Necromancer in another world

Chapter 862 Grimoire: Domination of Evil

Chapter 862 Grimoire: Domination of Evil

"Hack me hard and kill all these damn trolls."

Branigan yelled at his own kind after knocking over a troll, and the Wildhammer dwarves were covered in troll blood.

The effect of repairing Zuwasha appeared at this time. When the army of the evil branch trolls rushed to Zuwasha, what awaited them was a complete city defense and Wildhammer warriors waiting in full force.

The small town that the trolls had defended countless times, the defensive buildings that the trolls relied on against the Wildhammer dwarves in this small city became an obstacle to their attack at this time.

Facing enemies three times as many as themselves, the Wildhammer dwarves defended the city, relying on the repaired walls and arrow towers and other defensive facilities to repel several attacks and keep the evil branch troll out of the city.

In the past, the trolls defended the city and the dwarves came to attack, but now they switched positions and became the dwarves defending the city and the trolls attacked. At this moment, the Xiezhi troll finally understood the depression of the Wildhammer dwarves. Siege is really not an easy job.

The fierce offensive and defensive battle was going on, and Leo sat on Nefarian's back overlooking everything that happened on the ground.

Caderos and Branigan didn't intend to ask him to take action for the time being. Even Ragroll's attempt to help them defend the city was politely rejected. Leo could see that the Wildhammer dwarves wanted to rely on themselves. The hands made the Vilebranch troll bleed.

Dwarves and trolls have fought in the Hinterlands for so many years, because of the existence of Zuvasha, the dwarves have always been at a disadvantage. How can Kaderos be convinced?

Speaking of which, the Wildhammer dwarves were unlucky enough. They were forced to leave Ironforge during the Battle of the Three Hammers, and finally built a city in Grim Batol in the wetlands. Unexpectedly, the Dark Iron dwarves fought with them again, and the curse of Modgud As a result, they had to migrate again, and finally came to Eagle's Nest Mountain.

There are only three things, no matter what considerations, Caderos, who is a dwarf prince, cannot let his tribe fail again and again. The Wildhammer dwarves must prove their ability.

Besides, if Leo can help them for a while, can he help them forever?
If the Wildhammer dwarves couldn't defeat the Vilebranch troll on their own, what would they do after Leo left?
We can't invite Leo to help every time there is a war with the evil branch troll. Once or twice is fine, but it won't work if there are too many. Leo also has his own things to do.

Both Caderos and Leo understood this truth, so at this time the Wildhammer dwarves were dealing with the attack of the evil branch troll alone, and Leo obviously had the ability to help the dwarves defeat the enemy and did not make a move.

"This kind of battle is really boring."

Nefarian is very boring. The battle between the Wildhammer dwarves and the evil branch troll is really ignored by the Black Dragon Prince. Except for Kaderos and Branigan, who can be counted with a slap, other people in the battlefield They are all ants in the eyes of Nefarian.

"Not every war involves the participation of many strong men. A few strong men lead a large number of soldiers to fight. This is the normal state of war for mortal races."

Leo didn't think there was anything boring. He was not as laid-back as Nefarian. Some things had to be done quickly. The sound of the magic pen rustling on the paper kept silent. Nefarian didn't know that his What on earth is the master writing, but he knows it must be something great.

It wasn't the Black Dragon Prince's blind worship of Leo, but he noticed a hidden power of law constantly fluctuating with the movement of the magic pen.

Leo is writing something with the power of law.

The power of law is something that can only be touched by demigods. Even a single word written with such power is priceless, and countless legendary powerhouses will go shopping for it.

After hesitating for a while, Nefarian couldn't hold back his curiosity after all.

"Master, what exactly are you writing?"

Leo replied without looking back: "It's nothing, it's just a magic book."

A Grimoire... just return it!

The black dragon prince is full of black lines, he is not a novice who knows nothing, how can he not know the value of the magic tome?

The so-called magic book is the book written by a demigod like Leo who stands at the pinnacle of the mortal world with his own understanding of the law. Because the power of the law is used when writing the book, some special effects will naturally appear between the lines People with good talent and strong comprehension will get different degrees of improvement when watching the magic tome. Some strong people who have been stuck at the peak of legend for many years can even get in touch with the law through this, increasing their success rate when they attack demigods.

Not to mention other effects, just the effect of increasing the success rate of legendary powerhouses attacking demigods makes the magic tome an invaluable treasure for all powerhouses to compete for.

Nefarian didn't expect that Leo was actually writing the magic tome. This is something that only a very few demigods at the top can do. His master is really amazing.

The law of perfection alone has as many as three lines. It is really not a problem to write a magic tome with Leo's strength. The only thing he has to consider is what kind of magic tome to create.

It takes a lot of time and effort to make a grimoire, and it would be a tragedy if it is useless.

So, think about the function of this grimoire before writing, so that you can understand what kind of grimoire you want to create.

The magic book that Leo is writing is prepared for the Summoner Legion, in order to enhance the strength of the Summoner Legion.After all, this legion was proposed by Leo, and it would be too embarrassing for him to be weak.

As a demigod sorcerer, and the first demigod sorcerer of mankind, it would be unreasonable for Leo not to leave a magic book belonging to a sorcerer.

Warlocks are divided into three categories: curse, demon, and destruction. Although Leo first embarked on the path of destruction warlocks, what he is most famous for now is not his powerful destructive spells, but the many powerful servants at his disposal.

In the eyes of outsiders, Leo is a master of demonology, majoring in summoning and domination, and the information recorded in the book he wrote is also consistent with the outside world's understanding.

Grimoire: Reign of Evil!
A tome that allows warlocks to control more powerful demons is being born in Leo's hands. If one can learn a thing or two from it, the quality of demons that warlocks of the Summoner Legion can control will be greatly improved.

Demons controlled by warlocks are an integral part of their combat power, and they are extremely important components. No matter which of the three major departments of warlocks you choose, the role of demons cannot be ignored.

Improving the quality of the demons that can be controlled will have a great effect on any warlock. To improve the strength of the summoner army, this aspect is naturally the first choice.

Nefarian didn't ask any more, knowing that Leo was writing the grimoire, he was tactful and didn't bother him anymore. The bored Black Dragon Prince focused his attention on the battlefield of Zulvasha, watching the Wildhammer dwarves and the Vilebranch trolls fight against the boss. It's better than being in a daze in the sky.

Looking at the Black Dragon Prince, he really discovered something. The evil branch troll's offensive was very fierce. The Wildhammer dwarves relied on the city defense to deal with it. It was not easy for the wildhammer dwarves to deal with it. Nearly 2000 people were killed or injured.

However, the Wildhammer dwarves in the guards didn't know that the current offensive was not the full force of the Vile Branch trolls. On the opposite side of the city wall where the Vile Branch trolls were mainly attacking, groups of wild beasts were gathering.

When Nefarian told Leo what he had discovered, a word appeared in the latter's mind - slamming east and west.

The Vilebranch troll attracted the main force of the Wildhammer dwarves to one side of the city, but drove the beast herd to gather on the other side. Isn't this just trying to catch the Wildhammer dwarves by surprise?
After careful inspection, Leo found that the situation was not too bad.

After all, Caderos is a commander with rich experience in war. The dwarf prince did not relax his defenses in other directions because of the pressure of the evil branch troll. Don't even think about attacking Zuwasha.

Seeing that the situation of the Wildhammer dwarves was not dangerous, Leo stopped worrying. He lowered his head and continued writing the magic tome.

In order to prove their abilities, the Wildhammer dwarves did not allow Leo to intervene in the battle of Zuwasha. They were prepared to face this battle by themselves, even if there was a danger of failure.

"Victor, just pay attention, if the Wildhammer dwarves are not really in an irreparable defeat, then don't bother me anymore."

While writing, Leo gave orders to the Black Dragon Prince. Anyway, Nefarian is idle, so it would be good to give him a task so that he has something to do.

The Black Dragon Prince was not interested in receiving such a small task, but he could not disobey Leo's order, so he could only nod his head.

Looking at Zuvasha who was screaming and killing, Nefarian murmured in his heart: "It's a boring war."

The Black Dragon Prince didn't know, but when he was chanting this sentence, someone in Salvasser in the Hinterlands said the same thing.

Taking advantage of the time when the evil branch trolls counterattacked Zuvasha, the trolls of the evil tooth tribe, led by their patriarch Broken Tooth, launched a war against the Amani trolls who occupied here.

Salwasser is the territory of the Eviltooth tribe. The Amani trolls in Dakar took advantage of the Eviltooth trolls who regarded them as allies at the time to guard against them, and took it by means of a sneak attack.Now, the members of the Badtooth tribe have returned.

Charvasser has been under the control of the Evil Tooth tribe for thousands of years. The Evil Tooth trolls here are very familiar with it. A shrewd commander will make a detailed attack plan according to the terrain here. However, Broken Tooth Not a shrewd person.The offensive method used by the Evil Tooth patriarch is very simple and brutal - attack!
Yes, you read that right, it is a frontal attack.

Clearly grasping the specific terrain information but not using it, instead adopting the most costly frontal attack method, no wonder the Darkspear officers who were watching from the sidelines felt bored.

This is not a war between two tribes, it has no technical content at all.

Tortugai shook his head amusedly. As a warrior, he is brave if he breaks his teeth. Didn’t you see that he took the lead and ran at the forefront when he charged? This may be why the Evil Tooth Troll made him the patriarch in the first place.But as the head of the clan, this guy is too incompetent.

"It's boring? I don't think so." The Darkspear witch doctor who stayed behind Vol'jin also came to the battlefield. "Before I set off, I specifically reminded Gandronda that the strength of the Amani troll is not weak, and Dakar is even stronger." He is a strong man, as a member of the Evil Tooth tribe, they have to be careful of their patriarch, and don't accidentally be hacked to death by Dakar on the battlefield."

"Although as a soldier, it is an honor to be able to die on the battlefield, but being hacked to death by the enemy is not worth promoting anyway. Tortugai, don't look at me like that, I will show kindness occasionally of."

Tortugai held back for a while, and finally choked out a sentence: "Your kindness is really dangerous."

(End of this chapter)

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