Necromancer in another world

Chapter 861 The Rise of Deviation

Chapter 861 The Rise of Deviation

Taking Zulvasha was a small battle for Leo, not even a warm-up, but it was a great victory for the Wildhammer dwarves.

The little town of Zulvasha held the Wildhammer dwarves back for so long, it was a thorn in their throat when they went deep into the Hinterlands, it's been stuck there for years, and now it's finally been pulled out, really It makes people feel refreshed.

As Kaderos said, it was a great victory - though only the Wildhammers thought so.

After this battle, the Eagle's Nest Mountain's portal into the interior of the Hinterlands was finally opened, and the Wildhammer dwarves took an extremely important step in this vast land.

Victory is certainly a joy, and removing a thorn in my side is indeed worthy of congratulations, but is now the time to celebrate?

This time it was a surprise attack that was able to easily capture Zuvasha. The evil branch troll was unprepared for Leo and the furbolg's participation in the battle. Only when Leo was unprepared could he easily destroy Zuvasha's body with a meteorite spell. city ​​walls.After this battle, the news of the Wildhammer dwarves' reinforcements will inevitably leak out, and it is impossible for the Vilebranch trolls to be unprepared for this.

The fall of Zuvasha will definitely touch the nerves of the Evil Branch trolls. The Evil Branch Trolls who regard the Hinterlands as their own territory will not allow outsiders to get involved in this land. It is conceivable that their counterattack must be extremely violent.

Kaderos would not buy a lesson with the lives of his people. Under his orders, the dwarves did not immediately celebrate but repaired the walls of Zuvasha.

In the past, the evil branch troll defended against the attack of the Wildhammer dwarves in Zuvashali, and now it was the turn of the Wildhammer dwarves to rely on the city defense to resist the attack of the troll, once again proving the correctness of the saying that Feng Shui turns around.

Nefarian was hidden in the sky above Zuvasha, and the black dragon prince was carrying his master to overlook this small city that had just experienced the baptism of war.

With Leo's temper, he was unwilling to fight defensively, but the Wildhammer dwarves had to rest after wiping out Zulvasha's trolls and the silver-haired wolves they summoned.

Don't look at how easy it is to break the city when attacking Zuvasha and think that the battle will end easily. If you can rely on a small city to fight the Wildhammer dwarves for many years, how can the evil branch troll be easy to deal with.

Knowing that failure was imminent, their counterattack became more and more violent. Although Leo easily eliminated the spider swarm summoned by the troll priest with the spider monster army, and the wood-maw furbolg helped the dwarves break through the troll's defense, it was completely over. The battle still took nearly an hour.

During this period of time, the Wildhammer dwarves have been engaged in high-intensity battles, how could they not be tired?

Leo didn't intervene too much in this battle. After summoning thousands of spider monsters, he stopped his movements at Branigan's request and became a bystander on the battlefield.

The Wildhammer dwarves have shed too much blood in Zulvasha, and they desperately need to vent after they can secure the capture of the city. The dwarven warriors will prove their valor by annihilating the enemies here with their own hands.

Leo respected the dwarf's ideas, and the other party didn't want him to intervene more, so he was happy to take it easy.

Just as the Wildhammer dwarves were repairing Zulvasha to deal with the upcoming counterattack of the Evilbranch trolls, the news of Zulvasha's fall had spread to Jinsaro and Shadraloh. Once the news spread, it immediately caused an uproar in the Evilbranch tribe. .

First, Shadra, the spider demigod worshiped by the evil branch trolls, disappeared and died inexplicably. The Wildhammer dwarves were the most suspected, and then the war broke out between the dwarves and the trolls. The Eagle's Nest was killed in battle. Just as the Vilebranch troll, who had suffered a lot, was about to take a breather and join hands with the Amani trolls of Dakar to annex the Viletooth tribe, the Wildhammer dwarves took the initiative to attack and took down Zulvatha. How can you make the evil branch troll resist the intention of reaching out to the depths of the Hinterlands?
The Hinterlands are our territory, you hateful little bums, you don't want to get any benefit from this sacred land.

Outraged by the fall of Zulvatha, the Vilebranch tribe quickly formed a large army, and as Kaderos expected, the troll counterattack would be very violent.

The mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind.

The Xiezhi troll assembled an army, and tens of thousands of people rushed to Zuvasha in a mighty manner. This coke spoiled someone.

Brokentooth, the patriarch of the Eviltooth tribe, thinks this is a good opportunity. They can take advantage of the war between the Vilebranch trolls and the Wildhammer dwarves to take back Salvasser.

"I decided to send troops tomorrow to make that idiot Dakala pay for his betrayal."

Broken Tooth is high-spirited, with a decisive attitude of a leader, but he doesn't know that his good sense of self is as ridiculous as a clown in the eyes of others.

"You are the patriarch of the Eviltooth tribe, just let me know if you have made a decision, and I will send someone there if you need the cooperation of the Darkspear tribe."

Vol'jin did not veto the broken tooth proposal, he had his own plan.

As far as Wojin knew, although the Amani trolls were down and out, they were not cowards who could be squeezed and rounded. Even without the help of the evil branch trolls, they might not be able to take them down.

Taking a step back, Brokentooth's defeat of the Amani trolls and the Eviltooth tribe will also hurt their vitality, and then it's time for the Darkspear trolls to appear.

You also know that I am the patriarch of the Evil Tooth tribe, you also know that we are allies, and you also know that my strength cannot be underestimated, hahaha...

Broken Tooth's vanity was greatly satisfied. Since Vol'jin and his darkspear trolls came to Evil Tooth Village, Broken Tooth, as the master, has been under a lot of pressure.This pressure came not only from the so-called allies of the Darkspear tribe, but also from within the Viletooth tribe.

After witnessing the power of Vol'jin and the strength of the Darkspear tribe, the group headed by Gandronda became dissatisfied with Broken Tooth.

Looking at the Darkspear tribe, think about how miserable they were when they were expelled from Stranglethorn Valley by the Gurubashi trolls, and how bad the situation was. The entire tribe was almost wiped out by a group of murlocs.However, under the leadership of Vol'jin, the Darkspear tribe has survived. They now want soldiers to have soldiers, and strong men to have strong men. Anyone with a little foresight can foresee that the Darkspear will inevitably rise in the not-too-distant future.

After seeing how powerful the Darkspear tribe is, let's look at the Evilfang tribe.

Under the leadership of Broken Tooth, the entire tribe did not show any signs of prosperity, but its strength shrank year by year, and now it was so troublesome that even Charvasser was lost.

Are the warriors of the Badtooth tribe not brave enough?
Is it because the Evil Tooth tribe has no talents?

Is it that we people are incapable?

In terms of the quality of fighters, Gandronda asked himself that the Eviltooth fighters would not lose too much to the Darkspear fighters.

In terms of tribal talents, Evil Tooth is indeed inferior to Dark Spear, but it is not reduced to the point where they can only be trapped in a fishing village by the sea.

In terms of the abilities of the members of the clan, they are not incapable but they are not given the opportunity to play. As long as Broken Tooth sits in the position of the patriarch, the talented trolls in the Evil Tooth tribe will not be reused, because the incompetent patriarch is afraid Lose control of the tribe.

In Gan Delunda's cognition, only mediocrity is afraid of the ability of the people under him.

A mediocre person took the position of patriarch, which is the tragedy of the entire Badtooth tribe.

The clan's dissatisfaction was accumulating, but Broken Tooth didn't realize it. The patriarch was still silent in the joy of being about to clean up the Amani troll.

Danger is approaching but unaware, it is really life and death.

Watching Broken Tooth lead his men away, Vol'jin secretly smiled in his heart, standing in his position, the more stupid Broken Tooth is, the easier it is to deal with him, the happier he is.

"Broken Tooth is an idiot, it's really unfortunate that the Evil Tooth tribe has him as the patriarch."

A Darkspear officer couldn't help but sneered, and his words won the approval of everyone.

"Isn't this great, Tortugai." The Darkspear witch doctor who had been following Vol'jin let out a creepy low laugh, and the whole room became very permeable in his laughter, as if in a The windy cemetery seems to have ghosts pounced out to tear people apart at any time, "Broken Tooth is incompetent, so we can easily annex the Evil Tooth tribe, use their fighters to enrich our Darkspear army, and use their talents to strengthen us Strength."

Vol'jin wiped the spear in his hand, and did not deny what the Darkspear witch doctor said.

The people standing here are all members of the Darkspear tribe, there is no need to hide anything.

Tortugay agreed: "That idiot Brokentooth is not worthy of leading a tribe. Instead of letting the fighters of the Brokentooth tribe be destroyed by Brokentooth, it is better to let them come to our Darkspear tribe. The scattered troll tribe Incorporate into our Darkspear, and under the leadership of the patriarch, restore the glory of the trolls, isn't this what we are working hard for?"

"Speaking of which, we should thank that human named Leo." The Darkspear witch doctor said sinisterly, "If he hadn't aroused the ambition of the patriarch, we would still be fighting among ourselves. Anyway, I don't want to be an orc attendant."

Putting the spear back on his back, Vol'jin looked out of the house, his eyes were a little empty, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

It took a while for the Darkspear patriarch to speak: "It's not really ambitious, it's just that in the process of cooperating with Leo, I found that instead of focusing on the little things in the tribe, I racked my brains to find ways to increase the population of the tribe. But it has little effect, it is better to take in the scattered tribes, big and small, this is the way to grow the tribe quickly."

By merging a large number of small tribes to strengthen itself, isn't it afraid that it will not be able to domesticate these people and cause its own collapse?
How many people dare to do that if they are not extremely confident in their own abilities?

Woking is just the type of person who has both ability and confidence.

In addition to his confidence in his own abilities, the Darkspear patriarch added a lock to ensure that there would be no trouble. This lock was the Darkspear witch doctor behind him.With this witch doctor who is proficient in dark magic and good at manipulating people's hearts, both the speed of domestication and control have reached the extreme.

It's a pity that Leo was not there. If he heard this conversation, he would understand that the troll is already planning to rise.

And it is not the Zandalari, the Empire of the Wise, who planned the rise of the trolls, but another powerful troll leader--Darkspear patriarch Vol'jin!
In the original historical trajectory of this world, the only troll leader who explicitly opposed the rise of Zandalari, Vol'jin!

History is meant to be rewritten. The wind and waves fanned by Leo, a little butterfly, once again made the wheel of history deviate from the track, and the rise of Dark Spear is quietly proceeding.

(End of this chapter)

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