Necromancer in another world

Chapter 869 2 not helping each other

Chapter 869

I can still laugh!

Chen stared blankly at Lei Ao, he didn't know how he should react at this time.

"You know, I really like drinking tea, but it's a pity that I don't have it here." Leo looked melancholy, "In my opinion, ten barrels of wine can't compare to a cup of tea in my hometown, Elder Chen, what do you think?"

Chen didn't speak, he was still very wary of the mysterious man who suddenly appeared in front of him.In his feeling, the other party is not an ordinary person, and it is best to be careful when dealing with him.

There was no response to his own words, and Leo was not angry either. His voice was low and slow, as if he had fallen into some kind of memory.

"True tranquility comes from the human heart. No matter if you live in a secluded mountain or hidden in an ancient temple, if you can't get peace of mind, you can't be peaceful. A restless heart is like a flamboyant twig, and inner peace is like a root buried deep in the ground. Bewildered by the hustle and bustle of the world, only seeking the simplicity and richness of oneself, this is the function of tea—meditation.”

This guy really understands tea.

After Lei Ao's words, Chen was no longer so suspicious of his identity.

It wasn't that Chen was suspicious, but that it happened so suddenly that he didn't know what to do.

Could it be that the people in that place found the way to this world, but it shouldn't be, even our ancestors came here by chance, and that process cannot happen a second time.

Thinking of this, Chen still had some doubts.

Seeing that there was still some suspicion in Chen's eyes, Leo curled his lips. It is not easy to win the trust of this guy, he has to continue to shake some things.

"Confucius said benevolence, Mencius said righteousness, Lao Tzu does nothing, Zhuang Zi is free. Tell me, what about Han Feizi?" Chen raised his eyebrows, but still didn't speak, and Leo didn't bother him, and took it on his own. "The chivalrous use of martial arts to break the ban, and the Confucianism to use literature to disrupt the law. There is only one reaction to these legalist Han Feizi-arrest them all."

The corner of Chen's mouth twitched, and he wanted to laugh but forced himself to hold back. In his opinion, Leo was telling a joke, but the joke was very informative.

The suspicion in his eyes diminished further.

This was a good sign, Leo knew that he could gain Chen's trust as long as he worked harder.

It's just that how to apply this last force is a bit tricky.

Earlier, Lei Ao talked about tea and mentioned several famous people, but Chen was still hesitant, that is to say, ordinary rhetoric may not be able to impress Chen.

Really, I didn't expect things to be so troublesome.

Leo shook his head depressedly, and said to Chen in the most sincere tone: "Elder Chen, you have already made up your mind about my identity. To be honest, I don't know how you got here, just as I don't know how I got here. How did you come here, I am also a fallen person in the world, I only hope that you can answer me a question - where is the way home?"

This time Chen finally had a reaction, he stared straight into Leo's eyes, and finally sighed.

"You came to this world in a daze, so why don't we? If we want to go back, we can't wait until now if there is a way."

Come back home.

What a simple word, it is easy to say it, but it is so difficult to do it.

Maybe it was Lei Ao's words that aroused Chen's emotions, or maybe it was the sentence that he was also a fallen person in the world who expressed his feelings, and Chen's guard was mostly let go.

"There is no way to go back?" Leo frowned, his voice was full of disappointment, "Is there no way at all or the conditions to be fulfilled are very harsh, if it is the former, I will not ask any more, if the latter you But you have to make it clear to me, I still have some energy, maybe I can do it or not.”

Chen sighed again, and he told Leo the answer in silence - there is no way to go back.

"If you can't go back, then there's nothing you can do." Leo sighed silently, and then his eyes shot out like sharp blades, "Since we can't go back, melting in is our only choice."

That's right, if you can't go back, just melt in here, isn't that what we do?

Man, you have to face reality.

Chen smashed the wine glass on the table heavily, and the wine barrel immediately shot a wine arrow, filling the wine glass again.

"You are very strong."

This is an admiration from the heart, although it seems easy to control the wine arrow to fill the wine glass, it is absolutely impossible to control the magic power to a very high degree.

"My strength is strong, but my enemy is also strong." Leo said with an imperceptible smile on his face hidden under the cloak, "It's like the orc hero Rexxar."

Rexxar is Leo's enemy!

Chen, who was drinking, twitched his wrist, and it was difficult.

One is from a distant hometown, and the other is a friend he made, who can't help anyone.

Whether it is helping Leo deal with Rexxar, or helping Rexxar kill Leo, Chen is not willing to do it.

Since they are in a dilemma, they simply don't help each other.

"I know Rexxar, his strength is indeed not weak. It's a pity that I can't stay outside for too long, sorry I can't help you."

Out of sight, out of mind, Leo and Rexxar's grievances and grievances Chen does not know, does not want to know, and is unwilling to participate in it.After thinking for a while, Chen chose the best of the 36 tricks-walking is the best trick.

It was so easy to go out, and now I have to go back again.

Chen stood up with a depressed face, but he didn't notice the smug look on Leo's face.

"Meeting is fate, I hope you and I will meet again in the future, and this barrel of wine will be given to you."

As Leo said, he stretched out his hand and pushed, and the large wine barrel containing Winter Spring Fire Wine floated towards Chen.

With the wind?
Yes, it is floating.

A large wine barrel weighing two to three hundred catties floated in mid-air like a feather without effort. This strange scene made the mercenaries in the hotel look sideways, and made them recognize Leo once again—— This is a powerful mage, they can't afford it.

If Lei Ao offered him something else, Chen might refuse, but what he offered was wine, and it was a spirit that suited Chen's taste. How could he be willing to refuse?

He stretched out his hand to catch the floating wine barrel. The tall wine barrel was as light as nothing in front of Chen, and he grabbed it with one hand. He poured the wine into his mouth while walking outside.

Leo sat where he was watching Chen leave. He didn't get up, but used the shadow of his cloak to hide his expression.

Chen chose to leave, that is to say, he chose two and did not want to help, Rexxar, Rexxar, do you know that you have lost another helper.With Chen leaving like this, the tribe can't even find anyone, so how can they win them over?
The orc hero Rexxar, this guy has always been the object of Leo's defense. According to Leo's knowledge, Rexxar arrived at the Timbermaw Fortress not long after the Timbermaw furbolg migrated.If the desperate Timbermaw furbolgs did not have Leo's help, no one could say whether they would compromise with Rexxar and become a member of the tribe.

The best way to deal with trouble is not to wait for it to appear and then solve it, but to prevent it before it happens, and destroy the soil where it appeared before it was born.

"Without Chen's recommendation, it will be a long time before the pandaren will appear in the tribe's camp. This time is enough for me to do a lot of things."

Leo laughed triumphantly. When talking to Chen, he deliberately mentioned Rexxar's name in order to let Chen choose to leave.Judging from the pandaren's lack of contact with the outside world, this race is relatively closed. They are unwilling to contact other races in this world, and they are even less willing to wade into the muddy waters of this world.

Therefore, it is more than [-]% likely that Chen will choose the two and not want to help.

Judging from the results, Leo obviously made the right bet.

Chen doesn't help Rexxar, that's enough.

Tilting his head, Leo's eyes fell on a few mercenaries who wanted to leave quietly.

The mercenaries who are away all year round are not fools, they know who they should get in touch with and who they should stay away from.

There are too many things involved in what the big man does, and there are countless undercurrents in an extremely simple matter in the eyes of outsiders. If these little mercenaries want to participate in it beyond their means, there will only be one end—being torn to pieces .

Other people in the hotel may not have heard the conversation between Lei Ao and Chen, but the few mercenaries who were at the same table with them heard it clearly.

My dear, the enemy of this mysterious mage turned out to be the orc hero Rexxar.

When they heard the news, the mercenaries were shocked, and they once again confirmed the idea that Leo was a big shot.

If it weren't for a big shot, why would you have an enmity with Rexxar?
If you are a weak person, even if you want to get involved with a strong person like Rexana, no one will beat you.

From what the mysterious mage said, he wanted to deal with Rexxar.

Rexxar is a legendary powerhouse, and if they want to be an enemy of this legendary powerhouse, they don't have the heart to delve into what kind of strength Leo is.

The mercenaries sensed the danger, and they didn't want to get involved in the battle of the strong, because it would cost them their lives, absolutely nothing.

"Where are you going?"

As soon as Lei Ao said this, the mercenaries who were about to sneak away immediately froze on the spot, with panic expressions on their faces.

It's over, it's over, this mysterious mage doesn't intend to let us go, what should we do now?
"Come with me, I want you to do something." Leo stood up and said to the goblin boss, "Take me to the room you prepared for me."

Looking at Lei Ao's back, the mercenaries followed up helplessly with mournful faces.

It's not that they don't want to leave, but they are clearly aware that they have been locked by Leo's spirit, even if they want to run, they can't run away, what else can they do if they don't follow him?
Why are we so unlucky, drinking a drink in the hotel, chatting, relaxing, and getting involved in a fight between the strong, is there any reason?
The depressed thoughts only existed for less than a quarter of an hour. When this small mercenary group walked out of the hotel, the panic on their faces disappeared, and what was left was the uncontrollable excitement after hitting the big luck.

A mercenary said with a smile on his face: "When luck comes, even the city walls can't stop it, hehe, how cool is it to see those idiots going to die while we are making a fortune?"

"Don't get too excited, hurry up and find the head of the group, and see what she plans to do."

The words of another mercenary reminded his companions that now is indeed not the time to be silly. It is true that they have accepted this task. It is another matter if they may not be able to complete it. It is better to tell the wise leader.

"What are you waiting for, hurry up and find Captain Vanessa."

The mercenaries hurriedly left the hotel after discussing a few words. No one knew what this humble little mercenary group would bring to the world.

Perhaps, Leo who gave them a certain task would know.

But what Leo doesn't know is that some things will be beyond people's control.

(End of this chapter)

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