Necromancer in another world

Chapter 913 Gods Are Selfish

Chapter 913 Gods Are Selfish
There was a strange scene in Galadar. Two armies were fighting in this city. It happened that there was a strong wind at this time, which made it difficult for the attacking side to move forward. .

It was in such a scene that a towering tree rose from the ground.

This big tree appeared abruptly. When the orcs who resisted the allied forces of humans and blood elves discovered it, it had already planted countless roots in the city's ground, forming a huge root system, and the trunk part protruding from the ground had grown to several meters. high.

Some quick-responsive orcs thought the tree was a disaster and wanted to destroy it, but is it so easy to destroy a tree trunk that is entwined with thigh-thin roots and can reach ten people's arms?
Before the orcs cut it down, the tree had already grown to a height of [-] meters.

If this is the case, it's fine, what shocked the orcs was that the top of this terrible tree actually bloomed with green plants, which looked like a huge tree crown from a distance, and its luxuriant branches and leaves covered the whole of Galadar. cover up.

The orcs were extremely disturbed by this, because this big tree was not something they made, and no one would be at ease if a mysterious thing that they could not control appeared in their homeland.

The mysterious towering tree covered Galadar, blocking most of the gust of wind. In addition to the spells of Kael'thas and Stormcrow, the wind and sand that troubled the coalition soldiers subsided a lot.

The big tree was not satisfied with this step, vines hung down from the crown of the tree, and went deep into the ground, turning Galadar into a grove-like existence in the blink of an eye, and the only remaining wind was passing through these thigh-thin legs. After the rows of shelterbelts built by vines existed, the wind power was weakened by more than half again.

After repeated weakening, the wind finally couldn't move the sand and gravel. When it blew on the coalition soldiers, it had no lethal effect, and could only give people the feeling of a breeze.

Everything that happened in Galadar seemed cumbersome, but in fact the process only took a short one or two minutes. The towering tree shocked the soldiers who participated in the battle. Dahl's orcs looked panic-stricken, and the situation on the battlefield became more and more obvious with each rise and fall—the coalition soldiers were advancing step by step, while the orcs were retreating steadily.

The situation on the battlefield became clear, and Danas was a little relieved. He knew that as long as he didn't make mistakes, the battle would be won.

However, it is not the fighting troops in the city that determine the outcome of the Galadar offensive and defensive battle this time, but Leo and the others. Miserable is useless.

This is the power of the strong, they are enough to determine the victory or defeat of the war.

Kael'thas was shocked when the towering tree appeared. He didn't know where Leo got this monster, but after careful inspection, he found that it was just two plant-type creatures. After the entangled combination, he let go of his heart.

The entangled roots that go deep into the ground and the surface of the trunk are one entity, and the center of the trunk and the vines that make the crown and thousands of pendulous tendrils are another entity.

Leo cleverly made the tendrils and vines entangle with each other, and finally a giant tree covering the entire Galadar appeared.

Glancing at Leo, Kael'thas revealed a message in his eyes - I'm very upset.

The blood elf prince was really taken aback before, he thought it was really a tree, with Leo's monstrous level, if there is such a plant subordinate, it is hard to guarantee that it will not be cultivated into... stop, this It's absolutely impossible, that thing can't be cultivated even if you want to cultivate it, if it's that simple, the ability of the blood elves would have already possessed it.

The conditions for that thing to appear are too harsh, which involves the rules of the world, and in the current situation, it cannot be copied.

Of course, it is not impossible to make that thing, but does a world completely controlled by Leo exist?

Kael'thas was amused by his own thoughts, it was simply impossible, what did he think about those things.

The blood elf prince was distracted, but the battle would not stop for a moment.

The gods of the four elements of water, fire, wind, and earth attacked one after another. Among them, the second element of water and earth failed completely. Only the element of wind caused certain casualties to the soldiers of the coalition army. Injured by Saraya's flame of destruction, judging from the current situation, the elemental gods have failed very much.

Since its birth, after countless tens of thousands of years, the fire element god has never suffered such a big loss.

Although I met the Burning Legion before, the elemental gods who knew that they were not their opponents backed away early, and had never confronted the powerful Burning Legion demons, so it was the one who suffered the most. first time.

If the previous actions of Hina Saraya only made the fire elemental god angry, then the Black Dragon Queen has successfully aroused his murderous intentions.

Using fire magic to defeat himself as a god of the fire department, doesn't this prove that Hina Saraya's attainments in the laws of the fire department are more exquisite than him as a god?
If you don't kill her when the opponent's strength is still weak, and kill this threat in the bud, don't you have to wait for Hina Saraya to become stronger and find yourself in trouble?
The Fire Elemental God is not that stupid yet.

The angry face in the sky became clearer, and more than that, a huge figure was gradually revealed. With the appearance of this figure, the flaming red in the sky of Galadar gradually spread, and there was a tendency to dye the entire sky red .

Leo clasped his hands in front of his chest. The appearance of the fire element god did not make him feel a little dignified. With his current strength, it is not a problem to deal with an element god.

Strength is the guarantee of confidence and the guarantee of life safety.

Leo has enough strength to provoke the elemental gods. With his current strength, the few guys who want to destroy the elemental throne may not be able to do so, but let them eat some if they don't want to reveal their full strength. Small losses are not difficult.

"The Fire Elemental God was so easily provoked to jump out. Among the four elemental gods, this guy is really a well-deserved cannon fodder."

Leo commented on the figure appearing in the sky.

Don't underestimate the perception of the gods. Although Leo's words are just normal tones, and he is far away from the sky, how can he not hear Leo's evaluation of him with the power of the gods?
Damn humans, dare to say that about me, I will burn you all to ashes.

The fire elemental gods were furious, and Lei Ao's words were clearly pouring fuel on the fire, which made the fire elemental gods have an even more urge to kill them.

However, those who can become gods must be unusual. Although the fire elemental gods are easy to get angry because of their attributes, it doesn't mean that they don't have wisdom in their minds.

After getting angry, the Fire Elemental God quickly calmed down again. Leo's words reminded him, did he really want to fight alone with him when he ran out in such a hurry?
The gods are not fools, or even fools can't become gods. The fire elemental gods were just impulsive before, and they were not willing to suffer from it. After being awakened by Leo's seemingly casual words, he hesitated, because he found that the one who really showed his figure Only him.

In other words, none of the three element gods of Feng Shui and Earth made an appearance.

Supporting the orcs is beneficial to the four elemental gods on the Throne of Elements. Since everyone can benefit, why should I go out to fight hard alone?

You must know that there are already two guys who can use divine power just by appearing underground. In addition, Leo, the human who killed the blood god Hakar in Zul'Gurub, the fire elemental god would not dare to speak of himself no matter how confident he was. What is it if it's not a hard fight to easily get rid of the opponent?
One person works hard, but the benefits are shared by everyone. Why?

Do you really think I'm a fool?

The fire element gods are not happy anymore. Let's all help the orcs together, get benefits together, and improve our strength together. We should face the enemy together. Why do you go up and fight desperately while you are watching me? It makes no sense!
With just such a hesitation, the crimson in the sky no longer expanded, and the clarity of the fire element god's figure no longer increased.

There was a look of color in Leo's eyes, and this effect was exactly what he wanted.

What he said before was not in vain, Leo just wanted to wake up the fire elemental gods, and he didn't believe that a god was a mindless idiot.These elemental gods in the world of Draenor can not only hide behind and secretly calculate the humans in the local world, but also choose to back down when the Burning Legion invaded Draenor, which shows that they are not the kind of people with only one nerve in their heads guy.

The so-called ones who are afraid of being stupefied, those who are stupefied are afraid of death, and the elemental gods are arrogant enough. Of course ordinary people are afraid of them, but in front of Leo who is pretending to be a fool, they are not completely single-minded and they can only choose to back down. Let everyone share the benefits of working hard.

Even the gods who stay in one place all year round have selfish motives.

Leo is not guessing randomly. Thinking about the local world on the other side of the Dark Portal, even the four elemental lords who are also serving the Old Gods will have battles, and elemental wars that will sweep the entire world will break out. Della How could the elemental gods in Nuo World be intimate?

The few guys on the Throne of Elements are just a relationship of interest and cooperation. After all, the contradictions between the four elements are bound to exist.

Unwilling to fight against a powerful enemy alone, the Fire Element God chose to retreat after a moment of hesitation, his figure gradually became blurred, and the scarlet red in the sky slowly disappeared.

Just retreat?

Kael'thas was taken aback. A god just left after suffering a loss. Wasn't that guy still aggressive before?Could it be that the elemental gods in the world of Draenor are all fake, they just look scary but dare not actually do it?
Not only the blood elf prince couldn't figure it out, even Khadgar and the others were very surprised.

"There are also conflicts between the elemental gods. If the elemental gods of the three elements of earth, geomantic, and water do not make a move, and the fire elemental gods alone fight with us, even if he can win, his combat power will be greatly damaged. At that time, if the other three gods fight against us thoughts, hum..."

Leo couldn't hide his pride. The four elemental gods were afraid of each other, and they were unwilling to come out to chew on his tough bone. Can the orcs keep Galadar?

(End of this chapter)

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