Chapter 817

The Yaqi Empire is a place where status is judged by strength, and if there is insufficient strength, it will not be respected.

Like Princess Bierki, she married Lord Kerry because of her weak strength, and the princess Haholan, who is also a princess, was treated much better than Algier because of her strength.

In the past, Ha Huoran was naturally proud of her strength, but now she doesn't think so at all.

Ha Huoran regretted her success. She felt that the demigod succubi chose her as an opponent because her strength was the strongest among the beetle powerhouses that appeared.

Meeting Ilsa, who is proficient in poison, Ha Huoran was beaten helplessly. Her best venom attack was too childish in front of Ilsa.

Let Ilsa deal with Ha Huoran, Leo is very relieved.

Although Ilsa is the weakest of his subordinates who have been promoted to a demigod, if it weren't for the inheritance of Andariel, she is still trapped in the legendary realm, but a demigod is a demigod after all, even if Ilsa's strength is higher than that of a demigod. Being at the bottom of the middle is not something Ha Huolan can resist.

"Have you sensed it?"

When Ilsa and Hahoran fought, Rexxar's face was a bit dignified. Saurfang, who was standing beside him, nodded when he heard the words, and the two orc commanders looked at Ilsa's place The direction looked over.

Of course they couldn't see anything across most of the battlefield, but what they wanted was not to see it with their own eyes but to sense it with their breath.

Ilsa's aura was too strong, and that aura that only belonged to demigods was like a lighthouse in the dark night even in this battlefield full of strong men, making it difficult for people to pay attention.

"The human named Leo has become a demigod, and with the demon driven by him, human beings have at least the support of two demigods." Rexxar said with a sigh, "It's hard!"

What is difficult?

Of course it was difficult to kill Leo.

If Leo was just a person, he would be promoted as a demigod. Rexxar thought that if he prepared properly, he could still deal with him. However, Leo is a warlock, and his strength improvement will drive his demons to become stronger.

Originally, Rexxar believed that the benefits obtained by the demons were far less than that of the Warlock himself. Leo was a demigod, so the demons under his control might not be the case. This can be seen from Immotar.

Unexpectedly, the appearance of Ilsa shattered Rexxar's conclusion, and the demigod succubus made Rexxar truly feel the crisis.

If it's just a demigod with Rexxar's strength, even if he can't beat him, can't he escape?

But what about two demigods?

Facing the two demigods, including a succubus who is good at stealth and sneak attacks, Rexxar didn't have much confidence.

Leo didn't know that the appearance of Ilsa made a certain orc hero very entangled, and his face was so gloomy that it was scary.

The battle situation is obviously beneficial to the alliance, and the alliance firmly holds the upper hand on the battlefield, why does Lei Ao have a gloomy face?

If nothing else, the link between Sourmaw and his had disappeared.

The connection between Acid Throat and Leo was cut off suddenly, this situation can only show one thing - Acid Throat was killed in an instant.

Someone in the underground battlefield can instantly kill Acid Throat!

There are many worlds with such strength, but there is only one that Leo can think of in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj—Auruo!
Yes, that's Oro!
Apart from Auroreo, I can't think of anyone here who can instantly kill the sour throat without a sound.

In this battle, Leo had already lost four of his subordinates. If the battle against the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj was counted, his losses would be even more. Since coming to this world, Leo has never lost so much to anyone. Many men.

The insects of the Yaqi Empire are really powerful!
Leo took a deep breath, with a ruthless look in his eyes.

I don't want the child to be caught by the wolf. As long as this battle can be won, are you afraid that you won't be able to get it back?


Gritting his teeth, Leo called out the name of the crypt lord in his heart. Auror appeared, and it was impossible to deal with this huge earth-boring worm.

The Crypt Lord answered his master's call immediately, and Anub'arak knew it was time to make his own appearance.

"I will call three assistants to help you. If you can beat it, you can beat it. If you can't beat it, you can lure it away."

While giving instructions to the Crypt Lord, Leo looked at the tribe on the other side of the battlefield.

Anub'arak was very strong, Leo did not deny this, and the crypt lord was also a high-ranking figure among his subordinates, but he was at a loss when it came to Ororeo.

What is Oro?
In terms of species, it is a giant earth borer.

The earth-boring worm may sound like nothing special, but if you know its origin, you can understand how special this guy is - it was born in the hands of C'Thun, and it is a masterpiece belonging to the ancient god C'Thun.

Will the Oro made by C'Thun's strength be worse?
The answer to this question is as far as the toe thinks.

Loatheb, Poisonous Flower Vine, and Anub'rakhan became Anub'arak's assistants. If it weren't for his subordinates who could fight underground, there would be only four of them, and Leo would send more people.

Even Auror has been dispatched. Could it be that the twin emperors want to rehearse a decisive battle with us outside the temple of Ahn'Qiraj?
Leo was puzzled. He thought that the earth-boring worms like Oro would be most effective only if they were placed in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, and it was too early to release them at this time.

It's true to think so, but Leo overlooked one point, that is Ilsa's breath.

Certain beings in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj came out precisely because they sensed the breath of a demigod.

Excitement over the strength of the enemy is not just for humans.

"I don't know if Anub'arak and the others can block it...huh?"

Just as Leo was thinking, his eyes suddenly shrank, and the breath of the poisonous flower vine disappeared in his sense.

No way, why was it seconded again?

Without clairvoyant eyes, Leo couldn't see the process of the underground fight. He could only judge the general situation based on the sense of the pet's breath. When fighting with Olona and other opponents, Anub'arak and the others didn't dare to be distracted to pass the news to Leo. , that is courting death.

"Master, what's underground here is not an earth-boring worm but a sludge monster." While worrying, Leo received a message from Anubrekan, "That sludge monster is hiding in the dark and attacking, his poison is too strong Yes, Master Barak was almost injured."

Could it be Viscidus?
Leo was very disappointed. If Auror ran out of the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, although it would be difficult to deal with, he would not be able to exert his strongest strength here. The threat of this earth borer would be much smaller. Vivicidus is only a small fish.

The little fish is also a fish, but this time Leo is not going to expend his strength to fight against Vicidus.

The Sludge Monster is covered in poison, even Acid Throat and Poisonous Flower Vine can be instantly killed. Both of them are good at using poison, and Leo has no interest in confronting him head-on.The most important thing is that there seems to be nothing good about this guy, and the image and smell of the sludge monster make him stay away.

With this in mind, Leo withdrew Anub'arak and Anub'brakhan, leaving only Loatheb, ready to find something to do with his temporary ally on the other side of the battlefield.

The alliance can't take over all the strong Qiraji beetle people and you just kill the minions. If this is the case, wouldn't the three strong tribes, Rexxar, Saurfang and Eitrigg, be too boring?
Because Leo has an army of spider monsters, the underground battlefield where the tribe and the alliance jointly attacked the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj was handed over to him. Although many people in the tribe were worried about this, they could only believe that they did not have an army to fight underground. Leo's personality.

Speaking of character, does this magical Dongdong Leo have it?

It seems that there is, and it seems that there is no... who knows?
He beckoned and signaled the herald to come over, and Leo said to the night elf in charge of contacting the tribe: "Tell Saurfang that there is something approaching them underground, I have tried my best to stop it, but... let them do it." Get ready."

The night elf herald didn't ask any more questions, he was only responsible for conveying the news, other matters were outside his scope of responsibility, besides, the danger was directed at the Horde and not the night elf army.

Knowing that danger was approaching from underground, Saurfang and Rexxar were in a bad mood.

They didn't know what the danger was, or what creature it was, but the instincts of the strong told them that trouble was with the Horde.


The ground in the tribe's army formation suddenly collapsed, and a gap several meters in diameter appeared. Drops of venom gushed out like a fountain, and the green venom covered a radius of tens of meters.

Seeing this, Saurfang and Rexxar thought inwardly: Here we come, the two strong orcs didn't dare to hesitate, and rushed over with their weapons in hand.

A green mud monster slowly moved out from the ground, and the nasty stench stuffed the nostrils, making people dizzy. Some tribal soldiers who were close to the stench would foam at the mouth and fall down. on the ground.


Fortunately, there are quite a few shaman priests in the tribe, and the detoxification totem stepped in and immediately pulled these soldiers back from the gate of hell.

"Get out of there."

Rexxar and Saurfang roared, the poisonous gas could not affect these two strong orcs, and they did not retreat when the other orcs retreated.

The mud monster, as the name suggests, is a pool of mud, but this pool of mud can move, can eat people, and is full of poison.

Saurfang and Rexxar were not stupid enough to step forward to engage in melee combat with the sludge monster. They pulled out the throwing axes they carried on their bodies and threw them one after another at what they thought was the core of the sludge monster.

A monster like a sludge monster will have a core, which is the source of his power and soul, as long as it is smashed, the sludge monster can be killed, otherwise you can kill it with a thousand knives or ten thousand knives. It is of no use.

The methods of Rexxar and Saurfang against ordinary sludge monsters are absolutely correct, but are their opponents now ordinary sludge monsters?

That is Vichydus, another masterpiece of the ancient god C'Thun. C'Thun is proficient in the ability to spit acid and poison. The sludge monster produced by him must be a high-quality product. Saurfang and the others I'm busy.

"Yo, there's a good show to watch."

Someone in the alliance army set up a pergola with bad hands and made a lookout.

Someone who gloated and watched the strong men of the tribe working for Viscidus but forgot one thing, joy often leads to sorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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