Chapter 875
One drum is as powerful as a tiger, another drum will weaken its strength, and three drums will exhaust it.

Taking Zulkunda did not satisfy Vol'jin. After leaving some people to take care of the prisoners, the three-party coalition forces of the Darkspear trolls and the human blood elves rushed to Balal without stopping.

It's really not difficult to have a dracolich's any door teleportation army, which is much more convenient than teleporting a magic circle, as long as the dracolich goes to that place first, and quietly deploys a space beacon.

Of course, the side effects of frequent use of any gate are not without it.

The dracolich powerhouses such as Perision, Hectors, and Valastats, as well as other dracolichs, have all fallen into a weak state and cannot fight.

For Leo, this kind of loss can still be borne. If it is replaced by other people, without such a powerful combat force as the dracolich army, they will immediately lose their vitality and strength.

Although Vol'jin knew that he was cheated by Leo and Kael'thas when he was in Zukunda, this did not prevent them from continuing to cooperate.

After discussing with Leo and Kael'thas, they found that the interests of the Darkspear tribe in Zulkunda were not harmed, but they would gain even more. Vol'jin and Zalazane no longer entangled in this matter. thing.

Regardless of Leo, Kael'thas, Vol'jin or Zalazane, they all understand that they represent their own country and race, and it is inevitable to play tricks in the process of cooperation. Everyone is smart and knows how to do things There must be a limit, as long as the line is not crossed, everyone is in the interest, and the cooperation can continue.

It's not that Zukunda has no wealth. After all, this is the main city of the Bloodtop family. How could it be impossible to find anything of value?But the problem is that Zukunda's outer city has been almost destroyed by Kael'thas and Leo, even if there were precious objects, they were completely destroyed by the meteorites and blazing fires that fell from the sky.

Fortunately, Leo and Kael'thas also acted appropriately. If they didn't, they would destroy the inner city that really kept the treasure, otherwise Vol'jin would have to turn against them.

As I said before, you have to grasp a certain speed in doing things, and Leo and Kael'thas have grasped this speed very well, so that although Vol'jin is angry, he will not really fall out with them.

The army was dispatched, and it was a surprise battle, and there were strong men like Leo Kael'thas and Vol'jin in command. Baral's resistance lasted only half an hour, and Leo and Kael'thas did not have the same result. Obtained in the case of a shot.

In just half a day, the top tyrant in the northwest of Stranglethorn Vale, the Bloodtop troll, had already lost two-thirds of its land and most of its population.

After going down to the two cities of Zukunda and Balal, there is only one small town of Gash left in the bloodtop tribe. Not to mention that they haven't heard the news yet, they don't know what happened. Even if they are prepared, they can't hold it .

After capturing Zukunda, the news did not spread because there were almost no outsiders approaching the main city of the Bloodscalp troll. The outsiders did not know that the Darkspear troll had swung the blade of revenge, but Balal was different.

Although Balal, which is located at the outermost edge of the bloodtop family's sphere of influence, is a small city, there are many mercenaries operating nearby, and the outside world got news almost as soon as the battle of Balal started.

If it weren't for the fact that the army attacking Balal was too strong and the blood-top troll's resistance time was too short, the mercenaries and adventurers who heard the news would definitely have time to fish in troubled waters in the war.

When the brigade of mercenaries and adventurers arrived at Balal, what they saw was a city completely controlled by the Darkspear trolls, whose shouts of killing had completely disappeared.

Wait, why are there humans and elves on the walls of Balar?
Just when everyone was disappointed, some mercenaries who saw it found something strange.

On the walls of Balar stood not only trolls, but men and elves as well.

From the battle robes worn by these humans and elves, it is easy to identify their origins-the army of the Kingdom of Arathor and the blood elves of Quel'Thalas.

No wonder Vol'jin led the army back to Stranglethorn Vale. It turned out to be the help of humans and elves.

The mercenaries suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the Darkspear tribe was not afraid of losing their strength in the war in Stranglethorn Vale. The reason was that the trolls had found two powerful allies.

Arathor with Leo in charge and Quel'Thalas under the rule of Kael'thas, although these two kingdoms are far behind the Stormwind Kingdom in terms of overall national strength, they still have demigods.

Leo, the demigod warlock, and Kael'thas, the demigod mage, have these two powers standing at the peak of the mortal world, and they have advantages in small and medium-scale wars that the Stormwind Kingdom cannot match.

"With Arathor and Quel'Thalas involved, the trolls of Stranglethorn are in trouble."

A mercenary spoke out the aspirations of everyone.

In this situation, some people rejoice, because they feel that without the trolls of the Gurubashi Empire survivors, Stranglethorn Valley will be much less dangerous, and many areas that could not be explored will be opened up.There are also people who are worried. They are worried that humans and elves will take the opportunity to reach out to Stranglethorn Valley. Once there are official forces involved in Stranglethorn Valley, which originally only has adventurers and mercenaries, it will change drastically.

If a person is used to being free, he will no longer be used to obeying the rules, and he will not like to be controlled by others. However, what the official power needs to maintain is the rules they set. As long as they are within the official sphere of influence, they must obey their rules. control.

A small arm couldn't twist a thigh. No matter whether the mercenaries were happy or worried, they couldn't change the current situation.

With the strong intervention of Leo and Kael'thas, humans and elves will surely intervene in Stranglethorn Valley, and this resource-rich land will surely become a new arena for all major forces.

The Darkspear trolls who took full control of Balar did something that surprised all the mercenaries by opening up the city to the outside world.

Upon hearing this news, mercenaries who were already curious about this small city poured into the city one after another. Only some mercenary regiments who observed carefully found that the army of the Darkspear tribe did not stop their revenge. After the army of Er, they went straight to Gash under the leadership of Vol'jin.

The Darkspear tribe was too ferocious, they didn't give the Bloodtop troll a chance to react, and they made up their minds to wipe out this large tribe of trolls living in Stranglethorn Vale in the shortest possible time.

The mercenaries were frightened by the Darkspear troll's actions, but followed closely.

All the mercenary groups who discovered this situation kept silent tacitly, and did not let those colleagues who visited Balal know.

Mercenaries live a life of licking blood, and their lives may be in danger at any time. What are they doing for?
It's not about earning enough wealth so that I can retire early and go home to enjoy myself.

Maybe some mercenaries are different, but the vast majority of mercenaries are like this. After all, there are only a very small number of people who like excitement and even risk their lives for it. A rich and peaceful life is what most people pursue.

Now there is an opportunity to make a fortune, let me ask, will these mercenaries tell others so that they can rob them?

It's impossible to think about it with your toes.

Vol'jin knew what the mercenaries behind him wanted to do, but he didn't pay attention.

It's not just Woking, Zalazane and others have the same attitude.

The mercenaries wanted to take advantage of troubled waters while they were fighting the Bloodscalp troll, and Vol'jin wouldn't stop it, because that was part of their plan.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the follow-up plan, Vol'jin will even help them to ensure that they achieve their goals.

During the march, Wojin couldn't help sneering in his heart: Come along, there will be benefits for you, if you don't taste the sweetness, how will our follow-up plan unfold?

"If you want to take it, you must first give it. If you want to get something, you must be ready to give."

Leo looked at the mercenaries following behind the Darkspear troll with pity. These mercenaries are lucky because they have the chance to change their destiny. As long as they are not so greedy, know how to measure, and know how to advance and retreat, they You can have a prosperous second half of your life.

Of course, if they can't, it's no one's fault.

This guy will also show a pitiful expression?
Kael'thas was a bit surprised. In his impression, Leo was definitely a decisive leader, and many times even his own people would be used by him.

They are just lowly mercenaries, nothing to be pitied about.

I can't blame Kael'thas for having such thoughts. After all, he is from the royal family, and he is a figure standing at the apex of the aristocratic class. If he does not discriminate against lowly mercenaries, he can treat them with equal eyes, even if the sun hits the west It is impossible to come out.

Leo is different. Even though he is now a member of the nobility, he will become an existence at the apex of the nobility, but his background is only a commoner, no matter before or after time-traveling, he naturally does not discriminate against commoners class thinking.

Nobles and civilians, in a sentence in the book, are the exploiting class and the exploited class, two opposing classes.

The dominant nobles look down on the common people, and the common people, while hating the nobles, hope that they can also become a part of the nobles and become a high-ranking lord. This kind of thinking really makes people don’t know what to say, they can only sigh Let me say the last sentence: this is human nature.

Why is Danas a legend among mercenaries?
Because he accomplished something that the mercenaries thought was impossible - he was recognized by some nobles in Arathor as a humble mercenary, and even made the Trollbane family a member of the royal family of Arathor.

Isn't it a miracle for a proud nobleman to recognize a commoner family?
Until now, no one knows how Danas accomplished this miracle. It was not one or two nobles, but as many as a dozen nobles.Perhaps, only the parties themselves can unravel this mystery.

Of course Leo noticed Kael'thas's gaze, but he was not interested in explaining it. This was the ideological difference caused by the two people's growth environment. This difference did not affect their relationship, so why waste it? tongue?

There were some things that Leo was aware of, and some things that were hidden deep, that Leo didn't know.

Kael'thas moved his gaze away from Leo, and the blood elf prince looked in the direction of Silvermoon City, a little complicated flashed in his eyes.

Tyrande, what on earth are you trying to do?
(End of this chapter)

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