Necromancer in another world

Chapter 836 Hit the target

Chapter 836 Hit the target
The venom in the poison pool is like C'Thun's beloved cheese. When Kael'thas dragged it into the air with the failure of gravity, and Ilsa and Trigolei compressed it with all their strength, the eyeball standing in the center of the poison pool had movement.

The Old God C'Thun has awakened!
A golden light appeared in the purple eyeballs. This light was so familiar that it shocked all the paladins.

Holy light!

There is no mistake, that is the power of the Holy Light!
The paladins roared in their hearts, they were very familiar with Shengguang, and the paladins believed that their judgment would not be wrong.

The usually kind and warm holy light is so dazzling at this time, so unacceptable, because it appeared on C'Thun.

Aren't the ancient gods all evil? Why does C'Thun have the power of the holy light?
The scene in front of him shook the paladin's heart.

How can the evil ancient god deserve to have the holy light?

How can he have the Holy Light?
How dare he possess the Holy Light?
The power of darkness is the eyeball, and the power of the holy light is the pupil, combining light and darkness into one body, this is C'Thun.

No wonder the ancient gods are called parasitic creatures that combine light and darkness. It turns out that their bodies are composed of two forces of light and darkness.

Leo never thought that light represented justice, and darkness represented evil. In his opinion, both holy light and shadow were just a form of energy expression, and pure energy had no distinction between good and evil. They are all standards set by humans and other creatures according to their own likes and dislikes. This standard is only recognized in certain circles, and it is not a general criterion, let alone recognized by rules.

Seeing Ke'sun waking up, everyone's expressions became tense. They knew that the battle with the Old God had already begun.

At this time, everyone's eyes fell on Leo, because he was the only one who went to entangle Ke'thun.

The three demigods Kael'thas, Ilsa, and Trigolei were trying their best to remove the poison. Mannoroth couldn't fly and could only stand and stare at the entrance of the tunnel, while Sindragosa looked around absent-mindedly.

The blue dragon queen's behavior was very strange. It stands to reason that she should help Leo deal with C'Thun together, but she was distracted at this time.

Sindragosa's eyes wandered around, as if looking for something, which made people puzzled.

Leo didn't have time to pay attention to Sindragosa's behavior, and even if he did, he wouldn't say anything, because he knew that there was a guy who had a close relationship with the Blue Dragon Queen hiding in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj.

Many things are difficult only when you do them.

Don't look at Leo's confidence before and think that he will be easy to deal with C'Thun. In fact, not only is it not easy, but the pressure is as great as a mountain.

The moment Kesuen opened his eyes, Leo, who was closest to him, felt an invisible pressure pressing towards him. Under the gaze of those golden pupils, Leo felt his body was as heavy as lead. , Even moving a finger is extremely laborious.

The spiritual coercion from the superior!

Gritting his teeth fiercely, Leo teleported several times in a row to the back of his eyeballs. During this process, C'Thun's golden pupils kept staring at him.

Seeing that he was attracted to the tunnel with his back in front of him, Leo was determined, so Kael'thas and Scarlett would be much safer.

Now, all he has to do is to hold back C'Thun's hatred and keep him staring at him.

There was a whizzing sound of piercing through the air, and several miserable white bone spears shot at C'Thun with a strong wind, and the golden pupils were exactly the bone spear's target.

A small human not only disturbed his deep sleep, but also boldly attacked himself. Can Ke'thun allow a mortal to challenge the authority of his ancient god?
Of course not!

The golden pupils flickered from dark to bright, and a red light shot out, forming a red light wall in the air.

Encountering this red light wall, the bone spears disappeared in an instant, and they were crushed into bone dregs by the tyrannical energy in less than a tenth of a second under C'Thun's counterattack.

Crushing the bone spear is not C'Thun's goal, and if the Old God's goal is so small, he would be too unambitious.

Killing Leo who dared to attack him as a mortal to provoke the gods was the purpose of C'Thun.

The speed of the red light was extremely fast, and Leo was prepared for it. After casting the bone spear, he teleported away from the spot, and the red light wall only swept an afterimage of him in the spot.

One blow was useless, but Ke'thun didn't give up, and the red light wall kept moving as his pupils turned.

Leo had just recovered from the impact of teleporting and breaking the space when he found a red wall hitting him. He knew that this red light wall was the dark flash of C'Thun, and he would die if he rubbed it next to him. snub?

Teleport again!

The red light wall fell through again.

Teleportation is a good spell, and it is precisely because of it that Leo has the confidence to hold C'Thun alone for a few minutes, buying enough time for Kael'thas to clean up the venom.

Leo turned to another direction, C'Thun was not idle, the golden pupils turned around, and the red light wall swept over again.

Ke'thun knew that spells such as teleportation could not be used continuously. Breaking through space and reaching another place in an instant would be squeezed by the power of space. Even gods with divine bodies would be affected. The only difference was that the gods The upper limit of pressure that can be tolerated is much higher than that of ordinary people.

Ke'suen wanted to fight with him, and Leo expressed his infinite welcome.

His current task is to delay time, and Ke'sun's approach is exactly what he wants.

The red light brought out by the dark flash swings back and forth with Leo's non-stop teleportation. In C'Thun's eyes, Leo is like a slippery flea, jumping around in front of his eyes, constantly provoking him. The majesty of being a god.

How would you feel if a tiny flea was trying to strike at you?
Naturally, she was disgusted and wanted to slap him to death.

The two sides chased for almost 2 minutes, and found that Leo, who was still in high spirits, took the initiative to change the fighting style.

Just after Leo used teleportation again to avoid the dark flash, eight tentacles embracing ten people rushed out from the poisonous pool, trying to catch Leo.


"Get out of the way!"

Seeing eight thick tentacles suddenly appear in the poison pool, everyone standing in the tunnel exclaimed.

If Leo gets entangled by these eight tentacles, the consequences will be disastrous.

Even though Scarlett and the others didn't know the lethality of that red wall of light, they understood that it was definitely not a good thing, so they must not touch it unless it is possible to bang.

Ke'suen thought well, he just wanted to catch Leo by surprise.

If Leo didn't know Ke'sun's ability, he was unprepared for his move, maybe he would really succeed.

But Leo just knew that C'Thun would summon the tentacles to help after he found out that his eyes couldn't kill people, so why didn't he guard against him?
The tentacles approached him quickly, Leo didn't panic at all, he flicked his fingers again and again, eight bone prisons appeared, and the thick pale bone pillars locked C'Thun's tentacles.

The sneak attack of the ancient god was broken by Leo just like that.

Locking C'Thun's tentacles is not the goal. The bone prison can only hold them for a while, and it is impossible to imprison them forever. Once they are broken out, should they continue to use the bone prison?

What C'Thun can summon is not just eight tentacles. If they are not removed in time, the number of tentacles will only increase, and in the end there is no way to hide.

With Leo as the center, a green flame spreads around, poisonous flame nova!

Using poison against C'Thun?
Leo is right?

Don't think that C'Thun controls the Qiraji beetle and Cho'gall, so that he is good at mind control, in fact, he is not at all.

The mind control of the ancient gods will be so one or two hands. When it comes to mastery of mind control, Yogg-Saron is none other than Yogg-Saron, and C'Thun is good at poison and acid.

Poison Flame Nova is a combination of poison and flames. If you want to use poison against the ancient god Kesuen who is proficient in poison, isn't this Lu Ban playing a big ax in front of Guan Gong's door-is it self-inflicted humiliation?

Leo is that stupid?

He didn't care about the poison flame nova C'Thun, the red light wall still chased Leo, but he regretted it within a few seconds.

When the poisonous flame touched the tentacles, it immediately melted into it, like sea water meeting a dry sponge.

Just when everyone thought that Leo's Poison Nova had failed, C'Thun's tentacles began to tremble, and green flames burst out from the inside of the tentacles, and the entire tentacles were wrapped in flames.

Others, including Ke'thun, would be surprised by this result, but Leo felt it was perfectly normal.

Do you really think the green flames are poisonous flames?

Don't forget, there is another kind of flame in the world that is also green, and its name is - evil flame!
Poison Flame is a combination of poison and fire, while Evil Flame contains Poison Dark Fire. The only difference between the two is that the latter has an extra shadow element. However, it is this extra dark element that makes Leo's Poison Flame Nova, , It should be that the evil flame nova had an effect on C'Thun's tentacles, and burned the eight tentacles of the Old God in one fell swoop, causing C'Thun to suffer a small loss.

The golden pupils flickered again and again, and the loss of eight tentacles did not affect C'Thun at all, let alone hurt him.

But the body is not injured, but the face cannot be erased.

Who is he Kesuen?

The tyrannical ancient god, who has the terrifying strength to fight against the titans, has been entangled for so long by an ant-like mortal, and now his eight tentacles are burned by the other party's carelessness, which is too embarrassing.

The ancient gods are also concerned about face. Who makes Ke'thun feel that he is high enough to make any creature in this world look up to him?

If Leo doesn't give him face, he will get mad.

Amidst the sound of Zizi's electric current, the bright white light dazzled people's eyes, and a bolt of light that was as thick as a person hit Leo directly.

C'Thun's move was beyond everyone's expectations. It was really unexpected that this ancient god used lightning spells to attack the enemy.

The lightning spell is famous for its fast speed and strong damage. Not only that, the lightning also has the effect of immobilizing and paralyzing. If Leo is hit by this blow, can he avoid C'Thun's dark flash?

Others must have been tricked, and Leo... well, Leo was also tricked!

Almost at the same time that the lightning hit Leo, the golden pupils turned around, and the wall of red light swept across Leo's body.

C'Thun's Dark Flash finally hits the target!

(End of this chapter)

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