Necromancer in another world

Chapter 850 Flintage's Adventure

Chapter 850 Flintage's Adventure

A chaotic world never lacks crazy guys, just like Leo back then, when he was at the legendary level, he was playing the idea of ​​the blood god Haka.

Crazy and bold are not Leo's patent. Since he dares to think like that and put it into action, why can't others?
Hugh said that Leo is only a demigod now, even if he becomes a god, someone will use his brains, so Leo is not surprised by the small actions of the ring of the earth.

Speaking of the Ring of the Earth, the existence of this organization has great positive significance, and they have contributed a lot to this world.

The establishment of the Ring of the Earth was initiated by the tauren, and its purpose was to appease the anger of the elements in order to make the world more orderly.

As in most cases, bad ideas, when they arise, are good ideas born to solve a problem.

The original intention of the Ring of the Earth was good, but the world is as fickle as people's hearts. Now the Ring of the Earth has changed a bit, at least in Leo's view.

As more and more orc shamans joined the Ring of the Earth, this supposedly neutral organization inevitably became biased, especially now that the Alliance was far superior to the Horde and the balance between the two factions had been broken.

It's not that Leo is prejudiced against them, but it's the fact that the shamans of the Ring of Earth have their own races. The orcs and tauren are all members of the tribal camp. How can they sit back and watch their race be at a disadvantage?

In some major events, the first thing they consider is the candidates from the Horde. As for the Alliance... let's wait until everyone in the Horde loses the election.

The organization has no camp orientation, but the people who make up the organization are divided into alliances and tribes.

Watching the people of the Ring of the Earth leave with the bound Misrael, Leo curled his lips, seemingly disdainful.

A bunch of gophers, do you really think I don't know what you're up to?
Isn't the purpose of putting so much effort into the relationship with Serazan is to be the guardian of the earth?
You think you have the plan, you think you keep the alliance in the dark, but you don't know that I have already seen everything.

"Guardians of the earth, those who have no owner can get it. What qualifications do you have to accept it privately, thinking that you are a titan? I want to fight for it. After all, I am also a shaman."

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. As the future prince of Arathor and a human demigod, Leo has a pivotal position in the alliance, whether it is for himself, for the entire human race, or even for the interests of the alliance , he has to fight for it.

The so-called people can't help themselves in the rivers and lakes, isn't this a portrayal of it?
"Master, do you want me to follow and kill them?"

Sindragosa whispered in Leo's ear, the Blue Dragon Queen doesn't care about the ring of the earth or the ring of the earth, she will make anyone angry who makes Leo angry.

Shaking his head slightly, Leo signaled Sindragosa not to do so.

"Using people's money to eliminate disasters with others, but then regretting it after receiving the money, I can't do such a thing."

It's beautiful to say, but you really can't do it?
Arygos was skeptical about this, who made Leo give him such a bad impression.

Leo didn't have the time to pay attention to what was going on in the blue dragon prince's mind. He told Sindragosa, "Tell Adelaide that I have eliminated the source of the earthquake, and let him deal with it in Stromgarde. Gotta go to the Eagle's Nest."

Now that he has come out, Leo is not planning to go back to Stromgarde, and he will solve the problem of the Wildhammer dwarves first.

Nefarian flew Leo to the Hinterlands, the Black Dragon Prince was the coolie, and Leo was the one enjoying it.

The appearance of the Ring of the Earth reminded Leo of his pet, the geomancer Flintage.

The poor kobold has just been promoted, and he was slain. It is tragic enough for a person to be in an unknown temple, and now he is almost forgotten by his master. Who can be more miserable than him?

If the word miserable is used to describe the current Flintag kobold fortune-teller, he is not happy. If you use it as a blessing in disguise, he will agree with it.

It wasn't that Flintag was reassuring himself, but that was the truth.

In the temple where the concentration of earth element is dozens of times higher than that of the outside world, Flintage's strength can only be described as advancing by leaps and bounds.

Flintage, who was exploring the empty temple, was worried at the beginning, for fear of bumping into some powerful beings, but after he checked the entire temple, he found that there was no one else here except him. The fortune-telling master suddenly became bolder.

There is no one in the temple, and Leo is not allowed to go back. Flintage can only practice with the help of the rich earth element here, and this practice surprise comes.

When he gathers the earth elements, the surrounding earth elements are like iron filings attracted by a magnet, they come so quickly.

Flintage was taken aback. He had never encountered such a thing before. The kobold was a little surprised. After careful inspection, he found that there was no discomfort in his body, and he finally felt relieved.

Only with peace of mind can he continue to practice. After practicing calmly for several days, his strength has increased a lot, and Flintage finally confirmed one thing-one day of practice in this temple is equivalent to one year of his practice outside.

What is the concept that spending only one day is equivalent to someone else's year?
This discovery made Flintage turn over several times.

It's not that Flintage is ignorant, but that the temple came so timely that he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

As Leo's subordinate, Flintage is under a lot of pressure. His master's strength has improved so quickly that all those who follow him have to work hard to improve their strength so as not to be marginalized.

Flintage, who originally had a place in Leo's camp, is gradually losing his status. This situation is especially serious after Leo's promotion to demigod.

Although Flintage was promoted to a geomancer and obtained Ossirian as his avatar, but his strength has not really set foot on the demigod, he still dare not relax in the slightest. Under the halo of demigods such as Sha, a mere geomancer is really not very good.

Sometimes Flintag feels that it is not that he is too weak but that Leo, the master, is too perverted. He has tried his best but still cannot catch up with Leo. Not only that, but the gap is getting bigger and bigger The bigger it is, the more depressing it is.

It's all right now, as long as you stay in this temple for a few more days, your strength will rise upwards.

The overjoyed Flintage summoned Ossirian to start a crazy journey of cultivation.

How about having a clone? Flintage and Ossirian practiced at the same time, and both of them are increasing in strength, and they are essentially the same person, and Flintage's strength rises twice as fast.

One day is equal to two years. With such a perverted cultivation speed, if the kobold geomancer's strength cannot achieve leapfrog growth, he should find a piece of tofu and kill him head-on.

When Leo was worrying about whether to go to Stranglethorn Vale or Eagle's Nest Mountain, Flintage's strength had reached the peak of legend, and he could be promoted to demigod only by touching the law.

It's a pity that touching the law is not so easy. If it were so easy, countless geniuses would not stop at legends.

With Flintage's aptitude, unless he is lucky enough to go against the sky, or get a demigod that matches his attributes as his avatar, it's hard to count on him in this life.

Speaking of luck, this illusory thing is really wonderful. It has the power to turn decay into magic, and it can make the impossible possible.

This time, Flintage's personality exploded, and he ran into heaven-defying luck.

After reaching the peak of the legend, Flintage's strength did not stop. He found that the power of the earth element absorbed by him in the temple had an inexplicable power, allowing him to break through the limit and use the power of the law as a legend. And this law is the law of the earth system in the high-level laws-it can infinitely borrow the power of the earth to strengthen itself and attack the enemy.

This discovery made Flintage really crazy, and the kobold geomancer's inner joy was no less than the promotion in front of the temple of Ahn'Qiraj.

Even if I'm only at the peak of the legend, I can use the law, and my combat power is no worse than that of a demigod. Finally, I don't have to worry about being marginalized. I can still occupy a place in Master Leo's lineup.

The excited kobold geomancer passed the news to his master, Leo, and what happened to him immediately caught Leo's attention.

What happened to Flintag when he was able to use the law at the peak of the legend?
Sitting on Nefarian's back, Leo couldn't stop thinking, but he knew very little about this information, and couldn't figure it out.

It's a good habit to ask if you don't understand. Leo doesn't know what happened to Flintage, but he knows that there is a guy who must know what's going on.

"Don't worry about this, your pet is very lucky." Goldfinger's voice sounded in Leo's mind, "Do you know what he got? A priesthood, a priesthood that makes the gods crazy!"


Leo blinked, not quite understanding.

"The gods are also divided into levels, and their levels are stricter. You should be aware of this."

Of course Leo knew that for the same gods, the difference in strength could be unimaginably large, otherwise Leo would not have given up the two chances to ignite the divine fire in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj.

"Among the gods, besides their own strength, there is another way to improve their abilities, and that is to have a priesthood. A god who has obtained a priesthood has a power bonus within the scope of his position, and can mobilize several times or even dozens of times his own power. This shows how powerful the priesthood is. However, the priesthood is limited, and if you want to get it, you must fight for it, and the battle between the gods often arises from this."

After Goldfinger's explanation, Leo understood that if the priesthood is understood as an official title, obtaining the priesthood is equivalent to being an official, and he has great power within his jurisdiction.

Those with priesthood are officials, and those without priesthood are farts. How can a small fart fight against officials and masters?
The gods are also so vulgar.

Leo curled his lips. What he is now curious about is what kind of priesthood Flintage has obtained.

"The priesthood obtained by your pet used to be part of a powerful priesthood, but its previous owner abandoned it. Now this part of the priesthood has become independent. This part of the priesthood is the part of the earth priesthood that is dedicated to guardianship."

"Wow!" Leo whistled, "So Flintage's priesthood was born out of Deathwing? Isn't Deathwing a demigod?"

"Demi god?"

Goldfinger's voice sounded again, and Leo felt a hint of ridicule from it, but of course it wasn't aimed at him.

"Do you think demigods can transcend the rules? The so-called five-line dragon king's ability to transcend the rules corresponds to the five priesthoods. These priesthoods are owned by this world. Once disconnected from this world, the priesthood can no longer be used. The effect, those five idiots really thought it was the ability bestowed on them by the Titans. If the Titans could really bestow priesthoods, the universe would have been dominated by them long ago."

Goldfinger commented on the Dragon Kings of the five series: "A group of bumpkins who have never seen the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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