Necromancer in another world

Chapter 819 Deadly Poisonous

Chapter 819 Deadly Poisonous
Meteor is a set skill activated by the Necromancer's exclusive Targ'Oul suit. This skill's lethality is not insignificant. Leo's Meteor directly killed tens of thousands of xenomorphs, and the spewing lava and flames Still adding to his record one after another.

The alliance soldiers found that the attack of the alien swarm had weakened, and their morale was like a rainbow. The officers took this opportunity to lead the soldiers to advance the front line by more than ten steps.

Don't underestimate this distance. In the past, the alliance would have to pay hundreds of casualties for every step forward, but now the soldiers have suffered very little damage, and only paid the price of less than 50 people.

This situation is not due to the decline in combat power of the heterogeneous swarm, but the effect of the meteorite technique cast by Leo.

The meteorite technique landed in the swarm, and the flames and magma ejected from the large pit interrupted the attack of the swarm, making it impossible for their front and rear teams to connect, and many xenomorphs had to detour. The number of xenomorphs killed by alliance soldiers decreased a lot in a certain period of time.

The cannon fodder troops that rely on numbers to attack, such as the alien worms, once their numbers decrease, their battles will drop geometrically. It is normal for the alliance army to advance easily during this period.

Pulling out the disintegrating staff from the ground, Leo secretly thought it was a pity that it took 10 minutes to use it again after launching the meteorite once.

A meteorite technique, it seems that the lethality is not so strong, it is really incomprehensible to wait.

Meteor Art is a skill of Targ'Oul suit, and the cooling time cannot be controlled by him. No matter how strong he is, it is useless unless he upgrades the Targ'Oul suit.

But can the Tag'ao suit be upgraded?
Leo scratched his face, he really didn't think about it.

Fortunately, Lei Ao has a lot of skills, he can't use the meteorite technique because he has other methods.

Using the flames ejected from the crater, several walls of flames with a length of 30 meters and a width of two meters were formed. The crimson flames rushed to a height of ten meters, which was daunting.

Well, the wall of flame is just intimidating, and the silithids are not afraid of it.

Facing the wall of fire spreading to the surroundings, each of the alien species showed an eye-catching momentum of sacrificing their lives. Knowing that they would be burned to ashes if they rushed into the wall of fire, they still rushed forward. They made up their minds to suppress the wall of fire alive.

Using the body as a sandbag to destroy such a large wall of fire, can humans do it?

Leo was skeptical.

It has to be admitted that the method of the alien worms is very effective, and the firewall is completely submerged by the worm swarm after advancing less than 30 meters.

Firewalls didn't do as much damage to the silithids as expected, but they weren't useless.

In order to put out the wall of fire, the troops of the heterogeneous insects at the forefront failed to continue in time, and the alliance army took the opportunity to advance again, and the battle line was getting closer and closer to the wall of beetles.

Of course, the distance between the soldiers rushing to the front and the crater is also shortening.

If the Alliance soldiers move forward, the crater will no longer only hinder the swarm, but also the Alliance soldiers.

It's not just xenomorphs who are afraid of fire and lava, humans are also afraid of it.

That being the case, then... the volcano erupted!

The explosive sound of the ammunition depot exploded in an instant made people almost deaf, and the shock wave formed by the explosion spread rapidly. In the face of this berserk force, the xenomorphs were like ants run over by a high-speed train, dead to the point of death No more.

Seeing that the explosion was so powerful, the Union soldiers couldn't help but turn pale with fright. They hid their bodies behind their shields one after another, even though they knew it was useless.

"What are you doing? Do you think Marshal Leo can't control his spells? Stand up and attack!"

The officers angrily beat the cowering soldiers.

There were also some soldiers who did not evade. They charged immediately after standing still. These soldiers had all experienced the battle between the Hand of Tyr and the Scourge. They had all seen Leo's spell. It was sprayed out in the crater When the flames hit, they imagined what would happen.

With Leo's current control over spells, it's not easy to cause accidental injury. The shock waves generated by the volcanic eruption poured all over the head of the alien species, not even a single alliance soldier was injured.

The tyrannical shock wave tore apart an unknown number of alien species, but all the alien species within its range died.

When the Union soldiers huddled behind their shields raised their heads, what appeared in front of their eyes was a white field, a blank battlefield without xenomorphs.

Is this caused by Marshal Leo's spell?
With such a powerful and powerful person here, what are we afraid of?
After seeing Leo's volcanic eruption, the soldiers became more confident in this battle, and the soldiers of the alliance army rose again.


Under the leadership of the officer, the soldiers rushed forward with shouts, pushing the battle line to the wall of beetles.

The advancement of the alliance army has increased the pressure on the Qiraji beetles. The soldiers of the tribe and the night elves saw that the humans and dwarves were losing ground, and they were unwilling to be compared. Reluctantly watching the enemy approach the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj.

Leo is very satisfied with the current situation. To fight a war, one must have passion, otherwise how can it be called a war?
The morale of the army was high, and the enemy was retreating steadily. This situation is very good. It would be even better if all the strong qira beetles could be left behind.

"Kill Rajax..."

Goldfinger's prompt was accompanied by Fandral's wild laughter. The latter smashed Rajax's hard worm shell with great strength, smashed his head, and killed the Beetle General. En avenged.

Leo got nothing but energy upgrades, but Leo got used to it, and he wasn't disappointed.

For the current Leo, everything else is imaginary, energy is the most important.

With enough energy, Leo can perfect the law; with enough energy, Leo can communicate more with Goldfinger; with enough energy, Leo's strength can continue to grow.

Rajax's death had a great impact on the Beetlemen, and a group of Beetlemen officers, including Colonel Zeran, were frightened.

Even the mighty General Rajax has been killed, can we stand it?
This is a good time to attack.

After getting the news that Rajax was killed, Leo cast a death grip on Ha Holan immediately, and the invisible magic power captured Ha Holan's body.

The flying xenomorph princess of the Yaqi Empire was startled at first, and continued to struggle hard. With her strength, Leo's death grip could not trap her for long, but she broke free in just two or three seconds.

Two or three seconds is just two or three blinks of the eyes. What can you do in such a short time?
Ilsa's answer is - can smash Ha Horan's head.

The barbed bone whip slapped on the top of Haholan's head, and Haholan let out a scream. Ilsa's whip shattered its shell, and the bone spur on the whip had already been nailed into her brain. middle.

If Ilsa's whip was just a physical attack, then she wouldn't dare to say that she could kill Ha Huoran with one whip, after all, the vitality of bugs is very tenacious.

The whizzing sound of objects being rapidly corroded came from Harholan's head, and Ilsa released the poison through the barbs on the bone whip, and the poison was directly placed in Haholan's brain.

The flying alien princess is an expert at using poison. Others who use poison in front of her will definitely be ridiculed by her. However, the one who is poisoning now is Ilsa, a succubus who advances to a demigod with the law of poison, the demon king Andariel. As the inheritor, can Ha Huoran compare with her?
The toxin corroded Ha Huoran's head in an instant, and the headless worm stopped flapping its wings, fell to the ground with a snap, and quickly turned into a pile of fine crystal particles.

"The host kills Ha Huo Lan...the item is successfully extracted, and the host gets: the Qiraji lord's emblem, do you want to get it?...The ability is absorbed successfully, and the host gets a transferable ability: deadly poison, do you want to get it?"

This time Goldfinger was more generous, and the Qiraji lord's emblem naturally belonged to Anubrekan, and the deadly and poisonous Leo decided to keep it for himself.

When it comes to using poison, Leo, who already has the law of the poison system and has perfected it a lot, is not inferior to Ilsa. Ha Huoran's deadly poison is not because of the toxicity of the poison, but because of it. Can block the induction of the caster and the magic element.

After being poisoned by this poison, spellcasters who do not have enough understanding of magic will be directly silenced, and cannot even release spells. Even an archmage who has intensively studied spells will greatly reduce the efficiency of casting magic. The deadly poison is against spellcasting. weapon of the hunter.

If combined with the ability to add paralysis effects to poison spells that Leo obtained from Ayamis, and the two-pronged approach of silence and paralysis, the field control ability of Leo's poison spells would be terrifying.

To acquire new abilities, of course one has to try one's hands, as for the object of the test.

Leo looked at Alki.

The ability of deadly poison is obtained from Haholan. Yarki and she are both princesses of the Yaqui Empire. It must be very loving to use the ability obtained from Haholan to deal with Yarki.

A green poisonous cloud exploded around Yarki and Kerry, covering the xenomorph couple, and Nalorak and Halraz rushed up at this time.

Yarki was about to repeat the same trick and teach Nalorak and Harraz a lesson, but unexpectedly her spell could not be cast at this critical moment.

This is a tragedy for the alien worm princess.

Nalorak, who had been full of anger for a long time, danced several afterimages in the air with his palms, and slapped Yarki's head violently. With the screaming sound of insects, Ryalki's shell shattered, The whole front of his body sank into the ground.

Kerry wanted to rescue Yarki, but Halraz clung to him desperately at this time, and the bobcat priest unexpectedly blocked the venom shot by Kerry with his body.Nefarian came forward with a fierce face, and the dragon claw slapped Kerry on the back, blasting him into the ground.

Due to his large body and large targets, the Black Dragon Prince was sprayed by Kerry's venom arrows more times. His ribs have been corroded by the venom. If he does not want to die in battle, he will not be able to play in the next battle.So, how can you let Nefarian not hate Kerry to the marrow?

In any case, Nefarian will retreat after killing Kerry.

Leo rubbed his chin and said, "This poison really works."

(End of this chapter)

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