Necromancer in another world

Chapter 895 The mortal who makes the gods fear

Chapter 895 The mortal who makes the gods fear
Fear, this kind of emotion that has not appeared in countless tens of thousands of years, emerged from Haka's heart again.

Just when Leo stepped into Zul'Gurub, a feeling called danger occupied Hakar's heart, which was the intuition of the gods when the crisis that could bring him the danger of falling fell.


Thinking of these two words, Haka felt guilty.

Fear was like a poisonous snake, quietly entrenched in the depths of Haka's heart when he was not paying attention.

Blood God Haka is scared!

I'm just a mortal like an ant, how can I feel fear in my heart?

What right do they have to scare me?
What can they do to bring me down?
Haka didn't want to admit that he was a majestic blood god, a god overlooking the mortal world from above, that he would shrink back in front of mortals, it was a big joke.

After realizing that he was born with fear, Haka became angry.

He swears that he must kill all the creatures in this world and destroy this world, otherwise how can he wash away such shame and humiliation?
I am the great blood god!
Haka was roaring.

Jin Du was very happy. He knew that his chance had come when he realized that Haka's strength was greatly weakened. When Haka began to struggle hard, he thought that he was getting closer and closer to becoming a god. Now Haka is hysterical. Roaring, Jin Du seemed to see success beckoning to him.

"Haka is dying!"

In fact, there is no need for Jindu to encourage them, Yekrick and the others will naturally insist.These Gurubashi troll priests are grasshoppers on the same rope as Jindu at this time. Now that they have launched a rebellion against Hakar, they will either succeed in dismounting the blood god Hakar, or they will be killed by Hakar after failing. .

With this mentality, any move by Xaka would be considered in their own favor, because no one wanted to see themselves fail and get killed.

No matter whether it is Haka's struggle or his roar, in the eyes of the rebellious Jekric and others, it only represents one meaning-they are getting closer and closer to success.

The reality is cruel, it will not be shifted by human will, and naturally it will not develop in the direction that the troll priests expect to see just because Yekrick and others keep thinking about things in a better way.

Haka's struggles and roars were not caused by his weakening strength. Jindo and Yekrik were destined to rejoice in vain.

Following the sense of crisis, Haka looked towards the entrance of Zul'Gurub, and it happened that Leo was looking at him in the center of the altar, and the eyes of one god and one man met, separated by half of Zul'Gurub There were fierce sparks.

It's that human being, that's him, it's this mortal who made me fall into crisis!

Haka was roaring, the anger in his eyes almost burned people.

Compared with Xaka's excitement, Leo seemed extremely calm.

Others looked at Haka with fierce eyes, but Leo read a message from it—seriousness and sternness.

Haka is scared!

At least that's what Leo thought.

If Haka wasn't afraid of him, how could he return a fierce look?
As a god who regards mortals as ants, if Haka is not afraid, how can he scare him in such a way that has no actual lethality?

Letting a god fear him, Leo wanted to laugh out loud.

"Blood God Haka is nothing special."

The Blood Stone Demon's avatar looked at Hakka with a few rays of heat in his eyes. After killing Hakka, he will become the new blood god. He will cast his body with Hakka's body and absorb all of Hakka's power, even if he has not yet The realm of getting rid of the category of false gods is also much more stable, and it is no longer so easy to fall.

"It's really nothing special, but it's not easy to kill him."

As Kael'thas said, he walked towards the center of Zul'Gurub together with Leo. The blood elf prince spoke lightly, but his hand that held the golden staff of sin'dorei with white knuckles and trembling slightly betrayed After leaving him—the battle against Hakkar was about to take place, Kael'thas was far less relaxed than he appeared to be.

That guy on the altar is Hakkar who brought the Gurubashi Empire to pieces.

Braddock looked at Haka's figure and snorted angrily. As a member of the Gurubashi Empire, the great witch doctor of the Skullsplitting tribe was extremely resentful of the culprit of the collapse of the empire, and he wished to destroy Haka.Driven by hatred, even though he knew that Hakkar was the god Braddock, he dared to act.

Outsiders appeared in Zul'Gurub, Jindu was in a hurry, Yekrik was in a hurry, Winosis was in a hurry, and other troll priests were also in a hurry.

Jammalan is really a waste. It has been less than half an hour since the aliens set foot in Zul'Gurub when they sent him away. This guy usually pulls like two to five to eighty thousand, but it is so useless when it comes to the critical moment.

Compared to Yeklik and the others, Jin Du was even more anxious.

Originally, he thought that relying on Jammalan and the Nightmare Dragon Clan could block Leo and the others for at least an hour or two. Unexpectedly, the latter would have dealt with Jammalan and his group of fanatical Atalai priests so quickly. It was far shorter than Jindu expected, so Jindu's time was not enough.

Why are Leo and the others so powerful? Jammalan has the nightmare tyrant Ilan Kunis and four green dragons to help him, so why can't he stop them?

Jin Du knew that he had underestimated Leo's ability, and at the same time overestimated the combat power of Jammalan and Ilan Kunis, because of his mistakes, things were going against him.

Is it possible that Yekrick and I are here to fight to the death with Haka, but in the end they are taken advantage of by Volkin and Leo?
Jin Du is not reconciled, he intends to retreat, but the reality does not allow him to retreat.

It is not up to him alone to suppress Haka's magic circle. It is easy to stop such a large-scale magic circle, but it is difficult to stop it. Without the cooperation of Yeklik and others, Jindu can't do anything.

If you don't stop the operation of the magic circle, you will continue to consume with Haka, but if you want to stop it, it depends on whether Yeklik and the others are willing.

Looking at Haka who was locked in the center of the magic circle, even Jin Du had to admit that he didn't want to miss this opportunity, let alone give it up.

We must finish Haka before Leo and the others arrive, or at least suppress him, so that Haka cannot drag himself back in the next battle.

Jin Du made a decision in his heart, the matter has reached this point, and he can't give up.

Can the troll priests really rush to suppress the blood god Haka before Leo kills the altar?

If Leo knew what Jin Du was thinking, he would definitely tell Jin Du not to worry, and let him lead Jekrik and other troll priests to slowly wear down Haka's strength.

It is in Leo's interest to use Jin'du and the Gurubashi troll priest as cannon fodder to take the lead to deplete Haka's combat power. Leo will not intervene until the two decide the winner.

Just because he was not in a hurry, Leo, who had overcome the obstacle, was walking leisurely and leisurely. If he used all his strength to reach the altar where Haka was located within 10 minutes, it would be less than an hour or two now. Can't get there.

Leo was not in a hurry, but Haka and Jindu didn't know it. They only knew that trouble was coming and they had to solve it quickly.

Jin Du was in a hurry, why wasn't Haka in a hurry?
The human who threatened his fall has already been killed, if he doesn't hurry up to deal with the rebellious troll priest, is it really necessary to wait until the human is killed to see himself laughing?
Being betrayed by a believer is already a very embarrassing thing for a god, and what is even more embarrassing is being imprisoned by a believer as a god.

No god is willing to let this kind of scandal spread, and no god wants others to see his predicament, and Haka is no exception.

Seeing that he couldn't break free from the magic circle that locked him for a while, Haka made a decision in his heart.

"Traitors, you will be punished, feel the wrath of the blood god!"

Jin Du was horrified to find that Haka's strength had suddenly increased several times. The magic circle presided over by him and Yeklik and other high-ranking priests lasted only half a minute before being forcibly shattered by the greatly increased Haka.

When the gods come to the mortal world, they will be in danger of perishing. Although Haka looks down on the creatures in the mortal world, in order to protect his own life enough, he also prepared a countermeasure before coming.

What Haka didn't expect was that this backhand who was supposed to deal with the enemy was used on his own believers.

The moment Haka broke free from the shackles of the magic circle, Jin Du secretly said in his heart: It's over!

Betrayal is the most unforgivable act. Both mortals and gods hate this kind of behavior. Jin Du knew that he who took the lead in rebellion would be in danger. Anyone else might survive, but he could not.

Jin Du was right, Haka would not allow him to survive.

Haka, who had regained his freedom, laughed ferociously, and the tyrannical divine power destroyed Jindu's body in an instant. As for his soul, Haka did not destroy it.

It's easy to kill Jin'do, but isn't that too cheap for this troll priest?
Only by letting him be tortured forever can Haka's hatred be relieved.

In order to torture Jin'du and let him suffer endless pain, Haka used the ability of the spirit snatcher and threw Jin'do's soul into the endless void. If Jin'du wants to survive, he has to endure all kinds of torture in the endless void.

Either completely dissipate from body to soul, or suffer torture in the endless void and struggle to survive. Haka's heart is indeed dark enough.

After killing the chief culprit of the rebellion, Haka did not intend to let the others go, and the high priests such as Jekric suffered.

Seeing that Haka killed Jindu with one blow after breaking free from the shackles of the magic circle, Yekrick and the others knew that something was wrong, and the tyrannical Haka was not something they could match, so the troll priest turned around and ran away without hesitation.

They didn't even think about it, could they outrun Haka?

Haka's body swayed, and the tyrannical divine power interweaved a large invisible net, which firmly netted all the trolls near the altar.

The troll priests, including Jekric, who were about to escape, found that no matter how they ran, they could not escape from the area delineated by Haka. Resisting was death, and not resisting was also death. Since they were going to die anyway, why didn't they resist?

Several troll priests were furious, and they all turned around and attacked Haka in such a fierce manner. These actions made Haka even more angry.

At the moment when Haka's power surged, if the blood stone demon had a sense - Haka's life-saving trump card was forced to be used by Jin Du.

"Jindu, you really didn't disappoint me." Leo changed his leisure before, and ran towards the central altar of Zul'Gurub at full speed, "Kael'thas, Vol'jin, follow me quickly. The God of Slayer is just around the corner now!"

(End of this chapter)

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