Necromancer in another world

Chapter 884 Nightmare Dragon Clan

Chapter 884 Nightmare Dragon Clan
The majestic Blood God was plotted against, how could Haka not be angry?
Looking at the bloody vortex that was gradually disappearing, feeling that the power he temporarily gave up in order to descend into the mortal world was rapidly disappearing, Haka really wanted to kill all the Atalai priests who summoned him.

If these mortals hadn't summoned themselves, this wouldn't have happened.

Haka thought so, but he forgot, didn't the Atalai priests choose to summon his real body to descend just to cater to his wishes?

As a crazy follower of his blood god Hakkar, what's wrong with the troll priest?

If there was a mistake, the mistake was that when they summoned Hakar, they didn't expect that Hakar would be careless, and they didn't expect that there would be daring people who dared to plot against the gods in the mortal world.

Leo's strange behavior was beyond everyone's expectations, not only the blood god Hakar and the Atalai priest headed by Jin'du, but also his allies Vol'jin of the Darkspear tribe and the blood elf prince Kael'thas. less than.

When the blood golem flew towards the sky, Kael'thas and Vol'jin beside him were startled.

Kael'thas and Vol'jin thought they were very daring to have the idea of ​​slaughtering gods with mortal bodies. Unexpectedly, Leo was even bolder than they imagined. He even directly provoked Hakar when he came. Is it bold enough to describe it?
No, the word bold is no longer suitable for him.


Crazy is the only way to describe what Leo did.

Seeing that the shocked eyes of Kael'thas and Vol'jin disappeared, Leo clapped his hands and called everyone's attention back.

"The Atalai priest summoned the blood god Hakar. A living god is in Zul'Gurub. If you have the guts, follow along. If you don't, go home. People will die this time, and many people will die. Don't take any chances with an evil god."

Leo didn't say this to the soldiers. Those adventurers and mercenaries were the ones he wanted to persuade.

Jin'du has summoned Hakar, and the avenue leading to Zul'Gurub has also been opened up. After entering the ancient capital of the jungle trolls, there must be murderous intentions every step of the way. It is no longer a place where you can survive by being careful. Even Leo Even existences like Kael'thas dare not be careless in entering it, and it is probably a dead word to follow in with the strength of mercenaries and adventurers.

Although the life and death of those people had nothing to do with Leo, and he could completely ignore those people who were willing to risk their lives to gamble for money, but he still gave advice.

Do your best, listen to destiny.

Leo was exhausted, and going to Zul'Gurub was a close call. If those mercenaries and adventurers still refused to turn back, he couldn't care less.

After some mercenaries hesitated for a while, they turned their heads and left.

Most of these people made a fortune in the previous wars, and they already have enough wealth to spend the rest of their lives. Of course, such people are unwilling to take risks.

Most of the remaining ones didn't gain much before, and didn't even have time to participate in the previous war. Seeing that their colleagues made a fortune, they were unwilling to gain nothing, so they wanted to fight.

Looking around at the mercenaries and adventurers who stayed behind, Leo said in a deep voice: "I'm ugly, I'm going to go into Zul'Gurub, whether you want to dig treasures or do whatever you want, we don't care. I will take care of it. Similarly, we will not take care of you halfway, once you enter, whether you can survive depends on your own ability."

In other words, after entering Zul'Gurub, the Darkspear, Arathor, and Quel'Thalas armies will ignore our lives.

The remaining mercenaries were beating their hearts out. If they didn't get the care of the army, they would definitely die in Zul'Gurub with their abilities.

Hesitating, another part of the mercenaries retreated.

These people are lucky, although they didn't get much, but at least they saved their lives.

Of course, only a very small number retreated, and more people chose to stay.

Since you want to die, I won't stop you. There is no shortage of people who are lucky, and there is no shortage of guys who are overconfident.

Leo ignored them as the Darkspear army approached the gates of Zul'Gurub.

Amidst the whizzing sound of sharp blades piercing the air, hand axes shot out from Zul'Gurub, and the sharp blades smashed head-on at the Darkspear warrior who was walking in the front.

Those who can walk in the front row when the entire team is marching are relatively powerful fighters. They have long expected that they will be attacked, so they are ready to deal with it.The handaxes that hit them head-on were fast, but they couldn't hurt them, and they were picked up by the Darkspear warriors one after another.

The thrown handaxe let Leo know the identity of the assailant—the Gurubashi Ax Thrower.

A group of jungle trolls with sharp axes came out. These trolls were the troll guards who continued to guard Zul'Gurub after the collapse of the Gulash Empire. destroyer.

Speaking of which, these trolls are also respectable. They have guarded the last glimmer of glory of the empire for thousands of years, but the Darkspear trolls will not admire them, and the Darkspear tribe will be expelled from their homeland where they have lived for countless years. Made by the survivors of the Gurubashi Empire?
This group of people also participated in the battle to expel the Darkspear.

The appearance of the Gurubashi ax thrower was expected, but what Leo didn't expect was that there were dragonmen rushing out of Zul'Gurub.


That's right, it's a dragon.

Leo asked himself that he was definitely not dazzled, there were as many as three or four thousand dragonmen charging along with the Gurubashi trolls.

Green-skinned dragon people, they must be inseparable from the green dragon.

Leo rubbed his chin, he knew the origin of these green dragon people - Nightmare Dragon Clan.

As early as after the collapse of the Gurubashi Empire, the Atalai priests were exiled to the Swamp of Sorrows, where they built a huge temple - the Temple of Atahaka, trying to make Hakar come to this world.

After Hakar's power awakened again, the Atalai priests chanted the name of their evil gods, waiting frantically for Hakar's figure to step into the world.

At this moment, the Green Dragon Corps got the news that under the leadership of the Green Dragon Warrior Ilan Kunis, the Green Dragons had a great battle with these trolls.

The Swamp of Sorrows is thus covered in blood.

While the green dragons were winning one victory after another, the huge and evil figure of Hakkar appeared on the battlefield.

The balance of war tilted in an instant.

Facing a god, the green dragons retreated steadily. At this most critical moment, the green dragon warrior Eranikus suddenly let out an earth-shattering roar, releasing all his energy, and as the green dragon The divine sword that symbolizes power—the Summoning of the Dragon was born!

Due to the sudden outbreak of Elan Kunis, the conspiracy of the Atalai troll was shattered, and the temple of Atahaka was turned into ruins.

It is gratifying to win, but nothing is perfect in this world.

The aura of the green dragon warrior Iran Kunis disappeared.

The disappearance of the breath generally represents death. In other people's eyes, Elan Kunis broke out with great power after sacrificing himself, thus changing the battle situation in the Swamp of Sorrows. This respectable green dragon warrior has been accompanied by Dragon King The calling is born and dies.

Indeed, the above conclusion is correct in terms of common sense, but there are always exceptions, isn't it?

Ilan Kunis did not die, not only did he not die, but four young green dragons among the green dragons who followed Ilan Kunis into the Atahaka Temple did not die either.

The four green dragons are Mophras, Dravivor, Demsekar and Hazas, and they are the source of the nightmare dragons.

The reason why these green dragonmen are called Nightmare Dragons is because of Ilan Kunis's new nickname - Nightmare Tyrant.

Infested with evil forces, the Green Dragon Warrior has fallen into the Nightmare Tyrant Elan Kunis.

The appearance of the nightmare dragonmen made the soldiers a little commotion. They didn't expect thousands of green dragonmen to rush out of Zul'Gurub.

"Prepare to meet the enemy!"

The officer's scolding brought the soldiers back to their senses, and they raised their weapons one after another to meet the attack of the Gulash troll.

"Strange, how come there are people from the green dragon?"

Vol'jin and Kael'thas frowned. The appearance of the Nightmare Dragon Clan was beyond their expectation. Thousands of green dragons rushed out of Zul'Gurub, and it didn't look like a single individual behavior.

Could it be that the green dragon had a hand in this matter?
Even if the green dragon wants to come in to stir up trouble, it is impossible to cooperate with the Gurubashi troll.

Gurubashi trolls and green dragons, is there any possibility of cooperation between the two?

Absolutely not!

This is where Kael'thas and Vol'jin can't figure it out.

Leo knew what was going on, but he couldn't explain it, so he could only say indifferently: "Soldiers come to cover the water and soil, don't worry about those dragonmen, let's go to Zul'Gurub first. "

Kael'thas and Vol'jin were right when they thought about it. Haka had just been summoned by Jindu and the others. The Blood God, who had lost most of his power, had no time to make any supplements in this world. This was when he was at his weakest. Summoning Hakar didn't have any good intentions. If he attacked Zul'Gulla quickly enough, he might be able to run into Jindu and other troll priests fighting with Hakar, and get a huge advantage.

"Since those dragon people have chosen to be our enemies, they must have the consciousness of death."

Leo spoke very beautifully, but he secretly gave Kael'thas a wink, and the blood elf prince understood Liadrin and made a gesture.

The golden holy light flickered in the blood elves' ranks, and the light fell on the Darkspear warriors, continuously healing their injuries.

The troll's resilience was already strong, and now it was specially taken care of by the Holy Light spell. Unless it was killed by a single blow, it would be difficult to die.

Seeing this, Vol'jin secretly wondered, when did the blood elves have so many Holy Light priests?

Under the command of Amaron, Arathor's army slowly took out their magical weapons. With the sound of gunshots, Gulash trolls fell down one by one.

If someone observes carefully enough, they will find that the magical weapons are all aimed at the Gurubashi trolls, and have not harmed the nightmare dragons.

The dragonmen have a strong outer skin to withstand the attacks of magical weapons, but the Gurubashi trolls do not.

It's just that when the two armies are at war, how many people will watch carefully?

Kael'thas and Leo's intentions are obvious. Human and blood elf troops will help in the battle against Zul'Gurub. It's no problem to kill a few Grublash trolls. The Nightmare Dragon Clan will be thankful for their actions.

Vol'jin's Darkspear trolls are the main force in this operation, and it's best to let them deal with hot potatoes like the Nightmare Dragon Clan.

He didn't care how Vol'jin couldn't see the purpose of Leo and Kael'thas with his mind.

Humans and blood elves have scruples about green dragons, but trolls are different.

Ysera, the female dragon who is so overconfident that she competes with the moon god Elune for a man, can't scare us!
Vol'jin threw a short dark spear and killed a nightmare dragonman rushing in his head. The Darkspear patriarch issued a battle order to his subordinates: "Soldiers of the Darkspear tribe, take up your weapons! , vent your anger in this battle of revenge."

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(End of this chapter)

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