Necromancer in another world

Chapter 823 The Temple

Chapter 823 Temple (asking for tickets, asking for tickets)
Leo's face was gloomy, and the others who returned to the formation did not speak.

Although the sudden ground fissure killed more than half of the alien swarms of the Yaqi Empire, Leo's loss was not small. The dragon-shaped mechanical puppets he created were too heavy. The army of tens of thousands is now only With a number of three thousand, no one would be happy about this matter.

Varian looked to the other side of the battlefield, where Rexxar and Saurfang were commanding the Horde's army to wipe out the remaining xenomorphs.

If you want to create such a large-scale crack, you must use the land of the earth, and the shaman is one of them.

Leo's swift and fierce bone dragon army suffered heavy losses in this rift. Even several leaders of the alliance were disgraced under the rift, but the tribe was not damaged at all. In addition, the shaman was unique to the tribe. How does Ann feel that this matter has something to do with the tribe.

The Horde wants to wipe out the Alliance leaders with a surprise attack?
Such doubts are not only shared by Varian, but also by Jean, Scarlett, Magni, Caderos and Mekkatorque, and even Jaina has some doubts.

It's hard to get rid of the suspicion of the tribe, but did they really do it?
Lei Ao forced himself to calm his anger. After thinking about it for a while, he roughly determined the identity of the mastermind behind the scenes, but it was not yet time to conflict with them.

If you dare to plot against me, I will make you pay a thousand times the price!

Making a calm gesture to everyone, Leo said with a sullen face: "The most urgent thing is to attack the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. Who did what happened just now? Let's investigate thoroughly later, how about it?"

Leo, who is the biggest sufferer, has said so, what will happen to Varian and the others?
Anyway, it was Leo's power that was lost. He lost thousands of mechanical puppets and didn't say anything. What can Varian and the others have to say?
To attack the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, the biggest problem now is not the obstruction of the alien swarm, but the huge pit with a diameter of several thousand meters and a bottomless bottom outside the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj.

This big pit just blocked the entrance to the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, so that those who wanted to enter the temple could not bypass it.

If only a small number of strong people can pass through smoothly, the army is absolutely impossible.

Lei Ao stroked the ring of forbidden evil speech in his hand, and various thoughts kept turning in his mind, planning countermeasures together with everyone.

No one expected such an accident. In other battles, the troops could be withdrawn, but not in this battle.

The attack on the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj is a fight for human beings to show their strength and build confidence for the entire human race. No matter what danger they encounter, they must go forward bravely, how can they retreat lightly?
If even a big hole can't be settled, wouldn't human beings become a laughing stock?
"I thought of a way." Jaina's words immediately attracted everyone's attention, and she said, "Didn't Leo lead the lava to the endless sea in the battle of Black Rock Mountain? We reversed this battle." , to draw in the seawater from the endless sea, as long as the seawater fills up the big pit, the mages and I will cast spells to freeze the seawater, and the army will be able to pass through."

This is a good note.

Leo's eyes brightened, and Jaina's proposal was indeed a good solution to the immediate problem.

The desert of Silithus can be hot to death during the day, and can freeze people at night. Now it is a cold night. After attracting sea water, the magic power consumed by the mages to freeze the sea water will not be too large. Complete the combat power of the mage legion at this time. Doesn't cut much.

It is easy to open the portal, Valastrasz, Perision and Hectors can do it, Leo gave an order and three portals appeared in the past.

The big pit blocking the entrance to the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj was big and deep, but it was nothing in front of the endless sea, and it was quickly filled up by the infusion of sea water.

The mage who had prepared the spell a long time ago immediately cast the spell under Jaina's leadership, a layer of ice gradually spread on the water surface, and the sea water began to condense.

"Aha, it's good to have a mage."

Caderos smiled. It is not that there are no mages among the dwarves, but the number is too poor to show.

Humans are better, there are enough mages, and it is really impossible without mages in the current situation.

"Who's going?"

Magni asked a question, and people who don’t know this will definitely be confused.

Varian snorted and walked towards the tribal army formation first.

In terms of enmity with orcs, who can compare to Varian?

As for who is the most suitable to provoke the orcs, who can compare with Varian?

The red face is Jaina, and the black face is Varian. The instigator of this scene was standing aside and was about to start the onlooker posture, when a mental wave that seemed to be absent contacted him.

This is... Flintage? !

Mental fluctuations prove that the kobold geomancer, no, now the kobold geomancer is not dead.

Flintage is alive!

Leo smiled, and his mood improved a lot.

"Where are you?"

"Master, I don't know where this is. There is a lot of earth element power around it. It looks like it should be a temple."

I guessed right.

Flintage's words confirmed Leo's guess. Those guys really did the ground cracking, but they probably didn't expect that Flintage was promoted to a geomancer and had two lives. Unless he and Ossirian is destroyed at the same time, otherwise he cannot be killed.

Obviously, Flintage and Ossirian did not die at the same time when the ground cracked, which allowed Flintage to escape.

"What shall I do now, Master?"

After waking up from a coma, Flintage's mental fluctuations became more and more intense as his energy recovered.

Flintage naturally didn't want to stay longer in that mysterious and unpredictable temple, but he couldn't leave now.Flintage tried, but he was always hindered by a force when he wanted to return to Leo's private space, so he could only choose to ask Leo for help.

"Don't come back yet, check out that temple first, don't be discovered by others."

Leo gave Flintage a mission. Since the kobold geomancer was lucky enough to enter there, it would be a waste of opportunity not to inquire about it. Maybe he could get some extra benefits.

"Yes, Master."

Flintage couldn't disobey Leo's order, even though he felt that being in the unknown temple frightened him, but what else could he do but follow Leo's order?

Fortunately, the atmosphere of the earth element here is strong enough. Even if I don't practice here, my strength is still rising. If I can guarantee my safety, it's not bad.

Thinking of this, Flintage felt a lot more comfortable, and the kobold began his exploration journey in the unknown temple.

Leo is in a very happy mood now. Even the loss of nearly [-] Velociraptors will not affect him. Flintage survived unexpectedly. It will cost them even their underwear.

"Humans, shut up!"

A yell drew Leo's attention from Flintage back to Silithus. Rexxar was glaring at Varian, looking angry that he might strike at any time. Behind this orc hero was A group of equally angry orcs.

Letting Varian taunt the orcs seems to work well.

A gaze looked at him from the blood elf, and Leo followed the induction to look over, just in time to see the playful smile on Kael'thas' face.

The blood elf prince had already guessed the alliance's plan, and also guessed that Leo was the instigator.

Shrugging his shoulders, Leo put on a gesture that had nothing to do with me, his expression was innocent, people who didn't know him would definitely be deceived.

The Horde is passionate and brave, while the Orcs are impulsive and warlike. Their success in this battle is indeed far inferior to that of the Alliance. If the Horde does not have the slightest desire to win, Leo's plan is useless, but who let them have it?

As a tribal camp that has been confronting the alliance for a long time, as orcs who regard humans as their enemies, how can they allow themselves to be compared by humans?

So what if Saurfang and Rexxar can see it clearly, can they forcefully suppress it under the raging crowd?
Saurfang is not Thrall, he doesn't have that high prestige, and Rexxar has left the tribe to wander alone for many years, and his influence is not enough. Can they suppress the orc warriors who have been ridiculed by Varian?

The Kor'kron troops will obey Saurfang, but the Warsong clan will definitely not, and the main station faction, which has been wooed by the Warsong clan, will not show weakness at this time.

In the eyes of those militants who hated humans, they were existences stronger than humans, and when dealing with the Qiraji beetles, their achievements must not be less than humans.

"let's go!"

An orc general angrily led his soldiers towards the temple of Ahn'Qiraj. Saurfang was about to stop him, but several orc generals from the Warsong clan ran up to him to ask for a fight.

He knew in his heart that these people were obviously trying to pester him, but he had to deal with it, because Saurfang understood that once he didn't express his position immediately, they would take his actions as acquiescence, and then it would not be a few brigades who would come out without authorization. Instead, half of the tribe's army stepped forward.

The souls of this group of Warsong clans are weak, do they only think about war, please add to my confusion!
Saurfang was very angry. His teammates didn't cooperate. It was useless for him to see the alliance's intentions clearly. He could only be led by the nose.

Well, those impulsive fools are left to die.

Thinking about it later, Saurfang also gave up on those guys who didn't obey his orders.

This is not a TV series. No general will have a good impression of a soldier who does not obey orders, and will deliberately train him to ask for his relatives.Instead of keeping such people to make trouble for yourself, drag yourself down, and ruin your own affairs at critical moments, it is better to let them taste the pain and know what to do and what not to do.If they die, they just set an example for others.

"Those green-skinned beasts really don't have any brains. Just mocking them will make them excited. A bunch of idiots."

Varian walked back with a proud face, which inspired the soldiers of the tribe to explore the way, and he was in a very comfortable mood.

"Saurfang must have seen our plan, but the people under him are disobedient. Therefore, unity is very important."

Leo did not underestimate the two commanders of the tribe. He knew that this time he succeeded only by taking advantage of the internal contradictions of the other party. It's so stupid, even with the abilities of Saurfang and Rexxar, such a companion can only stare blankly.

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of opponents who are like gods, but teammates who are like pigs.

"Get ready, it's our turn when the Horde's army enters, we don't know what's waiting for us in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj."

 I caught a cold today, and I'm really out of shape, so I can only do two more updates. I'm very sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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