Necromancer in another world

Chapter 891 Blood Paladin

Chapter 891 Blood Paladin

Haka was furious.

After years of hard work, he finally longed for the opportunity to come to this mortal world, and finally realized this wish, but before he had time to vent the joy in his heart, something that made him angry happened.

First, when the arrival was just realized, someone conspired against him, turning the temporarily abandoned divine power into a permanent loss, and then there was a rebellion by the high-ranking priests headed by Jin Du, and the premeditated troll priests launched their plan. Even if Haka is a clay figurine, if he is attacked by his followers, Haka will be angry, not to mention that he is an evil god.

Although he wanted to kill the traitor Haka headed by Jin Du, but these troll priests were not his first object of hatred.

Hakar felt that the reason why the troll priests of the Gurubashi Empire betrayed him was because of the guy who calculated that he lost most of his power.

If it wasn't for that guy taking advantage of the moment when he was relaxed when he came to success, he suddenly plotted against him, causing him to lose most of his divine power. How could the troll priest who had always respected him dare to go against his will and openly rebelled?

Perhaps, long before these troll priests summoned him to descend, the guy who plotted against him had contacted them and persuaded his unsteady believers, which led to his betrayal after he descended.

The more I think about Haka, the closer it is to the truth. Without the instigation of outsiders, how could the troll priest, who has never dared to discount his own words, do rebellious things?

No one gave them courage, trolls dare to do that?

He wouldn't even believe that Haka was killed.

Therefore, the culprit who caused his current state of desperation was the guy who plotted against him and took away his divine power.

Haka faced the magic circle of Jin Du and others, while secretly gritted his teeth. If he caught that guy, he would never let him go lightly, and he must let him understand how powerful the blood god Haka is.

Just as Haka and Jindu were fighting each other to delay time to adapt themselves to the world and be recognized by the world rules, the strange appearance in the sky made Haka almost go berserk.

That shameless guy who stole his divine power when he was careless, dared to come to this world without thinking of running away. What's even worse is that guy used his own power to change from a mere mortal ant to a god overlooking all living beings. Haka almost He was so angry that he vomited three liters of blood on the spot.

Anger can't cover up Haka's rationality. It's not a fluke that Haka became a god. Even if his chest is filled with anger, he can still think calmly.

That despicable thief would not know that he, the blood god Hakar, is in Zul'Gurub. The reason this guy came in such a hurry was probably to kill him, the rightful lord who lost most of his divine power, and to rob him of the godhead that Hakar condensed. , thus replacing him, Haka, from a mortal ant to a real blood god.

Thinking that the other party actually wanted to achieve the god position by killing himself, Haka couldn't stop the anger in his heart.

Who is he Haka?
The majestic blood god, a tyrannical existence that mortal creatures can only look up to.

It's too whimsical for a mere mortal ant to dare to peep at Haka's blood god seat and try to step on his Haka's corpse to become a god.

As a god, he was plotted against by the ants in the mortal world, and Haka couldn't swallow it no matter what. If the other party quickly escaped after stealing his divine power, Haka might not be able to deal with him due to the vastness of the universe, but that guy The greedy one wants to take his life, isn't this a chance for Haka to take revenge?

Greedy mortal, your greed will kill you.

Haka grinned grinningly. He was trying to blend into this world so that he could exert more strength, while waiting for the arrival of the thief who plotted against him.

Although the opponent stole most of his divine power, Haka was still full of confidence.

Divine power is not so easy to control. The power of the mortal world and the power of the gods are not at the same level. Haka does not believe that the other party can completely control the power of the gods.

He wasn't worried about Haka, the guy who stole the power. What worried him was the human being who appeared in the sky against the coercion of the digital gods by himself.

Although the battle in the sky was short and nothing too dazzling, the level of the battle was extremely high.

People with weak strength can't see the mystery, but existences like Haka are different. The brief battle in the sky surprised him greatly.

Haka never imagined that a mortal could fight to such an extent—not only withstood the coercion of several gods, but also caused these gods to suffer a big loss in the short-term confrontation.

This world is much more dangerous than you think.

Squinting his eyes slightly, Haka was thinking.

Although the gods that humans are fighting against are worthless in his eyes, gods are gods after all, and those guys are also existences on the same level as Haka, so they suffer at the hands of mortals, isn't that right? Does it mean that the strong man who can fight against the gods in this mortal world knows more than him?
If so, you'll have to lay low until your strength returns.

Thinking of this, Haka felt extremely aggrieved.

I'm a god, the majestic blood god came to the world of mortals and was plotted against by others, and he didn't mention the betrayal of his believers. In order to save his own life, he had to act in a low-key manner. What is this?
Frustration followed by panic.

The scene that happened in the sky, Haka witnessed the whole process. Leo offended several gods because of the soul fire. He also saw it clearly. If Leo had nothing to do with the guy who plotted against him, haha Katou didn't believe it.

After sorting this out, Haka understood why the guy who plotted against him knew that he was in this world and didn't escape, but instead entered it to chase and kill him—because he had accomplices.

With the strength that Leo showed when he fought against the digital gods before, Xaka knew that he was not sure of winning against him in his current state.

In other words, once the opponent comes over, there is a possibility that he will perish.


For the gods, this is a taboo word, and it is also a terrible word.

Do you want to run away just to be on the safe side?
Want to run away in embarrassment in front of mortals who are as humble as ants?
Haka was not reconciled, he looked like a god, how could he escape in despair?
At this moment, Haka hesitated, he couldn't make up his mind whether to fight or go.

Numerous facts have proved that indecision is the most likely to lead to failure.

Just when Haka was hesitating, he found that his progress in integrating into this world had suddenly slowed down several times, which surprised him.

After a hasty inspection, Xaka discovered a big problem that he had overlooked before, and that was the power of faith.

After the gods come to the mortal world, in order to quickly integrate into this world and be recognized by the world rules, the power of faith of the believers from this world is extremely important. The more power of faith, the shorter the time for the gods to integrate into this world.

After the high-ranking troll priests such as Jindu and Jekric rebelled, Haka thought that all his believers in this world had betrayed him, so he didn't check carefully. It was this negligence that made his plan go wrong .

Damn it, who is it, who is massacring believers who still believe in me?

Haka is really in a hurry now.

The mass death of believers and the rapid decrease in the power of faith have lengthened the time for him to integrate into this world several times. That is to say, things that could have been completed in just one or two hours will now be delayed for a day.

One day, with the strength of that black-haired and black-eyed human being, such a long time is long enough for him to find my trace.

To make matters worse, the human found himself locked in a magic circle by these treacherous troll priests.

Thinking of such a situation, no matter how confident Haka is in himself, he feels terrified.

In order to prevent such a situation from happening, and to avoid falling into the danger of falling, Haka struggled with all his strength, and he wanted to deal with Jindu before the enemies that could threaten his life arrived.

There is a word called counterproductive. Haka’s struggle did not ease his situation. Instead, it caused misunderstandings among the troll priests such as Jindu and Jekrik. The trolls mistakenly thought that this was something that Haka could not support The signal immediately boosted morale, and under the temptation of Tushen, they exerted [-]% of their power one by one, driving the magic circle more urgently, and the invisible shackles locked on Haka became stronger and stronger. heavy.

After struggling for a while, Haka discovered the problem, and his intestines were green with regret.

But what's the use of regretting now, what should be struggling must still be struggling, otherwise you will be waiting to fall into the trap of falling.

Leo didn't know what happened in Zul'Gurub, he was holding a blood-red spar over and over to look at it.

The blood stone demon clone used divine power to kill the Gurubashi troll and Jammalan and other Atalai priests blocking the way, showing the power of the false god.

Seeing this scene, Kael'thas and Vol'jin's pupils constricted for a while, and they killed Jammalan, who had not been defeated by Braddock and Zalazane for a long time. They thought they couldn't do it, After Leo had such a powerful doppelganger, the three parties who originally agreed to attack Zul'Gurub with similar strengths had widened the gap.

Leaving aside the strength of Leo himself and his other subordinates, this pseudo-god-level clone alone is enough for him to occupy a dominant position in the tripartite cooperation.

But Kael'thas and Vol'jin didn't know that the reason why the blood stone demon clone could be obtained so easily was not just strength.

The blood stone demon stole most of Hakar's divine power, and the Gurubashi trolls such as Jammalan had received the blood bestowed by Hakar to increase their strength. The blood stone demon clone did not need to use a huge weapon to kill them. Energy, as long as the blood of the blood god in their bodies is detonated.

"I said, what did you do with this blood essence stone after you killed them?"

Leo said and pointed to the dead Gurubashi troll. He was a little puzzled by the blood stone demon's actions.

"Don't underestimate this stone. It is the crystallization of the power that Hakkar bestowed on these trolls. It is the blood of the blood god Hakkar, which is the extremely precious blood of the gods in the mortal population. It may not be of much use in other people's hands. You may not dare to provoke the blood god Haka if you are useful to others, but it is different in my hands."

The Blood Stone Demon clone smiled evilly at Liadlin who was behind Kael'thas.

"Haka's blood has a strong corrosive effect. If a person with a weak physique touches it, he will die immediately, but a paladin with a strong body and the power of the holy light to protect himself will not be afraid of this."

Seeing the blood stone demon's eyes fall on her, Liadlin knew that the other party was waiting for her to speak, so she didn't hesitate, anyway, it wouldn't hurt to ask.

"So what if a paladin isn't afraid of the blood of the blood god?"

"No, it's just that the paladin who uses the blood of the blood god will have an extra corrosive power when attacking the enemy, which makes up for the shortcomings of the paladin's defense and lack of attack. It's just that when using this corrosive power, it will wear Definitely blood." Then, the blood golem rubbed its chin, and gave Liadrin a questioning look whether you want to try it, "I think, a paladin with this ability is no longer a Pure paladins, they should have a new name - blood knights."

"The paladin who is attracted by blood, that is - the blood paladin!"

(End of this chapter)

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