Necromancer in another world

Chapter 874 The Destruction of Zukunda

Chapter 874 The Destruction of Zukunda
Noticing Kael'thas looking at him, Leo curled his lips and said innocently: "Don't look at me like that, I don't care who Thrall chooses to be the great chief of the tribe. By the way, What do you think of this place in Zukunda?"

"not so good."

Kael'thas knew that Leo was changing the subject, but he didn't want to say that it was impossible for the blood elf prince to force him to speak his mind.Hearing Leo mention Zukunda, Kael'thas showed disdain for the troll city.

In the eyes of the blood elf prince, the city of trolls has no aesthetic feeling at all. They use stones to surround the foot of the mountain, and then cast a few stone walls on the mountainside according to the mountain, and then make some stone houses and stone roads. city?

Is this a city?
If this is considered a city, what is his own Silver Moon City?
"What a place, you actually don't like it." Leo shrugged, with an expression that I really can't help you, "You don't like it, but I think it's pretty good here."

Kael'thas noticed Leo's words, there was a trap in his words.

Before this kid mentioned Zukunda before talking about the place, but after he answered himself, he removed Zukunda. Leo was clearly digging a hole.

The first question mentioned Zu Kunda, Leo deliberately led Kael'thas' thinking to Zu Kunda, combined with the following sentence, this kid deliberately misled Kael'thas' thinking.

"The Zukunda built by the troll is not very good, but the location here is good."

Leo blinked, he knew that Kael'thas had heard what he said, and even discovered his tricks.But who is Leo? He didn't have any embarrassment on his face, but nodded in agreement, as if nothing had happened.

Kael'thas has long been immune to this guy's thick skin, and the blood elf prince didn't care too much. He pointed to the troll city below and said: "The era of trolls has passed, and these rags will take up space. It’s better to destroy it.”

"The flames of war are ruthless. You and I are both new demigods. We are not yet familiar with our own power. I'm really sorry for Wojin who destroyed Zukunda by mistake. Blame us, at worst we will pay people and money to build another city here."

How did Kael'thas feel that Leo's face was engraved with two words - Shameless!
If Zukunda is only viewed from Stranglethorn Valley, it is only a city located at the northwest end, which is a long distance from the most lush center of Stranglethorn Valley. The Eastern Continent is completely different.

Zukunda faces the sea in the west, and faces the western wilderness across a big river in the north. Its location is also ingenious, just stuck at the mouth of the big river. If Leo and Kael'thas are allowed to preside over the city, they will It is inevitable to build Zukunda into a large seaport city and turn it into a hub no less than Booty Bay.

If Zukunda really becomes like that, Stranglethorn Valley will form a situation where there is Booty Bay in the south and Zukunda in the north. It is conceivable how much wealth this city will bring to its owner, and this sum of money Wealth is not a one-off.

Knowing this truth, Kael'thas would take the initiative to contribute. How could he let Leo take such a big benefit?
As for Leo's shamelessness, the blood elf prince expressed his appreciation.

"The importance of Zukunda will not be unexpected to Wojin, otherwise he would not set this place as the first goal of conquering Stranglethorn Vale. Just its position with Westfall cannot be ignored. After all, Westfall is the Kingdom of Stormwind. granary."

Kael'thas knew very well that Arathor and Quel'Thalas alone would not be able to eat this big meal, and even if they managed to eat it, there would be endless troubles.

Varian is not a fool, and the nobles of the Stormwind Kingdom are not all sacks. No matter whether they used to control Zukunda's blood-capped trolls, there was no threat to the Westfall, but now they are not. No kingdom will allow their granaries to be near An uncontrolled force emerges.

Food is the foundation of a kingdom's stability. How can others peep at the country's most important weapon?

Leo had considered these issues long ago, and when he heard what Kael'thas said, he explained: "I don't plan to eat alone, the Kingdom of Stormwind must be involved, and the reconstruction of Zukunda in my plan will span the On both sides of the river, the army of the Stormwind Kingdom can enter the city from land, and Stormwind City has already agreed to such a condition."

"As for the half of Stranglethorn Vale, it will be managed by Arathor, Quel'Thalas, and Vol'jin's Darkspear, but my suggestion is that it is best to hand over the management rights to the goblins. When it comes to doing business, those The green dwarf can do it."

Leo never forgot to win over the goblins, and Kael'thas had no objection to this.

Letting the proud Sin'dorei be a trader would definitely lose money, and the blood elves would not be willing to do that kind of thing, so they might as well study magic if they have the time.

Other races may not be aware of the war potential of the goblins, but the blood elves are different. Quel'Thalas, who used the goblins to fight against the Scourge, has begun to face up to the goblins who are weak and full of money.

Those green-skinned dwarves were ugly in appearance and smelled of copper, which made Sin'dorei dislike them at all, but it was one thing to dislike them, and another to admit to the ability of goblins.

As long as the war machines made by the goblins are used well, their lethality is definitely no worse than that of any army of a powerful race.

This is also an important factor why Kael'thas did not object to Leo's win over the goblins.

Having said that, Kael'thas thought of a question.

"Wol'jin agrees?"

Destroy Zukunda and build a new city similar to Booty Bay here, will Vol'jin agree?
Most likely impossible.

As Kael'thas expected, Leo shrugged and said in a natural tone: "Didn't I say it before, we accidentally ruined Zukunda by accident. This incident was completely an accident. Since It was an accident, how could it be known in advance?"

After watching Leo for a while, Kael'thas concluded with a serious face: "You are more shameless than I imagined."

Someone who was considered a shameless person by the blood elf prince rolled his eyes. How do you say that? What is shameless?I said it all, it was an accident, accident understand?Since you feel shameless, why are you still participating? From this point of view, you are actually shameless.

"The people of Woking are about to enter the inner city, and it will be too late if we don't do anything."

Leo said and waved the disintegrating staff, meteorite technique!
A huge meteorite fell from the sky and crashed into Zukunda's southern wall with a bang.

Under the violent impact, the city wall turned into slag without even a scream, and the flames carried by the meteorite burst out, quickly turning Zukunda's southern city into a sea of ​​flames.

Troll cities are different from human cities. Although they live in stone buildings and build stone roads, there is no shortage of fire starters in the city, because they did not clean up the growing plants except for roads and houses. However, Stranglethorn Valley is a land with lush vegetation, and it is difficult to stop the fire.

If it weren't for the current war, the blood-capped troll could still extinguish the fire before it spread, but the reality is that there is no such thing.

The allied forces of humans and blood elves suddenly broke out in the inner city, and the Darkspear trolls invaded the city from the west. The enemy the devil had to face was too powerful, and coupled with the huge blow to morale caused by the death of Ganzulaen, the blood-capped witch doctor was unable to recover.

After learning the news that Ganzulan was killed by Vol'jin, Neziriok immediately gave up the attack on humans and blood elves, and instead commanded the Bloodscalp trolls to launch a counterattack against the Darkspear trolls.

Even losing Zulkunda wouldn't make things easier for the Darkspear trolls.

The death of his friend made Nezriok full of hatred for Vol'jin and his Darkspear tribe. In his view, Vol'jin was a traitor to the entire troll race. In order to get revenge, he even colluded with humans and elves to deal with his own tribe. , sin is unforgivable.

When the human and blood elf commanders realized that the main force of the Bloodscalp troll was being used to deal with the Darkspear troll, the two slowed down their offensive with a tacit understanding.

Once the offensive of these two groups of troops slowed down, the Bloodtop troll mobilized more people to deal with the Darkspear troll. Although Darkspear had been approaching the inner city, its pace was more than twice as slow as before.

Vol'jin and Zalazane are not fools. How could they not see the intentional release of the blood elves and humans by the two allied forces? Sometimes, they really want to reason with each other.

Just when Vol'jin wanted to protest to Leo and Kael'thas in his own way, a huge meteorite fell from the sky, and with the violent vibration of the ground, the entire southern area of ​​Zukunda ignited flames. Dye the sky red.

Just when Vol'jin was suspicious, Kael'thas also made a move.

Similar to Leo's attack method, the blood elf prince's chaotic meteorite bombarded and completely destroyed Zukunda's east city.

What are these two guys crazy about?

Vol'jin didn't expect that Leo and Kael'thas would do it themselves, and they were so violent as soon as they made a move. He was stunned for a while, and then his expression changed.

Looking at Zalazane, both the Darkspear patriarch and the Darkspear witch doctor noticed the shock in each other's eyes.

The purpose of Leo and Kael'thas' action is not to deal with the blood-top troll, but to destroy Zukunda!
"These two souls are weak, I know they have no good intentions."

Zalazane gritted his teeth with hatred, Zukunda is a city of trolls no matter what, Leo and Kael'thas's actions are too disrespectful to the Darkspear trolls.

Wojin's fingers holding the spear made a crackling sound. He looked at Zukunda who had already ignited a raging fire and was rapidly approaching destruction, with an unstoppable chill in his tone: "Of course they don't feel at ease, humans Both the blood elves and the Zukunda have taken a fancy to Zulkunda's special position."

Zalazane was angry: "How dare they peek into the troll's territory, I..."

"Our strength is not enough to fight against them, calm down, Zalazane." Wojin interrupted Zalazane, "No matter how you say it, Zukunda is a city of trolls, I will not let them monopolize this place, secretly The spear troll's interests must not be less."

Zalazane was silent for a while, and his anger finally turned into a sigh: "That's the only way to go."

From anger to long sigh, Yalkin watched the whole process. Vol'jin and Zalazane, who were strong among the tribes of the trolls, could only choose to compromise with humans and blood elves. The trolls had already weakened to the point of Is this the case?

It is not as easy as imagined to restore the former glory of the troll empire.

(End of this chapter)

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