Necromancer in another world

Chapter 890: The 2rd Clone

Chapter 890 The Second Clone
Without the hindrance of external forces, the soul fire that Leo split from his own soul approached the center of the bloody vortex unimpeded.

However, approaching the center of the bloody vortex does not mean entering the body of the blood golem, because an invisible wall lies between the soul fire and the blood golem.

The barrier that prevented the gods from entering the mortal world now blocked Leo's soul fire, preventing him from immediately turning the blood golem into his own clone.

Of course, this is just a small obstacle, and the solution to it is very simple.

Amidst the bang bang sound, the blood stone demon began to hit the barrier that prevented the gods from entering the mortal world, and cracks appeared one after another, which were terrifying space cracks.

From this point of view, what prevents the gods from entering the mortal world is not energy or seals, but space.

Space barrier?

A noun appeared in Leo's mind, and he dragged his chin, waiting for the moment when the space shattered.

As the blood stone demon continued to hit the space barrier, more and more cracks appeared, and the blood stone demon also changed in each impact.

Leo now knows why Haka would rather take risks than enter the mortal world, not only because there are many flesh and blood creatures in the mortal world, so that the blood god can have a good meal, but also because breaking the space barrier and entering the mortal world is very difficult. The divine power of the gods is a condensed process.

Taking the blood stone demon as an example, although his body size has been continuously reduced in the process of impacting the space barrier after absorbing Haka's divine power, the amount of divine power he possesses has been continuously reduced. It can be found that the blood stone demon is constantly improving the concentration of his divine power in this way, the quantity is decreasing but the quality is increasing.

Is this the so-called concentration is the essence?

Gods want to improve their own strength, apart from storing a large amount of divine power, they also need to improve the purity of their divine power, and through continuous condensing, their divine power will become more and more solid.

It seems easy to say, isn't it just to have more divine power and improve the purity of divine power, but it is extremely difficult to do.

Reaching the height of a god, not to mention taking a step in strength, even a little bit of upward movement is extremely difficult. How many gods have been trapped in the same realm and level for tens of millions of years, have they never worked hard? ?
This is of course impossible.

It is extremely difficult for the gods to improve their strength, so when a method to improve their strength is presented to them, it is difficult for them to resist the temptation.

Although descending into the mortal world involves risking death, as long as the gods themselves are careful and keep a low profile, safety is still guaranteed.

Not every world has demigod-level powerhouses, and not every world will have monsters like Leo. Therefore, coming to the mortal world is a way for gods to improve their strength.

The personalities of the gods are just like ordinary people, some are domineering, some are calm and restrained... and so on.

Different personalities determine that the paths they take are also different, and their behavior styles are even more distinctive.

In the eyes of the vast majority of gods, it is the kingly way to act low-key when it comes, so the slogans put forward by many gods are not so radical. Not all gods are like Sargeras and Hakkar, for fear that others will not know him. The evil of the human beings developed a group of believers to promote their own intentions before they arrived, which aroused the incomparable hostility of the local powerhouses in the world, adding difficulty to their own coming for nothing.


The space barrier finally shattered, and a little man with only a slap came out.

Regardless of the small size of the blood stone demon at this time, the energy he possesses is enough to kill more than [-]% of the creatures in Stranglethorn Valley.

Eighty percent?

Yes, eighty percent.

Although most of the blood god Haka's strength is absorbed by the blood stone demon, it will be lost when it breaks through the space barrier. Besides, when condensing divine power, it will also emit a lot of impurities, so it can really be absorbed by Leo. The divine power in the pocket is not as much as imagined.

The current strength of the blood stone demon is the same as that of Izual - a false god.

If there is no powerful energy supplement, the false god whose realm may fall at any time.

Izual is a false god, and the blood stone demon is also a false god. Both of them need a strong energy source to stabilize their current realm. Coupled with the golden fingers in their bodies, these three are big energy eaters. How can it be supplemented?
Leo scratched his face, he fell into the trouble of happiness.

The fire of the soul entered the body of the blood stone demon without any resistance, and took over the body smoothly, which made Lei Aobai nervous for a long time.

Actually this is not surprising.

The blood stone demon was originally created by Leo with his own perfect blood law. It is a product of Leo's power. He comes from Leo. Leo's soul fire will naturally not produce any rejection.

The word "watery" is perfect to describe Leo's turning the blood stone demon into his second clone. The soul fire he split into the blood stone demon was perfectly fused with it within half a minute. The blood stone demon is completely in control.

After the continuation, another clone of Leo appeared.

With two false god avatars and a group of powerful subordinates, Leo has enough strength to make no one dare to underestimate Arathor or the human race.

The kid has another card in his hand.

Looking at Leo in the sky, some complexities flashed in Vol'jin's eyes. The rapid growth of Leo's strength made the Darkspear chief unable to calm down.

Thinking about myself, I don’t know how many times the age of Leo when I came to this world, but the long life of the troll did not bring Vol’jin the power that surpasses the world, but Leo, who is only twenty The power possessed by the [-]-year-old human warlock is enough to make any race in the world look at him.

To say that Vol'jin doesn't envy Leo is definitely against his will.But it was only envious, the Darkspear patriarch was not narrow-minded enough to envy him.

There are always some people in this world who are better than you, there are always some people you have to admit that they are better than you, and there are always some people who will make you chase desperately but find that the distance between the two sides is getting farther and farther.

Vol'jin tightened the spear in his hand, facing Leo, he did feel that way, this human warlock made him feel powerless to catch up.

From birth to now, even when the entire tribe was expelled from Stranglethorn Valley by the Gurubashi trolls, Vol'jin never felt this way, even when the tribe fell into the hands of the murlocs and was about to perish, but now, Now that the strength of the Darkspear tribe is soaring, but Leo gave him such a feeling, Vol'jin's mood is extremely complicated.

Glancing at Kael'thas, Vol'jin found that the blood elf prince's eyes showed no loss, let alone depression, but only a fighting spirit that would not easily admit defeat.

If you have been in contact with a monster like Leo for a long time, either you will sink completely and be covered by his light, or you will chase after him and constantly surpass your own limit.

Kael'thas' choice is obviously the latter, so what about me?

In the same era as Leo, I am willing to become countless mediocrity covered by light?
Vol'jin's eyes gradually regained his determination. Even if he couldn't catch up with Leo, he would never be content with mediocrity. No matter what achievements Leo would have, he only needed to do his own thing well - let the trolls achieve their goals under his leadership. rise.

Human beings who have been suppressed for many years have risen because of the appearance of Leo. Could it be that we trolls can't do what humans can do?
Neither Kael'thas nor Vol'jin were mediocre. Their tenacity could never be defeated with one or two blows. Those whose inner defenses could be easily defeated were just pseudo-powers.Leo's strength might make them a little frustrated, but this kind of frustration is destined to only exist for a short period of time, and then it will turn into a strong driving force, pushing them forward.

Leo didn't know what kind of touch he had on Vol'jin and Kael'thas when he obtained the clone of the blood golem. At this time, all his attention was focused on the blood golem.

After Leo's soul took over, the blood stone demon, which was originally only the size of a palm, soared in size, but within three to five seconds, it became the size of an ordinary person. If you remove the bright red like blood all over his body, who can tell which is which? It's Leo, which one is the blood golem?

Looking at his blood stone demon clone, Leo was about to speak, but unexpectedly the clone spoke first.

"My lord, it's not good for me to exist purely with energy, let me get a body first."

The Blood Golem avatar exists in the form of pure energy. After all, when Leo created the Blood Golem, he just regarded him as a force. Since it is a force, he naturally wouldn't prepare a body for him.It's different now, this guy has become Leo's doppelgänger, it's impossible not to consider the physical problem, it's extremely difficult for a pure energy body to exert the full combat power of the blood stone demon.

Rubbing his chin, Leo turned his gaze to Zul'Gurub.

"Don't worry about the body. Kael'thas has already promised me that the blood elf gave up the ownership of Hakkar's body. How about using the blood god's body as a material to make a new clone?"

"It's not good." The Blood Stone Demon's avatar curled its lips, and that action was exactly the same as Leo's usual expression. It really deserves the relationship between the deity and the avatar, "Haka is the ancestor of all wind snakes, you want to use me to control the wind snakes Bar."

The blood stone demon's avatar was in distress, and even he used this soul, so he really deserved to be the deity.

Leo straightened his hair, straightened his collar, and said with a narcissistic look: "As expected, you are worthy of being my doppelganger. As soon as I say it, you will know what I am thinking. You are really smart."

The blood stone demon clone rolled its eyes, no, it should be said to be red eyes, and said with a serious face: "I finally know how thick my skin is today."

Leo shrugged, as if he didn't hear the words of the blood stone demon clone, he pointed to the Gurubashi troll and Atalai priest who were trying to stop them.

"Want to see my strength?"

The blood stone demon avatar had an expression that I knew you would do this a long time ago, and he didn't see any action. All the Gurubashi trolls including Jammalan spewed out a red cloud from their bodies.

It was blood gushing out.

"The host killed Jammalan..."

(End of this chapter)

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