Chapter 837
C'Thun's dark flash hit Leo, and everyone's hearts were tugged.

Can Leo withstand the blow?

I can't stop it!
This is Ke'sun's judgment.

No one knows better than C'Thun how strong the dark flash is. This is a dark light that can defeat even the body of a god. How can a mere mortal like Leo survive under the attack of the dark flash?

Damn mortals, this is the fate of provoking the ancient gods.

The moment the dark flash hit the target, C'Thun felt a sense of joy, and finally he slapped the annoying little flea to death.

Leo is really dead?

How could he be easily injured by thunder and lightning with the Thunder Fury, the divine weapon for controlling thunder, so the joy in C'Thun's heart quickly disappeared without a trace.


The sound of objects breaking was heard, and a humanoid object blocked Leo when the red light wall was about to hit him, protecting him on his body. When the red light wall hit him, C'Thun's darkness Flash returns the same way.

Iron Golem!

It was the long-lost steel stone demon who blocked the gun for Leo.

As an unconventional subordinate, the Iron Golem is rarely used by Leo, and one of the biggest problems is the items required to summon the Iron Golem.

The steel goblins summoned by items below the legendary quality are not very useful to Leo, but how many legendary items or even above legendary items are there?

Even if there is a legendary item, Leo may not be willing to use it. The existence of the Iron Golem is extremely short. The legendary item used as a medium cannot be used for a long time after being used to summon the Iron Golem. If it is not an emergency, Leo How could it be possible to do that.

C'Thun didn't expect that the dark flash would return along the same path. When the red light came, his pupils were still wide open, so the red light shot in very rudely.

There was a sound in Ke'sun's eyeball, as if some hard and brittle object had been hit, and a crack that was too small to be seen appeared on Ke'sun's eyeball.

Stretching out his hand to grasp the medium for summoning the steel stone demon, Leo checked it hastily, and found that there was no crack on it, and he was immediately relieved.

The thing in his hand is nothing else, it is the Qiraji Emperor's weapon that he just got for less than half a day.

Originally, the steel stone demon summoned by the necromancer could only bounce back physical blows at close range, but the one summoned with the Qiraji emperor weapon was different, he could even bounce back long-range blows.

Note that it is a blow, it is not just a magic attack, nor is it limited to a physical attack, but both can rebound.

No matter what method you use to attack the steel goblin summoned by the Qiraji Emperor weapon, he can launch a rebound [-]% of the time. If Leo cooperates with curses such as damage enhancement, the damage that the rebound can cause is stronger than the original version. More than doubled.

Leo gave C'Thun a lot of face, and made the thousand-eyed monster, the ancient god, the first creature to experience the steel stone golem's rebound spell damage.

As early as when Leo and C'Thun were playing chasing and fleeing games, he kept mobilizing his magic power, rang the death bell, and cast curse spells on C'Thun's eyeballs one by one.

Even though the opponent is an ancient god, Leo's curse spell is extremely weak, but no matter what, it can make the opponent lose some strength, right?

When the eight tentacles summoned by C'Thun were burned by him with the fire of evil flames, Leo knew that C'Thun would be furious, and when he found out that C'Thun actually used lightning spells to deal with him, Leo knew Yin Kesuen's chance has come.

Ke'thun is not good at using lightning spells, but why did he use them?
Isn't it because of the speed of lightning spells and the unique paralysis effect of electricity spells?
If you want to paralyze me with a lightning spell, well, I'll do it for you!
That's why Leo didn't teleport in time.

C'Thun's plan can't be said to be impossible. In fact, Leo would never dare to do it if he didn't have an artifact to control lightning.

Being able to overthrow Suen, Sunderland's contribution to Thunderfury is the greatest contribution.

Of course, among the people Leo would like to thank is C'Thun.

Without C'Thun, how would Cho'gall work hard to develop the Twilight's Hammer, without the development of the Twilight's Hammer, how would there be Twilight Bishop Demitrian, without Demitrien, how would Leo be summoned to Sunderland specific method?
What is called cocoon self-binding, this is it.

The Iron Goblin summoned by the Qiraji Emperor Weapon has the same level of strength as Leo—a demigod, and he can exist for up to 30 seconds.

Against other enemies, a demigod who exists for 30 seconds can play a decisive role in the outcome, but against Ke'thun, let alone 30 seconds, even [-] seconds or [-] seconds may not be of any use.

But if the rebounding ability of the steel stone demon is used to injure people, the effect will be completely different. No, Ke'thun suffered a big loss.

While retracting the Qiraji Emperor's weapon, Leo pressed down with one palm, and the demigod's hand slapped it out.

At the same time, with a dragon-like roar, the Chimeroc demigods Lacamera and Lamark joined the battle against the Old Gods.

Another two demigods!

Kael'thas's expression froze, Leo really took the demigod of the Chimeroc tribe under his command.

As the prince of the blood elves, Leo even knew about all the Chimeroks on the Isle of Terror, so how could Kael'thas know about it?
It was not released until now, this kid can really bear it.

Kael'thas knew that Leo kept Chimerok out of the battle outside the temple of Ahn'Qiraj because he didn't want to stimulate the dragon too much.

To drive the Chimelok who is confined to the island of terror by the dragon like a prisoner, is this not a blatant confrontation with the dragon with the face of the dragon?
Leo wouldn't be that stupid, even if this kid wanted to turn against the dragon, he wouldn't choose this time.

To be able to think about this leisurely is not because Kael'thas was distracted, but because he has already completed the transfer of the venom.

With the help of Ilsa and Trigolei, two demigods of the poison system, Kael'thas completed his goal ahead of schedule.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the amount of venom in the poison pool is less than expected.

When Kael'thas said it 200 times, the estimated depth of the poisonous pool was 150 meters. In fact, the depth of the poisonous pool was only about [-] meters.

Looking at Jaina with complicated eyes, Kael'thas said to her: "Let the mage legion of the alliance cast spells to freeze the ground, and the ice layer must be thick enough."

Removing the venom from the poison pool does not guarantee that you will not be poisoned if you step on it. After all, the ground here has been soaked in the venom for too long, so it is certain to be poisonous. A layer of ice must be laid on it to isolate the two sides from contact.

Jaina nodded, turned around and gave orders to the mage army behind her.

The corner of Liadrin's mouth twitched. Others may not have noticed it, but as Kael'thas' most trusted confidant after Lana Thur, how could Liadrin not feel her prince's expression when facing Jaina? That trace of mood swings.

His Royal Highness still can't forget the woman Jaina, will it affect the future of Sin'dorei?

"Liadlin, you arrange our people."

While he was thinking, Kael'thas' order came to his ears, and Liadlin hurriedly put aside his distracting thoughts and concentrated all his thoughts on commanding the army.

The mages were busy, warriors like Varian and Jean were waiting for the ground to be frozen, Kael'thas had already stood on the back of the phoenix, and flew towards the battlefield between C'Thun and Leo.

At this time, the battle between Leo and C'Thun became fierce.

C'Thun, who had suffered a terrible loss, no longer used the dark flash. Being hit by his own attack was uncomfortable. The red light wall did not appear again, replaced by bright white lightning and thick tentacles.

Leo felt that Ke'thun and himself had a tacit understanding, even if they got through in advance, it was nothing more than that.

With Thunderfury in hand, Leo would not be hurt by lightning at all, he only had to deal with C'Thun's tentacles.

Lamak and Lachmera are also not afraid of lightning. The two Chimeroc demigods have the laws of poison and electricity. How can C'Thun's lightning that does not contain the power of laws hurt them?Even the poison carried by C'Thun's tentacles is less threatening to them.

Leo's use of Chimerok, Kael'thas guessed only part of it, the other part is that their attributes can be used to deal with C'Thun's eyeballs.As long as C'Thun doesn't use Dark Flash, it will take a lot of effort to seriously injure or even kill Lamark and Lacamera.

"how do you feel?"

Kael'thas, standing on the back of the phoenix, joined the battle group. The blood elf prince started with an electromagnetic pulse, borrowing the electric element gathered by C'Thun near the eyeball, and gave the ancient god a big blow. hit.

Leo curled his lips, and waved the Thunder Sword to blast out a thunderstorm. In the sound of Zizi's electric current, C'Thun's outstretched tentacles were all turned into coke.

After doing all this, he replied to Kael'thas: "It's not very good."

Now this eyeball is just one of C'Thun's thousand eyeballs. No matter how powerful the ancient god is divided into a thousand, it is impossible to be so strong. Besides, the temple of Ahn'Qiraj is the prison prepared for him by the titans. It also has the effect of suppressing the power of C'Thun.

The tentacles were destroyed, and C'Thun summoned several new tentacles, which felt like the wild fire was burning endlessly and the spring wind was blowing again.

"It's useless to destroy those tentacles, as long as the eyeballs exist, those tentacles can't be killed."

Leo said that the demigod's hand patted C'Thun's eyeball again.

Letting the big hands lingering in the black air pat on the eyeballs, Ke'thun suddenly turned his head and shot a dark flash at Kael'thas.

After attacking Leo for a long time, Ke'thun changed his target.

When C'Thun's pupils turned to him, Kael'thas felt a sense of crisis in his heart. The feeling was so strong that the blood elf prince didn't even think about it, and reflexively used the flashing technique to appear in another location.

The red light missed Kael'thas, but his mount Phoenix was hit.

At this moment, a clear and beautiful cry came out from the red light, and the crimson fire filled everyone's field of vision, illuminating the entire Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, dyeing everything red, the crimson as if The rays of the scorching sun broke through the obstacles and went straight to the sky, completely covering up the rays of light from the full moon in the sky.

The blood elf prince's heart sank, this is too bad!

(End of this chapter)

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