Necromancer in another world

Chapter 883 Blood God Arrives

Chapter 883 Blood God Arrives

The setting sun is like blood, this word is used to describe the sad beauty when the sun sets, although there is a bit of sadness, beautiful things are beautiful after all.

But if the entire sky turns red, not just the small part that is reddened by the setting sun, no one will find it beautiful, and an emotion called panic will replace it.

Wo Jindu mentioned that there must be a vision when the gods come in person. Such a drastic change happened. Even people who don't know the situation know what happened—Jin'do is summoning the blood god Hakar!
Excitement appeared on the faces of Leo and Kael'thas.

The battle to attack Zul'Gurub is about to start. Fighting against the gods is exciting just thinking about it!

Well, these two demigods can't be judged by the standards of normal people. Other demigods avoid gods as much as they can, and they just want to get together to fight with them.

The vision also alarmed the adventurers and mercenaries. Looking at the bloody sky, they couldn't help feeling a sense of fear in their hearts.

The fearlessness of the ignorant does not apply to any situation. It is not uncommon to be afraid because of ignorance.

Jin'du summoned Hakkar, and Vol'jin had been prepared for this. Before the bloody red covered the entire sky, the Darkspear tribe's army had already assembled, ready to attack Zul'Gurub at any time.

Seeing that the Darkspear army was about to attack with the whole army, the adventurers and mercenaries who panicked because of the sky vision found the backbone, and they all gathered around the Darkspear army. Pick up cheap behind the trolls.

The profit makes the mind faint.

Leo shook his head secretly, these people don't even think about it, is the Darkspear troll's bargain so easy to pick up?

He knew in his heart that Leo didn't remind them, because he knew it was useless for him to say it. How could the mercenary who was fascinated by money listen to his persuasion?

The road is chosen by oneself, these people will go to Zul'Gurub to die, and Leo is not related to them, so should they stop them by force?
He will not do things that are thankless. Although his surname is Lei, his first name is Ao instead of Feng.

What's more, many of these mercenaries actually made a fortune in the previous battles. The wealth they got was enough to allow them to spend the rest of their lives in abundance, but these people didn't just leave. many.Their greed will eventually cost them their lives.

There are many ways to enter Zul'Gurub, but there is only one way before Vol'jin.

The Darkspear trolls are here to smash the arena and kick the pavilion. Could it be that you sneak around the path while kicking the pavilion?

The fall of the jungle troll empire, Grublash, lasted a thousand years. Such a long time is enough to turn the most glorious city into ruins.

However, the glorious past is extraordinary after all, even if it is a piece of ruins, it is quite imposing.

In front of the gate of Zul'Gurub, the jungle troll built a [-]-meter-long avenue according to the mountain. Standing on this avenue that was already overgrown with weeds, Leo felt a lot of emotion.

Time is a sharp weapon that can destroy everything. When building this avenue, the jungle trolls would never have imagined that the mighty Gurubashi Empire would collapse and disintegrate, let alone that their royal city would become what it is today. .

Years, the pig-killing knife, is indeed a supreme weapon. In front of it, no matter whether it is a powerful man with amazing talent, a beautiful woman who is overwhelmed by the country, or a prosperous empire, he will eventually become its ghost. To be the master of everything is to be above it.

The road to Zul'Gurub is destined to be uneven. The Atalai priests who reoccupied this ancient troll capital will not allow outsiders to easily set foot on this sacred land in their mouth, not to mention that it is the leader of the Atalai priests calling The god they worship - the time of the blood god Hakar.

To enter Zul'Gurub, the first thing you have to face is not the Atalai priests, nor the poisonous snakes and beasts hiding in the dark corners, but the voodoo traps all over this ancient troll capital.

In the eyes of mercenaries and adventurers, the voodoo traps of trolls make them terrified, because they can't find out where the voodoo traps are, so they can't crack and evade them. Once these traps are triggered, they will be affected. The mercenaries often die miserably—either their whole body festers, or they watch their bodies turn into pus little by little with a sense of consciousness.

However, in the eyes of Darkspear trolls, voodoo traps are not unbreakable things.

The ability of the Darkspear witch doctor is not weaker than that of the Atalai priest, not to mention Zalazane and the great witch doctor Braddock.

A total of two thousand voodoo traps on the [-]-meter-long avenue have been cracked, and the record of these voodoo traps is zero!

The traps set by the Atalai priests were not enough for Braddock and Zalazane, and they were all discovered and cracked.

If one had to say that these traps had any effect, it could only be said that their existence made the Darkspear troll stop for a quarter of an hour.

A quarter of an hour is 15 minutes, what is enough to do in this war?
The vision in the sky will tell you what it can do - a blood-colored maelstrom disturbs the blood-infested sky, and in the maelstrom, an evil breath spreads, making people feel like a mountain on their shoulders A heavy divine power enveloped the entire Stranglethorn Valley.

All creatures living in Stranglethorn Valley are under the oppression of this divine power. Even the coercion emitted by the high gods has the ability to make mortal creatures bow their heads, not to mention the blood god who is about to come to this world in real form. Kazai's deliberate majesty is fully unleashed.

The divine power made the mortal creatures fear, and the ferocious beasts lay motionless on the ground. Mercenaries, adventurers, and even soldiers in the army also knelt down in horror. In an instant, kneeling became the unanimous action of all creatures in Stranglethorn Valley.

Do not!
Not all!
Among the creatures kneeling on the ground, there were still some people who stood up straight and looked at the sky with unyielding faces. These people are the strongest among mortals, and they are trying their best to resist the pressure of the blood god , although it is very hard, although it is easy to get down just by bending the knees, they just don't kneel.

It doesn't matter if the gods are high above, mortals also have the arrogance of mortals.

Among these mortal powerhouses who are still standing, there are two people who are still talking and laughing, as if Hakar's divine power is like a floating cloud in their eyes.

There is no need to guess these two, there is no one else except Leo and Kael'thas.

What is a demigod?
The demigod is the prepared god, and the impact of the mighty demigod in the face of Hakar is more than a hundred times smaller than that of other people, not to mention that Leo and Kael'thas not only do not have the slightest awe of Hakar, but also In their hearts, they made up their minds to take their lives, and announced the beginning of their new journey with the blood of Haka, the blood god.

The bloody vortex continued to expand, and it seemed to occupy the entire sky and dominate the sky. A huge figure loomed behind the vortex.

The crackling sound became louder and denser as the figure became clearer.

A tyrannical creature is approaching this world!

Leo looked at the huge figure going upstream in the bloody vortex, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Even a tyrannical existence like Sargeras paid a huge price for coming to this world. He gave up [-]% of his own power to succeed. It is not so easy for Hakkar to come to this world.Even with Jin'do and a group of Atalai priests in this world as internal support, Haka must give up most of his own power.

"Be willing to give up, you are not willing to give up, how can I get it?"

Leo moved his fingers, and countless hair-thin blood-colored thin threads intertwined back and forth, and the pocket-sized blood stone demon appeared again.

The blood stone demon was very low-key this time. He didn't provoke Hakar who was about to descend, but carefully attached to Leo's hand, hiding himself.

Don't think that the blood golem is intimidated by Hakar's divine power. If you can read the eyes of the blood golem, you will find that this idea is completely wrong.

The blood stone demon looked at Haka not with fear, but with greed.

Yes, greed!
It is a desire of a traveler who is about to die of thirst in the desert when he sees a sweet and clear spring. This desire will turn into greed to monopolize it when it reaches the extreme.

The development of the matter was just as Leo expected, the closer Haka, who was going upstream in the bloody vortex, became smaller in size as he got closer to this world, the divine power that enveloped the entire Stranglethorn Valley continued to weaken as his size shrunk.

Haka is giving up his own strength in exchange for his real body coming to this world!

What good is it that the real body comes to this mortal world, and it is worth making such a sacrifice?

Leo didn't understand what Jakar was thinking.

Even gods are in danger of falling when they come to the world of mortals in person, and it is impossible for gods to do so without great benefits.

Thinking of this, Leo became curious.


Haka swam to the center of the bloody vortex, and there was a crisp sound, as if something had been smashed.

When everyone looked up at the sky, they saw a creature shaped like a wind snake struggling to swim out of the bloody vortex. This creature was the blood god Haka.

At the same time, a blood-colored beam of light that went straight to the sky rose from Zul'Gurub, just covering the center of the blood-colored vortex.

Haka, who was struggling hard, was illuminated by this bloody beam of light, and his whole body seemed to be pumped with chicken blood. He struggled more and more violently, and his body was breaking away from the bloody vortex one by one.


Leo thought to himself, and then his palm trembled slightly. The blood stone demon hidden in his palm was like a goshawk pouncing on a rabbit, and rushed towards the bloody vortex with a whizzing sound. The speed was so fast that even Haka didn't react.

At the moment when the blood stone demon jumped out, Haka just completely separated his whole body from the bloody vortex. He was about to use a secret technique to re-absorb the part of his discarded power into his body, but the blood stone demon killed him. come out.

What's happening here?
With a bang, the blood stone demon plunged into the bloody vortex, and as it entered, Haka was shocked.

The blood god found that the part of his power that he had temporarily given up was rapidly disappearing, and this discovery made Haka completely stunned.


Haka yelled angrily, realizing that the situation was not good, he wanted to return to the bloody vortex, but at this moment, the bloody beam of light shot out from Zul'Gurub began to shrink, and Haka in the bloody column couldn't help but follow suit. Follow it down to Zul'Gurub.

"Damn it!"

With an unwilling roar and anger of having his power stolen, Hakkar, the blood god who once destroyed the mighty jungle troll empire Gurubash, successfully realized his arrival, but Hakkar, who got his wish, did not There is no joy.

Will Haka, whose real body descended, set off a boundless wave of blood in this world, or will he follow in the footsteps of Sargeras and become another fallen god?

(End of this chapter)

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