Chapter 894

When it comes to snatching things, Leo is very familiar with it, just like he used the blood stone demon to steal the blood god's divine power while Haka was not paying attention, and Haka almost went crazy with anger.

Chopping the grass does not remove the roots, but the spring breeze blows and regenerates.

If he was only satisfied with stealing part of Haka's divine power, and didn't take advantage of the blood god's weakness to kill him, once Haka recovered, it would be Leo who would suffer.

In order to get rid of this trouble, and to replace his blood stone demon clone as the new blood god, Leo stepped into Zul'Gurub.

Tens of thousands of years have passed since the founding of Zul'Gurub, and it was the first time that foreigners entered this ancient troll capital in such a grand manner. Their arrival triggered a strong backlash.


A group of Zulian tigers roared and jumped out of Zul'Gurub, and with them came cheetahs no smaller than them.

Poisonous snakes drilled out of the grass, and the piercing hissing of the snake's letter tormented the hearing of the soldiers.

A group of black clouds floated in the sky, and a group of giant bats that were not inferior to gargoyles flew over with their teeth and claws open.

There are venomous snakes and ferocious beasts on the ground, and bats swarm in the sky, which is shocking to see.

Associating with poisonous snakes and ferocious beasts is normal for Gurubashi trolls. However, in the eyes of humans, this scene shows the barbarism of trolls. Even if such a race establishes an empire, it is still a barbaric empire. Even if the trolls have Civilization is also barbaric civilization.

"Strangers, you have defiled this sacred land, and now you have to pay for it."

A voice came from deep in Zul'Gurub, and a group of Gurubashi trolls rushed out led by four trolls.

Leo curled his lips, and another group came to die.

The four leading trolls were not weak, and they were probably the leaders guarding Zul'Gurub. If mercenaries and adventurers encountered them, they would be like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, and they would be slaughtered.It's just that when the intruders became strong men like Leo, Kael'thas and Vol'jin, these four trolls became lambs.

Seeing a herd of beasts appearing ahead, Braddock, who came back to Vol'jin, whistled, and something happened that made the Gurubashi trolls angry.

The running Zulian cheetahs turned around after hearing Braddock's whistle, and they turned back in front of the battle.

The sudden change caused the Gurubashi trolls to panic. Seeing that it was Braddock who caused the change, the four leading trolls became angry.

"Braddock, you are colluding with outsiders, you traitor!"

Obviously, the Gurubashi troll knew Braddock, but the great witch doctor of the Skullsplitting tribe was also a famous figure among the trolls.

Facing the angry eyes shot by his former companion, Braddock looked calm, as if the other party was not scolding him at all.

A group of idiots who cling to the past and refuse to let go, even dare not accept the reality of the disintegration of the empire, people like you will sooner or later become an obstacle to the rise of our race.Wusulei, don't blame me for being cruel, if you want to blame, blame yourself.

Usuley, Hazaral, Renataki, and Grerek, these are the four leaders who lead the Gurubashi trolls. Braddock is not willing to kill them if possible, but these four The guy is too stubborn, and has an almost crazy obsession with the already dissipated jungle troll empire, and if the trolls want to rise again, they must break everything in the past, just as Vol'jin is doing now, integrating the original forces into one Together.

The current actions of the Darkspear tribe will inevitably conflict with Usulei and others who are sticking to Zul'Gurub. They block the way of Vol'jin and become an obstacle to the unification of the trolls. Braddock can only Can help Vol'jin get rid of them.

"It's a good idea to let the leopards turn against each other." Leo called out Halraz, and the mighty liger who made his first appearance after merging with the tiger king Bangalash attracted a lot of attention. , "Halraz, let me hear you roar twice."


Halraz was very obedient, he opened his mouth and roared at the rushing Zulian tiger, and after this roar, the previous scene was repeated again—the tigers turned around in unison, and after the cheetahs, the tigers also turned their backs.

After digging his ears, Leo's face was full of sarcasm.

Shock appeared on Braddock's face. What kind of monster did Leo summon? Why did the Zulian tigers turn against the Gurubashi troll with a roar?In the memory of the head-splitting witch doctor, the only one who could do this was the chief witch doctor of the Bloodtop family, Neziriok, but that guy had already been killed by Vol'jin on the spot during the Zukunda war.

The tiger group and the leopard group rebelled one after another, not only failed to help themselves defend against the enemy, but became the enemy's accomplices instead, Usulei and others were very angry.

Why did tigers attack us and what happened?

They didn't know the details of Halraz, and they didn't find Neziriok in the enemy's camp. The four troll leaders including Wusulei were very puzzled.

The rebellion of tigers and cheetahs made it impossible for the Gurubashi trolls to take action, and Wusulei could only hope that the poisonous snakes and bat swarms could hold them back.

The will is good, but unfortunately Leo will not give them such a chance.

The venomous snakes raised by the Gurubashi trolls are extremely poisonous. If bitten, even warriors will die immediately. The poison is so fast that it is too late to rescue them. This has been proved by countless lives of mercenaries and adventurers. up.

Leo didn't want to suffer too many casualties. Although Vol'jin was at the forefront, weakening the strength of the Darkspear tribe was not in line with Leo's wishes, so he summoned two more subordinates— —The blind dragons Atramedus and Malaloch.

The Blind Eye Dragon Atromandes is very sharp to deal with the bats. Once his sonic attack was released, the bats staggered crookedly in the sky like a drunken man.

This was terrible. The bats flying at high speed suddenly lost their sense of direction and then collided one after another. While hitting his companion, he was seriously injured. In Wusulei's horrified eyes, a giant bat One after another fell from the sky, and then fell to the ground with a bang and turned into a puddle of meat, that appearance was really miserable.

Is this the end of the bat swarm?

Wusulei's face was ashamed, and the poisonous snake that swallowed snake letters became his last straw.

Can the Snakes really save the Gurubashi trolls?

Of course it's impossible, otherwise what would Leo do to call out Mallorak?
Booming explosions exploded in the group of poisonous snakes one after another. The shock wave generated by the explosion knocked the poisonous snakes into the air and stunned them, and the high temperature enough to melt steel roasted them into charcoal.

It's not that the poisonous snakes didn't try to disperse, but the severe cold that Mallorak used made their bodies frozen stiff, and their movements were as slow as snails.

Compared with Leo's other subordinates, Mallorak has a huge advantage, that is, he is proficient in multi-system magic.

Of course, the range of other subordinates does not include Dragonakos, Sinai Salaya, and Sindragosa.

Using ice magic to slow down the speed of poisonous snakes, and then killing them with scorching blasts that can generate strong shock waves and high temperatures, Malorak's method of dealing with poisonous snakes is so simple.

Simple method, excellent efficiency, under Wusulei's resentful eyes, the group of poisonous snakes, which he regarded as the last straw, failed to escape the fate of extinction.

The mercenaries and adventurers following the army stared blankly at all this.

The herd of beasts that they couldn't resist was finished like this, and the Gurubashi trolls who killed countless of their colleagues were defeated so easily?
Is this the strength of the regular army?

It's so powerful!

It's so good!
The mercenaries are cheering.

Without poisonous snakes and ferocious beasts, and without Gurubashi trolls, the danger of Zul'Gurub has been reduced to an unimaginable level. The only thing to worry about is those voodoo traps.

Sure enough, we made the right bet when we followed in. The endless wealth in the ancient capital of the jungle trolls is beckoning to us. After we get rich, don’t we envy those cowards who left?

The cheering people don't know that the real danger in Zul'Gurub is not the original poisonous snakes and beasts and the trolls guarding here, but the upcoming battle.

Fighting with a god, even a weak one, would cause an aftermath that ordinary people cannot bear.

Once the God Slaying Battle starts, the entire Zul'Gurub will become a battlefield. With the strength of mercenaries and adventurers, how many people can survive?

"Master, what about these guys?"

Four dracolich powerhouses, including Nefarian and Valastrasz, captured five green dragons alive, including Elan Kunis.

These five green dragons are also powerful. After the blood stone demon detonated Hakar's blood, they survived. Although their combat power was greatly damaged, they did not die on the spot like Jammalan, especially the nightmare tyrant Elan Kunis. , this depraved green dragon warrior still has a bit of combat power, if Nefarian is not strong enough, he really can't take him for a while.

How to do?
Of course it is locked up.

Leo didn't want to offend the green dragon. The green dragon, who had been huddled in the emerald dream all the year round, didn't have many conflicts with humans. Naturally, his attitude was not as good as facing the red dragon.

Although the guardian dragons are united in the same spirit, since they are divided into clans, there will naturally be estrangements, especially after the betrayal of the black dragon king Neltharion, the relationship between the dragon kings is no longer as unsuspecting and suspicious as before. .

Now that the crack has appeared, no matter how hard it is repaired, it will never return to the past.

For the guardian dragon, Leo wooed and attacked and divided them. His attitude towards the bronze dragon and green dragon was to woo them as much as possible to divide their relationship with the red dragon.

Krasus tried in vain to control the human race through the Kirin Tor Council, which Leo absolutely did not allow.

After using spells to restrain the five green dragons including Ilan Kunis and forcibly putting them into a private space and imprisoning them, in the center of Leo Zul Gurub, there is a huge altar towering into the sky, and Hakar is at the center of the altar.

(End of this chapter)

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