Necromancer in another world

Chapter 896 Shenwei is easy to use

Chapter 896 Shenwei is easy to use
The auras of several strong men were quickly approaching him, and the danger was coming to him, so Haka hesitated.

After killing Jin'do, who led the Gurubashi troll priest to launch a rebellion, Haka had a difficult time dealing with Yekrik and others.

With Haka's temper, these traitors who took advantage of others were of course killed directly, and their souls were drawn out and thrown into the endless void to suffer like they did to Jin'du.

But it was refreshing to do so, but it didn't help his current situation.

After weighing it for a while, Haka made a decision.

"I should have killed you, but I decided to give you a chance to live." Haka said, letting go of Jekric and the others, "Show your value to those outsiders, otherwise I don't mind letting you go." You know what pain is."

The outsiders are of course referring to Leo, Kael'thas and Vol'jin who are rushing towards the central altar in Zul'Gurub.

The troll priests such as Jekric were overjoyed. After failing to deal with Haka, they thought they would die, but they didn't expect Haka to give them a chance to live. If they can't seize this opportunity, they deserve to die.

They no longer have the guts to deal with the blood god Hakaye Creek, and Jin Du's corpse is right in front of them, and they don't want to follow in the footsteps of this sorcerer.As for foreigners like Leo who don't know the details, Yekelik and the others are really not afraid.

So what if he can kill Jammalan, and what if he can defeat Iran Kunis, are those foreigners more difficult to deal with than the blood god Hakar?
What a big joke.

The ignorant are fearless, and Yeklik, who is still in shock, doesn't even think about it. If outsiders like Leo are really easy to deal with, why would Xaka spare their lives?
Neither humans nor gods are tolerant towards traitors, not to mention that Haka is still an evil god.

Perhaps Ye Kelik and the others knew this in their hearts, but do they still have a choice?
Obey Haka and help him deal with outsiders like Leo, Yekrick and the others will still have a chance to survive, if they choose not to cooperate, they will die immediately.

Between possible life and inevitable death, Yekrick and the others would of course choose the former.

When Leo rushed to the front and rushed to the central altar of Zul'Gurub, he was greeted by many Gurubashi troll priests and his target this time - Blood God Hakkar.

Haka forgave the troll priest who betrayed him, which made Leo a little surprised, but he didn't care too much, only Jekric and others couldn't stop him.

"You know you're not my opponent, so you brought in these temporary cannon fodder. You are really promising, Haka."

Leo walked up the steps of the altar slowly, his eyes fixed on Haka for a moment, and his mouth was full of ruthless ridicule.

Looking at Leo who gave him a sense of danger, Xaka's anger was burning.

"Insignificant mortal, pride will send you to a dead end!"

"It's up to you?" Leo kept on stepping, and the sarcasm on his face became even more serious, "Let me see, is it you who drove me to a dead end, or I drove you to a dead end."

As Leo approached, the troll priests such as Jekric and Winnosis took a fighting stance. Once Leo entered their attack range, these Gurubashi trolls who wanted to survive would attack him .

His eyes swept over these troll priests, and an invisible coercion made the trolls feel suffocated. Leo said slowly: "Stay aside."

Clay figurines still have three parts earthy nature, let alone high-ranking priests who are used to being arrogant?

How could the troll priests not be angry at being so scorned by Leo?
It's just that anger is anger, but Yekrick and the others dare not do anything.

As priests, Ye Kelike and Wennoxis and others' understanding of the gods is not comparable to that of ordinary people. They are [-]% sure that the coercion that suffocates them is the might of the gods.

This human being who provoked Haka is a god!

If Leo was a god, attacking him would be courting death, and the troll priests hesitated.

Yekrick and the others exchanged glances. No wonder Haka was so tolerant, even their rebellious behavior was tolerated. It turned out that he wanted them to be cannon fodder and test the strength of this human being for him.

The troll priests were willing to block the outsiders for Haka in order to survive. When they found that outsiders like Leo were not something they could stop, they retreated.

Blood God Haka and the others couldn't resist, so could they also resist the fellow gods, Leo?

As Leo approached step by step, the troll priests moved aside hesitantly, making way for Leo.

"Useless trash!"

Haka was furious, he didn't expect Leo to be able to show his supernatural power, forcing Yeklik and others to dare not fight.

"I really didn't expect that besides me, there is another god who came to this world. Tell me, who are you?"

At this moment, there was no trace of anger on Haka's face, only caution.

Whether Leo is a mortal or a god has a great influence on Hakkar.If he was only a mortal, Hakar would be angry because a god above him should not be afraid of a mortal, but he was a god.Haka felt that it was normal for a god to bring him the danger of falling, and naturally he would not feel angry.

That guy is indeed a god!
After Haka confirmed his conjecture, all the troll priests flashed aside with a whoosh. Their speed really made one wonder if they were stalkers who were proud of their speed.

There was no change on Leo's face, as if it was only natural for the troll priest to make way for him, but in reality he was overjoyed.

Izual's divine power is easy to use, and these Gurubashi troll priests are also sensible enough, so that's good, and unnecessary battles are avoided.

The troll priests such as Yekrik and Winnosis are not weak, and Leo would be interested in fighting them in normal times, but now his goal is Hakar. Compared with the blood god, these trolls are completely Unattractive.

Kael'thas and Vol'jin just arrived when Jekric and the others stepped aside, and Hakar's words reached their ears.

Kael'thas, who knew the existence of Izual, had no abnormal expression on his face, but Vol'jin was different.

The Darkspear patriarch looked at Leo in surprise.

What did Haka just say?
He said Leo was a god!

Isn't Leo a demigod? When did he become a god?

Wojin took a breath, Leo was hiding too deeply, when everyone thought he was a demigod, he had quietly become a real god.

Is it really that simple to become a god?
Vol'jin didn't believe it.

Isn't Leo an ordinary human, he is a god himself, just like Hakka, a god who came to this world at a certain moment?
The more he thinks about Wojin, the more he feels that his guess is correct. In fact, he has doubts about Leo for a long time, because Leo's strength has grown too fast, and other people may not be able to achieve achievements in a lifetime. He only has three or four years. The time is over, this kind of performance is not what humans should have, no matter how talented they are, it is impossible.

Even if Leo is a naturally awakened person, his strength growth rate is unacceptably fast.

If Leo is a god who descended into the world, then all these unreasonable things will become reasonable, and all these unacceptable things can be accepted by others.

However, if this assumption is true, where did Leo, a human god, come from?
You must know that there are no human gods in this world. Even if the guardian Aegwynn exists like that, she is only known as the god of law, and she is still a little short of becoming a real god.

The arrival of Kael'thas and Vol'jin made Jekrik and other troll priests brighten their eyes. They couldn't afford to offend Leo, but they could still do it by helping Hakkar block Vol'jin and Kael'thas with their large numbers. arrived.

Persimmons should be picked up softly.

It's just that the gods don't dare to provoke them. Don't they dare to provoke Kael'thas and Vol'jin who are mortal powerhouses?
Vol'jin and Kael'thas are obviously Leo's companions, and they are also Hakkar's enemies. We help Hakkar entangle these two guys, and it is better than standing aside and watching .

The troll priests felt that it was extremely unsafe to stand aside and watch stupidly. Maybe Haka would kill them if he got upset. It would be much safer if he blocked the enemy and made a little contribution for him.

With their own calculations in mind, the troll priests rushed forward and stopped Kael'thas and Vol'jin who had just stepped onto the altar.

Their actions made the blood elf prince and the Darkspear chief furious.

When Leo passed by, you all pretended to be grandchildren, but now you jumped out when it was our turn, you think we are easy to deal with, don’t you?

Feeling slighted by each other, Kael Assas and Vol'jin were really angry.

"Go away!"

Vol'jin brandished his spear and charged forward rapidly. Dozens of shadows of spears swayed as he swung the spear, making it hard to tell which was false and which was real.

Kael'thas waved the golden staff of Sin'dorei, and the light of magic flashed. The power of the demigod covered the troll blocking the way, making the latter feel pressured.

"Stop them!"

It was not easy to find the opponent, Yeklik screamed, her body changed, and a giant bat appeared.

Knowing that Vol'jin and Kael'thas would really be in danger if they didn't stop them, the Gurubashi priests began to fight desperately.

It doesn't matter if Kael'thas is a demigod, it's better to face him than to face Hakar's anger, at least when facing Kael'thas, everyone can join hands and have a fight.



During the two beast roars, Selka and Jallo turned into a tall and mighty tiger man and a leopard woman with sharp claws and sharp teeth respectively.

Venosis and Marly hissed and turned into poisonous snakes and giant spiders.

Several Gurubashi high-ranking troll priests showed their housekeeping skills as soon as they fought for their own lives.

Going to Haka, Leo's footsteps stopped, Bat Priest Jekric, Viper Priest Vinohis, Spider Priest Marli, Tiger Priest Selka, Cheetah Priest Yarro, Gurubashi's The five high-ranking priests all showed up, but why didn't the two fanatics Zas and Lokahn and the blood lord Mandokir not show up?
Could it be that these three Gurubashi troll powerhouses and the five high-ranking priests are not of the same mind?

So, where are they now?
 Today seems to be a special day, how many people are celebrating?In fact, if you give face it is Singles’ Day, if you don’t give face it’s just a weekend, so calm down ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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