Necromancer in another world

Chapter 870 Darkspear Witch Doctor

Chapter 870 Darkspear Witch Doctor
The world is very big, and some people may not even set foot on one percent of its land in their entire lives.

The world is small, and related people always bump into each other.

Destiny is like an invisible thread, manipulating everyone, and every movement of it can make some people's life trajectories intersect.

There is a good saying, Encounter Road is Narrow, which means that some people who are originally related to each other in this big world always bump into one place unexpectedly.

In the dense forest of Stranglethorn Valley, a masked human woman was looking at her subordinates in surprise. She didn't expect that these team members who she used as a stepping stone would bring her such a surprise.

"I actually met such an opportunity, father, are you protecting me?"

The masked female mercenary looked at the sky and prayed silently, beside her were a few anxiously waiting subordinates.

It would be perfect to describe what happened to them as a big pie falling from the sky, but the happiness came too suddenly, they were completely unprepared, and they were knocked dizzy for a while.

Fortunately, they are self-aware and know that they may not be able to accomplish this, so they are all waiting for the instructions of the group leader, Vanessa, whose mind is more than ten times more flexible than theirs.

"My lord, what are we going to do?"

Seeing that Vanessa was silent, an impatient mercenary urged her.

"Why are you so anxious, didn't you see that the head of the group is thinking of a way?"

The rest of the mercenaries scolded their companions, even if they were as smart as Vanessa, they had to think carefully about such a big matter.

Putting away the emotions in her heart, Vanessa just replied to her subordinates: "From the moment we know about this matter, we have no choice, and we can't leak the news, otherwise we will all be killed. I have to figure out how to do it." Think about it, try to find a way with a high success rate and low risk."

Out of confidence in Vanessa, the mercenaries in the regiment didn't ask any more questions, and they also knew that they couldn't act hastily.It's just that the mercenaries didn't know that what their regiment leader was thinking about was another issue.

The purpose of creating this mercenary group was to cultivate my own power and prove my ability to those greedy goblins. I thought this process would take several years or even ten years, but I didn't expect that the mercenary group was established less than a year ago. I had an opportunity like this, and I wouldn't be Vanessa if I didn't take it!
Looking in the direction of the Stormwind Kingdom, a gleam of hatred flashed in Vanessa's eyes.

Corrupt nobles, Van Cleef's vengeance will burn you to ashes, and the executor is me—Vanessa Van Cleef.

Incidents often happened inadvertently, and Leo didn't know that a small mercenary group he randomly found would set off a big storm.

Life is full of surprises.

"You live here? It surprises me."

In Woking's impression, Leo has typical human aristocratic habits in terms of quality of life. Seeing that even the reclining chairs he usually uses are made of gold and gemstones, one can imagine his daily luxury.

The Darkspear patriarch never thought that Leo would live in such a simple room.

Well, it is not appropriate to say that it is simple, after all, ordinary people cannot afford such a room.

Leo shrugged, the room is sixty to seventy square meters anyway, and it won’t be crowded if he lives alone. Compared with some poor people who have no tiles to cover their heads and no place to stand under, the conditions are not so good. how many times.Now if someone asks him the question of are you happy, he will definitely nod with a satisfied face.

Although Lei Ao's surname is not Fu, nor is he Manchu, but he is still very satisfied with his current happy life.

"Wol'jin, you've done a great job this time. Tens of thousands of elite trolls went to Stranglethorn Vale to make Stormwind City nervous."

Facing a tribal leader, Leo didn't have a trace of tension on his face, which made the two trolls standing behind Vol'jin look at him suspiciously.

Because Yalkin is a rare occultist who knows practical things, he has completely fallen for Vol'jin, so he has already gained Vol'jin's attention, and together with the mysterious Darkspear witch doctor, he quietly accompanied Vol'jin to Tibet. Baohai Bay meets Lei Ao secretly.

Although he didn't join the Darkspear for a long time, Yalkin already had a deep understanding of Vol'jin's strength. He was able to bring the Darkspear tribe to where it is today. Vol'jin was by no means comparable to ordinary legendary powerhouses.

The shadow hunter's unintentional aura made Yalkin tremble, but now there is someone who can talk to Volkin in a joking tone without any scruples, and Yalkin finds it difficult to accept it for a while.

When she thought about it, Vol'jin was in front of a demigod and she was relieved.

As a demigod standing at the pinnacle of the mortal world, Leo is indeed qualified to do that.

Vol'jin didn't take Stormwind City's action to heart. Varian was not a man who didn't understand military affairs. Even if he had any ideas, he couldn't send an army deep into Stranglethorn Vale.The dense forest here is a natural barrier. Once humans set foot in this area on a large scale, they will lose thousands or more soldiers before they reach Grom'gol. Unless the person in charge of the Stormwind Kingdom is crazy, he will do that.

However, Wojin had to care about Leo's attitude. Not to mention Leo's own strength, his group of subordinates alone had the ability to destroy the Darkspear tribe.

Several demigods, Leo, this boy is simply against the sky. No wonder he said that when he was in Steamwheedle Port. This guy is not pretending to be arrogant and despises the gods, but he really has that kind of capital.

It was at that time, when I heard what Leo said to Jindu, and when I discovered Leo's ambition, that I would explore my heart, and then I would come up with the idea of ​​rectifying the entire troll clan. .

Wojin felt a little emotional. Speaking of which, Leo had a great influence on him, and he had a deep fear of him. If one day the Alliance and the Horde really went to war, I really don't know what it would be like.

With Leo's character and the strength of the alliance, will the tribe be their opponents if they really want to fight?
As one of the leaders of the tribe, Vol'jin was well aware of the gap between the two sides, which made his heart feel heavy like a stone, and he felt like breathing was suffering.

"Okay, I'm just joking, why is your face so ugly?" Leo began to talk about business, "Do you know the Zandalari tribe, they are also a troll."

Vol'jin was startled, how did Leo know Zandalari?

"It seems that you know." Leo said with a searching expression on his face, "I can't find out the origin of this tribe, and I have never heard of them in Stranglethorn Valley. Could it be the giants of Stranglethorn Valley?" A new tribe split from the demon tribe?"

Vol'jin looked a bit hesitant, he was hesitant to tell Leo the truth, after a while he shook his head and said: "The Zandalari are not a new tribe, in fact they have existed far longer than our Darkspear. It’s just that their whereabouts are secretive and unknown, so it’s hard for you to find information about them. Leo, you mean that Zandalari members have appeared in Stranglethorn Vale?”

"So that's it, I just said how mysterious those guys are." Leo was stunned, as if Vol'jin's words cleared his doubts, "Arathor's navy found this self-proclaimed Dara when they were chasing the Bloodsail pirates. Troll tribe, I was wondering where this tribe came from."

"I understand your doubts. The appearance of an unexpected tribe will bring great changes to our plan. Let my people contact them and see their attitude towards us before making a decision. .”

"Since the patriarch of Vol'jin is willing to do it for us, that would be great."

Vol'jin was very active, and Leo was very generous, and he immediately told where the Zandalari tribe was.

"Patriarch Vol'jin, this matter must be done as soon as possible. The armies of Stromgarde and Silvermoon City are already ready to go. The daily consumption of the army assembly is not a small sum of money, and we cannot afford it."

Leo seemed a little anxious, as if Arathor's financial situation was very tight, and people who didn't know about Arathor's situation would really be confused by his performance.

Of course, Woking didn't believe Leo's words. He knew that the alliance wanted to attack Northrend in the north. The reason why Leo said this was to get rid of the matter of Stranglethorn Vale so that he could concentrate on the matter of the Northern Expedition.

I don't know how Thrall will deal with the Alliance's attack on Northrend, but whether the Horde participates or not is a good thing, at least the Alliance will not target the Horde in a short period of time, and Vol'jin can feel more at ease to carry out his troll integration operation.

"If you have nothing else to do, I won't stay any longer, and you can wait for my news from Zandalar."

After seeing that Leo didn't intend to keep the guests, Wojin led the people out.

Watching Wojin leave, Sinasaraya showed her figure in the room, and the face of the Black Dragon Queen was a little gloomy.

"Master, the witch doctor wearing the voodoo mask is not weaker than Vol'jin. If the information I got is correct, this person should be Zalazane."

Darkspear witch doctor Zalazane controlled most of the members of the Darkspear tribe with dark witchcraft, and launched the largest rebellion in the history of the Darkspear tribe. Even Vol'jin was forced to leave the Echo Isles by him .

For such a big traitor, it is quite puzzling that he swaggered behind Woking.

"Now it is rumored that Zalazane's rebellion was extinguished by Vol'jin, and the darkspear witch doctor's head was chopped off, but in fact that head was just a substitute made by Zalazane with a plant fruit. It is difficult for anyone to see through Zalazane's attainments in witchcraft."

Knowing the identity of the Darkspear witch doctor, Leo became interested. Vol'jin's behavior was very strange. Is this Darkspear patriarch doing something without telling Thrall?
"That is to say, Vol'jin didn't kill Zalazane but took him as an assistant. Even Thrall might not know about this?"

There are small actions that show that Vol'jin has his own plans. Is this powerful shadow hunter and the patriarch of the Darkspear tribe really willing to be a younger brother for the rest of his life?

In other words, are the Darkspear trolls happy in their current position - a vassal of the orcs?

"Sinestra, tell Pasonia the news, and she'll know what to do."

Rubbing the ring of forbidden evil words on his finger, Leo narrowed his eyes slightly, and things became more and more interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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