Necromancer in another world

Chapter 816 Ruined Childhood

Chapter 816 Ruined Childhood

Anubisath's long-range attack was abolished, and the pressure on the alliance was greatly reduced, but the existence of the Obsidian Destroyer prevented the mages headed by Jaina from taking action, and the situation was still not optimistic.

Without the magic of the mage, the soldiers' charge alone would not be able to pose a threat to the alien swarm.

Although the two dwarf leaders, Caderos and Magni, were killed, they were only two after all, and they were fighters who were not good at group attacks. The Destroyer is not a soft persimmon that can be easily crushed.

Perision, Hectors, and Valastrasz appeared on the battlefield in the form of dracolich. Their target is the Obsidian Destroyer. Only by killing these guys can the combat power of the mage legion be released, allowing the The balance of war was tilted again in favor of the alliance.

If these three dragon lich powerhouses are killed, they are likely to bring heavy casualties to the Obsidian Destroyer troops.

A red worm full of joy in Leo's eyes blocked Perision and the others. Facing the three-headed dracolich, the red worm was not afraid at all. Two layers of double images appeared on his body. Everyone's surprised eyes were divided into three.

Why did Leo say that this big red bug is full of joy?

Not because of his festive red color, but because of his shape.

There is an animal called a giraffe, and this big red bug is a giraffe.

long neck?

That's right, the neck of this big red worm is several times its length, so what is it if it's not a long neck?
Prophet Scrum!
Leo blinked, you said you are a bug, why do you have such a long neck? Do you have some bad hobbies?So tall, with such a long neck, what are your plans?
In other words, the height advantage, this height naturally has an advantage, for example, when you go shopping, you always look down at people, if you meet a beautiful girl who has a height advantage, then the angle of observation is... Cough cough, well, someone admits that Thoughts deserted.

But then again, if there is a height advantage, it would be unreasonable not to make good use of it, but in this way, you have to do a good job of singing after getting up in the morning, washing your pants in the morning, how many children pay for the water.It's not that Dad doesn't love you, but that Mom doesn't take you in.

Scram's image is very pleasing, but his strength is not a joke.

The prophet who used the clone technique stood between the three dracolich and the Obsidian Destroyer troops like three tall buildings, even though the image looked like an unfinished unfinished building.

The Prophet's body and his two avatars shook their heads together, and three earthquakes were struck, shaking the dracolich's body and slowing down the momentum.

At this moment, Scram's two avatars rushed up, while his main body stayed behind.

As we all know, although the avatar technique is good, it has a weakness, that is, the strength of the avatar is far inferior to that of the main body, and Scram's attempt to stop Hectors and the others with two avatars is too much.

The dracolich was enraged, and they breathed out the dragon's breath, vowing to give each other a tough look.

The dragon's breath spewed out, and the image of one of Scrum's avatars suddenly changed, and his body and avatars exchanged positions in an instant.

At the same time when the main body was switched, Scram straightened up, and a magic explosion centered on him happened.

The dracolich had never seen such an opponent, and they suffered a small loss in the first round of the fight - the impact from the explosion almost knocked them to the ground, but fortunately, the dracolich had a good balance and barely stabilized The body is not ugly.

This bastard!
Cursing angrily, the dracolich rushed over.

Claw machine, tail sweep, bite, no matter how ferocious it is, a posture that will not stop until Scram is skinned and boned.

Scram smiled, and the positions of the main body and the avatar were swapped again. Perision yelled badly, and another magic explosion appeared before they could make adjustments.

The positions of the main body and the avatar can be interchanged continuously, which is why Scram dared to rely on one against three.

The avatar is shattered and then summoned using the avatar technique, as long as his main body is not injured, he will not be defeated.

After being bombed twice in a row, only one clone of the other party was destroyed, and they were also disgraced. The three dracolich really couldn't hold back.

Isn't Scram relying on being able to summon two clones, isn't it relying on the exchange of the main body and the clone? We have three people here, so one of them will always fight one. Anyway, one of them is always the main body.

The three-headed dragon lich reached a consensus in an instant, and they were divided into three when they were gathered in one place. This time, Scram was no longer as relaxed as before.

The strength of the Prophet is only on par with the three dragons of Perision. If he hadn't possessed the ability to change positions with the clone, he would not have stood up to face these three powerful enemies alone. Originally, he only wanted to After a while, mechanical creations were just dead things in his eyes, and they couldn't be too smart. Scram felt that it would not be a problem for him to play them around.

Unexpectedly, something unexpected happened. The three-headed dragon-shaped mechanical puppet was too smart. He found a way to deal with it after only suffering two losses. Crushed, Scram can't play anymore.

What kind of a hero is three to beat one, I won't accompany you, sir.

Separated two clones to block the enemy again, Scram turned and ran.

Although the Prophet's avatar was no match for Perision and the others, it would be no problem to block them for a while. If no one stopped him, he could indeed escape successfully, but he forgot that before the three-headed dracolich powerhouse came to kill him, there were already people The first step into the Obsidian Destroyer.

Two heavy hammers slammed into Scram's neck, causing him to sway like a tumbler.

It's not a good thing to have a special figure, because it's too conspicuous.

On the battlefield, if you want to stand out from the crowd and lead the way, you have to be mentally prepared to be targeted by others.

Caderos and Magni gave up killing the Obsidian Destroyer. In the eyes of the two dwarf leaders, killing a strong Beetle was much better than killing a few more minions.

Three-on-one doesn't count, but five-on-one, you really think I'm easy to bully, don't you?

Seeing the two dwarf leaders blocking his way, Scram not only didn't panic, but became proud. I was worried that I couldn't deal with those two dragon-shaped mechanical puppets, so you two dwarves came to the door. There is nothing better than this Nothing could be happier.

Magni and Caderos, who intercepted Scrum, only felt a mental wave hit, and their consciousness gradually blurred.

Mind control spells!
The two dwarf leaders were taken aback, and without thinking about it, they both shouted loudly and cast the gods down to earth.

Scrum's body shook again and again, which was a manifestation of backlash from the failure of mental spells.

It was a tragedy for the prophet. Who made him meet the royal family of dwarves who descended from the gods, and the dwarves in the state of magic immunity were his nemesis.

There were Caderos and Magni blocking the way, followed by three dracolich powerhouses chasing after them. The besieged was miserable, and they were covered with scars in a short while.

A shower of venomous arrows came, and Magni and Caderos, who cast Avatar, were not affected in any way, but the three-headed dracolich was not.

Every place hit by the venom arrow was corroded with a big hole, causing Perision and the others to dodge again and again. If the two dwarf leaders hadn't entangled Scrum, the prophet would have successfully escaped.

A green flying alien worm joined the battle with his younger brother, and the temple of Ahn'Qiraj sent reinforcements unexpectedly by Leo.

"Has another princess from the Yaqi Empire appeared?" Leo tilted his head, and said to somewhere in the void, "Hahoran is a master of poison, and she will be handed over to you, Ilsa."

The new flying silithid was none other than Princess Hahoran of the Yaqui Empire.

Speaking of the princesses in this world, there are not many people who have a good impression. Isn’t there a lyrics that is sung well-the so-called princess, a sow, a fat woman, a big bug-is really a fortress. I don’t know how many people heard it because of childhood. The story of Snow White and imagine the princess is very beautiful, now this is considered as ruined childhood?

Ilsa, who inherited the legacy of the Queen of Anguish and Torment, has extraordinary attainments in using poison, especially after Leo was promoted to a demigod, her strength has soared all the way.

For the purpose of testing her own strength, Ilsa did not use the succubus's invisibility ability to carry out a sneak attack, she chose to attack with integrity.

Looking at the entire succubus tribe, there are almost no succubi who choose this way to fight, but once a certain succubus chooses to do this, it means that she has absolute power.

Ha Huolan, who was shooting the three dragons of Pelishion with a poison arrow, saw dozens of poisonous balls with a diameter of one meter shooting towards him. Ha Huolan, who is good at playing with poison, was shocked by the toxin.

The other party actually hides a master poison user, and he is also a poison master who has deeply comprehended the laws of the poison system. Could it be said that the opposite party hides a demigod?
Ha Huolan was scared. If it was another demigod, she could still use her own poison to deal with it. But when she met a demigod who used poison, she was completely helpless. The other demigod just restrained her. There was a retreat.

The battlefield is not a vegetable market, it is not a place where you can come and go if you say it, how can Ha Huoran, who is being targeted by Ilsa, be able to leave?
The succubus carried the bone whip as if walking through the defense line of the alien swarm, and a circle of green mist that seemed to be absent enveloped her area of ​​tens of meters, and the alien insects that entered the mist range could not even scream. It was corroded into a puddle of mucus. The green mist was so toxic that Ha Huoran's body twitched. In her eyes, the image of the succubus was like a terrifying monster.

Ilsa's speed seemed slow but she was fast, but within three or four breaths, she passed through the defense line of the alien swarm and approached Haholan. The two skinny claws on the top of the bat-like wings were flapping non-stop. Those poisonous balls with a diameter of one meter were thrown by them.

Haholan struggled to dodge under the attack of the poisonous ball shot like a cannon. Ilsa's poisonous ball blocked her way to escape into the temple of Ahn'Qiraj, making Haholan unable to escape even if she wanted to. .

"Be obedient and let me whip the whip, my sister assures you, it will only smash your head and won't hurt your body."

(End of this chapter)

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