Necromancer in another world

Chapter 825 Hunter and Prey

Chapter 825 Hunter and Prey

The interior of the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj is not as dark as it looks from the outside. When you really step into it, you will find that there is a different scenery here.

A 45-degree inclined tunnel leads underground, with countless glowing plants growing at the top. If there is no miscalculation, these glowing plants are the food source of the beetles.

It is precisely because of the existence of these plants that the beetle people have enough food to survive and multiply, otherwise the beetle people would have starved to death after being trapped in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj for so many years, how could there be so many people?

When the Alliance army stepped into the tunnel dug by the silithid, the Horde army had already left.

The insect corpses seen along the way showed that a fierce battle had taken place here, and the tribe's army would encounter great resistance every step forward in the temple.

Leo was at the forefront of the alliance army, and now he was multitasking. He had to lead the way and drive the Eye of Kilrog, and he also had to take time to pay attention to the battle situation in the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, for fear that something might go wrong with Fuchsel.

"The advance of the tribe is not smooth. Look, the corpses of tribe soldiers will appear every three steps or so."

Based on what he saw in the temple, Varian analyzed that the resistance encountered by the tribe was not optimistic in his opinion.

It's normal for the tribe to not advance smoothly with Oro coming to sneak attack from time to time.

Leo didn't say this, he just thought about it in his heart.

Outsiders had no way of knowing what was going on in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, and it would be too strange for him to act like he knew everything, and it would be impossible not to arouse suspicion at that time.

Afraid of trouble and loving quietness, Leo is unwilling to find things for himself. There are many smart people here, so he doesn't have the leisure to fight wits with these guys.

Thinking of Ororeo makes me feel a little uncomfortable. This earth-boring worm is as cunning as a fox. If it misses a hit, it will immediately run away. It never stays in the same place. It will change positions after a single shot. Saurfang and Lake Sa was mad with anger but couldn't catch him.

Oro is wearing it, otherwise how would he know the essence of Taizu's Art of War?

Leo felt helpless about this trip to the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. Oro actually used the terrain to play guerrilla warfare. Did he make a mistake?
Leo was just expressing emotion, but Saurfang and Rexxar were furious. After all, there were no dead soldiers in the Alliance, but many soldiers died in the Horde.

If it weren't for Varian's provocation, how could the loss of our soldiers be so great?
Cunning human being, the loss you caused the tribe today will be repaid tenfold one day.

Rexxar felt ruthless in his heart, how could his Misha's serious injury not make his heart ache?

Thinking of the attack he encountered just after entering the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, Rexxar was filled with fright and anger. If Misha hadn't blocked the shot of gravel, Rexxar would have been seriously injured even if he didn't die.

Rexxar was not so angry just because he was attacked by surprise. The key is that he is clearly helping the alliance to prevent disasters this time. The alliance will not appreciate him. At this time, they may laugh at him in their hearts. It is too worthless .

Wohuo back to Wohuo, since Saurfang had rushed in, he knew that the Horde couldn't just retreat, so he had to join Rexxar and the two walked at the front of the team and became the second vanguard to clear the way.

"It's great if someone is willing to clear the way for us, it saves my old man a lot of effort!"

Magni was muttering to himself, with that contented expression on his face, he thought he was on a leisurely vacation somewhere.

This is the temple of Ahn'Qiraj, which is full of dangers. I said, can you be more serious?

A group of people gave Magni a blank look, and they were extremely contemptuous of the dwarf king for blatantly pretending to be aggressive.

As he was walking, Leo suddenly said, "The tribe is working hard to open the way ahead, but we are enjoying the rewards, which is not kind enough."

Am I right?
What did Leo just say?

He actually mentioned the word kindness!
He actually appeals to us to be kind!

This kid is not crazy, is he?

Everyone, including Scarlett, looked at Leo like a madman.

Attracting everyone's attention, Leo blinked proudly, and glanced aside.

"Copy guy, go!"

Suddenly, everyone shouted in unison, and the sledgehammer, epee, ice spear and other attacks hit a certain direction at the same time.

The sound of angry insects sounded in the tunnel, and a huge earth-boring insect screamed in pain and was beaten out of its hiding place.

This giant burrower is Oro.

It turned out that what Leo said before was to calmly attract everyone's attention, and then he blinked and looked aside, just to remind his companions that there were enemies hiding aside and preparing to launch a sneak attack.

Oro is really cunning. He has been attacking the tribe's army before and has never attacked the alliance. It is easy to give everyone the illusion that he is concentrating on the tribe. Since he has not been attacked, the defense of the alliance will naturally be Lax, when he suddenly turns to attack the alliance, he will definitely cause heavy casualties to the alliance.

As far as the plan itself is concerned, there is no problem. Oro has a great possibility of success, but he has overlooked one thing, that is, the alliance and the tribe are different.

The commanders of the tribe are Saurfang and Rexxar. The two orc heroes are very strong, but they are far inferior to Leo in terms of spiritual power. The chances of finding Oro in advance are slim.

The alliance is different. With Leo, a demigod warlock, sitting in charge, the powerful spiritual perception belonging to the demigod spreads out. It is not easy for Auror to hide from him.

No, he was discovered by Leo just before he was able to ambush him.

The skin of the earth borer is tough, and it is not easy for ordinary people to injure Oro.

However, it was Varian Magni and other well-known leaders of the alliance who did it, and the weapons of these powerful men were of extraordinary quality. It was still possible to break through Oro's skin and injure him under a surprise attack.

But the effect of this blow is just like this. It can bring damage to Oro, but it is only limited to hurting him, and it cannot seriously hurt him let alone kill him.

Oro has never suffered such a big loss since he was born, and the pain in his body made him very angry.

Whether it is a sneak attack on the tribe or the alliance, Oro is carrying out a cat-and-mouse mentality. For him, there is no difference between humans and orcs. These mortals are his food.

As food, just obediently be teased by him.

As food, just wait silently to be eaten by him.

As food, it should be submissive and not resist.

However, the food resisted, and the food hurt him!

Oro is angry, he wants to kill these bold foods!

Unexpectedly, Oro still came to the door. This trouble was supposed to be solved by the tribe.

"There is a way to heaven, you don't go, there is no way to hell, you break in. If Shartula and the others are still there, you can still cause me some trouble. Now that you are a bare-handed commander, we are afraid that we will not be able to deal with you if we concentrate all our efforts? "

Leo curled his lips, no matter how strong Auror alone is, how could he still defeat so many powerhouses in the alliance against the sky?

Auror, who had officially appeared, hit the alliance powerhouses who wanted to continue to attack it with a blow of sand and dust. Coarse sand and gravel burst out, and each grain was comparable to the attack of a legendary warrior.

so smart!

The people around Oro backed away quickly. They now understood why the tribe's two brigades in a row would be defeated by the group. Even they couldn't bear the dust blow from Oro, so how could the soldiers resist it?
The alliance strongman who injured himself wanted to retreat, but Oro would not allow it. With a swing of his body, he swept out like a thick siege log, and his speed was too fast for people to dodge.

bang bang bang...

Magni and Caderos were hit, and the two dwarf leaders staggered backwards. The situation of Varian and Genn was better. Although the strong force caused them to slide several meters away from the soles of their feet, at least their image was preserved.

As for Scarlett... Do you think Leo is watching the show from the sidelines?

At the moment when Oro was about to hit Scarlett, a palm surrounded by black air pressed down head-on, blocking the blow for the female paladin.

Leo flicked his hand and met Auror's sweep head-on with his demigod hand. The two seemed to be evenly matched, but in fact Leo suffered a small loss.

With one hand touching Oro's fit and ramming, it is clear at a glance who is easier to exert force.

The sweep was stopped, and Oro was about to move when Scarlett's crusader hit him.

Two Ashcandi swords broke through Auror's skin, leaving two scars on his body surface. The sword body was burning with hot golden light and cut into Auror's body. The power of the holy light continued to burn Auror's hard body. Tender meat under the shell.

This injury was only considered a minor injury to Auror, but another attack of pain stimulated Auror, a red light flashed on the earth borer's body, and his already huge body swelled again, and he went berserk.

I knew it would be like this.

Leo scratched his face depressingly. After all, Auror is not a monster in the game. He will not wait until he is beaten half to death before going berserk. Mentally prepared.

Amidst the hissing sound of snakes, a bloody three-headed sea snake entered Oro's sight.

Leo is a demigod pet, Trigore.

Although he only comprehended the single-line law, the demigod of the beast is still a demigod. Facing the threat of Trigolei, Oro dared not be careless. He gave up chasing Scarlett and turned to confront Trigolei.

The enemy's strength far exceeds expectations, and the most correct way is to retreat immediately, and then decide what to do after observing clearly, but Oro, who has suffered twice in a row, doesn't think so.

"If I were you, I wouldn't stay."

Leo said as he stretched out his hand to grab it falsely, and the demigod's hand took it again.

Seeing Leo make a move, Trigolei shook his head after spraying out three arrows of venom, and strode towards Oro with strides.

Compared with human beings, the body of the beast demigod was many times stronger, and Trigolei almost knocked Oro to the ground with this collision.

It wasn't Trigolei's goal to overthrow Oro. Leo gave the three-headed sea snake the task of preventing the earth borer from escaping when he used the demigod's hand to restrain Oro.Trigolei opened his mouth wide, aimed at Oro's body and swallowed it with all his strength, all the fangs in his mouth sank into Oro's body, and the venom injected into Oro's body along the tip of the teeth.

Bitten by Trigolei, you ground borer is like a fish hooked by a hook. Let me see how you escape?
With a Trigolei hanging on his body, Oro couldn't get into the ground, and the way back was cut off.

At this time, Auror not only had to resist the venom of the three-headed sea snake, but also had to deal with the attacks of all the alliance powerhouses, and the situation was extremely critical.

Aurora maintains his strength, and regards himself as a hunter and the alliance as the prey, but he does not know that the hunter and the prey are reconciled - when encountering a powerful enemy, the hunter will become the prey.

(End of this chapter)

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