Necromancer in another world

Chapter 889 Who Are You?

Chapter 889 Who Are You?
Cutting flesh with a blunt knife is not something ordinary people can bear.

Now Leo not only wants to try this feeling, but what is even more frustrating is that he has to wield this blunt knife by himself.

As the saying goes, if you want to practice magical skills, you must first be yourself... Cough cough, it is wrong, the sky will send a great mission to the people, you must first harden your mind, strengthen your muscles and bones, starve your body and skin, and empty your body.If you want to get a clone with god-level combat power, if you don't make some sacrifices and don't suffer a little bit, even God will not like it.

So, to turn the Blood Stone Demon into his second clone, Leo had to pay a little something and stand the test.

Dividing his own soul, this is not the first time Leo has done it, this time it is much more uncomfortable than the time at Crow Ridge.

It is true that Leo's current strength is far from that of Crow Ridge, but this does not mean that it will be easier for him to divide his soul, but because the cohesion of his soul has become more than a hundred times more difficult.

As a spellcaster, what Leo usually needs to temper is his spiritual strength and his own soul strength. Normally, he must be proud of these two items far surpassing others. However, now that his soul is about to be divided, Leo can't wait to give himself Two slaps.

The strong mental power makes him ten thousand times more sensitive to the pain from the depths of his soul than others, and the strong soul makes it more difficult to separate his soul, and it takes longer. You said, usually hard work on these two things is not to blame yourself Do you accept it?
Fortunately, Leo's heart is tough enough, he endured the pain of splitting his soul.

When a finger-sized purple soul fire separated from Leo's body, Kael'thas and Vol'jin looked at Leo who was sweating profusely, as if he had just been fished out of the water, and couldn't help but exclaimed .

This kid is crazy, why split his soul, he didn't know that it would be very painful, he didn't know that it would make him fall into a period of weakness?
When he was about to deal with Xaka, when he was about to fight a god, how did Leo make such a move?
Could it be that he felt that his side was too strong, and it would be easy to enter Zul'Gurub like this, so he deliberately made this operation more difficult?
Under the suspicious eyes of Kael'thas and Vol'jin, the part of Leo's divided soul turned into a purple light and threw it towards the bloody vortex where the blood stone demon was.

Leo didn't have nothing to do to play self-torture, but to split his soul to create a new clone, a clone with the combat power of a god.

Kael'thas suddenly realized that this was the purpose of Leo's coming to Zul'Gurub - to use the special conditions when the blood god Hakkar came into the world to create a god under his control.

Create a god with a mortal body and control it, Leo thinks what people can't think, and does what people can't do.His thoughts are unpredictable, and his courage is too big for others to accept.

Kael'thas secretly sighed, on this matter, he is indeed not as good as Leo.Because he knew that if it was him, he would definitely not dare to do such a crazy move.

Leo, this kid, sometimes calms people down, and sometimes he's crazy enough to make people tremble.

No matter what attitude Kael'thas and Vol'jin have towards Leo's actions, they didn't take any action to destroy the purple soul and approach the blood stone demon. It's not that they are incapable but they know that since Leo dared to do it, he must There will be backhands to deal with changes.Taking action to block Leo, trying to destroy his plan to create a god, is just asking for fun.

Vol'jin and Kael'thas, who are familiar with Leo, understand it, but it doesn't mean that others understand it too. Just when the purple soul fire is about to approach the blood stone demon, several invisible and intangible spiritual forces break through the space, like countless Like a life-threatening knife, he stabbed at the fire of the soul, trying to defeat it in one fell swoop.

If they succeeded, not only would the fire of soul separated from Leo's great pain dissipate, but even Leo himself would suffer heavy damage due to the lack of soul, and even be unable to survive for life because of it.

It is impossible for a demigod with an incomplete soul to be promoted to a god. The incompleteness of the soul prevents him from igniting the divine fire, even if he understands the laws of the perfect level.

As soon as he made a move, he wanted to cripple me, vicious enough!
Leo snorted angrily, his eyes appeared murderous, and in his heart he had already sentenced the person who shot secretly to death.

Don't let me know who you are, or I'll kill you in no time.

Just being ruthless in his heart can't solve the problem. If Leo doesn't have a contingency method, this time it will be really dangerous.

With Leo's behavior style, would he have no contingency?
Obviously, this is not possible.

Kael'thas and Vol'jin thought it right. It's really self-defeating to stop Leo. Except for Leo's revenge, you will get nothing.

Seeing that several sneak attacks of mental power were about to hit the soul fire, a portal suddenly appeared beside the soul fire. At the same time, the same portal appeared in front of Leo, and he stepped out. The whole person appears from beside the soul fire.

Those two portals directly linked Leo and Soul Fire, which is a rare space spell.

The appearance of Leo himself disrupted the plans of the attackers. When the attackers thought about it, Leo had just undergone a soul split and was in a state of weakness. Raya and others are right.

It was unexpected that Leo would go up by himself, and the attackers failed to respond in time, allowing Leo to take the lead.

Several flames went against the oncoming mental power, Leo wanted to block the opponent with spells?
If this is the case, Sinasaraia and Sindragosa will do better, so Kael'thas, who is familiar with him, can be sure that Leo must have a back move, maybe those few seemingly ordinary flames...

Before the thoughts in Kael'thas' mind were finished, the flames that Leo cast collided with the attacker's mental power.

A shocking scene happened at this moment.

The few strands of mental power that came into contact with the flame suddenly exuded a shocking power, and this power caused the whole of Stranglethorn Valley to kneel down again.


It turned out to be Kamui!
The one who attacked Leo was actually a god?
Kael'thas was stunned, the aloof god used a sneak attack on Leo!

Gods sneak attacking mortals, this is an illusion, right?

Not to mention that Kael'thas didn't believe it, Vol'jin was also dumbfounded.

What kind of outrageous things did this boy Lei Ao do?

"As a god, you are really promising to use such a sneaky method to deal with me, a mortal!"

Leo's face was full of undisguised contempt coupled with a sarcastic tone, as if what he was facing was not a god who was unrivaled by mortals, but a group of scum that made him even unworthy of attention.

Several voices suddenly sounded in the void: "You are so pampered and frivolous, so reckless, mortal, you must be punished!"

The incomparable divine power shrouded the surrounding land, and the mountain-like pressure tried to overwhelm Leo.

Under the pressure of several unknown gods, Leo did not show any abnormality, but the contempt in his eyes became more and more obvious.

"Is that what you guys are capable of?" Raising his index finger and shaking, Leo didn't show any respect to the other party just because he was a god. He just heard him say, "Compared to Haka, you are too weak. I can't even beat Haka. Dare to calculate, how old are you?"


It is an extremely arrogant thing to despise the gods with a mortal body. Now Leo not only despises the gods but also provokes a group of people. .

"Mortal, you are too crazy."

The gods have always regarded themselves as superiors, and they used an attitude of looking down on mortals when they contacted them. Now, a mortal is provoking them with a contemptuous tone. This is blasphemy!
Kill him!
Coincidentally, the gods who failed to sneak attack on Leo lowered even stronger coercion. Even Kael'thas and other powerhouses found it difficult to resist the divine might that contained anger.

Leo, who was in the center of the storm, seemed to be alright. It was true that divine power could suppress mortals and make them unable to resist, but this effect would be weakened a lot if he was facing an opponent who was also a god.With the help of Izual's divine power, Leo resisted the coercion of those unknown gods.

Although Yizuer is a false god whose state may drop at any time, a god is a god. Maybe Izuer is not strong enough to face the enemy head-on, but letting him restrain his hands if he wants to rely on coercion is tantamount to nonsense.

Of course, this is also the reason why the power of those gods is not strong.

They have to sneak up on Leo, even gods are the bottom of the gods, how strong can they be?

Haka's strength is nothing among the gods, let alone these guys who are much worse than Haka.

Although Lei Ao was crazy, even though he was angry at several gods attacking him secretly, he would not be dazzled by anger.Knowing that the strength of these sneak attackers is not so strong that he is invincible, Leo will provoke again and again.

What about gods?
In my eyes, you are nothing more than some powerful beings. If you want to make me submit and fear me, your sneaky skills are far from enough.

Sensing the other party's attempt to kill him, Leo didn't show any fear on his face. If you look carefully, you can see the faint smugness at the corner of his mouth.

"I'm not a person who likes to talk nonsense." Leo snapped his fingers, "Everyone, the time for chatting is over."

Several gods who were sending power here through the space were stunned.

What does Leo mean? Does he still dare to take the initiative?
Does he know what he is going to do? That is a divine punishment that no mortal can resist!

Just as they were stunned, the severe pain that they hadn't felt for tens of thousands of years attacked them. The gods were shocked to find that a flame that wanted to burn everything had sneaked into their bodies at some point, and this flame was burning their bodies. Divine body, even divine soul.

Damn it, it was the magic cast by the human before. He deliberately talked to us to distract us, so that these flames could invade our body along the trajectory of spiritual transmission.

The gods were horrified.

They underestimated the enemy, thinking that they were gods and mortals could not hurt them. Who would have thought that the opponent could cast such a strange and powerful flame.

"We won't let you go!"

Several mournful mental fluctuations echoed in the sky of Stranglethorn Valley, and the divine power that suppressed countless creatures kneeling on the ground and not daring to move disappeared with a strong sense of unwillingness.

"A group of sneaky mice dare not even show up to deal with me as a demigod and pretend to be a god. It's really embarrassing for the gods." Leo had a cold smile on his face, and his eyes turned to the void Somewhere, "Pray, pray that I don't find out who you are, or I don't mind killing you. But... can you escape?"

Being entangled by the flames of destruction, as long as I get close to me for a certain distance, I will have a reaction. Now I don't have time to pay attention to you, but I will find you out sooner or later.

(End of this chapter)

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