Necromancer in another world

Chapter 852 Will It Be Wonderful

Chapter 852 Will It Be Wonderful
What is an accident?

Literally understood, that is unexpected.

Leo hadn't expected the matter of the Timbermaw furbolg at all. He didn't expect the elemental gods to be so ruthless, giving up on the Timbermaw tribe who had dedicated tens of thousands of years of faith to them.

No wonder the elemental gods can't gain the belief of higher intelligent races like human elves. With their style of taking what is good and turning their backs if it is not good, others still stay away from it with respect?
Knowing the situation of the Timbermaw furbolg from Nalorak, Leo began to think.

Unlike the elemental gods, Leo will not abandon his allies in the same camp like shoes. The Timbermaw furbolg is the ally he found. Now that the other party has something to ask him, Leo will naturally plan for them with all his heart.

In fact, I am a very kind person.

Someone says so about himself.

As Timbermaw furbolgs who have served the elemental gods for many years, their beliefs are undoubtedly pious. However, such a race was abandoned because they had no value. The anger in their hearts can be imagined.

Betrayal is the most unacceptable thing for human beings. The actions of the elemental gods are quite despicable. When the Timbermaw furbolgs are most in danger and need help, they just don’t lend a helping hand. They can't afford it.

What kind of gods, such despicable things are simply not a thing.

What makes Leo despise the elemental gods even more is that they have given up on the furbolgs but still have the face to absorb their beliefs. A reason to fire him to avoid overtime pay as unscrupulous bosses?
Encountering this kind of thing is even more infuriating than a bad writer meeting a bastard who came to your book review area to show his superiority after watching pirated websites.

Poor furbolgs, this kind of thing has made them suffer, and no one is more unlucky than them.

With emotion in his heart, Leo's mind kept flashing, and his absent-mindedness caught Branigan's attention.

"What's the matter, Brother Leo?"

The dwarf warrior approached with his mouth full of alcohol, and Leo, whose train of thought was interrupted by him, was not angry but laughed instead.

Maybe it can be done.

Leo whispered in Branigan's ear, and the dwarf warrior seemed to think of something after hearing what he said, and his drunkenness faded away.

"Wait, I'll go talk to the patriarch."

After Branigan finished speaking, he turned and ran towards Kaderos. The two dwarves got together to discuss in a low voice. The drunken Kaderos's face gradually lit up. With the discussion with Branigan, the dwarf prince The drunkenness has already woken up more than half.

Leo, who had been watching him all the time, said in his heart: There is a door!
He waved to Leo, and when he came to his side, Caderos asked: "Is the matter of the Woodmaw furbolg true? If they are desperate and Eagle's Nest Mountain does not object to their coming, they can live with us." For a period of time, it will be convenient for them to find a place to live in the Hinterlands."

The Hinterlands are mostly unowned lands, and there are also many places occupied by trolls. If the furbolgs want to obtain a habitat here, they will inevitably conflict with the local trolls, and the trolls are barbarians. Hammer the enemies of the dwarves, and Kaderos could only wish for someone to take the pressure off them.

Multiple incense burners, multiple ghosts, multiple gods and Buddhas, multiple pillars of incense.

If the furbolgs come to the Hinterlands and successfully gain a foothold here, the resources of the Hinterlands will inevitably be divided by them. Kaderos offered to let the furbolgs move here, which shows that the situation of the Wildhammer dwarves is Really bad.

If the pressure had not been too great, to the point where they could no longer handle it with their own strength, the Wildhammer dwarves would not rush to join the alliance, let alone invite the furbolgs to Eagle's Nest Mountain.

"You mean to let the Timbermaw furbolg migrate to the Hinterlands?" Hearing what Caderos said, Leo showed a surprised expression on his face, he seemed very hesitant, "Prince Caderos, I know the Wildhammer tribe is passionate They are very hospitable and generous to their friends, but should you reconsider this matter, after all, the impact of moving an entire tribe on the Hinterlands is not small."

Don't think that the number of Timbermaw furbolgs in distress is so small now that they will always be so small, but it is not the case.

As long as a race has a suitable environment, reproduction and development are inevitable, because survival and reproduction are the most fundamental driving force of a race, and only by surviving and multiplying can this race thrive.If even such desires are restricted and suppressed, the prospect of this race is really worrying.

Once the Timbermaw furbolgs settle in the Hinterlands, their number will inevitably increase without the harassment of demons, and then the resources they need will continue to increase, and the total number of resources in the Hinterlands is fixed. The increased resources of the Wildhammer dwarves will definitely be affected.

Some things must be said first, otherwise if something goes wrong in the future, won't Leo be involved?
Besides, Leo's purpose is not to move the Timbermaw furbolg to the Hinterlands.

Caderos hesitated. Didn't the Wildhammer dwarves occupy the land entrance of the Hinterlands in order to enjoy the resources of the Hinterlands exclusively?
As long as the trolls who have been against them in the Hinterlands are cleaned up, this land, which is not much smaller than Dun Morogh, will become a place for them to multiply their races, and the migration of the furbolg race to the Hinterlands will bring another variable. , it might bring great trouble to the Wildhammer tribe in the future.

What a headache!
Caderos rubbed his nose in distress. Before, he and Branigan only thought of the benefits of the bearman's arrival but didn't worry about anything else. After Leo said this, he couldn't make up his mind again, but he couldn't say anything. Half a minute, can it be taken back like this?
Isn't this slapping yourself in the face!
It's not that Caderos and Branigan do things without thinking, but that they are under too much pressure. The situation of the Wildhammer tribe is too bad. They will try any method that can help them share the pressure.

Caderos' troubles were clear to Leo. Seeing the embarrassment on the dwarf prince's face, he said his plan: "The furbolgs are in a critical situation now, and they can't stay in Timbermaw Fortress anymore. Let them come to the Hinterlands." No, I have prepared a place for them, but this matter needs the help of the warriors of the Wildhammer tribe."

Hearing that Leo had an idea, Cuderos and Branigan both came to be interested. They wanted to know how Leo would arrange the Timbermaw furbolg, and what help the Wildhammer tribe needed in it.

"You must be aware of what happened in Broken Ridge in the Alterac Mountains recently. Driven by money, the mercenaries have killed [-]% of the ogres there. will become history."

Leo did not continue when he said this, although Caderos and Branigan had already understood his plan before he finished speaking.

The matter of Broken Ridge was planned by Leo. It was he who spent so much money that the mercenaries flocked to that cold place covered by snow all year round. It was also because of the charm of money that the mercenaries tried their best to deal with ogres.

Where are the furbolgs living and multiplying?

Isn't the climate of Winterspring in Winterspring covered with snow all the year round and Broken Ridge comparable to that of Broken Ridge? Both places are places of bitter cold. Apart from furbolgs and dwarves, which race would like to stay there longer?

If the Timbermaw tribe wanted to migrate, they would naturally choose a place with a climate comparable to Winterspring. Compared with the Hinterlands, the Broken Ridge in the Alterac Mountains was undoubtedly more suitable for them.

It was Leo who announced the encirclement and suppression of Broken Ridge ogres in Azshara, and it was Leo who went to Timbermaw Stronghold to propose an alliance with the furbolg. This thing made him have to be shocked.

Could it be that Leo had planned it long ago, he had already expected that the Timbermaw furbolg would be cornered, so he made arrangements in advance?
The more I think about Caderos, the more I feel that this is the truth of the matter. The dwarf prince is amazed again and again. Leo is indeed a genius among the human race. This kid's brain is easy to use.

Most people react only when things happen, but smart people like Leo are prepared long before that, and they can calmly deal with the situation once it happens.

"Brother Leo, you led this matter, right? You can't lie to me! If the tribe hadn't lost most of their combat power by those bugs, they wouldn't be in a hurry to increase the number of shaman priests, and neither would the elemental gods." It will consume their divine power on the orcs, leaving them with no energy left to bestow the furbolgs' divine favor, so they can only choose to give up the Timbermaw tribe."

Branigan acted like I was smart and got a slap on the head from Cuderos.

This bastard, isn't the matter obvious, and you still need to make an afterthought, do you really think you are so smart?

Glaring at the aggrieved Branigan, Caderos turned to Leo after the latter was frightened into silence: "What can we do about this matter?"

The dwarf prince understands that since Leo said he wants the Wildhammer dwarves to help, they will definitely be of use to them. If he can help the furbolg with Kaderos, he doesn't mind. If the furbolg can gain a firm foothold in Broken Ridge, An extra pro-Alliance faction in the Alterac Mountains is a boon for the dwarves.

Caderos said directly and Leo didn't go around in circles with him. He followed the words of the dwarf prince and expressed his request: "The Timbermaw tribe is in Azshara. If they want to go to Broken Ridge, they must cross the Endless Sea. Using the teleportation array to relocate their entire clan is not only time-consuming, but also has too many variables in the middle. I mean, we Arathor will provide materials, and use the teleportation array of Eagle's Nest Mountain to quickly transfer the Timbermaw tribe here, so that they have a place to stay first. place."

"That's not a problem."

"His Royal Highness, don't rush to agree, the matter is not over yet. The Timbermaw tribe needs your strength to go to Broken Ridge. Please help contact the Stormpike tribe, and borrow the tunnel they dug in the Alterac Mountains. This must be done in secrecy until Broken Ridge is fully captured."

Caderos slapped his chest loudly, Leo's request was not a problem for him at all.

"Fandral Stormpike has a good relationship with me. They also need the help of more people to win the war with the Frostwolf clan. The matter of the Timbermaw furbolg is on our shoulders." Kade said. Rose bumped Leo with his shoulder, "Do you think the orcs' expressions will be very exciting when they see their unique shaman totem technique appearing in the alliance army in large numbers?"

Don't think that without the Draenei Alliance, you can't have a shaman. The furbolg, who is strong, straightforward, and knowledgeable, is more than twice as reliable as Octopus Face.

Rubbing his chin, Leo replied with a thoughtful face: "When you say that, I suddenly look forward to it. It will be very interesting to think about it."

(End of this chapter)

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