Chapter 854

The east of the Hinterlands is on the verge of an endless sea. As long as you can escape the harassment of trolls and climb the mountains surrounding the Hinterlands, you can reach the sea-watching cliff to enjoy the feeling of overlooking the sea.

According to the perception of the outside world, Wanghai Cliff is an uninhabited land. There may be sea creatures like murlocs there, but there will never be any advanced intelligent life.

However, this perception is very wrong.

Evil Tooth Village, a troll village facing the sea, backed by high mountains, and spring flowers... uh... not open has already been quietly established.

The Viletooth troll is a member of the forest trolls, along with the Amani trolls and the Vilebranch trolls that occupy most of the Hinterlands.

In the land of the Hinterlands, the situation of the Vilefang trolls is very different from that of the Vilebranch trolls.They are in a bad situation. Not only do they have to face the Wildhammer dwarves-in the eyes of the Wildhammer dwarves, the Vilefang trolls are no different from the Vilebranch trolls, but they also have to face the covetousness of the Vilebranch tribe from the same family.

If it weren't for the difficult situation, the Evil Tooth tribe would not have established a village on this remote beach where birds don't shit.

Under such circumstances, it is extremely difficult for the tribe to develop, and if one is not careful, it will even drag the entire tribe into the abyss of genocide.

The tree moved to death, the people moved to live, and the situation of the tribe was in jeopardy. How could the leader of the Evil Tooth think of a way?

The current situation cannot be improved by relying on the strength of the Evil Tooth tribe alone, why not seek external help?

The idea is good, but it is difficult to implement.

Looking at the entire troll race, except for the Darkspear tribe who joined the tribe in time to embrace the orc's thigh, other troll races, especially the forest trolls, are too unpopular. Neither the tribe nor the alliance will give them a good look. Most of the time, they are directly classified as hostile forces and start fighting as soon as they meet.

The Evil Tooth patriarch wanted to find an external force that could help his tribe change the status quo, so he had no choice but to turn to other troll tribes, but the evil trolls were too powerful, no one was willing to take the risk of offending the Evil Branch tribe to help The Toothed Troll.

However, the world is so strange. Before, the Evil Tooth patriarch couldn't find any external force that could help his race. It was so easy for him to choose two external forces. Which one he should choose between these two external forces.

When the leader of the Evil Tooth clan was in a dilemma, God made a choice for him—one of the external forces threw off the Evil Tooth tribe after hooking up with the Evil Branch Troll, and became their enemy.

Betrayal is not a rare thing for trolls. Anyone who is betrayed will have great resentment in his heart. After learning that the other party has betrayed him and occupied the tribe's Charvasser in the Hinterlands by means of a sneak attack, The Evil Tooth Patriarch immediately made a decision.

He puts everything else aside and meets a mysterious troll in the village of Badtooth, who hides his body under a cloak.

"You can meet me alone, I think you have made your choice."

Under the mysterious troll's cloak, blue skin can be seen faintly, which is characteristic of jungle trolls.

As a branch of the forest trolls, do the Eviltooth tribe want to form an alliance with the forest trolls?

Hearing what the jungle troll said, the Evil Tooth patriarch snorted coldly, and said unceremoniously: "If you are here to mock me, I assure you, you won't be able to get out of this room."

The situation of the Evil Tooth tribe is clearly in jeopardy. If the Evil Tooth clan leader wants to keep his tribe from being annexed, the only choice is to form an alliance with the other party, but his attitude has not softened at all, but has become more and more tough.

Losing is not losing. From the perspective of the Evil Tooth patriarch, he can't lose his momentum, otherwise he will be suppressed by the other party and become the other party's follower after forming an alliance. This is not something he can tolerate.But he didn't know who was standing in front of him, and the jungle troll saw through his tricks at a glance.

Obviously you have something to ask of me but you still pretend to be so tough, what is it if you are not serious and soft?
The face hidden under the cloak showed a mocking look, and if the leader of the Evil Tooth sees the alliance, it will definitely fail.

"I'm not in the habit of mocking my allies."

The jungle troll first explained, but in terms of tone alone, his performance was extremely sincere, without revealing his true inner thoughts at all.

Hearing what the other party said, the Patriarch's face softened.

The words of the jungle troll have confirmed the relationship between the two parties, and they did not abandon the previous alliance agreement because of the worsening situation of the Evil Tooth tribe.

"Very well, I see your sincerity, but this is not enough. What about the army you promised? What about the supplies you promised? If you can't see the alliance between these evil-toothed tribes and you, it will not be truly achieved."

The Evil Tooth patriarch will not admit that the other party is his ally until he has received actual benefits. This is because he does not want to be fooled by others.

I expected you to say this earlier, and you only have this ability. No wonder the evil branch troll can successfully suppress you.

The sarcasm on the jungle troll's face was even more serious, but his tone was more sincere: "Since the Eviltooth tribe has chosen us, of course we will not let you down. Come, they will also bring the supplies we promised. I hope you will not forget your promise at that time, the Evil Tooth tribe must join the Horde!"

Darkspear tribe?

That's right, the Darkspear tribe of Vol'jin!

In the last battle against the Scarabs in Silithus, Vol'jin was not among the powerful tribesmen who attacked the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj.

The war against the beetles consumed too much power of the tribe. Even if the generals of the Warsong clan in the temple of Ahn'Qiraj were not provoked by Varian, the strength of the tribe was far inferior to that of the alliance, and the power of the two sides was no longer balanced.

Without the war quagmire of the Plaguelands, the power that the Containment Alliance can use is terrifying. If you don't want to increase the strength of the Horde, how can you fight against it?

As Thrall's right-hand man, Vol'jin must find a way to solve this problem whether it is for the Horde or for the Darkspear tribe.

It was at this time that the news of the blood elves' attack on Zul'Aman came to him, and the information that most members of the Amani trolls had quietly disappeared was put on the desk of the Darkspear patriarch.

Vol'jin didn't feel much about Zul'jin's death. His eyes had already been attracted by the Amani trolls who had moved away in advance.

As a member of the trolls, it is more than ten times easier for Vol'jin to infer the whereabouts of the Amani trolls than other races. What's more, there are some former members of the Amani trolls who have been assimilated under him. With enough information, the exact location of the Amani troll was deduced.

So this is the second largest external force that the Evil Tooth Clan has longed for.

When the messengers of the Darkspear tribe first arrived at the Evilfang village, the Amani trolls and the Eviltooth tribe were allies. The Eviltooth patriarch planned to use their power to fight against the Evilbranch trolls, so he sent them all to Salwasser.

If things go on like this, the Darkspear tribe has no chance. After all, the blood elves are members of the tribe. Vol'jin has also led an army of orcs and trolls to participate in the attack on Zul Aman. I want to know Oman with my toes. Ni trolls will not join the tribe, and with Amani trolls in the middle, it is impossible for the tribe to win over the evil tooth tribe.

But who made the Amani trolls the white-eyed wolves?

Seeing that the Evil Branch troll was powerful, they hooked up with it, causing the Evil Tooth tribe to suffer a big loss, and this was the opportunity for the Darkspear tribe.

The words of the Darkspear envoy did not reassure the Evil Tooth patriarch. Who knows how short the shortest time is, one month or one year?
With the current situation of the Evil Tooth tribe, they can't last for even half a month, and the Evil Tooth clan leader won't be relieved if the other party doesn't give a specific time for dispatching troops.

He must be given an exact time.

The Evil Tooth patriarch made a decision in his mind, and when he was about to speak, a Evil Tooth guard rushed into the house and interrupted him.

"Master Patriarch, a fleet of jungle trolls has appeared by the sea. They say they are the Darkspear tribe, allies of our Viletooth tribe."

The Evil Tooth Clan Chief was shocked. This is the shortest time the Darkspear Messenger said. Although I hope your people will come sooner, it is too short!

Are the Darkspears so sure we'll ally with them?
It's not that simple!
"It's really time for your fleet to come. I don't think your identity is simple."

The Evil Tooth patriarch held the spear in his hand and looked at the Darkspear messenger with vigilance. Judging from the actions of the Darkspear tribe, they had premeditated.The other party must have made a double-handed plan—the Evil Tooth tribe would be best to form an alliance with them, otherwise they would attack by force, and the Evil Tooth tribe that just lost Salvaser is definitely not their opponent.

If we don't ally, they will let us perish. The Darkspear tribe is much more ruthless than the Vilebranch trolls. You need to be careful when working with them.

Guessing the other party's plan, the leader of the Evil Tooth clan was terrified in his heart, and his face became more alert.

His reaction was captured by the Darkspear Messenger's eyes, and the face hidden under the cloak no longer showed any sarcasm, but only disdain.

I can't even hide my own thoughts. No wonder I was tricked by that reckless Dakara into throwing away Charvasser. But that's pretty good. If this guy is a scheming person, I have to spend a lot of money .

Thinking of the scheming people, a human face naturally appeared in the Darkspear Messenger's mind. Compared with that human, the Evil Tooth patriarch was no different from a fool.

Stretching out his hand to tear off the cloak, the Darkspear Messenger revealed his true face. At this moment, the disdain on his face had completely disappeared, and the patriarch couldn't tell what he was thinking from the vicious look on his face.

Facing the gaze of the leader of the Evil Tooth clan, the Darkspear emissary revealed his identity: "Since the Evil Fang tribe is already an ally of the Darkspear tribe, I will not hide it from you. I am Vol'jin!"

Darkspear chieftain Vol'jin!

Hearing the name, the Evil Tooth patriarch gasped. The so-called Darkspear messenger was the Darkspear patriarch, the powerful shadow hunter Vol'jin.

Knowing Vol'jin's identity as the leader of the Evil Tooth clan, he couldn't help but shed cold sweat. If he refused to form an alliance with the Darkspear tribe when he met him, I'm afraid that he would be a corpse now. Vol'jin's strength is far beyond his ability enemy.

Damn it, the Darkspear tribe had planned it long ago, no matter what the outcome, no matter what the attitude of the Vilefang tribe, they would never return empty-handed. Such an ally is more dangerous than the Vilebranch troll.

The Evil Tooth patriarch began to worry about the fate of his tribe. Could it be that what the Evil Branch trolls failed to do would be done by the Darkspear tribe—annexation of the Evil Tooth tribe.

When the leader of the Evil Tooth was secretly startled, Vol'jin smiled at him: "Welcome to the Horde, my friend."

(End of this chapter)

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