Chapter 873
In some wars, no one knows the outcome until the last second, but in some wars, the victory or defeat is already determined at the first second.

When Ganzulan and Neziriok mobilized the army in Zulkunda to gather on the wall near the sea to fight back against the attack of the Darkspear tribe, two large portals suddenly appeared in Zulkunda.

An army composed of tens of thousands of humans and blood elves rushed out of Zukunda while the blood-capped troll concentrated its forces to the periphery.

This move was really beyond the expectation of the blood troll. Ganzulan and Neziriok looked at the two large portals that appeared in the city, as well as the humans and blood elves that kept killing out of the portals. , the raid of the Allied Forces of Arathor and Quel'Thalas stunned the blood-capped troll at once.

The any-way door of the dracolich made great contributions in this battle.

The dazedness of the bloodtop trolls made them lose the best time to contain their opponents. When they reacted, the human and blood elf armies had already established a firm foothold in Zukunda.

The most important thing to break out from the hinterland of the blood-top troll king's city is to guard the portal, so the first batch of people to step out of the portal are the elite troops from both sides.

The vanguard of the blood elves was a group of magisters led by Rommath, and Arathor's dragonblood guards were led by Viri.

With dragon blood guards with strong melee ability to block the incoming blood troll, the blood elf magister who is proficient in magic can cast magic in the rear with confidence.

The fighters are tough enough, and the mages are fierce enough. The combination of powerful tactics not only withstood the attack of the blood-top troll, but also expanded outward step by step, creating a wider space for the follow-up troops.

"What's going on, why are there so many humans and blood elves in Zukunda?"

Ganzulan looked at the chaotic city in shock. Instead of commanding the army to beat the blood elves and humans back to the portal, he was entangled in other things. It was putting the cart before the horse.

"Now is not the time to think about this, Patriarch, I will take people to deal with them first, and you are here to deal with the Darkspear tribe."

It was still Neziriok who was sober and knew that the most important thing now was to solve the chaos in the city. It was only reasonable to find the reason after resisting the opponent's attack. If Zukunda couldn't even defend, what's the use of searching for those things? ?

The blood-top witch doctor had a premonition that this was the biggest crisis in the history of the blood-top family.

There are Vol'jin's Darkspear trolls and the army of the unknown forest troll tribe outside, and there are humans and elves inside. Is it possible to lose Zukunda if the Bloodtop troll is trapped inside and outside?
Do not!
no way!

Zukunda belongs to the bloodtop family, and no one can take it away from us.

Neziriok roared in his heart that he would never allow Zukunda to be occupied by foreigners.

It is good to be determined, but it is another matter to be able to do it.

After being reminded by Nezriok, Ganzulan finally came back to his senses, and when he turned his attention back to the outside of the city, there was a scene that made him angry.

While the bloodtop troll's attention was attracted by the chaos in the city, Vol'jin had already commanded the Darkspear trolls to kill them.

If that's the case, the Bloodscalp troll's relying on Zukunda's city wall will make the Darkspear troll feel bad, but hundreds of troll mages have appeared in the Darkspear tribe's army.

The mages with the nickname of the King of Attack are masters with powerful destructive power. When hundreds of mages gather in one place, there will be enough manpower to activate a large-scale magic.

A round boulder with a diameter of more than 20 meters appeared just like this, and it rolled all the way towards Zukunda. The rumbling sound of the boulder rolling made people break out in cold sweat.

"Block it, be sure to block it!"

Gan Zulaen roared hoarsely, but in the face of the spell cast by hundreds of giant magicians, how could the blood-topped troll stop it in a hurry?

To attack Zukunda, Vol'jin was clearly prepared.

When the boulder hit the city wall, there was a loud noise.


The sound of objects breaking was accompanied by the collapse of the city wall. After all, Zukunda's city wall could not withstand such an impact and collapsed.


Gan Zulaen yelled inwardly that it was not good. The collapse of the city wall not only caused the blood-top trolls to lose their geographical advantage, but also dealt a huge psychological blow to the defenders.After this great change, the morale of the blood-top troll plummeted, even if Ganzulaen tried his best to reprimand him, it didn't have much effect.

"Damn Woking!"

Ganzulan cursed angrily and jumped off the city wall. After the huge boulder knocked down a large part of the city wall, the city wall had become a decoration. The Darkspear troll was entering the city from the gap in the city wall. When someone needs to step up, the morale of one's own side plummets. How can Ganzulan arouse the fighting spirit of his subordinates if he doesn't take the lead?
If you want to use your bravery to boost the morale of the blood-topped troll, you have made a wrong calculation.

Vol'jin and Zalazane glanced at each other. Before Ganzulan exposed the shortcomings of the Darkspear tribe, slapped the Darkspear in the face, and successfully cast a group of taunts on the Darkspear troll. The hatred value has not been eliminated. Well, Vol'jin and Zalazane haven't forgotten him.

A dark spear stabbed silently at Ganzurarn, and Vol'jin struck.

Judging from this attack, it is not only Leo and Kael'thas who have improved in strength, Vol'jin has also been improved, but he is not as qualitatively improved as the former two.

Can be the patriarch of such a big tribe as the blood-top troll, how can Ganzulaen not have two brushes?
Although Vol'jin's spear was fast and his attack method was stealthy, Ganzulan blocked it in time.

The attack was caught, but Ganzulan was shocked in his heart.

The force from the weapon made Ganzulan's arms go numb, and from Vol'jin's relaxed face, it could be seen that he didn't exert much force, and the blow was only tentative.

This is what shocked Ganzulaen. Vol'jin's tentative blow made him feel uncomfortable. If the Darkspear patriarch used all his strength, wouldn't Ganzulaen be defeated?

I am the chieftain of the Bloodscalp troll. I am the king of a large tribe. Vol'jin's Darkspear tribe is just a small tribe. How could he be stronger than me?
Ganzulan is unwilling to admit that Wojin is stronger than himself, and even more unwilling to accept the fact that Wojin is better than himself. He is angry, he is unwilling, and he wants to kill Wojin.

Facing Ganzulan's angry counterattack, Wojin taunted his opponent while parrying: "That's all you have?"

The contemptuous demeanor and contemptuous eyes stimulated Ganzu Laen almost to go crazy.

Anger makes people crazy, madness makes people lose their minds, and losing their minds means defeat when facing a strong enemy like Vol'jin.

Compared with Ganzulan's madness, Vol'jin is quite calm. He is constantly looking for the opponent's weakness in order to kill him with one blow.

To completely destroy the morale of the blood-top trolls and make them lose their fighting spirit, killing Ganzulaen with one blow is undoubtedly the best way.

Let me ask, even the chief was easily killed, how many members of the Bloodtop clan can maintain a strong fighting spirit?
The opportunity will come soon.

After a vigorous attack, Ganzulan finally lost his physical strength after the crazy attack, and his movements slowed down.

As soon as the movement slowed down, the place that was not considered a flaw became a flaw, and Wojin knew that the time to make a move had come.

It's now!

The dark spear broke through the resistance of the air, drawing a black straight line in the air, and the spear tip penetrated into Ganzulan's chest at a speed more than twice as fast as before, and the sharp spear pierced through Chief Bloodscalp's heart then protruded from his vest.

Vol'jin is worthy of being a Darkspear hunter, Ganzulaen saw the opportunity as soon as he showed his flaws, and let the blood-capped chieftain feel a chill in his heart.

"I said you would pay the price."

As Vol'jin spoke, he exerted force in his hands, and the spear that pierced Ganzula'n's chest twisted violently, smashing Ganzula'n's heart to pieces.

The troll's vitality is tenacious, but no matter how tenacious it is, it will not reach the point where its heart is rotten to pieces and it can still be alive and kicking.

"you you……"

Ganzulan's lips squirmed twice, as if he wanted to say something, but he still didn't say it.

Blood Chief Chief Ganzulan, dead!
"The patriarch was killed!"

The morale of the blood-top trolls was not high, and the death of Ganzulaen became the last straw that broke the camel's back, making them completely lose their fighting spirit.

Thus began a great defeat.

The Darkspear trolls invaded Zukunda with very little cost, and at this time the city had already been overthrown by the humans of Arathor and the blood elves of Quel'Thalas.

"When you expelled Darkspear, you didn't think that one day you would perish in our hands."

Zalazane came out from the dark, he came to Ganzula's body and kicked it, kicked the head of the blood-capped patriarch to pieces with a bang, a dark force eroded away, Ganzula En's body quickly turned into a pool of black liquid.

Don't think that Zalazane didn't do anything when he didn't show up to deal with Ganzulan, if you think so, it's a big mistake.

If Zalazane hadn't cast a spell secretly to magnify the negative emotions in Ganzulan's heart, how could the bloodcap chief fall into madness so easily, and how could Vol'jin kill his opponent so easily?
"Wojin killed people, and Zalazane abused corpses. The cooperation is really good."

Leo watched what happened in Zukunda with a mocking face, and Kael'thas stood beside him.With their strength, they would disdain to take action against enemies like the blood-topped troll, unless their own side was in a disadvantageous situation.

"Vol'jin saved Zalazane's life in private, which shows that he is also ambitious. Can Thrall still control this Darkspear hunter?"

Kael'thas looked at Zalazane, thinking flashed in his eyes.

If Vol'jin doesn't want to be a younger brother all the time, the tribe will be in chaos.

"No! Vol'jin is a smart man. As long as Thrall sits in the position of the great chief, the tribe will always be stable. Everyone understands this."

The implication of Leo's words is: once Thrall is no longer the war chief, a newcomer may not be able to suppress Wojin.

Kael'thas gave Leo a sideways glance, and told him intuitively that Leo must have plans, and it would be a headache for Thrall to be tricked by Leo.

(End of this chapter)

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