Chapter 919

"You should be grateful to me."

On the way back to Haran in Nefarian, the voice of Goldfinger rang in Leo's mind, but Leo ignored him. After looking over and over again a finger-sized crystal particle in his hand, Leio Ao Fang lazily replied: "Thank you for quietly collecting these rags?"

"Trap?" Goldfinger was angry, "What is trash? Is there such a valuable trash? Let me tell you, it's called the essence of life. It's not very useful to flesh and blood creatures like you, but it's not good for psionic life like Void Spirit." It's worth tens of thousands of dollars, otherwise you think they will easily sell you the ecosystem technology."

It turns out that this thing is called the essence of life.

Leo shrugged, not seeming to care.

At the Pier of Ace, when he took out a small mountain of finely divided crystal particles from his private space, all the spirits were shocked.

As one of the top executives of the Star Realm Consortium, Mahadoun has seen a lot of wealth, but even he has never seen so many life essences piled up together. Facing such a large amount of wealth, Mahaduen Hardoon had the intention of grabbing by force. If he hadn't been sober in his mind, knowing that he would never be Leo's opponent, he would really do that.

"Enough,, not enough!"

What Leo paid was enough to buy the technology of the ecosystem. Mahadoon wanted to say enough, but his greed for wealth controlled him, making him say the word "not enough".


From the performance of the ethereal hunter, Leo knew that the price he offered was not low. He didn't say anything about Mahadoun's greed, but just waved his hand, and another hill made of particles appeared on the dock of Ace.


It wasn't just Mahadoon, even Said from the Order of the Order couldn't help but turn red-eyed.

Leo is too rich, right? Does he know what he spilled? It is something that makes all the spirits jealous - the essence of life.

In theory, there is no limit to the lifespan of the Void Spirit, but the theory is just a theory after all.

The reason for the theory that there is no limit to the lifespan of the Void Spirit is that it is based on the fact that the Void Spirit does nothing. However, as a higher intelligent life, can the Void Spirit endure being motionless like a brain-dead vegetative?

Obviously, this is not possible.

If you have to think and act, the life energy in Void Spirit's body will be consumed, and Void Spirit's sense of eternal existence will be broken. At this time, what will Void Spirit use to make up for the consumption of life?
There is only one answer, and that is the essence of life.

Things that can increase lifespan at any time are invaluable. The essence of life may not be of much use to other creatures, or even be disposed of as waste, but in the eyes of Void Spirit, it will not be exchanged for a golden mountain.

Mahadoun hesitated, Leo's wealth was far beyond his imagination, rationality told him to stop, he could not afford to provoke such a person, but his greed for wealth was driving him to ask Leo for more many.

This idiot, does he want more?

Not only Said, but even Jahe despised Mahadoun. This ethereal hunter was really dazzled by wealth. The other party must have inquired about the price when he came to buy the ecosystem technology of the Star Consortium. Mahadoun will Leo will be angered by the other party's behavior of taking advantage of him.

Jiehe was even more anxious secretly, the Ace Wharf was his lifeblood, if Leo razed the Ace Wharf in a fit of anger, who would he cry to?
Just when the spirits were hesitating, a strange voice came in.

"Dear guest, you have paid far more than the price of the ecosystem technology."

Hearing this, Mahadoon's anger flared up.

Who is talking, is this guy here to make trouble?
damn thing!
A virtual spirit came forward. Said and Mahadoun didn't know this virtual spirit Jahe, but they recognized it. This is the material officer he recruited, Pastazi.

He's crazy?
In Jehe's impression, this material officer is a good assistant who acts cautiously, and it is precisely because of Pastaz's character that Jehe can safely let him be his material officer.But looking at what he said now, he actually said that the price Leo gave far exceeded the price set by the Star Consortium. Wasn't this forcing Mahadoun to form an enmity with him?
Offending Mahadoun with the identity of Pastaz is simply looking for death. Jahe never thought that the material officer he recruited had such a bold... no, crazy side.

Jehe's strange eyes and Mahadoon's angry eyes didn't affect Pastazi, this ethereal walked up to Leo, and said respectfully: "Dear guest, just as Master Mahadoon said It is said that ecosystem technology is the most valuable asset of the Star Consortium, and its value cannot be measured by money."

Leo raised his eyebrows. He heard Pastazi's meaning, which cannot be measured by money. That is to say, in addition to paying money, he has to agree to some other conditions.

"Tell me."

The answer of just three words made Pastaz put down the great stone in his heart. Leo Ken talked with him, which meant that his plan could be implemented smoothly, which made Pastaz right.

"Dear guest, a void lord named Dimensius came to this world through a rift in the plane. Now he is near Manaforge: Utis. This void lord is known as the devourer of the worlds. Trade has caused a lot of trouble, if you can make a move, we can deliver the ecosystem technology immediately.”

Pastazi stated his conditions, and Said and Mahadoon's eyes lit up.

This kid has a future!
Dimensius the Devourer of Worlds, a cunning but powerful Void Lord, this guy has been consumed with the Void Spirits, the Order Sect has hunted him down for thousands of years, and the Star Consortium has been harassed by him for thousands of years, Except for Shafar's revenge army, the other ethereals wished that Dimensius would die immediately.It's just that Dimensius was too cunning, and he escaped many times when the Void Spirits were besieged by him. Up to now, this guy has become a thorn in the eyes of the order-keeping faction and the high-level executives of the Astral Consortium, and he must be removed.

The Devourer of Worlds is like a lingering ghost, always haunting the Void Spirits. I don’t know how many members of the Order of the Order and the Star Consortium were eaten by him as a tonic. This time, he managed to master it. Knowing his whereabouts, the Order Maintenance faction and the Star Realm Consortium made up their minds to solve this scourge.

According to the original preparations of the Void Spirits, the certainty of killing Dimensius is less than [-]%, but with the addition of Leo, a powerful external help, the success rate will increase by at least [-]%.

So when Pastaz made this condition, both Said of the Order of the Order and Mahadoun of the Star Consortium were very satisfied. Compared with solving the great scourge of Dimensius, they would earn a little less money. What is money, not to mention earning less now.

If the conditions proposed by Pastazi are successful, the benefits are not limited to that.

The Order Sect came to this world to hunt down Dimensius. Since they came, they will definitely take up land and resources, and the business of the Star Consortium will also be affected. After Dimensius is resolved, the Order Sect still has a reason to stay. Don't you go here?

Once the Order Order members leave, the Star Realm Consortium can take over the resources and territory they possess, and expand the consortium's business in this world to earn more wealth.

It can not only solve the troubles that have plagued the consortium for many years, but also make friends with the order maintenance faction, and allow the consortium to profit in the follow-up actions without damaging the current interests.

Mahadun and Said glanced at each other, and both saw the satisfied expression in each other's eyes. This Pastazi is more intelligent than Jahe. Not only did he not offend them, but he also won the order of the Order and the Star Consortium. The good thing is that he is a guy who knows how to behave.

Contrary to the good mood of the two powerhouses of the same race, Jehe is now regretting so much that he wants to hit the wall.

He never thought that the material officer he recruited would stab him at this time. Compared with Pastaz's proposal, isn't his previous behavior of trying to eat alone more annoying?

Pastaz, you vile traitor, shameless!
Jiehe gritted his teeth with hatred for his material officer, but he couldn't get angry now, and this breath made him feel uncomfortable to death.

Pastaz just glanced at Jehe's murderous eyes, and Pastaz didn't have time to pay attention to his employer's mood now. Just as Jehe thought before, this is an opportunity to change his fate. , If you don't catch it, you will regret it for life.It's just that Pastazi wasn't as impulsive as Jayhe, he waited until he figured out the situation and saw the right time to stand up.

You, Jiehe, are not the only ones in this world who want to seize the opportunity to change their lives. Why should I, Pastazi, have to be a small businessman's material officer for the rest of my life instead of developing on a bigger stage?It was this kind of thinking that prompted Pastazi to stand up, and as far as the current situation is concerned, he succeeded.

Pastaz's proposal not only won the appreciation of Said and Mahadoun, but also aroused Leo's interest.

"Void Lord Dimensius, Eater of Worlds, what a big tone!"

Leo rubbed his chin, and became interested in this Dimensius. He still lacks a powerful void lord under his command. It seems good if this Dimensio can subdue him.

"I agreed to your conditions, when will I do it?"

Hearing that Leo had agreed to his terms, Pastaz was trembling with excitement.

What does Leo's promise mean?
It shows that Pastaz has successfully seized this opportunity to change his fate!
"Dimensius is entering this world through a psychic channel. It is difficult for us to harm him in the psychic channel. Maybe you need to wait for a while."

Pastaz said and looked at Mahadoun. The Void Hunter knew what he meant, and immediately took out the special communicator made by the Star Consortium and handed it to Leo.

Goldfinger interrupted Leo just as he was recalling the scene of the transaction on the Pier of Ace.

"Life Essence can buy you a lot of things, and you will complete the collection in the future."

In the past, they quietly collected the finely divided crystal particles left over from the absorbed corpses because Leo didn't understand their preciousness, and Goldfinger couldn't contact Leo directly at that time, so he had to do it as a last resort.Knowing that these things called life essence can be exchanged for benefits from Void Spirit, Goldfinger knew that Leo would not let him go, so he stopped helping. This guy is really lazy if he can.

Leo curled his lips and was about to speak when Nefarian, who was his mount, turned around and said, "Master, Harlan is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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