Necromancer in another world

Chapter 826 The Death of Oro

Chapter 826 The Death of Oro
Trigolei is a beast and demigod. His venom is said to be life-threatening even if a strong person touches it. Oro was injected with venom directly by him, and he can continue to fight like a normal person. His physical fitness is terrifying and he is resistant to poison. The ability is strong, it can be seen.

It's just that Trigolei's venom is indeed unique, no matter how strong Auror is, it won't last long.

Leo is very clear about this. The best thing to do now is to delay the time until Oro gets poisoned, but this is the most ideal situation. Oro is not brainless, how could he not know how to escape?

Trigolei was far inferior to Oro in terms of physical strength, and the three-headed sea snake could only hold the other side temporarily, even if he bit and dragged desperately.

I've dispatched Trigolei, and it's even difficult to keep him. Oro is really powerful. To deal with this big bug, it's too laborious to attack by force, so outsmarting is the best strategy.

It's not that Leo thinks highly of Oro, but that anyone who can make Trigole unable to keep him under the siege of the alliance's powerful players, Leo will value him.

It's just that although Oro is powerful, can he escape with his life when he meets Leo?


Just when Oro was struggling, Leo called out the name of the demigod succubus.

One demigod pet can't keep you, so I'll call another one out to see if you can block the poison of the two demigods who have studied the laws of the poison system!

Trigolei alone can't make Oro fear, but adding Ilsa who is also a demigod is completely different.

One-on-one and one-on-two are two kinds of difficulty. Oro didn't have the strength to resist the combination of two demigods, let alone Varian and others.

Oro is taken aback by Ilsa's presence.

Another demigod!
Using the invisibility talent of the succubus clan, Ilsa had already come to Auror when Leo called her, and when the burrower found her, the barbed bone whip had already been whipped on his body.

The barbs on the bone whip cast poison on Oro, and another poison entered Oro's body.

Poor Oro, he is the only existence that has been greeted by two demigods since the birth of the earth-boring race. However, Oro didn't feel any sense of honor when he encountered this first time.

No matter how strong Auror's body was, he couldn't bear being poisoned in his body by two demigods. The thought of running for his life occupied his whole mind.

Seeing Oro swinging his body desperately to shake off Trigolei, Leo knew that the worm was going to escape, so he didn't do anything else at this time, only kept attacking the worm with his demigod hand.

The big hand surrounded by black air patted palm after palm, creating countless cracks on the carapace on the surface of Oro's body, and even the carapace in many places directly shattered and fell off, revealing the tender meat under the shell.

Oro hated that a human being who was like food in his eyes beat him to such an embarrassment. He had never thought of it before.

Don't let me run away, I'll deal with you when I recover from my injuries.

Leo didn't try his best to prevent Oro from escaping, he just attacked fiercely, and finally gave Oro a chance-after paying the price of several pieces of flesh being torn off, he finally got rid of Trigore's entanglement.

The ground worm knew whether he could escape this move, he ignored the attacks of Varian, Scarlett and the others, and burrowed into the ground as soon as he lowered his head.

"Damn it, he escaped!"

Seeing Oro's body burrowed into the ground helplessly, everyone was full of frustration.

It's not that they didn't try their best, but that this earth-boring worm was too big, they wouldn't take it seriously even if they cut Oro with seventeen or eight knives, the earth-boring worm wanted to escape, and they had no choice.

Oro really escaped like this?
Of course not!
Leo would never leave himself such a scourge.

With Oro watching from the sidelines, a trip to Angela's Temple would be too dangerous.

Just when Oro was immersed in the joy of a smooth escape, a pair of thick hands grabbed him.

There are hidden and powerful enemies underground!

Oro was taken aback, but then felt relieved.

Who is he Oro?
Earth borer!
The earth-boring worm that is best at underground combat!
Who does Oro need to be afraid of in the underground?

And who can scare him Oro?
Just when Oro was content to teach the owner of those arms how stupid it was to ambush a burrower underground, severe pain swept through his brain.

The pair of big hands grabbing his body suddenly exerted force, ripping off Auror's body, and the earth borer was torn in two.

This is impossible!

How could my body be torn apart?

Oro was stunned, he couldn't accept this fact at all.

He is Oro. In the entire Angela Temple, there are only the twin emperors and C'Thun. How could he be torn in two when he was favored by the ancient god C'Thun?
I don't believe, with my body who can tear me apart?

Some people are like this, obviously something has happened, but they just don't want to accept it.

But it's your business if you Oro don't accept it, and the raiders who tore him in two won't stop there.

The vitality of the earth-boring worm is very tenacious, and the broken body is still full of vitality. When it was struggling underground, it made an irregular pothole in the ground. Seeing that he could not die from such injuries, the sneak attacker would not will give up.

Taking advantage of Oro's severe pain and no time to care about him, those arms grabbed him again.

Being caught again, Oro's heart trembled.

Things can't be repeated, if he is torn apart again, no matter how strong his vitality is, he won't be able to bear it.

Oro struggled, but the sneak attacker had already gained the upper hand, so how could he have a chance to come back?

The sound of the object being torn apart came into Oro's head, and then the pain that made him almost faint hit his brain again, and Oro once again enjoyed the feeling of being torn apart by life.

Excruciating pain!


In just ten seconds, he was torn apart twice by life, and his whole body was broken into three pieces. Only Oro could understand how deep the pain was.Even if he was transformed by C'Thun, even if his vitality was extremely tenacious, he still couldn't bear it.

The body fracture caused a large loss of body fluids. Humans see these body fluids as foul-smelling viscous liquids, which disgust them extremely, but for Oro, the earth-boring worm, they are essential substances for maintaining his life.

These bodily fluids are equivalent to the blood in his body. Now that the blood is gushing like a fountain, how can his vitality be guaranteed?

A person will die if they lose too much blood, and so will an earth borer who loses too much body fluid.

Under the ground, invisible to outsiders, a powerful creature quietly passed away.

"The host kills Oro...the item is successfully absorbed, and the host obtains: the shell of the digger, the outer skin of Oro, whether to absorb it?...The extraction skill is successful, and the host obtains a transferable ability: dust impact, whether to extract it?"

Oro is dead.

This huge earth-boring worm was very capable and only played five points before it was attacked and died. It died extremely aggrieved.

"If you're coming head-on, it's not easy to kill you, but you're clearly capable but you always think about sneak attacking, and when the battle goes against you, you want to run away. You don't have the courage to fight the enemy, and you die The aggrievedness is your own fault."

Many people like to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers, but they don't know that pigs can easily take themselves as real pigs if they pretend to be pigs. When they encounter danger and want to turn back into a tiger, they find that they no longer have the sharp claws that belong to a tiger.

Without the courage to face difficulties, without the mentality of facing a strong enemy, and only want to steal, rape, cheat, and opportunistic, such a person is doomed to accomplish nothing.Even if you succeed by chance, if you don't change in time, you will fall into a big somersault at some time in the future, and you will be completely unable to turn over.

It is not easy to kill Oro, not only Varian, Scarlett, Jaina and other alliance powerhouses, but also the four and a half of Leo, Ilsa, Trigole and Anub'arak God's frontal attack plus ambush attack.

Although Oro was defeated, he was not unjustly defeated.

It should be known that not everyone can force so many strong people to join forces.

"Respected master, this worm's body contains strong energy, it is perfect for nourishing the artifact, and the artifact will be able to exert its true function after absorbing it."

Anub'arak's mental fluctuations are full of excitement. Using Oro's body to nourish the ancient Yaqi artifact can have enough energy to exert the power of the artifact. When meeting Vek'lor and Veknilas, he will definitely let him The twin emperors were taken aback.

Using Oro's body as fertilizer to nourish the ancient Aqir artifact and fully stimulate the ability of the artifact, Anub'arak's proposal is indeed attractive.

Originally, Leo wanted to use rebirth on Oro, making this powerful earth-boring worm his thug, but after Anub'arak said this, he changed his mind.

It's just an Oro, Leo's strength has indeed been strengthened with his addition, but when he thinks of the role of the ancient Yaki artifact mentioned by Anub'arak, Leo immediately throws Oro out of the sky.

The ancient Yaqi artifact that can really work is worth many times more than Oro, so how could he do the thing of picking sesame seeds and throwing watermelons?

"Escaped by that bug, we must be careful in the next journey."

Varian didn't know what was going on underground, and he carefully told the herald to make the soldiers pay attention-even though he knew that it wouldn't make any difference whether Auror was really going to sneak attack those soldiers or not.

"Wait!" Leo reached out his hand to stop the herald who was about to be ordered to leave, "The bug is already dead, so you don't need to be too nervous."

The herald was stunned. Everyone saw Oro successfully drilled into the ground with their own eyes. How could Leo say he was dead?
If it were someone else, the herald would ignore him at all, but it was Leo who stopped him, so the herald couldn't believe it.

Leo is the Marshal of the Kingdom of Arathor, and even a demigod that people look up to. His words are highly credible and cannot be questioned.

Varian gestured to the herald to cancel the previous order, and the herald stepped back in relief.

Facing a demigod, the herald felt so much pressure that his back was drenched in cold sweat.

"You let your pet kill that bug? That's great."

Magni looked very happy. No one likes to have a powerful enemy peeping from the dark, and no one likes to beware of a big bug that will appear under their feet at any time when walking.

"Let the soldiers rest, maybe we can catch up with the battle between the tribe and the twin emperors."

Looking at the other end of the tunnel, Leo's eyes were deep, and no one knew what he was planning at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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