Necromancer in another world

Chapter 897 Fighting against the Blood God

Chapter 897 Fighting against the Blood God

Confronting Leo was not an easy task. As he approached step by step, Xaka felt that he was under more and more pressure.

In fact, the divine power that Leo exudes by relying on Izual is not necessarily that strong, at least in Haka's eyes.

If Haka's strength is intact, such a bit of divine power is not even enough to attract his attention, but Haka's current strength is not as good as [-]% of the peak period, and Leo, who was underestimated at the peak, has become his archenemy .

Damn it!
Xaka was cautiously guarding against Leo's sudden attack, while cursing in his heart.

What is being bullied by shrimps in the shallows of the dragon, and being bullied by dogs in Pingyang, the current Haka is.

The false gods who could be crushed to death in the heyday can now run in front of him arrogantly, and the aggrieved heart in Haka made him tremble all over.

False god?

Indeed, Izual is a false god, and Leo's coercion with the help of Izual's divine power can only reach the level of a false god.

The troll priests like Jekrik couldn't tell the difference in divine power, but Haka, the blood god, couldn't. After the initial shock, Haka, who came back to his senses, had figured out Leo's strength .

At this moment, Leo's footsteps suddenly stopped, and Haka keenly noticed that the human being was distracted.


Without thinking too much, Haka made a move.

A venom arrow shot towards Leo at lightning speed, so fast that it was impossible to dodge. Fortunately, Leo did not relax his vigilance and used teleportation to dodge when the venom arrow was about to hit his face.

The venom arrow that missed the target exploded in the air, and a cloud of poisonous mist spread to the surroundings. The green mist made people know that it was not a good thing at a glance.

Leo's figure appeared on the altar again, and before the impact of teleportation passed, he saw a cloud of green gas attacking the place where he was standing.

Playing drugs in front of me?

The corner of his mouth curled up slightly, when Leo was about to make a move, he felt a sudden sensation in his heart, and his figure disappeared again.

Teleport again!
Just after Leo's figure disappeared, a group of fist-sized poisonous balls appeared where he was standing before.

"Are you just running away?"

The two shots failed, and Haka did not stop attacking. Dozens of poisonous balls shot out, and shuttled continuously on the top platform of the altar where Leo and him fought. The poisonous balls drew green tracks in the air like a Zhang weaves a large net, trying to catch the prey that falls into it.

Leo's figure appeared again, and his position happened to be the path of several poisonous balls.

Seeing that the entire platform was full of poisonous balls, Leo snorted coldly, and with him as the center, a circle of green waves spread around.

Toxic Nova!

Wherever the green wave passed, the poisonous balls disappeared.

Compared with playing poison, Leo, who has the perfect poison system law, will not be inferior to anyone. Haka is the god of blood, and what he is best at is not poison spells. Competing with Leo in using poison is using his own strength to attack thunder. Director Ao, if he doesn't lose, it will be unreasonable.

"Do I need to escape?" Leo moved his fingers slightly, covering the green waves cleared by the poisonous ball towards Haka with a loud sound, "It's not rude to come and go, you can try my trick too."

He actually has such a high attainment in the law of poison system!

Haka was very surprised. The aura that Leo exuded before was clearly a pure and bright aura. Who would have expected that he could fight poison with poison, and easily destroy the poison ball he cast with his powerful poison spells.

What he showed was a pure aura of light, but when he actually made a move, he showed the power of the superb poison law. This opponent is difficult to deal with.

Haka's heart trembled, he swayed his body, and the poisonous mist covered him made the crackling sound of dry objects burning, and then disappeared without a trace.

The Poison Nova was cracked, and Leo was not at all depressed. If Hakka couldn't even handle this, it would be too wasteful.

"Toxic explosion? It's kind of interesting, how are you going to deal with this?"

Just when Haka was dealing with the poisonous nova, Leo's body was already floating in the air, and the sound of gurgling came from under his feet. Only then did Haka realize that the entire platform was covered with poison elements in an instant, and the sound of gurgling It was the sound of venom boiling.

I don't know what kind of spell Leo cast, but the entire platform of the altar was turned into a pool of boiling venom.


The sound of the object being corroded came, and Haka was horrified to find that his tail that was in contact with the platform was soaked in the venom pool, and the boiling venom was corrupting his body, if the scales on the surface of the body were not hard enough and thick enough for him I'm afraid that the body has been injured by the venom.

What a powerful poison!
Although he was reluctant, Xaka had to admit that Leo's achievements in the law of the poison system were far beyond his own. At least the poison that Xaka used could not corrode the scales on his body.

In order not to let the venom continue to erode his body and cause harm to himself, Haka had only one choice—to use his divine power to make himself fly.

Originally, Haka's divine power was not much left, but now there is an additional consumption of flying, and he lost at the beginning of the battle. Leo only needs to fight for a long time with Haka, and the grind can grind him to death .

Judging from the results, Leo had the upper hand in the first round.

Knowing that he cannot fight a protracted battle with the opponent, Haka had no choice but to choose a strong attack in order to try to resolve the battle in the shortest possible time.

Haka's loss to Leo in poison spells did not dampen his confidence, because he hadn't shown what he was really good at.

The reason why Haka is called the blood god is because his strongest ability is related to blood.

Haka, who flew into the air, launched a second attack, and the second round of the fight between Leo and Haka began.

It is still poisonous!

But this time it's not pure poison, but poison mixed with the law of blood, blood poison!
One side was covered by a large arm-thick net towards Lei Ao, trying to trap him. The entire large net was dark red, which was obviously different from the bright red large net cast by Lei Ao.

Before fighting poison with poison, Leo used the poisonous nova to destroy Haka's poison ball, and used the pool of venom to make Haka suffer a small loss.Now it's a net of blood poison against the net of blood poison. Can Leo continue the previous situation this time and gain the upper hand again?

Seeing the two nets of blood and poison collide, Leo's face is full of confidence.

Xaka's title is the blood god, and Leo has no confidence that he can beat him based on the bloodline law alone.After all, the time for Leo to master the perfect blood law is too short, and there are many things that he has not had time to delve into. Haka is different. He is a god who did not know how long ago, and he has enough time to strengthen his abilities in all aspects of the blood law.

Some things are not talented, and can be filled with golden fingers, and the accumulation of time is very important.

However, Haka just added the power of the law of the poison system to the law of the blood system, turning it into blood poison. This net of blood poison will get twice the result with half the effort when used against others, and it will have a miraculous effect. It will only have the opposite effect.

Leo is worse than Haka in terms of pure blood law, but Leo is more than a bit stronger than Haka in terms of poison law. This has shortened the distance between the two sides, and Haka's advantage has been completely offset.

The two nets of blood and poison did not separate after the collision, but were entangled with each other.

The tyrannical power of law collided, and waves of invisible power slapped the space barrier. Amidst the crackling sound, countless cracks appeared in the air, which were formed after the space was smashed by the power of law.

Poor space barrier, it is extremely strong in the eyes of mortals and powerful, but it is not in the eyes of gods. The aftermath of the fight between the blood god Haka and Leo, who cast the complete blood and poison law, easily shattered it.

It is obviously only a space barrier in the mortal world but it has to withstand the shock of god-level combat power. Who can it ask for reason?
"This is impossible!"

Haka's eyes widened, he couldn't believe what he saw.The blood-poison net he was proud of was mixed with the attack he was best at with the power of the blood law, but it was blocked by the opponent in the same way.

Leo stunned Xaka again.

That guy's supernatural power is obviously pure and incomparable power of light, why is he as proficient in the two major laws of poison and blood as I am?

Haka didn't understand, he really didn't understand.

Haka is terrified. Leo has not used any spells related to the law of light so far. Does this mean that he has not done his best, or does it mean that he is just playing with himself?
What did Leo think? Haka doesn't know, he only knows that this human being who has only the aura of a false god really has the ability to make himself fall, and the feeling of crisis of falling when he saw Leo is very likely will become reality.

How to do?
This false god really has the ability to make me fall, what should I do?
Fear scares people, and fear scares gods.

When facing an enemy who was capable enough to kill him, an idea came to Haka's mind - run away!
Run for your life!
As if knowing what Haka was thinking, Leo ticked his fingers at Haka with a look of disdain.

"What are you in a daze for? Are you trying to run away? Blood God Haka, tsk tsk, I thought you were so strong. In the end, you ran away with your tail between your legs like a dog."

A soldier can be killed and cannot be humiliated. No matter how you say it, Haka is a god. Leo said that even if he really had the idea of ​​running for his life, he would not take action immediately.

The problem of face can kill people, and it can also kill gods. If it really doesn't work, don't hold on to it.

Just when Haka was about to launch another attack, probe into Leo's details, and do a symbolic resistance, a guy who could decide the outcome of the battle suddenly came out.

Just when Xaka's attention was completely attracted by Leo, a blood-red figure suddenly appeared in the bubbling and boiling venom pool directly below him.

With the help of the cover of the venom pool and Leo's attention to Haka, the blood stone demon clone quietly approached Haka, choosing the moment when Haka was about to attack to launch a surprise attack.

"Despicable little man!"

The moment the blood stone demon came out, Haka felt that this sneak attacker was the guy who stole his divine power.

(End of this chapter)

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