Necromancer in another world

Chapter 867 Booty Bay

Chapter 867 Booty Bay
Stranglethorn Vale, located at the southernmost tip of the Eastern Kingdom Continent, close to Dusk Forest and Westfall, is the largest, busiest and most dangerous area in the entire Eastern Continent.

In this vast expanse of rainforest, the incessant rain showers and the humidity they create support a variety of plants, from the harmless to the deadly.

A land with lush vegetation will inevitably attract all kinds of animals. Gorillas, panthers, tigers and other ferocious beasts patrol the jungle from time to time. Beasts looking for prey make this jungle full of danger.

But they are not the deadliest. The real killers are the trolls who have made their home here since ancient times.

As the only area not touched by the earth-shattering war in ancient times, Stranglethorn Vale preserves a large legacy left by the ancient troll empire - Gurubashi.

Zukunda occupied by the Bloodscalp troll, Zumavi occupied by the Skullsplitting troll, and Zul'Gurub, the birthplace of the Gurubashi civilization, these ancient troll cities have been preserved to this day and have not been destroyed.

Due to the presence of these trolls, Stranglethorn Vale has become extremely dangerous, because these trolls also have a name-trolls.

Yes, they can eat people, and the method is cruel.

Once any unlucky guy is caught by them, killing himself directly by smearing his neck is the best way to avoid pain.

For human beings, Stranglethorn Vale is a land full of hostility. Ordinary people keep a respectful distance from it, while adventure-loving and thrill-seeking people regard Stranglethorn Vale as a paradise. This is a land where only the strong can survive, because here There is no law, or the fist is the law here, as long as you are strong enough in Stranglethorn Valley, you are the law and you are the sky.

Danger and excitement are relative. Ordinary people think Stranglethorn Valley is dangerous, adventurers find it exciting, and strong people think it is a paradise. As for demigods... Well, in the eyes of demigods, Stranglethorn Valley is nothing special, at least To a demigod magician named Leo.

When the Wildhammer dwarves defeated the Vilebranch trolls and successfully defended Zulvatha, Leo knew that his journey to the Hinterlands was over.

As Vol'jin thought, he wasn't going to let the Vilebranch trolls down, at least not yet.

The location of Eagle's Nest Mountain is so important that the Wildhammer dwarves have to rely on the Kingdom of Arathor, which is of great help to the development of Arathor.

At the request of Caderos, Leo went to Eagle's Nest Mountain to give the Wildhammer dwarves a little sweetness. The dwarf prince helped Leo solve the problem of the furbolg. I can't justify it.

Poor Zulvasha's city walls and the herd of beasts gathered by the Vilebranch trolls became Leo's gift to the Wildhammer dwarves. If Kaderos' self-esteem was not so strong, he could even let Leo help them capture Shadraloh .

The Wildhammer dwarves were unwilling to allow too much help from outside forces when they conquered the Hinterlands. After successfully defending Zulvatha, they made no further demands. After talking to Vol'jin, Leo made arrangements for the furbolg and set off immediately Back to Stromgarde.

Arriving in the Hinterlands was an impromptu idea by Leo. It stands to reason that in the entire Stromgarde, except for a few people such as Adlaide and Viri, it is impossible for others to know about it. Even if the news leaks out, it is impossible to spread it in such a short time To Vol'jin's ears.

But Wojin knew that Leo had gone to the Hinterlands, so the problem was serious.

Could it be that there are traitors in the core layer of Arathor Kingdom?

Leo didn't want to think that way, but the situation couldn't help him think that way.

Facts have proved that the core layer of Arathor Kingdom is still reliable. After nearly a month of thorough investigation, no one has any problems.

Since Vol'jin's source was not Arathor, how did he know about it?

This became a question in Leo's mind.

Vol'jin told Leokindo that he would summon the Blood God Hakkar within two months. Seeing that a full month had passed, Leo didn't dare to delay, so a figure in a cloak appeared in Booty Bay.

Same as Gadgetzan, Booty Bay, located at the southernmost tip of Stranglethorn Vale and the southernmost tip of the entire Eastern Continent, is also a goblin city. No matter you are from the Alliance or the Horde, you must obey the rules, or you will be expelled.

If you dare to play tricks, goblins will let you know why goblin technology is so famous.

Leo's arrival did not stir up waves in Booty Bay, not because he was unknown, but because others didn't even know he was coming.

Hiding your body in a full-length cloak might attract attention in other cities, but not in Booty Bay.

Out of Booty Bay is a dense forest full of lawless killings. Those who hang out in this area all the year round have few enemies, and no one will easily expose their whereabouts.

Coupled with the people who use the neutral cities of the goblins to make some shady deals, there are even more people who don't want to reveal their identities.

In a city where fish and dragons are mixed together, let alone one person who hides his identity, even if there are a thousand or 1, it is not surprising.

The best way to hide a drop of water is to hide it in the ocean.

As long as Leo didn't take off his cloak, who would know that he went from Stromgarde to Booty Bay thousands of miles away?
Compared to Leo's low profile, Vol'jin is the complete opposite.

The fleet of the Darkspear tribe sailed into Grom'gol, the tribe's stronghold in Stranglethorn Vale, with great fanfare.

After seeing tens of thousands of Darkspear troops appearing in Stranglethorn Vale, even a rookie knew something was up.

Does the Horde want to go to war against Stormwind?
Only a very small number of people think so.

Indeed, starting from Grom'gol, passing through the dense forests of Stranglethorn Vale, the hinterland of the Stormwind Kingdom, Twilight Forest and the Western Wilderness of the Granary, came into the sight of the tribal army, but the Stormwind Kingdom is not a fool, would it not take precautions?

If the tribe really wants to deal with the Stormwind Kingdom, it is too late to hide their whereabouts, so how can they make a big fuss? Isn't this a clear way to make the other party guard against it?

Some people may say that this is playing psychological warfare, making Stormwind think that the Horde will not attack them, but will Varian be fooled?

Regardless of whether your tribe really wants to attack me or not, I will take strict precautions. What are you doing with your psychological warfare?

Besides, the Horde lost many soldiers in the Battle of the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj just now, and now they are fighting against the powerful alliance, and the winning rate is almost zero. It is impossible for Thrall to let Vol'jin take such a risk.

Since the chance of war between the Horde and the Alliance is close to zero, what is their purpose in coming to Stranglethorn Vale?

As a branch of jungle trolls, the Darkspear tribe is a tribe that lives in Stranglethorn Vale. If the Gurubashi trolls hadn't launched a war to force them out of this land, how could Vol'jin lead his tribe across the endless land? Hai, experiencing the danger of genocide, settled in the Echo Islands with the help of orcs?
Based on their understanding of the grievances between the Gurubashi trolls and the Darkspear tribe, those who learned that Vol'jin had brought a large army to Grom'gol made a judgment-the Darkspear tribe came back for revenge.

Years after being banished by the Gurubashi trolls, Vol'jin, who had grown his tribe, brought his little brother back to find a place.

It turned out that he came back for revenge!

A group of adventurers are interested, and the mercenaries are also gearing up for a big fight.

The Gurubashi Empire has long since ceased to exist, and this powerful troll empire has long been split. However, the destruction of the Gurubashi Empire does not mean the disappearance of the Gurubashi Trolls.

In the troll cities such as Zukunda, Zumawi, Gash, Bariaman, and Jubwal, there are also trolls from various troll tribes that emerged after the division of the Gurubashi Empire. These are the targets that the Darkspear tribe can take revenge.

Stranglethorn Vale is about to fight!

Adventurers and mercenaries from all over the world swarmed towards Stranglethorn Vale like locusts. Everyone knew that if Vol'jin came to seek revenge, the battle between the Darkspear trolls and the Gurubashi remnants would ignite the entire Stranglethorn Vale .

Stranglethorn Valley has many ruins of the Gurubashi Empire, and there are treasures in these ruins. However, the ruins are not uninhabited land, and the treasures are not available to anyone. Before you find the treasure, the jungle trolls will turn you into a corpse.

It’s not that no team of mercenaries and adventurers had the idea of ​​attacking those ruins. However, the trolls are very tenacious, and they are extremely powerful in the jungle. After paying heavy casualties, the rewards they get are not even enough. After a lot of tossing, everyone stopped.

Many people had already given up their hearts, but the arrival of the Darkspear troll gave them hope again.

Powerful mercenaries and adventurers are thinking, wouldn't it be great if they could fish in troubled waters when the Darkspear trolls were at war with the Gurubashi remnants, take advantage of it, and make a fortune?

Those who have no strength are not far behind. If others eat meat, they will drink soup. If you follow the Darkspear troll, you will not be able to make a fortune, but you will definitely have a small fortune. If you are lucky, you will get a valuable item that no one else has discovered Not impossible.

The opportunity to make a fortune is right in front of them. Everyone wants to try it. No one thinks they are unlucky.

The arrival of countless mercenaries and adventurers made the already bustling Stranglethorn Valley even more lively. It also allowed the goblins who run Booty Bay to earn enough gold coins, and even covered the whereabouts of some interested people.

"People die for money, and birds die for food. These mercenaries and adventurers don't even think about it. Vol'jin is a troll known for his cunning. How can he be so easy to pick up? It's so lucrative."

Walking in Booty Bay, listening to the discussions in the city about how to benefit from the war between the Darkspear and the Gurubashi Remnants, Leo mourned silently for these poor mercenaries.

It is not known how many of them survived after this incident.

With emotion, Leo had already arrived in front of the hotel in Booty Bay. He stepped into the hotel, but unexpectedly, a black shadow ran into him head-on with a smell of alcohol.

Too much drunk?

Leo frowned, and a wave of magic power swayed, trying to push away the black shadow that was hitting him.

At this moment, a surprising thing happened. The drunk man twisted his fat body, just escaped the thrust of the magic power flow, and walked out of the hotel from Leo with drunken steps.

There are two brushes!

Leo tilted his head, and he didn't care too much. There are so many capable people in a world, so what's the fuss about?

"Oh, no! Old Chen drank up all my treasures and only paid half of the money..."

The goblin owner of the inn complained, but looking at the bulging purse in his hand and his smiling face like a blooming chrysanthemum, anyone who wasn't a fool would know that this guy didn't lose money at all.

Leo was about to book a room with the goblin boss, but suddenly he was stunned. What did the goblin just say?

Old Chen?

Could it be Chen Stormstout?

(End of this chapter)

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