Chapter 814 Dual Wielding Punishment Cavalry
Many people know that the Qiraji beetles are intelligent, and their intelligence is no less than that of human elves and other advanced intelligent races. However, just because of their appearance, most people will unconsciously despise them.

Judging people by their appearance is the most common mistake made by intelligent races. Although they themselves know that this is wrong, they just can't help but do it.

Nefarian and Scarlett made such a mistake. Because of Flagel's death, they angrily killed Shaltura, without even thinking about whether this was a trap deliberately set by the other party.

Fortunately, Scarlett's mount, the flame dragon eagle, was given to her by Leo. Its essence is the dragon eagle priest Jayalai fused with the flame stone demon. Leo only needs to turn a thought in his heart to order him. it will be done,
Gayalai, who was rushing towards Shartura, yelled sharply, his body suddenly pulled up, and his sudden change of direction caught the ambusher by surprise. Scarlett felt strange, a strong wind brushed the body of the flame dragon eagle from the Skim down.

Actually set a trap!
Scarlett didn't even think about it, the backhand was a throw, and the sword of Ashcandi drew a golden straight line in the air, piercing the alien worm that was trying to sneak attack the female paladin.

"Kill Wim..."

Leo was about to tell Scarlett to be careful about attacking Goldfinger when the notification sounded, he rolled his eyes speechlessly, Wim just hung up like this, the Ashcandi sword is too sharp.

"...The host has obtained the emblem of the Qiraji lord, do you want to obtain it?"

Leo admitted that he was surprised. In other words, why did Goldfinger gasp when he spoke? Is he playing with me or is he trying to surprise me?

Based on the principle of not taking extra gains for nothing, Leo chose to get them.

At the same time he obtained the Qiraji lord's emblem, two waves of thoughts came over, and Anub'arak and Anub'brakhan sent him messages almost at the same time.

Could it be that there is something special about this emblem of the Qiraji lord?
Leo was puzzled, he carefully checked the news from the two crypt demon powerhouses, and immediately beamed with joy.

"Barack, do you think this emblem is for you or for Brekhan?"

It's a good habit to ask if you don't understand. It's a foolish thing to pretend to understand that messing things up in the end is something a fool would do. Leo didn't want such a tragedy to happen to him, so he asked Anub'arak.

"Master, it has little effect on me, you can give that emblem to Brechan."

No matter how small the effect is, it still has some effect. What's more, the Qiraji lord's emblem brought Anub'arak not only a boost in strength, but also a boost in potential. Leo was a little surprised that the crypt lord was so generous. .

It seems that Anub'arak, an old subordinate of Anubrekan, is still very concerned. He doesn't want Anubrekan to be marginalized because his strength can't keep up with my pace.

Leo understands the intention of the crypt lord. Even if Gothick and Les Frostwhispers are not strong enough, they can train warlocks and mages for Leo in Naxxramas, and they will play a big role in other places outside the battlefield, while Anu Brechan couldn't.

"That's it, Brechan, come here."

The emblem of the Qiraji lord, which was accidentally obtained from Wim, is likely to bring Anubrekhan back to Leo's main force from the marginalized situation, and the crypt demon leader is very excited.

Leo rubbed his chin, the depression of losing Flegel was swept away.

Princess Yarki Lord Kerry and their son Wim, parents and son, this family of three known as the auspicious three treasures has lost one of three. How will Yarki and Kerry react when their son died?
Their son was killed, how do you think they would react?
Of course it was violent!

Scarlett was able to escape Wim's sneak attack because the flame dragon eagle was fast enough, and the second was because they were small in size, but Nefarian was different.

A target as big as the Black Dragon Prince, even if he got Leo's notice, he couldn't dodge in time, and Kerry hit him straight.

After hitting the target, Kerry sprayed the poisonous mist, and Nefarian was surprised to find that his body began to melt under the erosion of the poisonous mist.

This poison is so powerful!
The Black Dragon Prince retreated in a hurry, but Shartula forced him over.

A phantom of a totem pole appeared beside Nefarian, and the totem pole shot out a bolt of lightning, trying to force Sartura back, while a crimson flame exploded on Sartura.

Lightning Totem!

Flame shock!

The lynx priest Halraz helped Nefarian and slowed Shaltura's speed.

Nefarian took the opportunity to retreat, and at this moment Wim was killed by the sword of Ashcandi thrown by Scarlett, and Lord Kerry and Princess Yarki entered a state of rage at the same time.

Leo was helpless, and I was worried that Shartula hadn't entered the rage stance yet, but these two became angry first.

Seeing Yarki and Kerry staring at Scarlett, the female paladin who wanted to retrieve the Ashcandi sword did not leave but urged the flame dragon eagle to fly down, trying to retrieve her own sword , Leo gritted his teeth, and issued an attack command to Filmer and Ebonlocke.

The two dracolich, who were already enraged by Flegal's death, did not hesitate after receiving the order. They roared silently and rushed towards Kerry and Yarki. Just in time to attack and stop them.

While Yarki and Kerry were dealing with the entanglement of the dracolich, the flame dragon eagle carried Scarlett past Wim's corpse, and the female paladin leaned down and reached for the hilt, ready to kill Ash Retrieve Candy's sword.

A huge knobby beetle burst out of the ground, its body comparable to Anub'arak's body rushed towards Scarlet, like a large truck out of control, if it was hit by him, Scarlet would be seriously injured.

Tenacious Van Kress!
This guy is a replica of Kulinax, but the latter is obviously stronger in terms of strength.

There was a cunning flash in Scarlett's eyes, and when Van Kriss rushed over, a golden sword suddenly appeared in her free hand, another Ashcandi!

If Van Kriss twisted his body and paid a certain price at this time, he could survive Scarlett's blow, but he insisted that his shell was hard, and he didn't take the sword in the female paladin's hand seriously at all, so the tragedy happened naturally .

I saw Scarlett raised her hand, and the great sword wrapped in golden light broke through Fan Keris' shell without hindrance, pierced through the head of the monster, and slid out from his tail, cutting him open. Open, split into two.

Poor Xiaoqiang, no matter how stubborn you are, you still can’t get rid of the tragic fate of the Ashcandi Sword, a weapon that ignores defense. What’s even more tragic is that you were killed by a single sword. Do you think you are worthy of the nickname of tenacity?

"Kill Fankris... the host gets: the emblem of the Qiraji lord, do you want to get it?"

Another Qiraji lord's emblem!
This time Leo didn't ask anyone, he directly gave the emblem to Anubrekan, since he wanted to improve the strength of the Crypt Demon Commander, he should use all the emblems to improve him.

Got overcast!
After seeing Van Keris cut in half by Scarlett, Sartura knew that she had fallen into the trap of the female paladin, and she couldn't help secretly rejoicing that it was Van Kerris who attacked instead of herself.

The killing of the enemy did not affect Scarlett's taking the sword, and the sword of Ashcandi returned to her at the same time that Van Kriss died.

A paladin is holding two heavy swords, and these two swords are Ashcandi's sword that ignores defense, double-armed punishment cavalry, this is a big scandal.

How come there are two Ashcandi?

People who saw this scene were greatly surprised. One of the existences like Ashkandi was already against the sky, but now there is another one. Is there any reason?
Even Varian and Genn couldn't help shaking their heads.

Danas looked at Scarlett, who was holding two swords, and a hidden shock flashed in her eyes. He had fought hundreds of times with Grand Duke Lothar, and he had never heard that Ashcandi was a sister sword. Lothar's trust in him, if there are really two Ashcandi will not tell him, so one of the two swords in Scarlett's hand was cast by Lothar after his death?

With Ashcandi's ability to ignore defenses against the sky, if this news spreads out, it will definitely bring great danger to Scarlett.

Countless thoughts flashed through Danas' mind.

The death of Van Kreiss made Kerry and Yarkie even more angry. After killing their son Wim, Scarlett used Wim to kill one of their companions. The two strong alien species felt that they had been molested. They're crazy, and there are people who are even crazier than them.

Seeing that their goals had been achieved, Ebonlocke and Filmer were about to retreat when a whirlwind blew over, and the countless blades mixed in the whirlwind easily tore their bodies apart.

Seeing this, Leo couldn't help but swear: "Damn!"

Taking advantage of the resentment towards Scarlett's trap and the anger when his companion was killed, the war guard Shaltura successfully entered a state of rage!
Seeing that Shartula divided the bodies of Filmer and Ebonlock like cutting tofu, Nefarian retreated.

It wasn't that the Black Dragon Prince was timid, but that he knew that if he charged forward, his ending would not be any different from those of the two dead subordinates. Shaltura in this state was not something he could resist.

Even Nalorak and Halraz stopped in their tracks, not daring to get closer to Shaltura. They could tell that Shaltura and the others were not their opponents at all.

"Bug, look at the sword!"

Leo's pet didn't dare to go forward, but it didn't mean everyone didn't dare. Varian and Jean went up after two shouts.

As a fighter, how can you shrink back because the enemy is strong?
As a fighter, isn't it just getting stronger when you meet the strong?
As a warrior, you should be excited to meet powerful enemies!

These two guys are too messy, don't they understand that even if they are stronger than them, they may not be able to withstand the blow of Shaltura in a state of rage?
Leo rolled his eyes. The impulsiveness of Varian and Gene made him very depressed, but the more depressed thing was yet to come-Scarlett also urged the flame dragon eagle to kill Shaltura.

"My God, can't you let me save my worry?"

Leo patted his forehead, he was powerless to complain now.

"Lao Ma, go and watch for me."

Mannoroth grinned, his face full of war-thirsty excitement, and holding the double-headed spear, he charged toward the battle circle of Shaltura, Scarlett and the others.

Another warlike master!

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(End of this chapter)

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