Necromancer in another world

Chapter 856 Lagrol's Guess

Chapter 856 Lagrol's Guess

It is really difficult for a tall and strong furbolg to get in and out of a dwarf's building. Kaderos has no good way to deal with this. He might as well demolish his own building and rebuild it.

Fortunately, Ragroel also knows what the situation of his tribe is now. If they can have a tile to cover their heads and walls to block the wind, what else can they be dissatisfied with?
And now this situation also gave the furbolgs a chance to show off their abilities.

As the more powerful side of the two camps, the alliance is not something that any race can join if it wants to. Incompetent and weak races simply cannot be recognized by powerful races like humans.

What is the situation of the Timbermaw tribe now? Ragroel is very clear. If there were not two demigods among the furbolgs who had helped in the war against the Burning Legion in ancient times, humans and dwarves would ignore them.

Don't say that your furbolg race has a long history, and don't say that your furbolg clan is about to be wiped out. It's very pitiful. Are there few races with a long history of clan extermination in this world?

Seeing the winks from the elders in the clan, the furbolg shamans knew that it was time to show off. They had to show enough ability, otherwise they would not be taken seriously even if they joined the alliance. This is the weak side.

The deep roar echoed in Eagle's Nest Mountain. The unique rhythm of the furbolg shaman chanting spells rose and fell with the spell. The magic elements floating in the air gathered quickly, and the phantoms of the totem poles slowly formed. .

Kaderos and Leo looked puzzled. It stands to reason that the shaman's totem spell should be cast instantly. Why does the furbolg shaman need time to chant?
One is instant, and the other takes time to prepare. It is clear at a glance who is stronger. If Ragrol and the others can only do this step, the difference between the orc shaman and the tauren shaman is too far, and the value of the furbolg shaman will be greatly reduced. .

Seeing the slow progress of the totem spell, Ragroel broke into a sweat profusely, so he had to explain it to Leo and Caderos.

"Totem spells were born out of the belief in the elemental gods. They have characteristics similar to divine spells, so they are all instant spells. The shamans of our family also used instant totem spells, but the elemental gods Abandoning us, and we no longer believe in them, the totem technique cast no longer has the instant ability of divine magic, it can only be regarded as a kind of spell now, and it must be completed by chanting a spell."

With Ragroel's explanation, Leo and Caderos finally understood. To sing the totem technique as a spell should be the oldest way to cast the totem technique. I didn't expect them to keep the previous way of casting the totem technique, which is really unexpected.

"The actual combat ability of the shaman who cannot cast the totem technique instantly will be greatly reduced."

Caderos couldn't help shaking his head. This weakness of the furbolg shaman is fatal no matter in the decisive battle of the large army or the battle of the small army. The dwarf prince's expectations for them have been lowered by several points.

Leo didn't speak because he thought of a question.

Ragroel said that he must believe in the elemental gods and be accepted by the elemental gods to cast totem spells instantly, but Leo has never believed in any elemental gods at all. Why can he always cast totem spells instantly? Is there anything wrong with this?
Could Goldfinger have tampered with it?
Faced with Leo's urging question, Goldfinger started to explain: "Isn't it just to make the totem technique instant, which is too easy. In the final analysis, totem technique is only a kind of spell. A powerful spellcaster only needs to improve it. The casting method can save you the step of singing. These furbolgs are still casting spells in the way tens of thousands of years ago. It’s really stupid. No wonder those little gods don’t like them. You can solve such trivial things yourself. Don't bother me."

Improving the casting method of the totem technique is easy to say, but do you know how difficult it is?

Totem is not a single spell but a large series of spells, involving various elements such as wind, thunder, earth, fire, water, etc. With my strength, it is not difficult to change the spells of so many schools to make myself instant, If you want all the furbolgs to have that ability, do you think I am a god?

Leo despised the lazy Goldfinger, and was about to call it out again, when suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind.

Although I am only a demigod with two lines of perfect laws and one line of incomplete supreme laws, I am not necessarily weaker than some small gods. In addition, I hold the Thunder God Sword Thunder Fury and the Wind God Weapon Windchaser. Blessings, the perfect law I have will reach three lines, and the complete law will have one more line. With many laws in one body, even if you single out some small gods, the outcome will be [-]-[-]. I say I am a god. boast.

With his chin dragging, Leo was thinking.

In the shaman totem technique, the two elements of wind and thunder can be handed over to Thunderfury and the blessing of the wind chaser, and Leo is a destruction warlock who is proficient in the dual elements of fire and darkness. What is worrying is the two elements of earth and water.

The earth system is easy to solve. Although Flintage is trapped in the temple, Leo can possess his abilities through the mysterious connection between the owner and the pet. Isn’t the kobold geomancer absorbing the priesthood? Maybe Leo can still learn from it. There is no certain benefit to be gained.

But what about the water system?
"Syndra, how deep is your understanding of the laws of the water system?"

The blue dragon queen's research on the laws of the water system is not ordinary. If she can't do anything, Leo can only give up, and she can't go to the tide hunter Neptulon.Not to mention whether Neptulon would agree, even if he would agree, the distant water of the tide hunter would not be able to quench Leo's near thirst.

"Master, the law of my water system is still far behind, but the ice system in the branch of the water system has reached completeness."

Sindragosa's answer gave Leo some ideas. With the furbolg's physical fitness, it should be no problem to replace the water law with the ice law. These guys are not afraid of freezing.

The five elements of wind, thunder, fire and water are already complete, and Leo feels that he can test his own ideas.

"Elder Ragroel, can you send a shaman out, I have an idea and need someone to cooperate."

Ragrol has noticed Leo's abnormality for a long time. The elder furbolg learned about Leo's abilities from Nalorak. The Austrian dignitaries cooperated with Ragroel to stand up by himself.

The furbolg elder willing to personally cooperate with Leo is naturally welcome. The Timbermaw furbolgs unconditionally obey the elder's words. Convincing Ragroel is tantamount to bringing the Timbermaw tribe under their control.

A blood-colored energy line shot from Leo's hand into Ragrol's eyebrows, the furbolg elder didn't resist, and let the blood-colored energy enter his body.

The reason why he did this was not because of Lagrol's unconditional trust in Leo, but because he was betting that Leo would not harm him. If he won the bet, his relationship with Leo would be much closer. The Maw tribe can get more support from this human demigod.

Ragroel was shocked when the bloody energy swam around in his body.

When the energy was wandering, Ragroll could feel its terror. Although its quantity was pitifully small, it couldn't stand the high quality. Even a tiny bit was enough to kill a legendary expert.

Is this the power of a demigod?
It must be too scary!
After the shock, there is doubt. The furbolgs also had demigods, and there are clear descriptions of the power of demigods in their race. How can ordinary furbolgs not know the elder Ragroll who is not aware of these descriptions?
Do not!
Leo's power is by no means more than a demigod, or to be prepared, this human warlock is not an ordinary demigod, but belongs to the level of the most powerful among demigods, otherwise his power would not be so high in quality .

Lagrol made a judgment that he couldn't even believe. It wasn't that he overestimated Leo, but that it was the fact that the power that Leo injected into his body was stronger than that of the two bears, the Ur brothers, according to the tribal records. Blaming demigods is more than a notch higher.

Gaining an intuitive understanding of Leo's power, Ragrol grew in awe of him.

This human warlock really deserves to be a figure who disturbed the world. No wonder the human race was so strong after he was promoted to a demigod. It turned out that his strength was so strong that the Timbermaw tribe could get online with him on the eve of his promotion to a demigod. I was so lucky to catch the last train.

Just when Ragroel's thoughts flew to other places, a familiar feeling rose from his heart, making him petrified instantly.

There is no mistake, this familiar feeling is exactly the same as when he was given the ability to cast instant totem spells after worshiping the elemental gods.

Could it be that Leo's strength is not only a demigod, this human warlock has become a god?

No way!
How old is he?

Ragroel was dumbfounded, his mind was completely in a mess, he looked at Leo with dull eyes, the latter raised his index finger to his lips, and made a gesture of silence to him.

If Ragroel still had doubts before, after seeing Leo's actions, he was sure - what kind of demigod is Leo, this human warlock is already a powerful god.

No wonder Nalorak worships him so much, no wonder several demigods are willing to work under him, it turns out that he is a god!
In other words, when he came to Timbermaw Stronghold, his strength was not a legend but a demigod. It was widely rumored that his promotion to demigod in Stromgarde was actually the moment he became a god.

I actually walked with a god!
Ragroll didn't know whether to be excited or happy.

What an honor it is to walk with God.

and many more!

If Leo is a god, then my totem technique... before I finish thinking about it, Lagro waved a single claw, and a phantom of a totem pole condensed into shape.

Seeing this, Leo secretly said in his heart: It's done!

Ragroel had an ecstatic expression on his face, as he expected, after receiving Leo's power, his totem technique could be cast instantly again.This made the furbolg elder more and more convinced of his guess——Leo is really a god walking in the mortal world!
We were abandoned by the elemental gods and lost our faith. In this crisis, Leo extended a helping hand to us, showing full kindness. Whether he has the idea of ​​​​developing believers or not, this is an excellent opportunity. A chance to regain the grace of the gods and be blessed by the gods.

Ragroel's eyes on Leo became extremely eager.

(End of this chapter)

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