Necromancer in another world

Chapter 857 What a thick thigh

Chapter 857 What a thick thigh

After a hard day's work, without the hustle and bustle of the day, most people fell asleep, and the night on Eagle's Nest Mountain was silent.

The Timbermaw furbolg who had settled down had already fallen asleep, but in this silent night, there was someone's heart, no, to be precise, the furbolg's heart was boiling.

Ragroel, the elder of the Timbermaw tribe, the leader of the entire Timbermaw tribe, has not been able to calm down since Leo let him regain the ability of instant totem.

Before that, Ragroel never thought that he could have direct contact with a god, let alone that Leo was not a demigod but a god.

In the impression of the furbolg elders, the gods are all aloof. They look down on the mortal creatures with a haughty attitude. In their eyes, mortals are as weak as ants. For the blessing of God, they must offer their most sincere faith.

The above is Ragroel's cognition of the gods, but the appearance of Leo broke this cognition.

Although Leo's attitude is quite pleasant and approachable, he doesn't have that kind of arrogance that overlooks everything in the world, and what Lagrol gets from him is equal treatment.

A high-ranking god treats mortals as beings of the same class as himself, and interacts with mortals with the attitude of treating the same life. Ragroll never thought of it, and he couldn't believe it, but it just happened.

There is no killing without buying and selling, and there is no superiority or inferiority without comparison.

The elemental gods that the elder bear monster had contacted before were immediately inferior to Leo.

Through observing Ragroel, he found that other people did not know that Leo became a god. With Leo's ability and the current situation of the human race, if Leo announced the news of his becoming a god, he would have countless people without doing anything. Human beings believe in him, and thus gain a lot of power of faith to improve their strength.

For most of the gods, such a temptation is something they cannot refuse, at least that is the case with the elemental gods Ragroel has come into contact with.

But Leo just concealed his ability, and this way of doing things makes people have to think elsewhere—the one who can resist the temptation must be a bigger temptation.

From this Lagrol came to the conclusion that Leo had a big plan!
Perhaps unwilling to be mediocre, this human god is making an amazing plan.

Thinking of this, Ragroll's heart set off a huge wave.

Could it be that Leo is not willing to become an ordinary god, he wants to become a true god like the moon god Elune?
If so, this human being's heart is too big, but his talent is indeed worthy of such ambition.

After thinking twice, Ragroll decided to go to Leo.

It is better to find a self-motivated god as the belief of one's tribe than to find those who have no ambition.

After the incident with the elemental gods, Ragroel has a much deeper understanding of the gods. These high-ranking gods also have their own desires. As long as the Timbermaw tribe can satisfy Leo, Ragroel thinks he will not mind more. The last group of believers.

Moreover, going to Leo Lagroll also has his own little plan. Leo has no knowledge of outsiders, which means that he has no believers now. If he can succeed, the furbolg will become the first group of believers under his command. ?
Judging from the information learned from Nalorak, this human god is not a mean master, and the furbolgs will definitely get a lot of benefits by then.

Having made a decision in his mind, Ragroll immediately acted.

When the furbolg elder came to Leo's residence in Eagle's Nest Mountain, the god in his eyes was writing something. Ragroel didn't dare to disturb him. He stepped into the room lightly, ready to wait for Leo inside. Don't talk until you're done.

What he didn't expect was that the room, which looked normal from the outside, was filled with terrible pressure, which was the fluctuation of the law.

Ragroel, who entered the room, stared in fear, and stood stiffly on the spot. Under the pressure of the law, he even lost the ability to turn his eyes, and his hair was quickly wet with cold sweat.

Is this the power of the gods? It's too powerful!

Fear is excitement. Ragroel came to find Leo to be his tribe's backer. Happy.

There was one more person in the room. With Leo's strength, it was impossible not to know about it. What was strange was that he ignored Ragroel and let the furbolg elder stand there sweating.

Is this a shaming or a test?

In the room of one person and one furbolg, only the rustling sound of writing remained.

Sometimes it is so strange, when you have a good impression of a person, no matter what he does, you are very pleasing to the eye, but when you hate a person, no matter what he does, you will feel disgusted in your heart.

Ragroll's situation belongs to the former, and the furbolg elder even thought that Leo is worthy of being a god, and writing casually can bring out the fluctuation of the law that suppresses him.

I don't know how long it took, maybe an hour, maybe even longer, at the moment when Ragroel was about to be unable to support, Leo finally finished his work.He put away the magic pen, and the law fluctuations permeating the whole room disappeared without a trace with Leo's action.

Ragroel panted heavily. It was not easy for the furbolg elder to persist for so long under the oppression of several lawful forces. If it wasn't for his image, he would have sat down on the ground long ago.

As if he had just discovered Ragrol, Leo asked the furbolg elder, "Ragrol, what do you want from me?"

After taking a few deep breaths, Ragroel forced himself to calm his breath before speaking: "Your Majesty Leo, Ragroel has something to ask for."

"Please?" Leo frowned, expressing his dissatisfaction with Ragroel's words, "At the beginning I proposed an alliance between the human race and the furbolg. After you agreed, we are allies. How can we just sit idly by when the allies are in trouble? Your request If it is not used properly, it is treating me like an outsider."

Ragroel was stunned and didn't know what to say. Regardless of whether Leo's words were true or not, what he said made the furbolg elder feel very heart-warming. After experiencing the betrayal of the elemental gods, Leo's words touched him a lot. .

We have served the elemental gods for tens of thousands of years, but in the end we were ruthlessly betrayed. These elemental gods are not as good as Leo, who has only had one contact with us. No wonder no one believes in them for thousands of years. This is not unreasonable. It's a pity we figured it out too late.

Ragroel sighed to himself, blaming the furbolgs for their blind eyes, who actually believed in those ruthless elemental gods, so that their race was reduced to what it is today.

Leo spoke again just when Ragrol was annoyed.

"Tell me, is there anything I can do to help you?"

Hearing Leo's question, Ragroel calmed down and told the purpose of his visit this time.

"You are a great existence. I don't know if the Woodmaw tribe has the honor to be your follower? If you can get your permission, the Woodmaw tribe will regard you as their master in the future, and you will become our only belief."

Ragroel said very sincerely, as long as Leo nods, the Timbermaw furbolgs will become his followers.

If other gods without believers encountered such a thing, they would definitely agree without asking anything. The power of faith is too tempting to the gods, and there are almost no gods who can refuse it.

Almost not all, that is to say, there will still be people who reject it.

So Leo's answer is - I!refuse!Absolutely!

Although he had already thought of the possibility of failure and was prepared to suffer failure, Ragroel was still shocked when he heard these words from Leo's mouth.

Leo rejected our request to become his disciples. Does he despise us Timbermaw tribe?
Ragroel felt very sad. The current Timbermaw tribe doesn't even want believers who become gods. This situation is too miserable.

"Don't be so busy being sad, just because I don't need the power of faith doesn't mean my subordinates don't need it."

Ragroll's eyes lit up at Leo's words, and the furbolg elder was stunned.

Indeed, the Lord in front of me is not a mediocre person. It is really difficult to get into his eyes with the aptitude of the Woodmaw furbolg. It is too greedy to become his first believer. Leo is a human being. Letting the people of such a large ethnic group as the human race not look for other races, isn't this looking far away?

If you can't become Leo's believer, it's not bad to become Leo's subordinate believer.

After figuring this out, Ragroel has a lot of ideas. The only thing that makes him hesitate is what kind of character Leo will arrange. I hope it will not be too bad.


Leo snapped his fingers, and the giant bear priest appeared beside him.

Does he want us to believe in Nalorak?

Ragroel felt that this was not unacceptable. After all, Nalorak was also a powerful bearman, and emotionally speaking, the furbolgs felt that he was closer than Leo.

"The shaman has the five totem arts of wind, thunder, earth, fire and water, as well as the healing art of the soul level, the healing chain of the light system, and the strengthening spell of the power system to strengthen oneself. This is doomed that you cannot place your faith in a single powerful existence, so Nalorak is just one of the ones I arranged for you."

While Leo was speaking, other figures appeared in the room.

"Syndra has studied the laws of the ice element, Sinestra is in charge of the fire element, and Flintage..." Leo pointed to the muscular kobold holding a scepter beside him, very solemnly Said to Ragroel, "He already has his priesthood."

Possess a priesthood!

Ragroel's body trembled from the shock of these words, he never thought that this most humble kobold actually possessed the priesthood.

Could it be that he is a god, otherwise how could he have the priesthood?
So Leo has a god as a subordinate!
Thinking of this, Ragroll was completely dumbfounded. No wonder Leo looked down on the Timbermaw furbolg. It turns out that he is a god, not to mention the current Timbermaw tribe. Even the furbolg clan in its heyday may not be able to join His eyes.

The furbolg elder who was completely shocked had only one thought at this moment: This thigh is so thick!

(End of this chapter)

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