Necromancer in another world

Chapter 912 Fighting fire with fire

Chapter 912 Fighting fire with fire
Another subordinate with divine power fluctuations!

Kael'thas had the urge to doubt his own perception, and the power used by Flintage to stop the earthquake was at the same level as Syndra's—both were divine powers.

Could it be that it won't take long for Leo to have two gods?

For the first time, Kael'thas knew that a person's strength could be hidden so deeply.

He didn't have much expectations for this battle. In his opinion, attacking Galadar would teach the orcs a certain lesson. It is absolutely impossible to capture this city and destroy this important pawn of the elemental gods.

It was different now. Kael'thas felt that even if the elemental gods really stood up and fought them face to face, the outcome of this battle would be between five and five.

Blue-haired Syndra, professional kobold fortune teller Flintag, plus Leo and his two avatars, the elemental gods no longer dare to underestimate him, let alone Leo's far more than that.If you add the help of yourself and Khadgar and others, you may not be able to defeat the gods on the Throne of Elements.

The orc's heart went cold again.

When they saw the city wall shaking violently, they thought that this time the opponent would definitely suffer a big loss. Once the city wall collapsed, the situation of the battle would change. Who would have thought that the city wall hadn't collapsed yet? Regret that I should not have built Galadar's walls so strong.If the city wall hadn't been too strong, it would have collapsed long ago, and the battle situation would have been rewritten accordingly.

It's a pity that all medicines in the world are sold, but there is no regret medicine, so they can only regret that the opportunity that could change the situation of the battle is ruined in their own hands. It really makes people want to cry without tears.

Leo didn't know what the orcs were thinking, even if he knew, he would only laugh. Why did these orcs get together with what he said about molesting Kael'thas?

What is this called?
Is it really called no coincidence, no book?

The water elemental and the earth elemental had already taken action, but they had no choice but to defeat the human and blood elf troops attacking Galadar. Leo figured that it was time for the Fire and Wind II to also attack.

What happened next also proved Leo's guess. Seeing that Leo had sent Sindragosa to deal with the water element, and Flintage was staring at the ground to prevent the earth element from taking advantage of it, he hid in the dark. The fire and wind elemental gods of the second series made a move.

The sky in Galadar was dyed red, and large swaths of fire rained from the sky.

At the same time, there was a strong wind between the sky and the earth, and the direction of the wind was also very strange. They only blew fiercely at the faces of humans and blood elf fighters, and the blowing wind was mixed with sand and gravel. You will be blinded by the sand.

On the battlefield where the enemy was fighting desperately, his eyes were suddenly fascinated by the sand, and his vision suddenly became blurred. This was extremely dangerous. Many human and elf fighters died one after another, making Danas tremble with anger.

Hateful elemental gods, these guys don't want to show up and help the orcs, so they choose such a despicable method, and their shamelessness is really infuriating.

Those human and blood elf soldiers did not die in the frontal fight with the orcs, but died in such insidious ways, which is really distressing.

Kael'thas frowned, facing this situation, he had nothing to do. Since his strength was not enough to block the oncoming wind, he could only weaken the wind speed and reduce the amount of gravel carried by the wind.


Now it's the turn of the Stormcrow.

They are good at manipulating wind spells and cooperated with Kael'thas to weaken the gust of wind blowing towards the coalition soldiers. However, the storm crow's strength is limited, and it still cannot completely block it. Many coalition soldiers died because of the elemental gods in trickery.

How should this be done?
Leo frowned. He didn't care about the rain of fire from the sky, because he had a way to block it, but the gust of wind made him scratch his head a lot.

As he thought about it, his eyes lit up. Blocking the attack of the wind elemental god does not necessarily completely stop the gust of wind. An obvious example is the windbreak forest.

At this time, fireballs the size of millstones rained down from the sky of Galadar, and the flames burned the entire sky to the point of melting. Even standing on the ground, surrounded by a large lake with countless ice blocks, looking at the In the sky, everyone still felt as if they were exposed to direct sunlight in midsummer.

It was in such a scene that a human woman with long black hair flew into the sky facing the falling fire rain.

With long black hair and black eyes, this human woman is very similar to Leo in terms of characteristics, and she is the strongest under Leo's subordinates - Hina Saraya!

Queen of the Black Dragon, Sinai Salaya!

Looking at the fireball falling from the top of her head, a tinge of red appeared on both hands of Hinai Saraya. She was actually gathering the fire element. Could it be that she wanted to use fire magic to fight against the fire element god hiding in the dark?
Fighting fire with fire, thanks to Hina Saraya, she can figure it out, is she confident or arrogant?
Using fire magic to deal with the fire elemental gods, outsiders would have no way of knowing what Hina Saraya was thinking.

How crazy is it to defeat a god in the field where he is best at, proudest and most powerful at the same time?
A distorted face loomed in the dyed sky. The distorted face was not because it looked like that, but because of anger.

Leo curled his lips, and Hinasaraya's actions really angered the fire element god hiding in the dark. The fire element god was obviously dazed by anger, and he stuck his head out without caring about hiding his whereabouts.

How do you describe it?

Sex like fire?

Hot tempered?

Or a powder keg?

Well, Leo admits that there are too many words like this, and anyone who has a bad temper and is easily irritated is reckless, and such a person can't get rid of the word fire.Even a gun has to be careful of misfires, let alone a fire elemental deity who has become a god from the fire elemental cultivation?

Sending Sinai Saraya to deal with the fire elemental god Leo was premeditated, that is, to let the black dragon queen use fire to attack fire, deliberately provoke the fire elemental god's god, and let this guy show up.

The so-called one does not do, two endless.

Now that he is offended, since he has become hostile to the elemental gods of the world of Draenor, Leo will seize any opportunity to step on the other party, even if there is no chance, he will create an opportunity, and will not step on these few who are hiding like mice. Leo, the guy who sneaks around in dark corners and calculates, won't stop.

The word sympathy exists in Leo's dictionary, but it will not be used on enemies, because he understands that only dead enemies are the best enemies, and there is only one way to deal with a strong enemy, and that is to kill him. Let him lie in the coffin, instead of jumping around and fanning the flames, making it more difficult for him to act.

Leo was laughing, and the Fire Elemental God couldn't hold back his temper when he laughed. When he saw Hina Saraya trying to challenge him with fire magic, he jumped out angrily and became a target that was erected in the open.

Among the four element gods of water, fire, wind and earth, the fire element god is indeed the easiest to calculate. He just needs a little provocation, and he can't wait to get caught.

Of course, it's not enough to just let the fire elemental god show his face, he can still retreat at any time if he is not fully exposed.

Next, it depends on Hina Saraya's ability.

Leo was very relieved of the Black Dragon Queen's abilities. He got the soul stone of the Red Nightmare, and inherited the power of Diablo, the Lord of Fear among the three demon gods of hell. Diablo's power, but as long as he exerts [-]% to [-]% of the demon god's ability, it is enough to clean up the fire elemental god.

Facing the incoming fireball, looking at the face of the fire elemental god hidden behind the clouds, Hinai Saraya used the ultimate move she had prepared to deal with the fire elemental god.

Fire of Destruction!

The flame of destruction that burns everything, the fire of the hell demon god that can burn even the body of a god to death, how can Hinasaraya, who can control such flames with the help of the power of the red nightmare, be afraid of the fire elemental god?

The Flame of Destruction, whose appearance is the same as ordinary flames, rushes up all the way. Wherever it passes, even the space is burned and melted, and the gaps that are broken in pieces of space emit terrifying space cutting power, which makes people Frightened.

The fireballs that fell to the ground were no match for the Flame of Destruction, and all of them disappeared under the destruction.

When the flames of destruction shot up into the sky and jumped into the red clouds, the faintly visible face of the fire element god showed pain.

He was injured by the Flame of Destruction!
The Black Dragon Queen Hina Saraya really deserves to be Leo's strongest subordinate. Under the blow of the Destruction Flame, even the gods were injured by her hands, and she was also a fire elemental god.

Injured the fire element god with the power of the fire element!
The performance of Hina Saraya made everyone on the ground gasp. The strength of this black-haired woman who looks like Leo's family is shocking.

She can injure the fire element god with the power of flames. Could it be that this black-haired woman has become a god?

In the perception of most people, only the gods can injure the gods. As for those perverted characters who are powerful enough to kill the gods with the body of a demigod, they are also gods in the eyes of the world, because these people want to become gods It's not difficult, but they have great ambitions, ordinary little gods can't satisfy their appetites, even if they want to become gods, they have to become powerful gods of Aoxiao Tongji.

Another god?

Kael'thas didn't know whether he should be relieved or smile wryly.

To say he was gratified, it was because Leo's strength far exceeded his expectations. With such strength, even if the four elemental gods of the Draenor world attacked together, they might not necessarily be defeated.However, Leo was so strong, how could he go after him, so Kael'thas could only smile wryly.

Lei Ao's soul is light, and he has mastered this level of strength without making a sound, which is really speechless.

Kael'thas was annoyed, how could such a monster be born in the world, what's more, this guy even let himself meet him.

The blood elf prince had time to pay attention to the battle situation in the sky. Needless to say, the violent wind mixed with sand and gravel already had a solution.

Leo's poisonous flower vines and Loatheb made great contributions to this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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