Necromancer in another world

Chapter 920 Khadgar who is looking for trouble

Chapter 920 Khadgar who is looking for trouble
Harlan, this place was isolated from the world before the arrival of humans and blood elves. It was surrounded by towering cliffs and had a natural moat to prevent outside creatures from stepping in. But now this desolate place has changed drastically.

Facts once again prove that the ability of intelligent creatures is powerful, Leo went out for only one day, and Harlan changed drastically.

The outline of the city wall built along the cliff appeared, and hundreds of temporary buildings for people to live in have also been erected. The busy blood elves and humans turned the originally desolate Haran into a busy large construction site.Seen from the air, Harlan already has the prototype of a large city.

Leo's return caused a commotion in Harlan. The scene of thousands of dracoliches gathered together attracted crowds of onlookers. Fortunately, all those entering Harran were soldiers, and the commotion quickly subsided under the scolding of the officers. .

"Harran is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is located in the center of Nagrand. It is an ideal place to build a city for us who want to control Nagrand. But if we have no way to deal with the Throne of Elements, build a city here It's going to be a disaster."

Khadgar has deep worries. Offending the gods is not an easy task. You have to be on guard against the gods' counterattacks at all times, especially if you are still walking under his nose, you have to be more careful.Even though the battle of Galadar was only three to five days away, Khadgar felt extremely tired from the days of walking on thin ice.

In fact, it's not just Khadgar who feels this way, Danath, Liadrin, Rommath, Scarlett and even Kael'thas are all like this.

Offending the gods, and offending four gods at once, anyone else would be worried about it. Not everyone can be as nervous as Leo and act as if nothing happened.

"Those guys on the Throne of Elements are indeed our enemies. If we don't solve them, we will not only have to be on guard in the world of Draenor, but our own world will also be disturbed." Leo also looked embarrassed. , the four elemental gods in the world of Draenor are really worrying, "With our current strength, we can't kill them. Even if Arathor and Quel'thas hit all the four elemental gods at once, they can't do it. .”

I know who is going to deal with me, I know where the other party is, and I know the truth of attacking first and then attacking the other party, but I don't have enough ability to deal with the other party. Is there anything more depressing than this?

There is a saying that is good, only a thousand days to be a thief, how can a thousand days to guard against a thief?

Both Arathor and Quel'Thalas have a big business, and the influence of the two kingdoms is very spread out, which makes it difficult for them to defend against the revenge of the elemental gods. A certain threat will make the elemental gods have some scruples, but they cannot stay in Haran forever.Once the power is dispersed, it is difficult to say what will happen at that time.

Those guys on the Throne of the Elements can plot some schemes behind their backs, but it’s hard to guarantee that they won’t sneak up on them. The idea that gods disdain to deal with mortals doesn’t work for them. If you’re lucky, you’ll regret it It's definitely you.

For the current plan, the only way is to quickly increase one's own strength, gather enough strength in the shortest possible time, kill the elemental throne, and solve those few elemental gods.

But how easy is it to kill a god?
What's more, to slaughter four elemental gods at once is infinitely more difficult than ascending to the sky.

Leo looked around the crowd, facing this situation, Kael'thas was frowning, Liadrin couldn't think of a good way, Danas and Scarlet were helpless, but Khadgar...huh?

When his eyes fell on Archmage Khadgar, Leo found that this prematurely aging human mage seemed to have something difficult to resolve, which immediately caught his attention.

Could it be that Khadgar has a solution?
"Master Khadgar, do you have any good advice? If there is something difficult, maybe we can help you."

When they found out the question, they immediately asked. Leo's words made everyone focus on Khadgar, who finally made a decision after some hesitation.

"I followed my teacher Medivh to practice in Karazhan for a long time, where I came into contact with many things that I have not been able to understand until now. Maybe we can get a solution to the current predicament in Karazhan."

Karazhan used to be the place where the guardian Medivh lived. Before Medivh was controlled by the soul of Sargeras, that place was a holy place for all human mages to worship, and its status was even higher than that of Dalaran.Even though the battle between Grand Duke Lothar and Medivh caused much damage to Karazhan, resulting in the loss of many precious magical documents, there are still many things worth exploring.If someone hadn't used powerful magic to block Karazhan later, making it impossible for outsiders to enter, it would have been evacuated long ago.

Now that Khadgar mentioned Karazhan, the archmage's years of staying in it and his familiarity with it really gave everyone hope.

When Kael'thas heard that he was going to enter Karazhan, his expression suddenly lifted. He was not familiar with the guardian blood elf prince. Medivh, the most powerful mage in human history, has been famous for a long time. If he can enter Medivh Karazhan, who has practiced and lived for a long time, might be able to find something useful to him.

"Master Khadgar, do you have a way to enter Karazhan?"

As a race that melts magic into the blood of every clansman, it is not that the blood elves have never thought of Karazhan, but they are helpless in the face of the magic that blocks Karazhan, even Liadrin, Rommath and Asta The powerhouses like Luo also returned home in defeat.

Others would definitely be skeptical about entering Karazhan Liadrin, but the one who said this was Khadgar, Medivh's former apprentice, and a human mage who has practiced in Karazhan for many years, Liadrin Doubts turned into expectations.

The others were digesting the news from Khadgar, while Leo rubbed the ring of forbidden evil words in his hand and fell into deep thought.

Karazhan is not so easy to enter. The magic barrier that isolates it from the world alone excludes more than [-]% of the people in this world. Seeing that no one has successfully broken in for so many years, Leo even doubts this The magic barrier was created by the magic god Aegwynn himself.

Even if Khadgar can lead everyone into Karazhan, the trip may not be smooth, because Karazhan is not an empty city, and there are still many dangers inside.Not all the magic traps and magic guards that Medivh had set up in Karazhan were wiped out, because when Grand Duke Lothar led his people to attack Karazhan, Khadgar came out as a leading party, thus avoiding many passes. But now who knows if there are any changes to these passes?
If there is no change, that's all. Once there is a change, you have to face the defenders made by Medivh and the traps set by the most outstanding mage in human history. Even if it is as strong as Leo, it will be a headache.

Who is Medivh?
The son of the god of law, Aegwynn, the most outstanding mage in human history, a monster who was destined to become a god before he was born, who would dare to take such a person lightly?

What's more, after being possessed by the soul of Sargeras, Medivh still stayed in Karazhan for a long time. Who knows what President Sa manipulated his body to do in Karazhan?
As the big BOSS of the Burning Legion, Sargeras' casual movement is enough to bear.

Even though Leo could face one or even two elemental gods head-on, even the blood god Haka was killed by him, he was really not sure about breaking into Karazhan.

"Mage Khadgar, can you really lead us into Karazhan?"

Scarlett looked very excited. Compared with everyone present, this girl's energy-raising skills were obviously not enough, and the word "urgency" was almost written on her face.At a glance, it is clear that Scarlett is too enthusiastic about entering Karazhan, which makes it clear that there is something she needs in Karazhan.

If it's about business, this silly girl must be a fat sheep who was slaughtered... Stop it!
Leo shook his head, how did it get involved in the business discussion? Could it be that the thoughts in his mind haven't changed yet after contacting the ethereal merchants of the Star Realm Consortium?
Khadgar looked at Scarlett, not too surprised by Queen Arathor's abnormal behavior, while Danas gave Khadgar a obstructive wink from the side, the human The commander was very dissatisfied with Khadgar mentioning Karazhan in front of Scarlett. It seemed that he knew something.

"Yes, I do have a way to enter Karazhan, but the number of places to enter is very limited." Khadgar generously admitted that he could bring people into Karazhan, and what he gained was Scarlett's excitement and Danas' gloomy Then he continued, "Scarlett, as Sir Lothar's friend, I must solemnly remind you, don't touch things you can't touch in pursuit of powerful power, it's too dangerous."

"How can I protect my country and my people if I don't have enough strength?"

Scarlett said bluntly, obviously, she didn't listen to Khadgar's persuasion at all.

Leo frowned. Although the conversation between Khadgar and Scarlett was unexplained, Leo could still hear it roughly. The reason why Scarlett was so enthusiastic about Karazhan was because there was something in it that allowed her to gain great power. However, there is no pie in the sky, and the benefits that appear for nothing are accompanied by extreme dangers.

From Leo's heart, he didn't want Scarlett to take risks, and he could ask Khadgar to remind him that the danger would not be small.Leo wanted to stop Scarlett, but he had a headache when he thought of this silly girl's stubborn temper.

You said that you, Khadgar, are true. We are here to discuss ways to deal with the elemental gods, not to let people take risks. Why are you talking about Karazhan?
At this time, Leo and Danas surprisingly felt the same hatred.

This guy Khadgar is really looking for trouble!

(End of this chapter)

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