Chapter 827
The battle in the depths of Ahn'Qiraj's temples was a spectacle in the eyes of the Alliance, but a disaster in the eyes of the Horde.

After Oro turned the target of the sneak attack to the Alliance, and was tragically killed by Anub'arak's counter-sneak attack, the tribe's way forward without the burrower hindering it became smoother.

A smooth schedule is a good thing, but in the eyes of Saurfang and Rexxar, it couldn't be worse.

Since Oro's death, there hasn't been a single alien blocking the way, let alone the Qiraji beetle. The only explanation for this happening is that the Yaqi Empire has shrunk its troops and taken back all the power in the temple. No longer dispatched in batches.Regardless of the smooth schedule now, when they reached the depths of the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, a fierce battle was still waiting for them.

If the orc generals of the Warsong clan and their supporters had not strongly opposed it, Saurfang and Rexxar originally wanted to stop and fight inward with the alliance, but now there is no possibility, so the Horde went deep alone, The alliance is walking leisurely behind, as if walking.

When they thought that they were fighting life and death in front of them, and it was the alliance that got the cheapest, Saurfang and Rexxar became angry.

If it weren't for the idiots of the Warsong clan, how could they have become pawns used by the Alliance.

Those guys who have no other ideas in their minds except fighting will kill the entire orc clan sooner or later.

Saurfang began to worry about the future of the orcs. Originally, he thought that it was not a bad thing for the orcs to be warlike, so that they could maintain the bloodliness of the race. He didn't have too much prejudice against the Warsong clan. But from his own experience, he can see these crazy things The presence of militants does more harm than good to the race.

"Now that Thrall is still in the position of great chief, those guys from the Warsong clan dare not make any changes. Once Thrall steps down as great chief, where will the orcs go?"

The two orc commanders communicated secretly, both of them were full of worries.

Look at the human side. Although Varian is warlike, his desire for war has not overwhelmed his rationality. Scarlett is hostile to the Horde, but there is a Leo beside her. Gene and the others don't know, Jill The situation in Nice is said to be very bad, but he has the support of the night elves. Look at the three major human kingdoms, which one is not gradually becoming stronger?
The situation of humans is very good, but in contrast to the orcs, the situation has indeed improved under Thrall's governance, but compared with the development of humans, it is too slow.

Lack of supplies, population absorption, barren soil...all kinds of problems plagued the orcs, even with the ability of Ithar, they could only make the race develop slowly.

Unexpectedly, just as the situation improved a little, the militant forces in the clan raised their heads.

The militant faction headed by the Warsong clan clamored to launch a war against the alliance every day, regardless of the situation of the tribe itself. Sooner or later, these people would drag the entire race into the abyss.

When Saurfang and Rexxar led the army into the depths of the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, they found that sooner or later was not appropriate, because they had already been dragged into the abyss by those guys of the Warsong clan.

As expected, there were indeed countless xenomorphs and Qiraji beetle people gathered in the depths of the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. Looking at the dense swarm of worms that completely sealed the entire tunnel, Saurfang sighed. A fierce battle is about to begin.

The reason why he sighed was not because Saurfang was afraid of fighting, nor was it because Saurfang was frightened by the number of enemies, but because he knew that the casualties of orc soldiers would increase again, and the number of orcs would decrease again. It could have been avoided.

If it weren't for Varian's sarcasm, if it weren't for the brainless idiots of the Warsong clan, all losses should be the Alliance's.

Just because of Varian's provocation, and because the idiots of the Warsong Clan couldn't be provoked, the vanguard tribe that attacked the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj became a tribe, and so many tribe warriors who shouldn't have died were buried here.

"Don't let me know who came up with the bad idea. If I know who instigated Varian to do that, I'll take his skin off."

Rexxar roared angrily, wielding his twin axes and charged into the insect swarm.

At this moment, the sound of killing in the temple of Ahn'Qiraj, which had been silent for thousands of years, shook the sky.

"The Horde and the Beetle have fought. If I guess correctly, this army is now the last force of the Yaqi Empire. Saurfang and Rexxar may not be the opponents of the Twin Emperors."

Speaking of the understanding of Vek'lor and Veknilas, apart from Anub'arak, Leo is the only one here.

If Rexxar and Saurfang were a combination of one magic system and one fighter, they might have a little chance of winning against the Twin Emperors, but both of them are fighters who focus on physical attacks. Lore and Viknilas had no chance of winning against each other.

The reason for saying this is not that Leo is deliberately belittling the strength of Rexxar and Saurfang, but that this is the case.

Among the twin emperors of the Yaqi Empire, Veknilas has the ability to be immune to magic effects, and only physical blows can hurt him, while Vek'lor is just the opposite, he is immune to physical blows and can only be attacked by magic.

Of course, the abilities in the game might differ from reality. Without the information provided by Anub'arak, Leo wouldn't be so pessimistic about the two commanders of the tribe.

As a former comrade-in-arms of the Twin Emperors, the Crypt Lord has led Zerg and Troll battles with Vek'lor and Veknilas for thousands of years. It is not a problem to know 90.00% of their abilities unless they are [-]% clear.

The situation of Vek'lor and Veknilas is basically the same as Leo knows, except that their immunity to physical and magical effects is not absolute but relative, otherwise the original troll empire would not be able to defeat them.

However, breaking this relative immunity is not something ordinary people can do. The troll empire that flourished at the time also gathered countless powerful people from the tribe to defeat them. The trolls at that time did not know magic.

According to the information given by Anub'arak, Leo estimated that he would forcibly break Vek'lor's immunity to physical attacks, or gather enough powerhouses to deliver a blow comparable to Gruul's attack on Blade's Edge Mountain. , or let the demigod of Gruul's level take the shot, there is only one other way.

It is impossible for the tribe to use this method, and it is impossible for Saurfang and Rexxar to hit a blow comparable to Gruul. As for the shaman priests in the tribe army, Leo has observed them a long time ago. A strong man who takes the lead.

Because of this, Leo dared to conclude that the tribal army of the Gemini Emperors would definitely be defeated.

What he has to consider now is not the issue of the tribe's undefeated defeat, but when the alliance will make a move.

Should he take action to preserve some of the strength for the tribe before their disastrous defeat, or stand by and wait for the tribe to be defeated.

The current situation of the tribe is very bad. Due to the impulse of the militant faction headed by the generals of the Warsong clan, they have suffered heavy losses and have already hurt the vitality of the orcs. Even if Leo rescued them, Thrall would probably not agree to the Northern Expedition Northrend's plan.

From this point of view, Leo has no reason to save them.

The Alliance did not dare to attack Northrend alone, mainly because they were worried that the Horde would take this opportunity to recuperate. If the Horde lost too much in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, the Alliance would be sure to quell the natural disaster of the undead after they recovered. What's wrong with sending troops to Northrend?
The so-called time changes and the world changes, this time is also the other time, Leo is considering the possibility of changing the plan.

"Scarlett, you said that if the tribe suffers too badly in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, do we still need to worry about them?"

Leo seemed to be asking Scarlett, but he was actually asking other alliance leaders.

Varian and Genn were excited. Hearing what Leo said, it seemed that he had something in mind for the Horde. If he wanted to do anything, they would be very happy.

Hitting people requires slapping people in the face and trampling people to death. Now is the time when the Horde is weak. If the army of Saurfang and Rexxar is also trapped in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, what will the orcs have to fight against the Alliance?

"Leo, do you want to..."

Jaina is worried, now is not the time to go to war with the Horde, and Leo has said before that the Horde will start the war first, did he forget it so quickly?

"Don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong!" Leo quickly waved his hand, he knew that others misunderstood him, "I'm not talking about fighting the tribe, nor taking this opportunity to hurt them, but another matter."

"Do you think that if we sit on the sidelines and allow Saurfang and the others to be defeated by the Qiraji beetles, will the Horde become too weak to cooperate with us in the northern expedition to Northrend?"

It turned out to be the meaning, and Jaina felt relieved when she heard it, as long as Leo didn't want to provoke internal strife in this world, she would not stop it.

"You mean to throw off the Horde and make the Northern Expedition independent of the Alliance?"

Varian, Magni, and the others exchanged glances, and the leaders of the alliance were silently thinking about it, repeatedly weighing the feasibility of this matter.

The destruction of the entire world by the Scourge, the trauma it caused to this world, and the threat to all living things are obvious to all.If it can be wiped out, it is a very good thing, and the glory that the people or races think of and the invisible benefits obtained in this matter are immeasurable.

Who would not wish to receive the praise of the world alone?
Who doesn't want to enjoy the benefits alone?
If the Horde can be put aside, the leaders of the Alliance will be very happy.

"Let the alliance enjoy the glory alone, I have to admit, this is a huge temptation."

Caderos nodded, and the dwarf prince expressed his opinion-he was moved.

"Leo, are you sure?"

Varian and Jean were also moved, but they had to ask again out of caution. The two human kings believed that Leo would not fool them.

"Since I have brought this matter up, of course I am very sure. How about it, everyone, do you want to?"

(End of this chapter)

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