Chapter 849
What Leo hates the most is the guy who sneakily plots against him, and he never gives any good looks to this kind of person.

When a group of strangers who had been hiding nearby but pretended to have just arrived appeared, his expression suddenly turned cold.

Sindragosa would not change his actions until he received Leo's instruction to stop. An ice spear as thick as a siege log was aimed at Mizrael's head, although the frozen Princess of the Earth could not move. But the perception still existed, sensing that Sindragosa's blow was enough to inflict a fatal blow on himself, Mizrael struggled desperately.

Click!Click! ...

Under the full impact of Princess Earth, cracks appeared in the ice covering her body.

Isn't it too late to struggle now?
Sindragosa is very confident in the ice spear technique he cast. In fact, if Misrael's head is really stabbed by the ice spear, he will die on the spot. It's just that some people don't want to watch the princess of the earth die. The strangers who came all shot together, dozens of earth shocks deflected the blue dragon queen's ice spear, and the tip of the spear rubbed against Misrael's head and pierced into the empty space.

Seeing this, Lei Ao shouted angrily: "Who dares to spoil my business?"

The tauren who walked in the front hastily explained: "Please forgive our recklessness, respected Your Excellency the demigod. My partner and I are just impatient. That is the princess of the earth, Myzrael, you cannot kill her."

"Princess Earth, tsk tsk, what a big deal!" Leo had a frightened expression on his face, but the words in his mouth were completely different, "An existence that has been corrupted by the power of darkness is because she is Princess Earth If you can’t kill me, who do you think I am? For such a degenerate creature, the higher the identity and the stronger the strength, the greater the harm it can cause. If you don’t get rid of her before she brings harm to this world, why do you still want to kill her? Waiting for someone to kill him before taking action?"

Hearing what Leo said, the tauren became anxious, and he quickly shouted: "Your Excellency Leo, please listen to my explanation."

Glancing at Misrael, who was being bombarded with magic by Sindragosa, Leo asked the tauren, "What do you want to say?"

Fortunately, he didn't do anything directly.

Leoken felt relieved when he heard his words, but just as he was about to speak again, Mizrael shouted in a tone full of resentment: "You damned flesh and blood creatures, I will kill you all."

The tauren was immediately dumbfounded. What is Misrael doing? Are all elemental creatures so brainless? Does she know what the consequences of saying this will be?
Leo laughed, Misrael is really too embarrassing, you should wait for that tauren to finish speaking, you make it so that no one has a chance to save you.

It's still the same sentence, self-inflicted, can't live.

"You heard that, she has been corrupted too deeply by the power of darkness and is beyond salvation. Now you just stay aside obediently, and don't blame me for being rude if you make trouble again."

After speaking, Leo turned around and ignored the tauren.

Seeing what Leo said so decisively, the Tauren showed anxiety on his face.

He has also heard about Leo's behavior. Once this human warlock confirms that someone is an enemy, what awaits him is a ruthless and violent attack. In the eyes of this powerful warlock, the word "mercy" is completely unnecessary. Killing to stop killing is his usual attitude towards the enemy.This attitude did not change when he was still weak, and it is even less likely to change now that he has strong strength.

When the angry Misrael meets the Blue Dragon Queen, if Princess Earth's power is at its peak, she will not be at a disadvantage, but she is in a weak state after her imprisonment, and her strength is only one-fifth of that at its peak. An opponent of Sindragosa?

While Leo was talking to the Tauren, Princess Earth was beaten into a terrified state by the spell of the Blue Dragon Queen. She could only resist, and couldn't even fight back except cursing.

Cursing people is not a skill, it is a real skill to beat someone well.

Mizrael's scolding doesn't help her current situation, and with Sindragosa's state of mind, the little scolding doesn't affect her at all.

The blue dragon queen's magic one after another, ice gun, ice ball, blizzard... After a heavy blow, the flying ice fog will reduce the temperature of the entire battlefield by [-] to [-] degrees. A thick layer of cotton coat is not acceptable.

"This human is not going to listen to our explanation at all, do you want to do it?"

"Don't be impulsive! We have no chance of winning if we fight, and now is not the time to fight against him. Don't ruin the big thing and make him wary."

The tauren and his companions communicated with each other, although their actions were secretive but could not be hidden from Leo, who couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

A group of self-righteous gophers, if you are not so useful, I will kill you now.

"Your Excellency Leo!" Seeing that Misrael was in a bad situation, the group of strangers couldn't help it, and it was still the tauren who came forward, "Misrael has a special status, please be merciful, we will think about the dark power in her body." There is a way to clear it."

Leo curled his lips, and said to the tauren with dissatisfaction: "In my eyes, there is no difference between fallen creatures. I don't care if she is an earth princess or an earth sow. Since she is fallen, she must die. The earthquake has caused me a lot of trouble. Not the slightest threat, but the people of Arathor are different, not everyone can have the power of a demigod like me."

"Your Excellency Leo, I promise that nothing like that will happen."

The tauren said for sure, but Leo didn't believe him at all.

"You promise? What do you guarantee?" With a cold snort, Leo pointed to the companions behind the tauren, "The warriors of the Shuharu clan, do you think it's because of your companion's shrunken appearance? , I will rest assured to you strangers? Just based on your behavior just now, I would not be too much to kill you."

The face of the tauren changed slightly. The identities of the people behind him were special, so they covered up their true faces with magic. They thought that Leo would not be able to find out, but the other party saw through the mystery at a glance.

"You dare to insult us?"

The companion who was repeatedly made things difficult for the tauren by Leo couldn't bear it anymore. As soon as he said something, the tauren said inwardly.

Didn't I tell you to keep your mouth shut? If you can't speak, just keep your mouth shut. I don't know if this demigod magician is soft or hard?
Sure enough, the tauren's premonition was correct, Leo immediately lowered his face, the demigod pressure descended on them, and the tyrannical mental power locked them.

Is Leo going to do it?
The tauren thumped in his heart. This master has always been merciless, so if he classified him as an enemy, he would be waiting to be the target of beatings.

"Wait, this is a misunderstanding!"

The tauren tried to explain, but Leo spat and said with disdain: "Dissatisfied with me? What is the clay council?"

The heart of the tauren and his companions skipped a beat.

What did Leo say just now?
He mentioned the Clay Council!

Could it be that he already knew about our existence?

Several people stared at each other in shock. They asked themselves that they acted secretly, kept a low profile and never revealed anything. How did Leo know their identities?

"If you don't want people to know, you have to do nothing." As if knowing their shock, Leo raised his index finger and shook the clay council members, "Rexxar has been wandering in Desolace long enough, I don't know I would believe that he was hanging out there, tsk tsk, I don’t know how he connected with you, could it be because of the princess in Maraudon? The Clay Council, the Ring of the Earth, an incredible organization.”

Looking at the playful Leo, the members of the Clay Council didn't know how to answer.

As expected of the human race's once-in-a-thousand-year genius, Leo's head must be spinning too fast.

In fact, as Leo expected, it was Rexxar's perennial wandering in Desolace that attracted the attention of the Clay Council, and it was through Rexxar that they had a deeper understanding of the current tribal chief Thrall, thus Decided to help him be that candidate.

This matter is a secret among them, but Leo only found out their identities from Rexxar wandering in Desolace and Maraudon in Desolace, and even confirmed which camp they tended to. The keenness of insight is astonishing.

"The alliance's intelligence system is really powerful. You are worthy of being a former member of MI[-]. That's right, we are members of the Ring of the Earth." After being exposed by Leo, the tauren admitted his identity , "Our organization serves the earth, so we cannot let Princess Myzrael die."

Leo did not go after the other party even though he admitted his identity. His purpose was not to get entangled in the identities of these people, but to get what he wanted from them.

"Your request...I! Reject! Reject!"

It's too embarrassing!
Several members of the Ring of the Earth were in astonishment when Leo explained the reasons for their refusal.

"I suspect that the land fall outside the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj was caused by Mizrael. You know that I suffered heavy losses in that land fall, so I can't express my anger."

"No, definitely not her."

"How do you know it's not her?" Leo stared at the tauren with a serious tone, "Could it be that you are the main messenger of the subsidence?"

Meeting Leo's gaze, the tauren felt as if he was being targeted by a predator, and the cold sweat dripped down his face.

I'm afraid this human warlock has been suspicious of us for a long time.

No, we cannot make him our enemy, at least not at this time.

"Are you acquiescing if you don't speak?"

Leo had already held the disintegrating staff in his hand while speaking, but the tauren quickly denied it.

"Trust me, we never did that."

"So, it was Mizrael who caused the sinking."

Anyone's first reaction when their conspiracy is exposed is to deny it. Leo smiled like a fox watching its prey step by step into its trap.


The tauren was at a loss for words.

At this moment, a companion behind him spoke.

"We believe that the maker of that landslide was not Princess Myzrael, but she was also at fault. The previous earthquake caused considerable damage to Arathor, and the Clay Council is willing to compensate."

Be a smart guy.

Leo glanced at the man with admiration, and then took out a magic letterhead and wrote on it with magic power. After writing a whole piece of paper, he handed it to the person in the ring of the earth.

The tauren's face turned green when he saw what was written on the letter.


Hong Guoguo's robbery!
Why don't you go grab it?
No, even if you rob it, you can't make such a profit!

Look at what is written on it: [-] cores of the earth, [-] essences of the earth... Do you think this is a Chinese cabbage on the street, and you can have it if you want it?

One hundred cores of the earth and five hundred essences of the earth, even the ring of the earth that can penetrate deep into the ground, would take 20 years to collect. These are just two of them, and there are dozens of precious materials left. The materials add up to buy five Stromgarde castles and there are still leftovers.

"Your Excellency Leo, your conditions are too harsh."

The tauren gritted his teeth and said this, but what responded to him was Leo's eyes looking at a fool.

"You have to make it clear that you are the ones begging me to let Misrael go. The relationship between us is not equal. You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me. Promise me or watch me kill her, the decision is up to you." Speaking of this, Leo shrugged, "Of course, you can also choose to stop me. Do you want to try?"

After a long silence, the previous member of the Ring of the Earth said to the Tauren: "Promise him."

Although the voice was small, it couldn't be hidden from Leo's ears. Someone smiled happily, what is a rare commodity, this is it!

"I like to pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the other. You'd better hurry up. If I can afford to wait, I'm afraid that Misrael won't be able to hold on. If my subordinates lose their hands, the deal will only fall through."

Today I will charge a small interest, if you dare to play dirty with me, you will cry in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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