian and the other two dracolich were very anxious. What time is this? Flegel is still in a daze. Didn't you see that Shaltura was rushing towards his body?

When he was reminded by his companion, Fleger was startled. He was about to step back quickly and kill a big-bellied xenomorph in a diagonal stab, knocking him to one side. The whirlwind blew again.


Nefarian cursed angrily, and the furious Black Dragon Prince rushed towards Shaltura together with Scarlett.

Feeling that his connection with Fleger was disconnected, Leo rubbed his chin depressedly, and lost another subordinate, his eyes turned to the alien worm that suddenly killed.

Potbellied and blue all over, could it be Yarki, the princess of the similariness?
But why did she show up alone, her husband Kerry and her son Wim?
Why did only one of the auspicious three treasures appear... Leo suddenly realized that—no, there is an ambush!
(End of this chapter)

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