Chapter 818 Demigod Wrath

Just as the alliance army and the alien swarm were in full swing outside the temple of Ahn'Qiraj, several beams of magic light shot up from the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj not far from the battlefield, and the huge magic power tore apart the space. The Hammer cultist laughed maniacally as he watched the portal being generated.

These Twilight's Hammer believers narrowly escaped their lives in the last battle in the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj. They were paranoid about annihilation, but instead of escaping, they reconnected with the Qiraji beetles, and the beetle army withdrew from Ahn'Qiraj. The ruins were their idea.

" worked! Those idiots thought that the Beetle people would be useless if they left here? Now, it's time for them to pay the price."

The Twilight cultists laughed wildly. When the portal was formed, groups of elemental creatures poured out from it, and the elemental army entered this world.

"Mortal, are you calling us?"

The fire demon holding the trident twisted his body and came to the side of the Twilight Cultists. The latter's wild laughter made the Fire Demon very disgusted. At other times, the Fire Demon would have killed them, but now these Twilight Cultists are still useful. The fire demon will not do anything for the time being.

Stupid mortals, when the army of the Abyss Council completely descends on this world, it will be your end.

Even in the daytime, the soaring magical beam of light is extremely conspicuous, but in this dark night, only the blind will not be able to see it.

Leo turned his head to look at the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, where the two storm crows were rushing at full speed. He had to find out what happened there.

I have to admit that everyone, including Leo, was careless. When they found that there was no army of the Aqir Empire in the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, they subconsciously ignored it. When fighting fiercely with the tribe's coalition forces and the beetle army, they turned back and caught them off guard.

Tens of thousands of elemental creatures gathered in the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, and the number of elemental troops that came to this world through the portal made by the Twilight Cultist has already reached tens of thousands.

When the storm crow flew over the ruins, it saw such a scene.

Leo was a little dazed when he discovered this elemental army. He didn't know where so many elemental creatures came from. Could it be to support C'Thun's army?
When he found a group of Twilight Cultists next to a fire demon whose strength was not inferior to Exetus, he realized that the arrival of the elemental army was caused by those lunatics who wanted to destroy the world.

This group of Hudan, who actually did such a thing at this time, didn't they intend to make trouble?

Leo was very angry. The appearance of the elemental army put the alliance into a crisis. The reason why we say it is the alliance instead of the tribe is because the distance between the alliance and the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj is closer. If the elemental army rushes out, it must be Alliance, and with the alliance army as a buffer, even if the situation is not good, the tribe can get out calmly.

Holding his chin, Leo was thinking about how to solve the upcoming troubles.

"The elemental fluctuations in the ruins are abnormal. This is a sign of the arrival of a large number of elemental creatures. Are you going or should I go?"

Just when Leo was in trouble, Kael'thas contacted him. The most suitable person to deal with elemental creatures was naturally a mage. The biggest role of a warrior in such a battle was to stand on the front line as a human shield and take the beatings for others.

The so-called rescue is like putting out a fire. Kael'thas is willing to help Leo at this time, but he does not agree with the blood elf prince leaving.

"You and I each draw a part of our troops. It shouldn't be a problem for my summoner army to cooperate with your magister army to deal with those elemental creatures. In addition, you and I don't need to leave. I will send another expert to suppress the formation, God Ahn'Qiraj." The temple is the real battlefield for you and me."

To be called a master by Leo, his strength will naturally not be low.

Out of his trust in Leo, Kael'thas agreed without asking any questions, and the blood elf troops quickly diverted under his order.

At the same time as the blood elves acted, another army appeared in Naxxramas, which broke through the space. This army wore the battle robe of the Kingdom of Arathor, and each of them had a demon signed a contract for them to drive. , this army is the Summoner Legion proposed by Leo.

Behind the Summoner Legion, a strong man in blue armor led a group of soldiers walking out quickly. These soldiers were Arathor recruits who were being trained by Razuvios.

Originally, recruits should not be sent to the battlefield, but now that the battle is urgent, Leo can't care too much. Anyway, the attack element army relies on spellcasters. Soldiers and knights only need to be beaten at the front, and the requirements for recruits are not high. .Of course, if they couldn't even get beaten, Leo would have nothing to say.

The Summoner Legion is led by Gothick and Les Frostwhisper, and the warriors and knights are under the command of Razuvius. The human army in Naxxramas has already come out. According to the arrangement, he will not empty out the strength of this aerial fortress.

"Mirduran, you and Korok defended well. If there is any problem, you are the only one to ask."

Leo gave an order to Milduran, who is now the defensive commander of Naxxramas. Korok will not go against his will, but Milduran may not. Be forewarned.

"Why is it me who asks, and not the green-skinned monster?"

Milduran is very upset, do I look like a troublemaker in your eyes?
I don't discriminate against skeletons so much, I'm an honest person.

"I heard that you gave Fuchsel to...hehe..." Speaking of certain things, Milduran showed his wretched nature, "How does it feel? Let me tell you, even if you look at the entire Sindored Nev is also top quality, tsk tsk, you are amazing, that taste must be very ecstasy."

"Do you believe that I screwed your head off and kicked it like a ball?"

"It's absolutely impossible." Milduran was in a hurry, and just when Leo thought his threat was useful, the guy spoke again, "You twisted my head off and kicked me away, and it will be very troublesome to find it back. .”

Are skeletons afraid of twisting their heads?
Obviously not afraid.

Why am I threatening a skeleton with such words?
Leo felt that he had failed so much, why bother with that ruffian Milduran, the more you pay attention to him, the more excited he will be, just ignore it.

"I asked Fechsel to lead the troops there. She will have no problem with Rommath and Frelin to assist her."

Kael'thas, who was assigned to welcome the elemental army, sent a reply to Leo. Hearing the name of Fuchsel, Leo's heart was shaken, and the Arathor Kingdom joined the battle in the team heading to the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj. Bastion, the figures of Malalok and Faltola, and hovering above them were Leo's remaining three Stormcrows.

From the information sent back by the two storm crows scouting over the ruins, it can be seen that there are not many strong elemental army summoned by the Twilight Cultists, and it is believed that there will be nothing wrong with such a force guarding Vochissel.Besides, she is not a weak person. Forchil, who has the three professional abilities of mage, warlock and thief, as long as she does not intend to fight to the death, there are really few people who can keep her.

"How about I go too?"

An Arathor officer in full body armor stood behind Leo, the visor that was pulled down from the helmet covered his face, making it impossible to see his face.

Judging from his body shape, this is a middle-aged man, and from his appearance, he is a knight, but I don't know if he is a paladin with the power of holy light.

"Are you going?" Leo pondered for a while, this person is very powerful, Leo would have been of great use to keep him by his side, but he changed his mind when he thought of Fuchsel's safety, "Okay, attack The army of the ruins is at your command."

"Yes Master!"

The middle-aged knight turned around and strode forward to join the army going to the ruins. Thanks to Leo's order, he took over the command of the troops smoothly.

Leo took a deep look at Vochisel who led the blood elf army straight to the ruins, then turned his head vigorously, and returned his attention to the battlefield of the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj.

Take care of her, my great general!

The middle-aged knight who was commanding Arathor's army to rush to the ruins together with the blood elves moved, turned around and gave a salute to Leo's direction.

The battle in front of the temple was not at all affected by the vision of the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, and both sides were still desperately fighting.

Even some affected officers felt relieved after seeing the ruins in front of their own army.

The Twilight Cultists unexpectedly summoned an army of elements in the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, and Leo felt inexplicable irritability in his heart. He knew that he was worrying about Fuchsel.

Who knows what those crazy twilight cultists might conjure up?
What if Fuchsel was really in danger?
Leo understands that the most sensible thing to do now is to abandon those complicated thoughts and calm down his mind, but the problem is that knowing is knowing, and he just can't do it.

It is said that women can never forget their first man, so why not men?

Because of boredom, Leo became inexplicably angry, and he wanted to vent.

Pushing the disintegrating staff hard into the ground, a meteor pierced the night sky and fell straight towards the alien swarm.

No, that's not a shooting star, but a meteorite!
After the Targ'Oul suit is activated, the suit has its own skill - Meteorite!

When an ordinary man gets angry, he can only grab the ground with his head, and the blood splatters three feet; when a demigod gets angry, blood will flow everywhere, and the ground will be covered in red for thousands of miles.


It was as if a thunderbolt exploded on the ground, and a thunderbolt exploded on a sunny day.

While the ground was trembling violently, a huge crater with a bottomless depth of nearly [-] meters and a width of nearly [-] meters appeared in the swarm of heterogeneous insects. Countless heterogeneous insects died under the shock wave generated when the falling meteorite hit the ground.

Before everyone could cry out in alarm, a volcano erupted from the big pit, red flames spewed out tens of feet high, and molten gold and iron magma sprayed out crazily like a pipe bursting.

Looking from the sky to the ground, it seemed as if a magnificent rose had bloomed in the swarm of heterogeneous insects, and the bright red color dyed the night sky crimson.

Leo let out a mouthful of foul air slowly, feeling much more comfortable now.

(End of this chapter)

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