Necromancer in another world

Chapter 822 Earth Fissure

Chapter 822 Earth Fissure
Life is always full of surprises, but after being surprised, it may not be all joy. Many times, what you get after being surprised is anger.

Leo felt that with Saurfang and Rexxar in the Horde, it would be no problem to deal with Vicidus, but things did not develop as he expected.

The Horde's battle to kill Viscidus did not go well.

With the help of a group of shaman priests, Viscidus couldn't reassemble his body, and its size became smaller and smaller. Just when Saurfang and Rexxar felt that the slime monster was doomed, the strange Change happened.

Under the shocked eyes of the two tribal commanders, Viscidus' body recovered again, and the tribe's previous efforts were once again in vain.

How can this be?

We have clearly prevented those sludges from converging on the main body, why can its body recover?
Saurfang and Rexxar were confused. Could it be that this slime monster has the ability to recover infinitely, and it cannot be killed?
Viscidus ignored the mood of the two tribal commanders, as if to vent his anger at being beaten so badly, its body exploded with a bang, and the venom-coated sludge scattered in all directions, nearly two hundred A tribal soldier was sprayed with poison and fell to the ground. Not even the shaman's totem of detoxification could save their lives.

Saurfang and Rexxar were startled and angry, they didn't expect that the slime monster would blow itself up in the end.

However, before they could check the casualties of their own soldiers, amidst the gurgling sound of water, Viscidus' body condensed again, and the sludge monster appeared in front of them again intact.

alive again!
The previous self-destruction was actually one of its attack methods. Is this monster really invincible?
Saurfang and Rexxar were in a dilemma.

What should we do when we encounter such an enemy?
"The Horde seems to be in trouble."

Leo rubbed his chin, he was considering whether to help them, just at this time Jaina looked to him, and Leo, who saw the female mage, had an idea.

He waved to Jaina and signaled her to come to his side. Leo said to her: "The sludge monster that the tribe dealt with has the ability to control water droplets. Rexxar and Saurfang can't kill it now. Its, it cannot be dealt with with fire but with ice."

After being transformed by C'Thun, Vichydus has absolute control over his own water droplets. Even if you use fire to evaporate the water in the small sludge block, it is useless, because the water still exists after evaporation, as long as it is not separated Go too far and Viscidus still retains control over them.

Vichydus can control water droplets, and water is one of the most basic elements that make up the world. They will not perish. In other words, the water that Vichydus can control is immortal, and if the water is not destroyed, it can aggregate infinitely His own body, equivalent to Viscidus, is also indestructible.

The flame can only evaporate the water, but cannot destroy it. Therefore, Viscidus cannot be extinguished with fire.

It is not fire that Viscidus is afraid of, but ice.

So what if you can control your own moisture, if I freeze them all and imprison them, can you recover your body?
Jaina looked at Leo with strange eyes, and she was guessing why Leo wanted to help the Horde.

Leo didn't make a fool of himself, and directly expressed his thoughts: "It is convenient for others to be convenient for yourself. The attack on the Ahn'Qiraj Temple tribe also needs to contribute. If the tribe shares the pressure for us, the soldiers of the alliance will lose some casualties. By doing Saurfang a favor, we are doing ourselves a favor."

Let me just say, this kid is definitely not that kind.

Jaina can guarantee that the slime monster was actually lured by Leo to the Horde on purpose, for now.

If the tribe felt that they owed the Alliance a favor, and they said some sarcastic and provocative words to embarrass them, wouldn't everyone rush to attack the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj with the temper of a tribe warrior?
"The so-called people fight for one breath and receive one stick of incense. If you just stimulate them, you will be the pioneer? Now it's most appropriate for you to come forward."

Leo arranged a position for Jaina in this matter, letting her who has the best relationship with the tribe to sing the red face.

It's really not easy to find a role that plays bad faces in the league. Which one can't you, Varian, Gene, or Magni?
As for himself...just watch!
Seeing that Jaina understood what she meant, Leo added: "After you freeze that slime monster, you can bring it back. I have my own way to deal with it."

Is this a balance between public and private?

Leo dared to swear that his starting point was to do everything for the public, but he didn't mind getting a little personal benefit while doing official business.

With the right method and the addition of Jaina, a powerful mage who is good at water magic, isn't it a sure thing for the tribe to deal with Viscidus?

Without letting Leodore wait, Jaina returned to the Alliance army formation with a large lump of ice.

"The Horde couldn't handle this, so agreed to me bringing it over."

Leo was not surprised at all, he had expected such an ending long ago.

Saurfang and Rexxar's strength is strong, but they are not spell refiners. Naturally, they cannot completely eliminate these water elements, and at least ten shaman priests are needed to maintain the imprisonment.

Looking at the number of ten shamans, there are not many shamans, but these ten shamans can provide powerful blessings for one or two hundred tribal fighters. In order to reduce the casualties of their own fighters, Saurfang and Rexxar will definitely give them to Ji Anna handles.

The blood-colored energy line penetrated into the ice, and the water droplets trapped by the ice were slowly decreasing under its constant wriggling.

I heard that Leo had been exposed to the law before he became a demigod. Could this be what he was talking about?
Jaina watched this scene with great interest. She was very interested in Leo's spell because she sensed the power of the law in it.

People like Jaina are powerful even in the Legendary Realm. Known as the number one mage of the human race after Antonidas, her current goal is to be promoted to a demigod. How can she easily let go of the opportunity to contact the power of law?
Leo knew that Jaina was comprehending the law by taking the opportunity of extracting the power of Viscidus, so he didn't stop it.

The power of law is indeed attractive, but so what?

If the law of comprehension is so simple, so many people will not be trapped in the legendary realm.

Taking a step back, even if Jaina can use this to gain insights, what loss does Leo have for him?What he cares about now is not whether Jaina can take the opportunity to comprehend the law, but the power of Viscidus.

As Leo expected, when he used energy extraction, the golden finger's prompt sounded.

"Discover unknown energy, do you want to absorb it?"

Mere energy certainly won't be too attractive to Leo, the key is to absorb another sentence from Goldfinger.

"The unknown energy contains the power of the law of the poison system, is it absorbed?"

It was this sentence that Leo was waiting for, and he immediately chose to absorb it.

Vichydus is a sludge monster transformed by the ancient god Ke'thun. It is under the transformation of Ke'thun that it has the ability to be almost unkillable.

Produced by the ancient gods, it must be a fine product.

If Ke'thun didn't add the power of law to Viscidus, would he be ashamed to say hello to others when he went out?
Well, although Kesuen is a ten thousand-year nerd, he is also a tech nerd with the goal of transforming the world. How could the things he made have no technical content?
What you inhale replenishes what you absorb, and what you absorb to replenish the power of the law of the poison system is naturally the law of the poison system.

During this process, Leo discovered a special place. I don’t know if it was his illusion. He always felt that after absorbing the power of the law that C’Thun left in Viscidus, his sense of the world became clear. Quite a lot.

A clearer sense of the world?
Could it be that Leo is short-sighted, seeing things still blurry?

of course not.

With Leo's current eyesight, he can see things a thousand meters away clearly, so how can he be short-sighted?
To be honest, this is actually a feeling, like the brighter feeling of an already bright mirror after being wiped.

It's amazing. If I didn't have any comprehension, I would have thought I had entered that mysterious and mysterious state of epiphany.

Leo scratched his face, somewhat regretful.

With his current strength, what would happen if he entered that kind of mysterious epiphany?

He really wanted to know the answer.

" worked! I succeeded!"

Flintage's maniacal laughter echoed over the battlefield. The kobold geologist completed the ceremony, and now he has advanced from a geologist to a geomancer.

For tens of thousands of years, the heroic profession that has only been circulated in legends for kobolds——Geomancer was finally born.


Just as Flintage danced and danced, an irresistible force was suddenly generated, and the ground outside the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj suddenly cracked, like a hungry monster with its mouth wide open, pushing the wall of beetles to the Anqira. All life in the land of the Qiraji Temple was swallowed up.

The sudden change made the coalition soldiers on the battlefield cheer.


That's right, cheers.

Among the coalition forces attacking the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, the human and dwarf armies pushed the battle line to the forefront. They only advanced to the vicinity of the Beetle Wall, but did not really push the battle line over. It is the army of the Yaqi Empire.

As for those who can withstand the attack of the alien swarm and kill the wall of beetles, they are all strong men in the alliance. These people are naturally capable of escaping, although their image is more or less embarrassing.

However, not all strong men are like this. Flintage failed to escape. The new geomancer seemed to be too excited and unexpectedly failed to escape in time.

Leo's face was sullen. He lost more than half of his swift and fierce bone dragon army in this accident, so why didn't he get angry?

Fortunately, Moshe and the three Devilsaurs are fine, otherwise Leo would definitely vomit blood from anger.

What happened, and why did such a large-scale ground fissure suddenly occur?
Could it be that Ke'thun is playing tricks?
A biting murderous aura emanated from Leo's body. In the current situation, he would be the first to believe that the ground crack was caused by C'Thun.

The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj was actually the place where the Titans sealed and suppressed C'Thun. If C'Thun really wanted to extend his tentacles outside, this ancient god would have turned the world upside down long ago.

Even if C'Thun can break through the seal of the Titans, the cracks he created should be at the feet of the coalition forces. The alien worms are his dogs, and C'Thun is crazy to help the coalition forces clean up their thugs.

So, here comes the question: if it wasn't C'Thun who did it, the dragon?still……

Leo looked at the ground under his feet, his murderous eyes were like two sharp swords.

(End of this chapter)

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