Necromancer in another world

Chapter 821 The Role of the Lord's Emblem

Chapter 821 The Role of the Lord's Emblem

Before using the meteorite technique, Leo didn't pay much attention to the skill brought by the Targ'Oul suit, but after casting the meteorite technique, his senses were completely different.

Why does a meteorite technique, which is not considered top-notch in terms of lethality, become a skill that can only be used after the Targ'Oul suit is activated?
Why does a spell that is not top-notch in terms of lethality need a cooldown of up to 10 minutes?
All of this is only because of one reason, that is, the meteorite technique becomes stronger the more it is used, and there is no upper limit in sight!

To put it simply, Meteorite Art is a spell with proficiency. The more times you use it, the higher your proficiency will be. The larger the meteorite you summon, the stronger the lethality will be.

What is rare is that the magic power and mental power consumed when launching the meteorite spell remain unchanged while the spell is enhanced.

Leo's mood is a bit complicated now.

He was depressed, why didn't he try the meteorite technique after getting the Targ'ao suit?If I knew that this spell could be upgraded, wouldn't I have paid attention to it earlier?

Thinking about it carefully, to get a spell that seems to have unlimited potential, Leo has made a lot of money, and it's not too late to find out now.

Jaina was a little worried. Leo was too reckless. His spell forced Zelang to lead the Qiraji beetle army to fight the night elves, causing the night elves' casualties to increase. He was not afraid of angering Naralek. S?

"I'm not the kind of person who slaps me on the left cheek but sticks out the right cheek for him to slap. If someone dares to plot against me, I will make him repay the price ten times and a hundred times." Leo looked at Ji Anna said seriously, "Dignity is earned by yourself. If you want others to respect you, kill all those who dare to provoke you."

"What are we gathering our troops here today? We are here to tell others that human beings are not to be humiliated, and that no one wants to ride on our heads. To show this determination, you must use strong Means to fight back against those evil-minded guys."

"Jianna, do you really think that Naralex let the Qiraji beetle retreat just to preserve his strength?"

"I tell you, no, absolutely not!"

"The night elves are known as the strongest mortal race, and now only they can talk to the dragon on an equal footing. Do you think they will do nothing to humans who want to obtain the same qualification?"

"Obviously, Naralex is testing us. If we don't fight back but choose to swallow our anger, we will lose to the night elves in terms of momentum."

Jaina was silent for a while, then turned and walked into the mage army, continuing to command the mages to fight.

The Lord of Theramore neither expressed support for Leo's words, nor did he express any opposition.

Leo looked at Jaina's back and frowned. He knew that Jaina's silence was not an acquiescence to his actions. too aggressive.

Jaina doesn't agree with Leo's aggressiveness, so how can Leo appreciate her conservativeness?

That's right, in Leo's opinion, Jaina is just too conservative.

Perhaps because she hates war so much that she doesn't want it to happen, Jaina tries to choose a moderate approach when doing things, and a moderate approach often requires sacrificing her own interests. This is a kind of strategic conservatism.

There's nothing wrong with being gentle, it gives yourself more time to develop while reducing friction.

In the past, Jaina's gentleness was the most correct choice for humans. After all, humans at that time did not have high-end combat power.

But all this is completely different after Leo becomes a demigod.

Of course, Leo knew that Jaina could not be blamed for this, because she didn't know how strong her cards were.

If you think that I have only one demigod subordinate like Ilsa, you are very wrong.

I'm not a fool, if I don't have enough strength, how can I stand up and let everyone focus on me?
If a person has no strength, then it is most correct for him to hide and develop silently, but when you have strength, you still endure, hide in a dark corner, and use your need to become stronger as an excuse to cover up your lack of standing. If you are weak in courage under the sun, then you will always be a mouse in the corner, and wanting to reach the top is nothing but a dream.

While Leo was talking to Jaina, Scram died.

The poor prophet was beaten by two dwarf leaders and three dracolich. He lost his temper at all. The avatar and mind control spells he relied on didn't work at all. Bend.

"The host killed Scrum... The host got: the emblem of the Qiraji lord, do you want to get it?"

He sighed regretfully, Leo was actually quite interested in Scram's avatar technique, but Goldfinger didn't do what he wanted.

Don't you know how to give me some extra rewards?
Leo complained about Goldfinger's stinginess, but they simply ignored him, making him lose his temper.

Once the Prophet Scram died, the Yaqui Empire would no longer have a strong man on the battlefield outside the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj... This is not true, and there is also the sludge monster Viscidus.

Leo looked at the tribe, and through the image sent by the dracolich in the sky, he found that Viscidus' volume had shrunk by more than half.

Saurfang and Rexxar are really powerful, they can beat Viscidus like this just by throwing throwing axes, I believe it won't be long before Viscidus' core will be revealed, and it will be his death.

If you look at Viscidus from the perspective of an ordinary sludge monster, he is indeed not immune, but what if Viscidus is not ordinary?

This slime monster was created by C'Thun. How can it not change a little after the hands of the ancient gods? If it is really so easy to deal with Leo, he will not sacrifice Loatheb and throw him to the tribe to solve it.

Just when Viscidus' volume was reduced to one-third of his original size, his volume slowly changed back.

Rexxar and Saurfang were taken aback when they saw this, wasn't their previous efforts in vain?
Fortunately, both of them have night vision ability, and they soon discovered the clue.

The mud that was scraped off Viscidus by the throwing axes they threw before was sliding towards him against the ground, melting into Viscidus's body immediately after touching it.

The ability to recycle one's own body is quite weird!
It was the first time that Rexxar and Saurfang encountered a sludge monster with such abilities. Fortunately, the two reacted quickly, and they immediately gave an order to the shaman priests in the army to use the flame totem to kill them. Roast the sludge that Viscidus has not recovered.

The effect of this trick was immediate. The sludge that was originally attached to the ground and joined Viscidus's body lost its moisture after being roasted by the flames, and immediately turned into a pool of dead matter, no longer moving.

It turned out that Vichydus had been given a special ability to recover water drops by C'Thun, and it was this ability that allowed him to recover his scattered body.

It's a pity that this ability has a fatal flaw, that is, it is afraid of fire.

Viscidus is dead!
Leo, who saw this scene, already knew the result of the battle. The Vicidus transformed by C'Thun did not have a core like ordinary sludge monsters, because the moisture on its body was its core. Take your time and mana to slowly dry the mud and you'll be victorious.

If there is no accident, you will receive the notification of Viscidus' death in less than half an hour.

Having made a judgment in his heart, Leo no longer paid attention to the battle situation on the tribe's side. He linked his mental power to a storm crow and used its eyes to observe the battle situation in the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj.

As Leo judged before, although the number of elemental troops summoned by the Twilight Cultists from some plane is quite large, they are not strong enough. In addition, the blood elves and Arathor's actions are fast enough. The attack was launched before, and the two armies dispatched a large number of spellcasters in a targeted manner. Under the deliberate targeting, the elemental army was completely suppressed.

Seeing that the blood elves and Arathor's coalition forces were fighting against each other, Leo, who knew that Fuchsel was not in danger, let go of his worries.

With no distractions, Leo could concentrate on dealing with the alien worms in front of the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. Large clouds of poisonous mist exploded in the swarm, and the attacking alliance soldiers were surprised to find that the poisonous mutated worms could also poisoned.

"Master, I'm going to evolve!"

Anubrekan's mental fluctuations were full of excitement. It wasn't that the crypt demon lord made a fuss, but the surprise he encountered this time was too great.

Leo gave all the Qiraji lord's emblems to Anubrekan, and several lord's emblems were thrown over, smashing a crypt demon leader into evolution.

For the Zerg of the Aziaki civilization, advancement is only a small-scale improvement in strength, and evolution is the essential change of rebirth.

At the beginning of the birth of the Zerg race, all the bugs had the same aptitude and abilities. Later, why there was a crypt lord like Anub'arak, and why there was a Zerg king like the Twin Emperors, it was because of evolution.

Evolution can change the nature of the Zerg. For example, Anubrekhan, who is the leader of the Crypt Demon, will become a Crypt Lord like Anub'arak if he can evolve.

From the birth of the Aziaki civilization to the present, there are very few Zergs who have achieved such advanced evolution, otherwise there would not be only a crypt lord like Anub'arak, and there would not be only Viknilas and Vek'lor Such two twin emperors.

Getting the chance to evolve and being promoted to the crypt lord is just a distant dream for Anubrekan, and he can only think about it in his mind in his free time, never expecting to turn his dream into reality .

But now, something that only existed in a dream happened to him, and Anubrekhan didn't react for a while, he was at a loss, and he didn't know anything except expressing his excitement to Leo.

Happiness came so fast that Anubrekan wasn't even ready for it.

The emblem of the Qiraji lord actually has this effect!
Leo was taken aback. Why does this goddamn life always bring surprises to people?
(End of this chapter)

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