Necromancer in another world

Chapter 835 The first problem

Chapter 835 The First Problem

Legend has it that the ancient gods are light-dark sensitive parasitic symbiotes from the universe. They were defeated by the Titans and cast a curse of flesh and blood on this world. As a result, flesh and blood creatures were able to appear in this world.

What are flesh and blood creatures?
Literally, it means flesh and blood creatures, such as humans, elves, and dwarves.

If the scope is expanded, it is generally understood that animals and plants are all flesh and blood creatures.

It can be said that without the ancient gods, there would be no human beings.

If we go back to the original, human beings should at least be grateful to the ancient gods, not to mention worshiping them, but now they regard the ancient gods as their enemies.


Because the Old Gods had no good intentions.

Casting the curse of flesh and blood on this world, the purpose of the ancient gods is not only to cause trouble for the Titans, but also to absorb the creatures of this world.

Titans made rock creatures, so-called earthen.

The rock creature Old Gods are very difficult to assimilate.

It's like eating. Do you think it's easier to eat meat or rocks?
After transforming rock life into flesh life, stone becomes meat, and it is not only easy but also delicious for the old gods to eat them.

No creature would be willing to be treated as food, especially intelligent races such as humans and elves.

Where there is oppression, there will be resistance, and it is for this reason that human beings are enemies of the ancient gods.

The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj is the place where the Titans sealed C'Thun. As Leo said, this is a prison, and C'Thun is the prisoner in the prison.

The prisoner wants to escape from the prison all the time, but the prison is very strong. He has no way to destroy it at once. He can only use the spirit of the foolish old man to destroy it little by little, making the gap in the prison bigger and bigger inch by inch.

After tens of thousands of years of hard work, the prison finally opened a hole under the constant collision of the prisoners. This hole is enough for the prisoners to use part of their strength.

With these powers, C'Thun controlled part of the Zerg that was defeated by the trolls, and the Yaqi Empire became a pawn in his hands. It was also with this part of power that C'Thun controlled Cho'gall, and the infamous Twilight's Hammer was born. up.

Why the Twilight's Hammer made contact with the Qiraji behind the Scarab Wall, and why the silith didn't attack them, was because of C'Thun.

Now, what Leo has to face is an eyeball of this ancient god...!
The deepest part of the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj is different from the previous narrow tunnels. When you enter here, you will have a feeling of enlightenment—after you get used to the tunnels dug by the similarites, a large square that can't be seen suddenly appears in your field of vision. Everyone does.

In the middle of the square, a purple spherical object stood there quietly.

Looking at the purple ball, everyone's breathing became a lot heavier.

This is C'Thun's eyeball!
The ancient god C'Thun who only exists in legends!
An eyeball is as tall as a five-story building, but how big would C'Thun's body be?
C'Thun has a thousand eyes, so this guy's size is bigger than Gruul's, not to mention that C'Thun's body cannot be composed of only eyeballs.

Thinking of other parts of C'Thun's body, Leo couldn't help but think of the towering tentacles of the Silithus Swarm Pillar.

Maybe I think too much.

Shaking his head, Leo put the thought behind him.


Kael'thas reached out to stop Leo. The blood elf prince pointed to the ground outside the tunnel.

The square outside the tunnel is not an ordinary square, there is no ground there, it is full of dark green liquid.

Since the liquid is calm and waveless, without any ripples, if you don't pay more attention, you will not find that they are liquids, and you will subconsciously think that this is the ground.

Dark green, calm without any ripples, this is a pool of stagnant water.

Do not!
It is definitely not correct to say that it is stagnant water. To be precise, it should be venom, which is extremely poisonous.

Leo has no doubts about the lethality of these venoms. If he accidentally steps on them, even if he masters the law of the poison system, he will encounter great trouble. Even if he can successfully detoxify in the end, his strength will be greatly damaged.

Ke'thun is really insidious, if it weren't for Kael'thas' sharp eyes, maybe I would have been fooled by him.

"This water can't touch it."

The dark green liquid was immediately known to be highly toxic, and it was not necessary for Leo to remind everyone not to touch it, so a big problem arose.

Venom is everywhere outside the tunnel, and this square is a pool of poison.

If you want to fight C'Thun on this poison pool, flying is a must, but looking at the entire team, how many people can fly?

The battle with C'Thun cannot be over in a very short time, even if someone can fly for a short time, it won't help much.Don't say that if you run out of mana while flying and run back to the tunnel to recover, Ke'thun is not a fool, wouldn't he know to seal your retreat?
Moreover, the tunnel is narrow, and C'Thun doesn't have enough room to dodge if he launches an attack here. Who dares to say that he will be able to withstand the head-on confrontation of the ancient god?

What can I do?
No one thought of letting other people go back, they have already come here, and no one else is willing to let people go back, and there is no chance of winning against the ancient god C'Thun with only a few people.

"How about freezing the venom?"

Someone thought of a way to solve the problem of the big pit at the entrance of the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, but he didn't think about it, would the frozen sea water be the same as the frozen venom?

Frozen sea people can walk on it, but can venom frozen into ice really step on it?
The toxicity of the venom cannot be eliminated by freezing it. I am afraid that if you freeze the venom into ice and step on it, your shoes will still be corroded. At that time, you will still be poisoned?

Also, how much effort would it take to freeze the venom here?

Will C'Thun be awakened in the process of freezing venom?
Even if he succeeds in freezing all the venom before C'Thun is alarmed—this is simply impossible, the ice layer will be destroyed when fighting C'Thun, and he still has to face the problem of venom at that time.

The proposal to freeze the venom was rejected, and everyone frowned in thought.

Everyone is very anxious, everyone knows that they don't have much time, C'Thun will wake up at any time, and once that eyeball is opened, the battle will start, and it will be extremely bad if they haven't thought of a solution by then.

While thinking, Leo thought of an idea.

"How big is your gravitational failure range?"

Kael'thas was taken aback for asking this question, and the blood elf prince responded immediately.

With a rough estimate in mind, Kael'thas replied to Leo: "If the depth of this poisonous pool does not exceed 200 meters, I can use up to [-] gravitational failures to draw all the poison here into the air."

Let the venom float in the air by using gravity failure, and then find a way to lure the floating venom away. Without the venom, there will naturally be no poison pool. Without the poison pool, wouldn’t the problem of headache for everyone be solved?
Kael'thas didn't ask Leo's thoughts, since Leo brought up the problem of taking away the venom, he believed that he had his own way to solve it.

"Thirty times..."

Leo rubbed his chin and couldn't help but weigh in his mind. With Kael'thas's current ability, he could cast Gravity Disappear once every ten seconds. If it was only thirty times, it would take no more than five minutes.It is not difficult to have Kael'thas floating the venom, but how to lure the venom to shorten the time is the difficulty, and in the process they must also be prepared to face C'Thun's attack.


Trigolei and Ilsa hesitated to speak, as if they wanted to say something but were worried.

The two poison demigods under his command seemed to have something to say, and Leo's eyes lit up. Could it be that Ilsa and Trigolei have other methods?
He turned around and spit out a word: "Say!"

"Master wants to transfer the venom here to other places, and Trigolei and I can help. Together with him, I can compress the venom into a venom ball and reduce its size, but in this way the venom will contain the law Unless the spirit of the law of the poison system is refined, it cannot be eliminated even after tens of thousands of years, and..."

Speaking of this, Ilsa paused, and the demigod succubus carefully looked at Leo's face and continued.

"And these poisons will continue to spread. Any land where the poison spreads will become a deadly place shrouded in poison. Its area will not be smaller than the sum of the Arathi Highlands and Hillsbrad Hills. Toxic fog, this area will expand by one to three times."

This is a bad idea!

Hearing Ilsa's words, everyone had such thoughts in their hearts at the same time.

The poisonously polluted land will become a dead zone, the area of ​​which is the combined height of Arathi Highlands and Hillsbrad Foothills.

Just ask, how big is the total land of this world?
Worth the sum of several Arathi Highlands and Hillsbrad Hills?


Or eleven?
Excluding the land affected by the poisonous fog, how much is left for the creatures of this world to survive?
Don't say that the alliance won't do this, even if they want to do it, they have to consider the consequences.

Once this kind of thing is done, the night elves, giant dragons and other races will definitely turn against them immediately, and put humans, dwarves, and blood elves into the list of must-kill.

Others think so, but Leo doesn't.

"Venom compression? Very good!" Leo rubbed his chin and opened his mouth before others could speak, "I will send the compressed venom into Naxxramas so that it won't harm the world .”

It would be nice if it sent the venom into Naxxramas.

Isn't it Naxxramas' old job to store venom?
With the size and strength of Naxxramas, as long as it is stored properly, it will not be afraid of the venom leaking out. Besides, Naxxramas can travel through the endless void. If it is impossible, let it throw the venom into the endless void.

As for which unlucky person the venom will harm after being thrown into the endless void, this is not a question that everyone will care about.

Isn't there a saying that goes well: A dead fellow Taoist will not die a poor daoist!
Seeing that the others had no objections, Leo immediately ordered: "Ilsa, Trigolei, you guys just let go and help Kael'thas well, and let me go and play with him when C'Thun is there."

 I haven't played C'Thun, it's a pain to write

(End of this chapter)

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