Necromancer in another world

Chapter 838 The strongest is the weakest

Chapter 838 The strongest is the weakest

The mutation that occurred after the dark flash hit Phoenix Ao was surprising.

Just gave you a dark flash, why did you react so much?

Ke'suen was confused, how could a flame-type mount make such a big commotion, could it be that the other party has a strong background?

It wasn't that C'Thun made a big fuss, but that this sun-like crimson light contained a power that shocked him, and this power was enough to kill him.

The only ones who can threaten me are the most powerful among the gods. A mount is a god?

Are you kidding me, I really think the gods are Chinese cabbages on the street!

Doubtful in his heart, Ke'thun didn't dare to act recklessly, his golden pupils opened, with a posture of waiting and watching.

Kael'thas' Phoenix is ​​not easy!

C'Thun was observing, and Leo was also observing. He was quite curious about O's strange behavior after being hit by the dark flash, but he didn't ask.

Everyone has their own secrets, and Kael'thas is no exception.

Since it was a secret, of course he would not tell others easily. If he really wanted to ask Kael'thas, he might not be willing to say it. It would be better not to ask than to embarrass both parties.

As a human being, you can have curiosity, but you can also get a clear picture of the situation.

The dazzling red light gradually receded, and Ao's elegant figure stood in a large group of flames.

C'Thun's dark flash did her no harm.

Phoenix's fire rebirth!
Lei Ao's eyes lit up. He originally thought that Ao was similar to a phoenix in appearance, but there were differences in nature. Who would have thought that it could be reborn from the fire. What is it if it is not a real phoenix?
It's strange, why does a real phoenix appear in this world, shouldn't it be the divine bird circulated in Chinese mythology?

Could it be that there is some inevitability for me to cross over from the original world?
Leo was puzzled, but the current situation couldn't describe him thinking too much. Seeing that Ao was resurrected, Ke'thun didn't burst out with enough power to threaten him. The ancient god launched a dark flash again, and his attack target was Ao, who was reborn after being bathed in fire.

Flapping its wings, easily dodging C'Thun's attack, Ao flew back to Kael'thas.

Has the strength become stronger after rebirth?
Ao couldn't avoid C'Thun's dark flash before, but now it can do it easily. What if it's not stronger?
Not only can it be reborn in fire, but its strength will increase after each rebirth. Such a creature is too heaven-defying!

Well, Leo admitted, he was jealous.

As if aware of their master's thoughts, Lachmera and Lamarque roared in unison. This battle was their first performance after becoming Leo's subordinates. How could an outsider steal the limelight.

The two Chimeroc demigods bit and scratched ferociously, but Ke'thun's eyeball defense was too high, no matter how they attacked each other, they would not move.

It's amazing how hard an eyeball is.

"If you want to defeat C'Thun, you must attack his pupils."

A giant blue dragon appeared on the battlefield at some unknown time. No one knows how he got here, let alone his identity... Wait, maybe someone knows.

People of the Blue Dragon Clan!
Seeing the blue dragon appear, there was a moment of silence on the battlefield. C'Thun's weak point was pointed out and he was shrinking his pupils to reduce the area that could be attacked, while the alliance and the blood elves were wondering whether the dragon finally Can't help but want to make a move.


The appearance of the blue dragon made Sindragosa exclaimed. The blue dragon queen did not expect to see Arygos here.

As far as she knows, the blue dragon prince Arygos rushed into the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj during the Battle of Quicksand, and then the temple was sealed by Anachronos and the other two dragon princes at the cost of their lives .

Thousands of years have passed, and the worms of the Yaqi Empire broke out. Is there any need to say more about the ending of Arygos?
Everyone thought that Prince Blue Dragon was dead, but now he is alive and well, how can it not be surprising?

If other people may still have the possibility of admitting their mistakes, but who is Sindragosa, she is the Queen of the Blue Dragon, will she mistake Arygos?
Hearing someone call out his name, Arygos turned his eyes slightly, and the blue dragon prince couldn't turn his head back.

what did i see
Arygos was stunned when he saw Sindragosa.


I must be dazzled!
Arygos shook his head vigorously, he had the urge to rub his eyes desperately.

The corner of Leo's mouth curled into a mysterious arc, and the appearance of Arygos was as early as he expected.

The blue dragon prince who stormed into the temple of Ahn'Qiraj was not dead, he was very clear about this matter.

After all, the blue dragon is the one that is best at using magic among the five series of dragons. After rushing into the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, Arygos used magic to hide himself after losing to the siege of the Qiraji beetles. Tibet is thousands of years.

Of course, there are other reasons why Arygos can survive so long without being discovered, not just because his magic is strong enough.

A bone spear was thrown at Na Na's golden pupil, followed by a chaos arrow.

Since Arygos said that pupils are the weakness of C'Thun's eyeballs, Leo naturally wanted to give it a try.

No one thought of attacking the pupil before because the dark flash shot out of the pupil was too lethal, and people naturally excluded it as the target of the attack.Who would have thought that the golden pupils that shot out the red light wall that could kill even demigods would be the weakness of C'Thun's eyeballs?

The strongest is the weakest.

The bone spear struck from the air, and C'Thun didn't hesitate to fight back with a dark flash.

Without any accident, the bone spear was crushed into slag by the powerful energy in an instant, but Leo's attack was not stopped just then.

At the moment when the bone spear shattered, a dazzling bright white electric light exploded, and a lightning spear pierced C'Thun's pupils amidst the sound of Zizi's electric current.

The lightning is hidden in the bone spear. When the bone spear hits the target or is destroyed, the elemental power hidden in it suddenly explodes, forming a two-stage attack and causing secondary damage. This is the true face of the bone spear thrown by Leo.

The Thunder Spear cast by the Thunder God Sword Thunderfury has already borrowed the power of the law. Although C'Thun's dark flash is strong, it cannot be broken as easily as crushing the Bone Spear. The Thunder Spear is like a torrent of countercurrent And the small boat on the top—with weak strength but not yielding, broke a gap in the red light wall, reaching the golden pupil.

It's a pity that the Thunder Spear had exhausted its magic power when it reached C'Thun's eye pupil, and it was defeated due to lack of magic power when it was only one step away from hitting the eye pupil.


Everyone lamented in their hearts, it would be a pity if the Thunder Spear could hit C'Thun for another half a second.

A touch of green appeared at this time, it was the Chaos Arrow!
Neither the Bone Spear nor the Thunder Spear were ultimate moves. What Leo really wanted to use to attack C'Thun was the Chaos Arrow that followed.

The Chaos Arrow with extremely strong penetrating power is the gift Leo prepared for C'Thun.

Two green poisonous arrows with magic power compressed into a liquid shot into the golden pupils. The penetrating power of the Chaos Arrows played a role at this time, and C'Thun's pupils were shot through the surface and into the inside.

Seeing this, Leo was convinced, Arygos was right, the golden pupils were indeed the weakest part of C'Thun's eyeballs.

"it is good!"

Kael'thas applauded loudly, the phoenix under his seat sprinkled red flames, and the blood elf prince shot out a magic ball around him under the cover of the phoenix's spell.

A green liquid sprayed out from the wound hit by the Chaos Arrow under the trembling of the golden pupil, it was green venom.

As soon as the venom hit the ground, it corroded the ground into a large pit.

The ground of the poison pool, which can withstand the dark green venom, can't stand the corrosion of these venoms, which shows how violent the poison is.

It is absolutely impossible for ordinary venoms to achieve this step, these venoms must have borrowed the power of laws.

Kael'thas was secretly shocked when he saw this, Leo's comprehension of the laws of the poison system was actually no less shallow than his demigod succubi named Ilsa.

This kid hides really deep!
The blood elf prince was secretly startled, but Leo was not satisfied with it.

Chaos Arrow can no longer be called Chaos Arrow, it should be called Chaos Arrow.

Leo not only mixed his original chaotic energy, but also added poison spells and more powerful death power.

The power of death?

That's right, it is the power of death, the power of death invoked by the law of death.

C'Thun is an expert in poisoning. Leo knew that he was far from him in the field of poison law, and he didn't expect the poison to hurt him. He just wanted to bring him a little trouble. What he had high hopes for was death Power.

But he waited and waited, and it seemed that several seconds had passed. Ke'suen seemed to be a normal person, and he was not affected at all. Why not let him down?

The law of death is the supreme law, and Leo has no doubts about this. The reason why he failed to play a role on C'Thun can only be attributed to his own understanding of the law, and he cannot use this to hurt the ancient god.

Just when Leo was about to continue casting spells to fight C'Thun, Goldfinger's roar sounded in his head.

"You are crazy, why use the power of death to deal with C'Thun?"

Leo, who had never encountered such a situation before, was taken aback. What was the reason for Goldfinger's angry tone?
"I told you a long time ago that the ancient gods have melted themselves into this world and become part of the rules of the world. If you want to kill them, you are destroying the rules of this world and causing the world to collapse and die. You actually used the power of death to Do you want to use your strength to deal with C'Thun, do you want this world to die?"

Leo got it.

Why doesn't the power of death work on C'Thun?
This is not because the power of death cannot affect C'Thun, but because C'Thun is a part of the world. If you want him to die, you must kill the world. Can Leo destroy this world with his current ability?
Not so far!

If you want to kill C'Thun, you have to destroy this world, so why kill?
"I understand how Titans felt back then."

Leo stroked his forehead and was speechless, so what if he knew Ke'thun's weakness, if he couldn't be killed, should he continue to seal it?
To seal C'Thun, you have to use the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, but who knows about the seal of Titan?

(End of this chapter)

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