Necromancer in another world

Chapter 853: Furbolg Migration

Chapter 853: Furbolg Migration

Ragroel felt uneasy, since his heart has been restless since contacting Nalorak.

The giant bear priest is his only hope now, and it is also the last straw of the Timbermaw tribe at this time. The furbolgs must firmly grasp it if they want their race to continue to exist.

It is a matter of the survival of the race, how can Ragroll remain calm?

There was only one contact with Leo, and he was not very impressed with this human warlock Ragroel, but he was very concerned about the elder Nalorak furbolg who served him as his master.

The body of the giant bear priest is stronger than anyone else in the tribe. A bear man with such a strong physique may become the third demigod in the furbolg race.Not to mention Nalorak's talent, the most rare thing is that he still has a smart head, which is what Ragroel likes the most.

It was Nalorak's uniqueness that made Ragroel make up his mind to give him the unique spiritual cultivation method of the Timbermaw tribe.

Don't underestimate the Timbermaw furbolg's skill, it is unique, and it targets a very special target - even ordinary people can practice it, because this skill was originally prepared for furbolgs with low intelligence Yes, even furbolgs can rely on this to improve their spiritual power, and humans are not a problem.

Of course, this is after Leo's personal experimentation and a little modification.

It is not uncommon for furbolgs to have a strong body, but without the gift of the elemental gods, they have a mind comparable to that of a shaman, which Ragroel has never seen.The furbolg elder was even thinking, if everyone in the furbolg race was as smart as Nalorak, how could the whole race be reduced to this point?
Waiting makes people anxious. If you are still uneasy during the waiting process, the ants on the hot pot are the best portrayal of you.

While Ragrol was waiting anxiously, Nalorak wrote him back.

"Elder Ragroel, the master knew your situation, and he asked me to tell you that since the Timbermaw tribe has concluded a covenant with humans, the humans will not ignore it. This is a guarantee from a demigod warlock."

Hearing what Nalorak said, Ragrol felt a little relieved. It was a good thing that Leo didn't directly reject them, but the promise was only verbal after all. Who dares to say what will happen before the actual action?

Knowing Ragrol's worries, Nalorak reassured him.

"The master is visiting Eagle's Nest. He has already negotiated with Prince Caderos of the Wildhammer tribe. The Kingdom of Arathor will provide materials to activate the teleportation array there to transfer the entire Timbermaw tribe there. Although the climate of Eagle's Nest is different from that of Winterspring It's a big difference, but I think it's fine as a temporary stop."


Ragrol asked excitedly, not because he couldn't trust Nalorak, but because he needed to grab a life-saving straw to relieve the pressure. There are not many people who can calmly deal with the survival of the race, but Ragroll Roll is not included.

"Of course it's true, don't worry, you will keep what you say to your ally master, but elder, I have to remind you in advance that if you accept the help of the Kingdom of Arathor and the Wildhammer tribe, the Timbermaw tribe will openly join the alliance You have already entered the camp, and the people of the tribe will hate you when the time comes, so you have to think about it."

Nalorak's words stunned Ragroll, he became a member of the Alliance, but was hated by the Horde... Aren't the orcs from the Horde?

It was the appearance of the orcs that brought the originally mighty fur monsters to the brink of extinction step by step. With Ragroel, the great enemy of the fur monsters and the orcs, still afraid of being hostile by the orcs?

What a joke!
After being abandoned by the elemental gods, Ragroel understood that this cruel world cannot tolerate any chances.

If the furbolgs could have helped them more when they fought alongside the night elves against the demonic invasion of the Burning Legion, the Ur brothers could have found someone to help them when the furbolgs were in trouble.It's no wonder that the former furbolg elders believed too much in the elemental gods they believed in, and regarded him as the only support of the tribe, which made the furbolgs unable to find anyone to turn to for help when they were in decline.

If a race wants to survive in this world, it must have allies. Since it is necessary to find someone to ally with, the better the character of the other party is, the stronger the strength is, the better. Humans are a good choice, and they have similarities with orcs. They and the furbolgs happened to have a common enemy, and joining the alliance camp through the recommendation of humans would do more good than harm to the furbolgs.

Ragroel made the decision almost instantly that he would lead the Timbermaw tribe into the Alliance.

If you don't pay, you don't get anything. Once you are in trouble, the number of people is pitifully small. Does the powerful human race want anything from you?Even if the other party has plots, don't you have to admit it given the current situation of the Woodmaw tribe?
Ragrol was about to tell Nalorak that he would allow the Timbermaw tribe into the alliance when another message came from the bear priest.

"The master has already negotiated with Prince Caderos, and the teleportation array is being activated. Elder Ragroel, you have to cooperate with us. I remember that there is a teleportation array in Timbermaw Fortress."

If this news came after Ragrol stated that he wanted to join the alliance, the furbolg elder was at most happy that his tribe had escaped the crisis of genocide, but this news came before he said that he wanted to join the alliance. Grohl was not excited.

It seems that Leo really wants to help them, and the ally of the human race reassures him.

Excited to have found a true ally, Ragroll gathered the tribe, and when the shamans connected the teleportation array in the fortress with Eagle's Nest Mountain an hour later, the furbolgs stood on the teleportation array.

With infinite attachment to Timbermaw Fortress, the furbolg shaman activated the magic circle, and the light of magic flashed, and Timbermaw Fortress was empty.

Just as they were about to leave, Ragroel and his furbolg shaman let out rhythmic growls in unison, which is the unique language of furbolgs, and they initiated a mysterious ceremony.This ritual has a function - to block the Woodmaw Fortress, and it cannot be cracked unless the gods are willing to spend a lot of divine power.

After all, the furbolgs have lived in Timbermaw Fortress for tens of thousands of years, so how could there be no arrangements?

Unbeknownst to Ragroel, less than half an hour after the furbolgs left Timbermaw Fortress, a burly orc with a double ax around his waist and a giant bear at his side came to Azshara. He was the orc hero Rexxar.

The appearance of Rexxar made things complicated. Perhaps the sudden abandonment of the furbolg by the elemental gods was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

Just imagine, if the Timbermaw furbolg hadn't allied with Leo, would Rexxar come to help the Horde recruit them, would it be successful?
Other members of the tribe may be killed by the angry furbolg, but Rexxar with the giant bear Misha beside him may not be. Didn't Nalorak once say that Misha is a beautiful lady?
Even if the Timbermaw furbolgs really want to attack, with Rexxar's strength, are they afraid they won't be able to get away?

If Leo knew that Rexxar would go to Timbermaw Fortress, he would definitely call it a pity. For him who wants to become Rexxar, this is undoubtedly a godsend opportunity.

There is no if in reality, so Leo will only welcome the Timbermaw furbolgs who migrated from the whole clan together with Kaderos in Eagle's Nest Mountain.

Unlike the ice and snow in Winterspring, the temperature in Eagle's Nest Mountain is much warmer. In the eyes of humans and dwarves, this temperature is undoubtedly very suitable, but it seems hot to furbolgs with thick hair all over their bodies.Fortunately, the furbolgs knew what their situation was, and they weren't too picky.

"Your Excellency Leo, Prince Caderos, thank you very much for lending a helping hand to us in times of crisis. The Timbermaw tribe will remember your help and are willing to form eternal allies with you."

I am full of gratitude to Leo and Caderos de La Gros, and sending charcoal in a timely manner is precious.

The furbolg's temperament can be described in one word: straightforward, and can be described in two words: upright, the truth of repaying kindness is understood by furbolgs, Leo and Caderos helped them when they were most critical, La Grol and the entire Timbermaw tribe's shamans treated them as benefactors, especially Leo, who offered to help them contact the Wildhammer tribe, and gained the respect of the furbolgs.

It can be said that after this incident, Leo's reputation among the Timbermaw furbolgs has reached worship.

"The host's reputation in Woodmaw Fortress has reached Exalted..."

Goldfinger's prompt sounded in Leo's mind, and the long-lost reputation system was activated again.

Leo didn't understand why Goldfinger had to remind himself specially, given the current situation of the Timbermaw furbolg, even if Leo was useful to them, he would have to wait for a long time.

What he did to help the Timbermaw tribe was long-term rather than short-term, and it was impossible to see results without a few years.

However, a golden finger is a golden finger, turning decay into magic, making the impossible possible, isn't that what it does most often?

It's just that Leo doesn't have time to check this carefully now. Ragroel clearly expressed the willingness of the Timbermaw tribe to join the alliance through Nalorak. As the leader of the alliance, how could Leo neglect him?
"You are welcome, and it is our honor to ally with the Timbermaw tribe."

Leo was polite first, and glanced at the sweating Woodmaw furbolg. He waved his hand, and a wave of subtle magic power spread, and the furbolgs felt much better. This move attracted the furbolgs to give him a grateful look.

"Elder Ragrol, I know that you are not very comfortable with the climate here, but it doesn't matter, I have prepared a place for you that is almost the same as Winterspring, and my people will take over there soon. With the help of our dwarven allies."

Leo took out the map as he spoke, pointed to Broken Ridge and explained the situation there to Ragroel.

There was unconcealable excitement in the eyes of the furbolg elders. If the situation in Broken Ridge was as Leo said, it would indeed be an ideal place for them to migrate, even though they would be involved in conflicts between the Alliance and the Horde if they occupied it. Disputes, but Ragroel, who has made up his mind to join the alliance, doesn't care.

The Timbermaw tribe needs allies!
Seeing that Ragroel was very interested in Broken Ridge, Leo cast a wink at Caderos, and the dwarf prince immediately said: "Don't stand here, go, go, go, I'll go in and talk."

The so-called guests do what they want, the host is so enthusiastic. As a guest, the furbolg will naturally not reject the kindness of the Wildhammer dwarves. Ragroel walked with Leo and Caderos to the temporary residence prepared by the dwarves while learning about Broken Ridge. Due to the situation, the capital of the Wildhammer dwarves officially ushered in the first batch of furbolg guests since its completion.

 I have something to do at home in the past two days, and there are very few updates. I will make up for it on Tuesday.

(End of this chapter)

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