Necromancer in another world

Chapter 866: The Beginning of Thorns

Chapter 866: The Beginning of Thorns
Wojin's appearance was extremely strong, and the instant kill of Gandelangda showed the powerful force of the Darkspear patriarch.

It is not uncommon among the Viletooth trolls to object to Darkspear's annexation of them, but after seeing Gundelonda's body, most of them wisely shut their mouths and chose to obey.

Although the remaining diehards fought, their efforts were doomed to be in vain.

The Darkspear trolls are far stronger than they are and they came prepared, so if they were intentional or unintentional, how could they turn the world upside down?
That idiot Brokentooth, agreeing to ally with Darkspear is tantamount to stealing the skin of a tiger, and now he's leading a wolf into his house and reaping the consequences.

It doesn't matter if he died alone, but he dragged down the entire Evil Tooth tribe, he is really a big sinner.

Evil-toothed powerhouses such as mystic Jarkin and Kotuka hated their former patriarch deeply.

Speaking of their psychology, they are also strange. It is clear that Vol'jin's Dark Spear swallowed them and their evil teeth, but they don't hate Vol'jin, but transfer all their hatred to Broken Tooth, which is very puzzling.

Is this the power of the strong, so that the weak can't even grow resentment?
of course not!

The reason why Yalkin and other evil-toothed trolls have such thoughts can be answered by looking at the Darkspear witch doctor hidden on one side.

Using the power of darkness to manipulate people's hearts, using evil spells to guide the opponent's emotions, and unconsciously changing the opponent's mind, this is exactly what the Darkspear witch doctor is good at.

Vol'jin dared to gobble up other troll tribes, and was able to subdue them completely in a short period of time, the Darkspear witch doctor deserved a lot of credit.It can be said that it was with his help that Wojin gave birth to the idea of ​​integrating trolls.

Strength also depends on the target.

Facing the evil-toothed troll Vol'jin, he can show his domineering side. If it is replaced by Leo Vol'jin, he will naturally change to another posture.

Leo, who was watching the battle between the Wildhammer dwarves and the Evil Branch troll, took out the magic communication stone from his bosom. Looking at the flashing light on the communication stone, he knew that someone was trying to contact him.

Who will come to see me at this time?

He connected it with some doubts, and Leo was surprised by the identity of the contact person—Darkspear patriarch Vol'jin.

What is he doing to me?
"You took the initiative to contact me, which really surprised me." Xiao Xiao expressed his surprise, and Leo immediately turned to the main topic, "Tell me, what do you want from me?"

Leo didn't believe that Wojin would chat with him if he had nothing to do, so there was a slight possibility in the past, but now it's not possible at all.

Who let the alliance ruin the Horde in Silithus because of Leo's rise?

"Of course I have something to do with you." Leo said directly to Vol'jin without hesitation, "I heard that you went to the Hinterlands to help the Wildhammer dwarves deal with the evil branch?"

Vol'jin's question is not authentic. He doesn't know if Leo is in the Hinterlands, helping the Wildhammer dwarves to deal with the evil branch troll?They have already annexed the Evil Tooth tribe and the exiled Amani trolls by taking advantage of the time when the Evil Branch trolls attacked Zuvasha, didn't he ask it knowingly?

If Leo knew about Woking's situation, he would definitely scold him: Hypocrisy!

It's a pity that Leo doesn't know, so he can only rely on guesswork.

I helped the Wildhammer dwarves deal with the evil branch troll Vol'jin so much, he ran to contact me anxiously. Could it be that he is addicted to being a human trafficker?
It seems that this old boy has tasted the sweetness. If he didn't have the population he got when he cooperated with me, how could he have formed enough troops so quickly to put down Zalazane's rebellion?

Touching his face, Leo was very puzzled, I don't look like a wicked slave trader, why would there be a business come to my door?
Maybe trolls have a different aesthetic than humans.

"It's true to help the Wildhammer dwarves, but it's not necessarily so when it comes to dealing with the evil branch troll. The master is too strong and wants to solve the trouble by himself, so I can't force my way out."

Since Wojin found out his whereabouts, Leo did not hide it, but he did not tell the truth when dealing with the trolls in the Hinterlands.

Vol'jin is also a troll, Leo can't say in front of him that I have killed so many of your kindred again, isn't this forcing Vol'jin to have a quarrel with him?

Leo would not do such a mindless thing, adding an enemy to himself for no reason, or an enemy like Volkin, his brain has not yet been pumped.

The answer he got made Vol'jin a little disappointed. Leo obviously didn't intend to inflict serious damage on the Evil Branch troll, which caused a lot of resistance to the Darkspear tribe's plan to annex the Evil Branch troll out of thin air.

When he arrived in the Hinterlands, he helped Kaderos defeat Zuvasha, but did not severely injure the Xiezhi troll. Leo was uneasy and kind.

Wojin thought again and again, and soon came to a conclusion.

Isn't it because the situation in the Hinterlands is not good for the Wildhammer dwarves to move closer to the alliance?
The Vilebranch troll almost breached the gate of Eagle's Nest Mountain. It would be impossible for Kaderos not to join the alliance in order to use the latter's power to protect himself.

At this time, the Wildhammer dwarves have joined the alliance for a short time, and they don't have a strong sense of belonging to the alliance. If they solve all their troubles immediately and let them have no pressure, there may be changes. At least there will be no barbarians threatened by trolls. The Hammer tribe's enthusiasm for alliance affairs will drop a lot.

Things that are too easy to get are often not cherished.

It is neither in the interests of the alliance nor in the interests of the Kingdom of Arathor if such a situation really happens.

Only by leaving the threat of the Vilebranch trolls and allowing the Wildhammer dwarves to continue to bear the pressure from the trolls, can Eagle's Nest Mountain continue to follow the alliance. After a long time, the Wildhammer dwarves have a sense of belonging to the alliance, and then solve the evil. Branch trolls are not too late.

The above is considered from the perspective of the alliance. If only from the perspective of the kingdom of Arathor, leaving the evil branch troll Aerie Mountain will be more dependent on Stromgarde. With the geographical location of Aerie Mountain, if Arathor has any action tower The Forsaken of Rummere did not dare to act rashly.

Wojin knew that Scarlett, the queen of Arathor, never gave up the idea of ​​taking back the entire territory of Arathi Highlands.

There are many advantages to keeping the Vilebranch troll. Killing the Vilebranch troll will only get a momentary gratitude from the Wildhammer dwarves, and everyone will choose the former.

Wojin made up his mind, knowing that this topic was unreasonable, so he ignored it, and turned to another matter.

"I got accurate news that Jin'du has convinced all the Gurubashi priests that they will summon the real body of the blood god Hakar on the ruins of Zul'Gurub, the royal city of the Gurubashi Empire, so that the evil The gods came to the world in their real bodies. The summoning time is about [-] or [-] days later, and of course there is no possibility of sending Jindu to change his mind suddenly. My people are already prepared, and I hope you will not let me down." After finishing speaking, Walking paused, and said reluctantly, "Kael'thas wants you to tell me."

Vol'jin and Leo Kael'thas also teamed up at the beginning. At that time, the three were legendary powerhouses. Now Leo and Kael'thas have been promoted to demigods one after another, becoming the existence standing at the pinnacle of the mortal world, and Vol'jin's strength But he didn't save it, he didn't feel tight.

It's not as good as Leo's monster, I also recognize it, but I don't accept Kael'thas riding on his head.

Vol'jin snorted, as the leader of the Darkspear clan, he didn't want to be compared to the blood elf prince.

Patriarch, you just have to have this kind of unwillingness to be seconded.

The witch doctor standing on the side seemed to know what Vol'jin was thinking at this time, and he secretly cheered for Vol'jin in his heart. This darkspear troll who didn't show his true colors was very happy with Vol'jin's performance.

The trolls and elves don't get along very well with Leo. He expected that Vol'jin would not take the initiative to contact Kael'thas. He was not surprised that Vol'jin asked him to convey the news. After hearing what Vol'jin said, he immediately agreed. : "It's up to me to tell Kael'thas. Our goal this time is a god. One more helper will give us more hope of success."

"I don't need you to remind me."

Vol'jin has a lot of opinions on Leo's words. In Leo's eyes, I'm a fool who doesn't care about the overall situation. Don't compare me with those reckless people of the Warsong clan.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world. The tribe has heard of what Leo did outside the temple of Ahn'Qiraj, and Vol'jin knows all too well that he let Varian Shi's aggressive methods eventually cause heavy losses to the tribe.

In the impression of the Darkspear patriarch, this is really Leo's way of doing things.

It was determined that this kid was the one who played tricks, and both Volkin and Thrall put him on the list that must be guarded against.

In Volkin's view, Thrall made a big mistake in one thing, that is, he shouldn't have made Leo with the power of a prophet, and cultivated a prophet for mankind. The unstoppable trend is rising, and the first person to be injured in the rise of mankind is the orc tribe led by Thrall who made Leo.

The wise Thrall also makes big mistakes sometimes.

When this idea was born in Vol'jin's mind, certain ideas were quietly born. They were not obvious at the moment, and once the time was right, they would sprout and grow at a terrifying speed until they became an unshakable towering tree.

"Look at you, I just want to say, why are you so angry?" Leo said slightly jokingly, "I know you are very nervous about facing a god, in order to let you rest assured, I will end it as soon as possible." See you in Stranglethorn Vale for the trip to the Hinterlands."

Am I nervous?
Wojin was taken aback by Leo's words, and then he realized that this kid was teasing him.

Even after becoming a demigod, that kid's personality still hasn't changed, he's still so bad.

Vol'jin snorted slightly annoyed, and told Tortugai: "Let's deal with the evil branch trolls next time, rectify the army, and let's go back to the Echo Islands first."

Have you done anything to the evil branch troll?
Tortugai hesitated for a moment, then took the order and left.

"The war with the Gurubashi is about to begin. I don't have time to pay attention to the evil branches. I want to repay them once and for all for expelling our Dark Spears."

Hearing Volkin's words, which seemed to be talking to himself and seemed to be an explanation, Tortugai's body shook, and he left at a much faster pace.

We Darkspears are finally coming back to Stranglethorn Vale, and let those Gurubashi bastards tremble under our wrath!

Putting away the magic communication stone, the playful look on Leo's face suddenly disappeared, and his face was so cold that Nefarian trembled.

"My whereabouts were actually caught by Wojin, hehe, interesting."

(End of this chapter)

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