Necromancer in another world

Chapter 888 Do it again

Chapter 888 Do it again

As Vol'jin said, there must be a vision when the gods come to the world.

Just like the replica of the blood god Haka's real body, first a little blood appeared in the sky and quickly dyed the entire sky red like blood, and then a blood vortex appeared.

How is this going?

Could it be that not only the blood god Haka descended, but also other gods descended?

The abnormal celestial phenomenon has caused countless people to panic. People who don't know why even guessed that it was the hands and feet of the Gurubashi priests in Zul'Gurub. In order to restore the former glory of the empire, these trolls generously summoned two evil god.

It's not just one or two people who have this idea, but the vast majority of people think so.

The Gurubashi troll priests are lunatics. Summoning a real god to come to this world in person is already a crazy move, let alone they summoned two at once. Are these trolls intending to destroy this world?

The vast majority does not represent all, and some people do not believe that the Second Vision that is happening at this time was created by the Gurubashi troll priests.

Summoning a god to appear in the world of mortals in real body is not something that can be done just by talking about it, not to mention the materials needed to summon the god, the location chosen, and the large number of believers who have dedicated huge amounts of money to the god. The power of faith, just to say whether you can contact this god, so that the high gods risk falling to the world of mortals, this is a big problem that needs to be solved.

The reason why the gods are superior is because they have power so powerful that the creatures in the mortal world cannot resist, that is to say, the essence of the relationship between the gods and mortals is nothing more than the relationship between the strong and the weak.

That being the case, once the god loses the power by which he maintains his position, how different is he from the creatures of the mortal world?

Therefore, there are risks in coming, and you need to be cautious when entering the WTO.

Don't see that the troll priests of the Gurubashi Empire can summon the blood god Hakar to come to this world, and feel that summoning the gods to come to the world is very simple and easy.

In fact, if it wasn't for Hakkar, the blood god, who had a strong desire to come to this world, those troll priests would not get any response even if their legs were broken, their voices were hoarse, and their prayers were foaming at the mouth. .

Based on these alone, some smart people know that even if there is a god descending into the world, the second vision in the sky probably cannot be the masterpiece of the Gurubashi troll priest.

What's more, there is still a doubt about this matter, that is, the two visions are exactly the same.

Just as each person's power attributes are different, so is the divine power of each god, and the different divine powers will naturally cause different visions when they come into the world.

But now, if you look at the sky, it is red like blood, and the blood-colored vortex is like the great vortex in the center of the endless sea. It is not the same as when Hakar descended. Bu, who doesn't think this is the appearance of the blood god Haka?

Kael'thas and Vol'jin set their sights on Leo. Others may not be able to guess what's going on, but they won't.

Where did the blood-colored villain who threw himself into the bloody vortex when Haka successfully descended and made Haka very angry come from?
Didn't it come out of Leo's palm?

If the vision that happened now had nothing to do with Leo, who would believe it?
Whoever believes that is a fool!

"It's finally done."

Leo looked at the murmur and whispered, his words seemed to be talking to himself, but it was confirmed by the ears of Kael'thas and Vol'jin that the vision that appeared in the sky at this time was indeed related to Lei Ao. Oh related.

What the hell did this kid do?
Kael'thas and Vol'jin secretly speculated in their hearts that the so-called gods must have visions when they descend into the world. Could it be... Leo wouldn't have created a god through calculating Haka!

Create a god!

Both the blood elf prince and the Darkspear chief were choked for breath, and their hearts skipped a beat.

The thoughts that suddenly appeared in their hearts made the two of them unable to calm down. It would be unimaginable if Leo really created a god with the help of the vision of Hakar when he came into the world.

Kael'thas looked at the sky, and he now understood why Leo had been planning this matter with all his might.

Arouse Jin'du's ambition, let the trolls of the Gurubashi Empire make waves in this land, use the notorious Atalai priest to summon the blood god Hakkar to provoke the anger of the sky, and extend Arathor's hand to the thorns The valley is a treasure land, and it is one aspect to absorb the resources here to support the rapidly rising kingdom.

On the other hand, letting Vol'jin's Darkspear tribe use this to expand its strength seems to have strengthened the tribe's strength, but in fact it planted the seeds of turmoil for them.

This is a world that pays attention to strength. The Darkspear tribe was willing to be the younger brother of the orcs because they were weak. If the power in Vol'jin's hands increased greatly, with the troll's cunning and insidious nature, would he still listen to the orcs?

If the first two aspects are for the public, then the third aspect is for the private.

As far as everyone knows, there is a god standing behind Leo, and the accuracy of this news has reached more than [-]%.

From this point of view, this guy must have a clear understanding of what will happen when the gods come to the world.

Now that you understand it, you can think of a way to deal with it, and even calculate it when the gods come into the world, so as to obtain incomparable benefits, which is not impossible.

Judging from the current situation, it is obvious that Leo has achieved his goal, and he has achieved all the above three aspects.

If Leo really took advantage of the opportunity of the blood god Hakar to come to the mortal world to create a god under his control, no matter how unwilling the dragon was, he would have to admit the status of the Kingdom of Arathor, and even had to accept that humans had become After the night elves, the second mortal race with which they can have equal dialogue status.

Kael'thas stared at the sky for a moment, he knew whether his guess was correct, he only needed to see what would appear in the sky next to confirm it.

Others doubt whether Leo has enough ability to create gods, but Kael'thas doesn't, and neither does Liadrin.

It's not that they worship Leo, but the false god Izual that Leo smashed out of countless magic crystals in the ruins of the Sunwell made them have to believe.

Although Izual was smashed out by Leo relying on thousands of years of magic crystals looted from the crystal mine, there are not so many high-quality magic crystals found in other places, and the whole process is almost impossible to replicate. Who knows if there is another way for Leo to recreate a god?
If Leo can really do it, even if the created god is still a false god, the success rate of dealing with Haka this time will increase a lot.

With the strength of Quel'Thalas, Arathor, and Darkspear, plus the two false gods including Izual, they can't deal with it just now, and their strength has dropped to the lowest point, and they encountered Jindu again. Hakkar, who was betrayed by the high-level priests, Kael'thas and the others really didn't believe in this evil.

A humanoid creature appeared in the center of the bloody vortex. Kael'thas and Vol'jin took a closer look and were shocked.

The humanoid creatures in the bloody vortex are far away from them, but who are Kael'thas and Vol'jin, how can they not see clearly with their eyesight?

The appearance of the humanoid creature standing in the bloody vortex was exactly the same as Leo's. If he hadn't been composed entirely of bloody energy that was thick enough to condense into substance, his whole body would be red, Kael'thas and Vol'jin would have even You'd think it was Leo flying into the sky.

Looking at the sky, Leo frowned.

The plan went very smoothly, and the blood stone demon created with the perfect blood law did not disappoint his expectations. The power that Hakar gave up in order to come to this world was completely absorbed by the blood stone demon. Strictly speaking, the blood stone demon can indeed be regarded as a god.

Kael'thas thought right, Leo did create a god with the opportunity of Hakar's arrival.

A mortal god created a god, and such things are completely unimaginable to other people. Even the most calm person will go crazy with excitement after learning that he has created a god, but Why is Leo frowning?
Indeed, Leo's normal reaction at this time should be excitement, even laughing and shouting is not too much, but for some reason, Leo always feels that something is missing.This sense of inadequacy bothered him and kept him from being excited.

In the end what is not done well?

Leo's thoughts turned rapidly. He was carefully filtering each process, trying to find out which step had a problem, but after thinking for a long time, he found nothing.

Scratching his face, Leo was quite distressed. At this time, his eyes swept across the face of the blood stone demon. It was this sweep that made his eyes focus, and he found the key.

After absorbing most of Haka's power, why did the blood stone demon with the fighting power of a god turn into my appearance?
Leo touched his face, his eyes kept wandering on the face of the blood golem, and finally stopped on the chaotic eyes of the blood golem.

There is a saying that the eyes are the windows of the soul. At this time, the eyes of the blood stone demon are muddled, like a walking corpse that has lost its will and soul.

The Walking Dead!

No soul!

Yes, soul!
Leo swung his fist heavily, he knew something was missing - the blood stone demon lacked the most core thing, the soul!

The blood stone demon who seized the divine power of Haka is the perfect blood law owned by Leo. He is just a law, how can there be any soul?
It is precisely because there is no soul that the blood stone demon will appear in the image of Leo ignorantly after it has enough power. After all, he is something made by Leo.

Looking at the blood golem Leo is like looking at an energized self. This is why he feels that the blood golem lacks something—the blood goblin is like a sculpture, without the slightest breath of life, and looks extremely dull.

In that case, I just need to give the blood stone demon the soul.

What kind of soul is best given?
Leo's own, of course.

Thinking of this, Leo covered his forehead.

He had only done such a thing as splitting the soul when he was creating a clone of the paladin at Crow Ridge. He still remembered the hardships and pains at that time. Is it really necessary to do it again now?
Looking at the blood stone demon in the sky, Leo shook his teeth, and it was worth the trade to bear the pain in exchange for a god-level avatar.

Fight for strength!
 After working overtime, I just got home, I will post a chapter first, and I will talk about it after eating something

(End of this chapter)

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